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By David Futrelle
The incels are having weird fantasies about Chad semen again. Take a look at this little rant from the Braincels subreddit:
This is seriously kind of impressive. I mean, I know that incels have some rather peculiar notions about how vaginas work, but this is this first time I’ve seen one of them equally confused about how human mouths work.
Are incels secretly a bunch of space aliens who are used to absorbing food through, I dunno, membranes on stalks or something?
H/T – I found this through the Incel Tears subreddit (which is the IT the OP here is referring to in the title of his post).
Frankly, cry me a river. Everyone who has a uterus and doesn’t want kids has to deal with that shit (myself included), it’s no reason to take it out on innocent children.
And no, you don’t have to be constantly contributing to the rights of children. You just need to not be contributing to their abuse and dehumanization.
If we didn’t have the damn societal assumption that “everyone is biologically driven to adore and protect babies!”, then maybe we’d be more able to identify abusive parents, and people who are not inclined to like children would not be under pressure to have children who are going to suffer at their hands.
“I’m sick of people telling me that I’m biologically compelled to like babies or like sex or like being subordinate to a man or any other bullshit evo-psych crap that people pull out of their asses because they assume everyone is the same.”
Oh, stop making yourself the victim and just fucking think about what you said. Everyone who has a uterus and doesn’t want kids (myself included) has to deal with this. It’s no excuse to say hideous, dehumanizing things about the most vulnerable group of humans there is.
“If we didn’t have the damn societal assumption that “everyone is biologically driven to adore and protect babies!”, then maybe we’d be more able to identify abusive parents, and people who are not incline to like children would not be under pressure to have children who are going to suffer at their hands.”
Yeah, maybe.
You still said a horrible thing and that’s still entirely on you and only you.
Okay, I do see your point. I did not phrase myself particularly well. In the future, I will instead talk how I am disinclined to want to deal with the crying and excrement that is a natural part of human development, instead of suggesting that the infants are somehow to blame for being the way that they are. Sorry.
I’m going to second Catalpa, here. I have zero desire to care for the excretions of another human, babies included. I’m not “biologically inclined” to enjoy their presence, either. I don’t think what Catalpa said was any more horrible than the initial dehumanizing comment around something being wrong with people who aren’t inclined towards babies.
I agree with LG that the description was over the top and offensive. She could have said she is disgusted by babies with calling them “screaming bundles of urine, feces, and vomit.”
I can’t imagine that it would be acceptable here to call any other demographic that, aside for maybe incrls or other groups based on self-selection and choice. I totally support people finding babies and small children gross, but I also thought the language here was over the top and warrants a mea culpa.
My rule in life: Dont talk about something you know nothing about
Incels dont know anything about kissing or having kids . They never will have either, cant have either, so who are they so say how it works?
They need to shut themselves off from kids/kissing/sex or whatever and concentrate on what they are good at ect video games
I want to say that child abuse happens for as many reasons as their are different people, and can often be from parents who think they “love” their children and only “want what is best for them”. People who don’t like babies and children generally spend no time with them, and yes there will certainly be murders or abusers who do this because they hate children, what catlapa said is very much similar to jokes I hear my brothers and friends with children say. I do not think it is enforcing child abuse, especially when “babies are stinky and quite gross is something lots of loving parents also say. Of course anything can be upsetting, but I feel like this is unfair against catlapa, and making some bad assumptions about them, and why and how child abuse happens in this world.
Then you should shut up and stop talking here because you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.
On another news, for the first time in a long while, Paris look like a warzone with no-go area.
The kicker ? Of course, it’s because of a bunch of white people. While I can compatize with their suffering and while they are a bit less racist than some other crybabies, the fact you can burn cars and whatnot for no retribution because you’re white sicken me.
Hell yes.
About womens problems and feminism, yes you are right, Ive never been a victim of sexual assault so my opinion isnt as valid as yours
But about dating- yes, Ive been in the dating pool all my life (gave up 2 years ago) and know what its like there
So much this. White college kids can burn cars over their damn campus banning alcohol and nothing bad happens, but BLM protesters peacefully assemble and get arrested or killed.
I suspect most parents will be able to back me up when I say that while the thought of the various excretions of other people’s children might make you gag, when it’s your own… well, there’s clearly some biological/psychological process at work that makes the process of clearing up after them no more onerous or disgusting than cleaning up after yourself.
I must have changed hundreds of nappies/diapers over the years, and I can barely remember a single one – although I remember the last one vividly, as it involved a friend’s daughter rather than any of my own kids (a major additional factor being that I hadn’t changed one in years so wasn’t at all sure that I was doing it properly). I suspect this may be related to the same pre-programmed amnesia that causes women to forget just how hideous giving birth was, so that they voluntarily go through it again.
That’s not how that works!
It’s a reduction in attentiveness, not pre-programmed amnesia. Same sort of thing happens to us all the time. For some people it makes it more difficult to encode durable memories, depending on intensity of those hormones and other things.
The pop science about that phenomenon makes it seem like it’s a universal experience, but it’s really not. Plenty of women remember giving birth, I mean, obviously. Same sort of phenomenon happens during any period of prolonged pain, as far as I can recall, too.
That’s my rant! Sorry, don’t mean to be all aggressive, but, uh, women remember giving birth! That’s a thing that happens! The whole “programmed amnesia” thing is a pop science headline designed to generate views and controversy.
I remember the first one. The rest were just “OK, it’s a mess to clear up” but the first … there’s a damned good reason Baby’s First Crap isn’t celebrated. 😛
Babies, overall, make me nervous. I think they must be able to sense my anxiety, because they tend to wail and cry when I hold them. “Would you like to hold the baby?” is a question I dread. I feel like if I say “No”, I’ll offend the baby’s parents. I’m afraid of not holding them correctly and hurting them, or even worse, dropping them.
I also can’t say I find them particularly cute. Not infants, anyway.
Wetherby, Scildfreja Unnyðnes: I can confirm that I have difficulty remembering the details of the time a few years ago when I had major surgery—I can remember some of the basic sequence of events, but apart from that it’s a big blur.
I, too, am in the don’t-care-for-babies camp. I’m not really (or at all) a people person, and babies are people at their least interesting stage of development.
I have to agree with LG and JenniferAndLightning on this one. Calling babies “screaming bundles of urine, feces, and vomit.” is WAY over the top. Babies are very young, very helpless, human beings.
Adults also poop, pee, vomit and scream. In fact adults poop and piss a hell of a lot more than babies do. Babies lack control of their bodily functions, because they are, well, babies. At least they pee and poop into nappies. Have you seen full grown adults with full control of their bodily functions piss and shit on the street? I have, many times. Thankfully not so much the shitting. Drunken vomiting is a thing, too. Adults also scream and holler. One of the reasons I hated adults as a child was loud they are. I have tinnitus in right ear due to my father’s hollering. Babies at least have good reason for screaming, they are completely helpless. And there is no threat of physical violence from a screaming baby.
I don’t like babies either, but there is no need to go to such extremes. Especially considering the fact that only parents and child carers have to deal with the vast majority of the screaming, peeing, pooping and vomiting.
Sorry for the tldr, but the extreme hatred of babies for being a mild inconvenience to childless people gets to me.
To be fair, I’d also go out of my way to avoid any adults who expel noxious substances in public, as well as the ones that are extremely loud. It’s just that babies can be relied upon to consistently do such things, whereas it is a toss-up about adults. Yeah, the baby isn’t at fault for doing that- they have no other options. Doesn’t make it any less unpleasant, though.
I already said that my phrasing of my objections was bad. I apologized about it. What is the point of continuing to harp on the point?
Catalpa-That’s the thing, though. Adults can be relied to do at least some of those things consistently (those nasty bodily functions don’t stop when people reach adulthood), just without the gaurentee that it will be properly disposed of. Childless people, however, are guaranteed not to be forced to deal with any unpleasant baby stuff in their daly lives beyond a baby crying at the supermarket. It’s the parents who are dealing with the unpleasantness, changing the nappies and being kept awake at night.
Anyway, you apologised for your comment, so I will quit harping on. Sorry for my harping. ?
I have contributed to the toxicity in the thread, so in the spirit of harping, here is some relaxing harp music.