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By David Futrelle
The incels are having weird fantasies about Chad semen again. Take a look at this little rant from the Braincels subreddit:
This is seriously kind of impressive. I mean, I know that incels have some rather peculiar notions about how vaginas work, but this is this first time I’ve seen one of them equally confused about how human mouths work.
Are incels secretly a bunch of space aliens who are used to absorbing food through, I dunno, membranes on stalks or something?
H/T – I found this through the Incel Tears subreddit (which is the IT the OP here is referring to in the title of his post).
I mean, at least with the vagina, a man could be forgiven for not knowing how it works because they don’t have one themselves, but mouths? Seriously?
Let’s expand this logic: if a person takes even one sip from a plastic bottle, is everything they eat or drink for the rest of their life tainted with plastic? If an incel says something stupid, is everything they say for the rest of their lives tainted with stupidity?
Just, wow…
I think that every time I see incels trying to claim their ideology is gospel truth in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary.
Oh, honey. You don’t eat the plastic container the tofu comes in.
Who kisses a baby on the mouth? That’s a good way to give your baby herpes simplex.
They don’t know how ANYTHING works.
@kupo please let the incels try to eat plastic
That’s also not how HIV and Hep C work, unless for some reason your mouth is full of open bleeding wounds??
Like don’t kiss babies on the lips anyways, but you can’t get HIV from kissing – that’s some late 80s HIV stigma, like what the hell?
Don’t hear that very often. “You know what really grinds my cheese? Funny babies. ? “
Babies remind them that women have the secks they’re always being gatekept out of. ???
Haram? Is this guy Muslim? If so I’m surprised the other Braincels haven’t ripped him several new orifices.
OT news announcement: George H. W. Bush died:
You could show these guys a picture of a tranquil sunny meadow, and all they would see is acres of flower spooge being sucked up by diseased thot bees, and whore butterflies getting undeserved attention, and chad bunnies contaminating stacey bunnies somewhere in the weeds.
Meanwhile, I didn’t realize that soy and plastic have brainwashed modern humans into finding babies cute. How degenerate. As we all know, cavemen were repelled by their babies and usually just left them out in the meadow with the harlot daisies.
Imagine being that angry all the time. It can’t be healthy.
No, Islamophobes have taken to using the term ironically. (Don’t ask me for the logic behind that; I don’t think there is any.)
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
They think radical Islam is the answer since it seems to deny women rights. So I’d say they may have chosen to convert to or at least idealize Islam a lot.
What kind of brainwashing do you have to put yourself through to find babies revolting?!
Seriously. You’re biologically programmed to find babies cute and like and want to protect them.
I don’t want kids. Ever. But I actually like kids as long as I can give them back to the parents. And if I don’t like the parents I’ll fill them up with caffeine first.
Are incels in favour of birth control and family planning now? At least that’s refreshing
Another poison pen post from another venomous right-winger.
If he gets called on his shit, he’ll say his post is ironic or humorous.
It’s a damn shame that none of them knows how to write anything that’s not hate speech. They’re boring. Toxic and boring.
So weird that hot babes don’t want to date toxic, boring guys!
Speaking of poison-pen posts from venomous right-wingers: in the I Wish I Were Making This Up Department, the Nazi element on 4chan are plotting to co-opt the phrase “Happy Hanukkah” as an anti-Semitic (and gaslighting) dog whistle:
I dunno, but I must have gone through it, because I want nothing to do with those screaming bundles of urine, feces, and vomit.
I’d never want a baby to be harmed, and I get that other people like them, but frankly I find them gross and unnerving.
Not a big fan of the “but you’re biologically compelled to like this particular thing! There must be something wrong with anyone who dislikes it!” argument…
I got hung up by the Reddit name: “braincels.” Is that “brain-cels,” implying they have brains, or “bra-incels,” ,meaning maybe, incels with such low aspirations their fondest hope is someday to see a bra?
I suppose maybe a point for knowing the word “haram.”
Since these guys were babies at one time, unless they emerged from slime molds, that means their moms were Stacy’s and their fathers betas, and they are therefore contaminated with the residue of 50+ Chads. Right? I have a belt sander they can borrow to get it off.
“I dunno, but I must have gone through it, because I want nothing to do with those screaming bundles of urine, feces, and vomit.”
Good fucking lord. Yes. Yes, there is something wrong with you and your attitude towards small children. This is a terrible way to talk about any human beings and I wish more lefty circles would get their shit together and ban people for saying hateful, dehumanizing things about children.
Seems like everyone who says hideous things about kids follows it up with, “But I totes don’t want to do violence to them.” Like…okay…why are you bringing THAT up? You’re fucking creeping me out. Talking about humans this way IS violent, and our social treatment of children bears that out, same as any oppressed group.
I did not say that I did not want to do violence to them. I said that I do not want them to be harmed. Not by me and not by anyone else. I’d never hurt a baby because I’d never go anywhere near a baby, and because I don’t hurt people.
Children and infants are absolutely still people and deserve all the rights, care, and protection that all human beings do (more, in fact, because of how vulnerable they are). That doesn’t mean that I have to like them or find them cute.
You also don’t have to go on public forums and call them “screaming bundles of urine, feces and vomit.”
You really, really don’t. Why would you think that’s okay just because you don’t find them cute? Do you think that contributes to their human rights and social protection?
No, I suppose I don’t. But most people don’t seem to take me seriously when I merely say that I don’t like babies. I deal with the “noooo, all women LOVE babies, you’ll see! It’s biology!” smug bullshit all the damn time. And I’m sick of it, so I go into specifics so that I am clear about why I dislike babies (i.e. because they shriek and expel unpleasant substances and I want to stay away from them).
I’m sick of people telling me that I’m biologically compelled to like babies or like sex or like being subordinate to a man or any other bullshit evo-psych crap that people pull out of their asses because they assume everyone is the same.
I was unaware that I was responsible for every statement of mine needing to contribute to the rights of children.
Let me tell you something as a survivor of abusive parents: the shitty, horrible, dehumanizing things that people casually say about why they find children disgusting and off-putting ABSOLUTELY contribute to child abuse by making abusers feel more justified. So kindly knock it the fuck off.