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By David Futrelle
One thing almost all online misogynists can agree about is that makeup is a lie — a way for women to hide their true ugliness and capture the attention of men who are objectively better-looking than them on that ten-point scale that these dudes are so obsessed with.
Some misogynists are so jealous and angry about these women supposedly dating above their station, looks wise, that they want makeup banned forever.
It’s easy to see how the allegedly involuntary celibate men who call themselves incels would get worked up about this: they;re convinced their own ugliness has rendered them permanently dateless, while women who are just as ugly as them can (supposedly) slap on a little lipstick and mascara and score themselves some Chad.
It’s a little more puzzling to see men who consider themselves Red Pill pickup artists extraordinaire, who spend much of their time trying to trick women into seeing them as hotshot alpha males, would complain about women “lying” with makeup, but they do.
You can see the full absurdity of this in a post on the Red Pill subreddit asking the question “Has make up made it harder for the average guy to get laid?”
Naturally, the OP, a guy calling himself masamune36, thinks this is so.
“You take two average looking people a guy and a girl,” he begins.
lets say on the looks scale they are both 5/10’s, put make up on the girl and that girl can EASILY become a 8/10, in fact I’m sure many of you have seen even more dramatic transformations where a girl who is way below average becomes quite stunning if she knows how to work that shit they lather all over their face’s right.
So an ordinary gal makes herself look more attractive. Isn’t this what everyone does? What’s the problem here?
As masamune36 sees it, there are two. First, it makes these girls think they’re actually kind of cute.
The girls that do this pretty much have this stuff on their face 24/7 every picture they post to social media will be this ‘masked’ version of themselves, even just going to the shops to buy some milk … I think many of these chicks actually start deluding themselves into thinking that is their true self and they are naturally beautiful and thus believe they deserve a man of similar looks and that 5/10 guy that was her equal is no longer good enough for her.
It’s amazing how often supposed Red Pill studmuffins sound exactly like incels.
Problem two?
The 5/10 man now looks at these women and starts doubting if hes good enough physically…he will probably approach with way less confidence… seriously take all that shit off her face and watch how different the interaction would go.
Meanwhile, there’s apparently nothing these guys can do to make themselves look better.
There is pretty much no way for a man to dramatically change his looks like this, at least not facially, i mean sure you can workout get a tan style your hair etc but that will only change you so much… the makeup these bitches apply is almost like they are walking around permanently photoshopped…
Let’s get the United Nations Human Rights Council to look in on this terrible injustice!
One Red Pill commenter tries to do the makeup math.
Basically guys who are 7s are on the hunt for virtual 6s but they’re actually 5s. A 6 who does not compete with all the fake stuff is then in there in the mix with the 5s who are jacked up. And a 5 who does not choose to jack herself up can’t compete for the 7.
When you get to an 8 guy who might be able to get an 8 girl, she can get to 9 or close to 10 with everything going right: clothes, makeup, hair, photoshop, instagram.
If that’s all a little confusing for you, this might help:
The commenter then moves from makeup math to makeup economics:
Anything marketed with lies and falsehood is basically going to appeal to a wider range of customers. This means more interest for the product, and so a higher price.
In case you’re wondering, all of this will be on the exam.
This song seems oddly appropriate here:
@Pie lol love those
see, if I were to see what looked like a lizard woman, my instinctual reaction would be “Whoa, aaaawesome, those prosthetics look amazing!”
Yes, we do actually understand that you’re mansplaining. Do you understand why it’s obnoxious?
I have next to no experience with makeup, tbh, but it’s not like men can’t change their appearance without it. Simple self care stuff can make a world of difference. Shaving, washing, getting enough sleep- these aren’t that hard.
Well, maybe the sleep part, but regardless…
I think they’ve seen a few of those videos where someone with amazing professional makeup skills basically paints a whole new face over their face, and they think this is like, normal makeup usage.
And the discussion of men wearing makeup reminds me of a study hall I oversaw once, where one of the girls got bored and decided to put eyeliner on one of the boys. He cooperated, mostly, I think, because it was an opportunity to be touched and fussed over by a girl. It looked good.
Another boy said, “Dude, you just totally lost your manhood.”
The boy in eyeliner said, “This stuff washes off, right? I’ll get it back.”
@ Moon Custafer: I was gonna post that Sailor J video! “Men love pterodactyls!” ? I showed it to my brother-in-law last week. He… didn’t really get it.
@ Cat Mara:
I’m also fond of the video by the tv newsreader in which he puts on his makeup while shouting to an offscreen colleague “I’m just trying to LET PEOPLE IN ON THE PROCESS, Janet!”
When I was a teenager, back in the 90’s, my best friend “caught” her brother using her concealor to minimize his acne. She teased him a little, I think, but he didn’t seem to upset by the teasing and said he had got the idea from a male friend of his.
Yes, it takes a whole lot of skill to learn to contour ( have zero idea how that is done), but it takes almost no skill to dab on some concealor and I suspect a lot of men do so.
I also suspect the social consequencesfor being “caught” (in the US at least) would be some teasing and a bit of a reputation. Which is, by the way, the same social consequences I endure for choosing not to wear make up and favoring pants suits over skirt suits. Which is to say, that there is no reason for men to not have at make up if that is what they want to do.
Off topic cheerfulness, but on topic for the blog, Milo’s troubles continue.
Remind me never to piss off Hope Not Hate.
All this discussion of men in makeup makes me think of Dennis from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

…aaaaaand his 15 minutes of fame seem to have just about run out (I hope).?
I’m happy enough at that. 🙂
I try not to do schadenfreude, but I’ll make an exception for Milo. this news is as good as kittens.
The Guardian have a bit on Milo’s financial woes:
Mostly just the same stuff, but it does mention that the Spillers are suing him for return of the funds:
This could be good!
@ moggie
I note they also booked “Tommy Robinson”.
I think that says everything you need to know about them.
Anyone think he’ll pull an Anglin and keep moving around so he can’t be served?
Yes, I am enjoying this. Never claimed to be good. 🙂
I can already envision this is exactly the conversation that took place in the dorm room of a plucky young student named Mark Zuckerberg that led him to drunkenly programming FaceMash on Harvard servers.
The late makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin wrote a book, “Making Faces”, that included a section on men’s makeup. It focused on subtle techniques for making yourself look better in professional settings. I found it quite interesting.
Regarding the SMV concept, back in college I heard a certain kind of young man derided as ‘a four who thinks he’s a six, holding out for an eight’.
These guys are math experts?
They know a lot about imaginary numbers.
You know…the square root of negative-one.
Which defines them.
David, you didn’t critically assess the two problems the redpiller described, you tried to mortify them with shaming language.