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Incel hopes to find desperate runaway girls and abuse survivors to exploit for sex

Incels: The real creepers

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By David Futrelle

Over on the noxious incel forum, one of the resident creepers has a new idea that is actually one of the oldest ideas ever thought of by a human male: exploiting the most vulnerable teenage girls he can find for sex.

He hopes to find these girls on Reddit’s Runaway subreddit, a forum designed to provide resources and support for runaway youths.

“I … have been thinking about finding girls on /r/Runaway who come from abusive households and wish to start a new life somewhere else,” writes FakecelsOUT, a regular commenter on

I can relate to them because I, too, want to escape my present situation. The biggest difference is that I have over $50,000 in my emergency/runaway fund that I could use to provide both of us with a better life.

What an altruist!

These girls may be more receptive of me — and more forgiving of my terrifying face — because of their desperate circumstances. Over time, they could pair bond with me in a way that normal roasties are incapable of doing because they’ve taken so many cocks during their prime years.

Yes, I’m sure these girls will truly “pair bond” with a creepy asshole trying to exploit their vulnerability. Truly the basis for a loving, long-term relationship.

The feminists and cucks would probably believe that I am “taking advantage” of them, when in reality, I am saving them while also saving myself. It’s a mutually-beneficial arrangement, which angers the feminists because they don’t want to see any truecel being happy.

Yeah, that’s not why feminists, “cucks” and decent people generally would object to this plan. But, no, you shouldn’t be having sex with anyone.

They only want to see us alone, miserable, dejected, bitter, sexually unfulfilled, and completely devoid of love/intimacy. They are spiteful people who don’t even want prostitution to be legal in the U.S. because that would give people like us a sexual outlet.

If FakecelsOUT is just interested in sex, you might wonder, why wouldn’t he hire a prostitute? Because that’s not really what he wants. He wants a young girl so desperate she has no other options but him, and he wants to control her life utterly with the money he’s saved up for this purpose.

“You could offer food, shelter, and water to girls on the street,” one of the site mods helpfully adds,

and the first few times would be altruistically but then once she becomes dependent on you then you state that you can’t be so charitable without compensation.

Yeah, that’s pretty much the plan in a nutshell, dude.

Others on the forum warn the budding altruist-with-stings-attached that these “runaway punk rock girls” tend to be a lot more street-smart than he might expect. But he’s determined not to let the girls he’s exploiting exploit him back.

“Our arrangement would be conditional on me getting my sexual/romantic needs met in exchange for her getting a chance to get back on her feet,” FakecelsOUT explains in a followup comment,

Even if she ditched me as soon as she became established in a new locale, I would at least have good memories to fall back on — unlike my current 36 year-old self who only knows of rejection and IODs [Indicators of Disinterest] from women since hitting puberty 25 fucking years ago!

In another comment, he adds:

The money that I would spend in this type of arrangement would be significantly less than having to pay for an engagement ring, wedding, expenses during marriage, and divorce settlement if I went the “traditional” route like a sucker. … I’m just looking to get my dick wet for once in my pathetic life, and have no problem TEMPORARILY using money as leverage because that’s the only leverage I have as a legitimate 1/10 truecel whose monstrous face repeatedly scares foids away!

Happily. FakecelsOUT isn’t going to be able to put this particular “experiment” into action — as someone has already gone to the Runaway subreddit to warn them about him.

Hopefully, FakecelsOUT  won’t figure out some other way to target desperate young girls. Unfortunately, of course, many others have: homeless girls and young women are routinely preyed upon by predatory “altruists” like him.

And, I should add, by other manosphere types. Indeed, all the way back in 2011 I wrote about a truly depraved post on slimy loser Matt Forney’s old blog In Mala Fide advising horny but frugal men to turn to “freshly homeless young girls” as a cheap alternative to prostitutes.

NOTE: If you would like to genuinely help runaways and keep them out of the hands of scumbags like these, or if you’re in a desperate situation yourself, please contact the National Runaway Safeline, which offers 24-hour phone and online chat as well as numerous other resources. Volunteer opportunities are available. (This is an American organization; feel free to suggest resources in other countries in the comments.)

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6 years ago

*reads “crab bucket” article*

Wow. Yeah, that’s exactly what’s up with them.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Oh, so we’re back to the whole some men aren’t physically attractive enough to date thing?


We’ve been over this. And over this, and over this ad infinitum.

6 years ago

I actually dont mind the “I am ugly so I cant get laid” argument by incels.

Of course you don’t; you share this belief. But you know that we do mind it and you promised to stop saying it, yet here you are saying it. Stop that.

6 years ago

Sure there are some people (cough, me cough hahaha) that wont be able to attract a woman because of their looks.

Did you submit your photo to the Counsel of Women along with your application forms, but were rejected?

6 years ago


I think the “someone for everyone”, “a lid for every pot (or whatever saying people use nowadays to reassure people who dont have luck with dating) has to take some blame for male entitlement.

Why, if we ALL hear this and ALL have pressure to find a significant other, is it only men who are entitled about it? Hint: this ain’t it.


Some men arent cut out to date (not dateable material as they are just not physically attractive enough)

Are you saying this is true SOLELY OF SOME MEN but not also of some women? And you STILL don’t understand why we called this view misogynistic before?

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

I’m mildly interested to go back through the logs of comments to see if you’ve ever made a comment that didn’t include some form of “some men are too ugly to date” in it, @heebee.

Every time you do, someone tells you “no, that’s not true.” And you ignore it and repeat the same thing again, and again, and again.

You’re here just to spin us up, aren’t you?

You have to engage the responses you’re getting. If you’re going to continue to say that “some men are too ugly to date”, you have to explain why that’s true when there are plenty of ugly men who have relationships and get married, and why incels are male spaces only. Why ugly women don’t seem prone to, you know, mass murder and roiling bigotry.

I look forward to your reply!

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
6 years ago

Sure there are some people (cough, me cough hahaha) that wont be able to attract a woman because of their looks.

NO. Seriously, NO.

You. Are. Wrong.

I am past side-eyeing you, seriously, cut this incel shit OUT.

6 years ago

Its true for men and women. Difference is men go violent and kill women for it. Men are raised to expect everything and lots of promises are made to them. We dont raise men to expect difficulty and rejection, we raise boys who are mollycuddled

6 years ago

Rhuu- I am right, that some guys like me (and some women too) are too ugly to get laid. No shame in that. Not the end of the world. Doesnt make me or anyone else who cant experience romance any less of a person

Being a bitter little shit about it does. Society (and older men) need to teach unattractive incels to give up on dating, make peace without sex and stop the bitterness. And to accept that women shouldnt date them and they arent entitled to shit

6 years ago

You’ve never paid attention to a single thing anyone has ever said to you. You haven’t kept your promise not to keep harping on about how “some guys are just undateable ?‍♀️.” You make assertions that fly in the face of feminism. You make every incel thread about how #NotAllIncelsAreLikeThat but really #AWALT. Why are you here? What’s your goal?

6 years ago

My goal is to stop the incel culture. To talk about how we can stop the next generation of incels . To break the “someone for everyone culture”. To stop promising men promises we cant keep. To look at ways we are bringing up men which makes them entitled


to push forward the notion (I try do it on twitter a lot) that giving up on romance and living a good peaceful FULFILLING happy life without ever experiencing romance can be done. If every incel understood this point they wouldnt be incels.

A lot people see singledom (above a certain age) or never experiencing romance as something which WILL (not might, WILL) make you sad, lonely and miserable. Which is utter utter fear-mongering rubbish

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

No, my duck.

It’s not that you’re too ugly to get laid.

It’s that you’ve decided that it’s too much work, and you’d rather put that energy into other things.

Your statement, that you’re too ugly to get laid, puts the blame on the world. Specifically, 50%-50% for genetics and for the women who aren’t getting you laid. It makes you a victim of circumstance and of the womz.

The alternate statement doesn’t assign blame, it is instead you making a choice. A perfectly good choice, by the way. It has a long history of respectability.

But don’t make it out to be some inevitable, oppressive truth of nature. That’s the misogyny in what you’re saying. That it’s imposed on you by the outside world. It’s not. It’s your choice. A valid choice.

6 years ago

I’m still just wondering how you determined that you are too ugly for any woman to touch. You can’t have asked us all individually, because I don’t remember meeting you. So you went to some higher authority that governs womankind, yes? Or an oracle of some kind, maybe?

Or maybe we’re all just exactly the same, just a bunch of automatons with boobs walking around interacting with the real people in identical ways, so your experience with one or several women can be generalized to the rest of us.

6 years ago

Why does there have to be blame ? why cant it be no ones fault? Im at peace and thats fine. I dont blame women, I dont blame myself. Thats life. Not everyone can have everything. Its good to learn to be content with what you have 🙂

Problem is the incels ARE NOT at peace

If every incel said “Im too unattractive to get laid, I dont blame women, I dont blame myself, thats life and Ill do my best to be content without romance” The world would be a lot safer place for women

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So, just out of curiosity, if you’re not going to drop this, what exact physical features make one too unattractive to ever find a partner? Be specific.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
6 years ago

I also have a huge problem with ‘get laid’. What are you saying with this phrase? Why are you using *this way* to describe having sex?

This isn’t some 80s high school coming-of-age story, where the main male character totally has to lose his virginity before he graduates, and the only way to do that is to get laid by some girl, any girl.

“Getting laid” is a shitty way to think about having sex with one (or more) people. It is an activity that you do together, that one would hope everyone would enjoy. You aren’t taking it from someone. You aren’t GETTING it from someone.

Seriously, if you want to think critically about the ‘one person for everyone’ and ‘you have to be in a relationship to be happy’ culture, think about the WORDS YOU USE, and as Scild says above, who you assign blame of not being in a relationship to.

Because I’m pretty sure I haven’t met you, but if I had, it isn’t your face that would stop me from dating you.

(it’s the fact that I like ladies more)

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
6 years ago

Why does there have to be blame ? why cant it be no ones fault? Im at peace and thats fine. I dont blame women, I dont blame myself. Thats life. Not everyone can have everything. Its good to learn to be content with what you have ?

psst saying you’re undateable is blaming women for not finding you attractive /psst

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
6 years ago

Basically the plot of the BBC Wales “Scandinavia noir” series “Hidden”.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

So, your position is, “I want to teach incels that they can choose to forego romance and have a great, rewarding life.”

Also, “They can’t have romance because they were just born too ugly.”

Also, “I don’t blame anyone or anything for my not having a relationship, I’m content with it.”

So it’s a choice, but it’s also not a choice – it’s just life.

That’s a contradiction at its core.

I agree that there are a lot of people who’d be far happier if they weren’t so dead set on defining themselves by their romantic life. But that’s not what incels are about.

The thing you’re telling them to divest themselves of – the misogyny and hate? That’s their defining characteristic. They’re not angry because they don’t have a woman to share their lives with, they’re angry because they don’t have a woman to oppress. To wit, people who don’t have relationships are just people, not incels. The hate is central to the definition.

In closing – you should answer WWTH. Be specific here. It’s a good exercise.

6 years ago


Long story short: nobody’s face is truly terrifying. Unless they are terrifying people themselves – in which case, the most regular handsome features and whatever kind of “canthal tilt” is approved of will be just as terrifying.


I’ve seen some good-looking guys with terrible attitudes who creeped me out a lot more than some “ugly” guys who were sweet and likeable. In fact, I was raped by a good-looking guy who was actually a total creeper, so there’s that.

“Creepy” and “terrifying” are not looks, they’re behavior patterns.

6 years ago


just an ugly face in general

For the 7777th time, its not womens fault. I dont blame women. It doesnt have to be the guys fault (unless he is a bitter incel asshole). Not everyone can have everything, not every guy can have sex. Teaching them to give up on dating, stop watching porn, not to ask women out on dates is my aim and I have successfully managed to do that for a number of my unattractive ugly friends. Did their self esteem a world of good

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
6 years ago

I dont blame women

For the 7778th time, you are blaming women.

“Don’t worry about not finding me attractive, I know I am basically a hob goblin to women, who all share a single preference in what they like, unlike actual human beings, by which I mean men. Lawl.”

Teaching them to give up on dating, stop watching porn, not to ask women out on dates is my aim and I have successfully managed to do that for a number of my unattractive ugly friends. Did their self esteem a world of good

(having self esteem not being dependent on someone else’s opinion or on being in a relationship = good. This is just saying “your self esteem is shit because you are a hideous hob goblin who makes children cry in the streets. Accept this.”)

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago


Thought experiment: I know you’re not gay, but have you ever asked a gay guy if he’d find you too ugly to date? Are you universally ugly, or only to women?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ heebee

Teaching them to give up on dating…is my aim

You can put all the butter sauce on it you want; you’re still selling a bucket of crabs.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


What constitutes an ugly face? What are the features? If someone can be ugly enough to be universally undateable, you should be able to name what these specific traits are that are so terribly ugly.