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Right-wingers lose it over Celine Dion’s clothing line for kids — and its alleged Luciferian, pro-trans, anti-male, antifa agenda

Maybe the kid’s just really into New Order

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By David Futrelle

Last week Celine Dion launched a new clothing line for children with a slick but exceedingly strange little video in which the oddball Canadian chanteuse, playing the part of some action movie heroine, slipped into the maternity ward of a hospital and magically replaced the pink and blue outfits of a roomful of newborns with gender-neutral, black-and-white onesies from her collection — before being wrestled to the ground by a security guard.

The creepy ad, and the minimalist unisex outfits themselves — some sporting stars and triangles, others featuring the phrase “New Order” — seem almost calculated to cause conspiracy theorists and right-wing religionists alike to lose it. And so they have, with an assortment of unhinged YouTubers posting countless videos denouncing Celine’s “ILLUMINATI GENDERLESS CLOTHING LINE FOR CHILDREN,” and one Catholic priest — literally an exorcist — telling the National Catholic Reporter that the clothing line was “definitely satanic,” possibly stemming from a demonic dimension. “The devil is going after children by confusing gender,” he explained.

On Twitter, conspiracy enthusiasts and religious fanatics alike are spelling out their objection in countless furious and sometimes all-caps tweets. Some, like the aforementioned exorcist, see evidence of the work of … could it be? … SATAN?

The Angry Tourist ‏ @Marcusw240571 Follow Follow @Marcusw240571 More Celine Dion has shown who she truly worships with her New Clothes line for kids... IT'S the most SATANIC LUCIFERIAN ILLUMINATI IDEOLOGY THAT'S RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN.... FOR KIDS NO LESS?? HOW EVIL AND TWISTED DO YOU HAVE BE... ENJOY THE RICHES OF YOUR TREACHERY.. HE'LL AWAITS

Abby ‏ @Abby93494805 Follow Follow @Abby93494805 More Abby Retweeted MAGAPILL ✖️ #Qanon #QArmy This is one of the most important videos you can watch. BE AWAKE and AWARE! Celine Dion is not selling clothes, she is selling SATAN! Stay away from these evil, famous people! "They thought you would follow the stars." Q

@Lee_1950 ‏ @LEH_1950 Follow Follow @LEH_1950 More Celine, you have gone dark. Your video is hideous - ominous, has nothing to do with kids clothing. All of the kids in your catalog look depressed; not happy like kids should be. We see demonic symbolism throughout. We are destroying our CDs and you have lost us forever now.

More than a few of the comments have a rather threatening tone to them.

SweetTea#GQDsISthePLAN#Qrew ‏ @Incorrigible110 Follow Follow @Incorrigible110 More @celinedion The main problem with the witch trials is that they did not get all of you. YOU ARE ALREADY BURNING #BWITCH GET AWAY FROM OUR CHILDREN YOU DEMON. YOU HAVE FUCKED WITH THE WRONG ANGEL.

One commenter even goes so far as to suggest that Celine’s famous song from Titanic is somewhat overrated.

T ‏ @rapture_t49 Follow Follow @rapture_t49 More @celinedion Oh one more thing. Can you stop lying about your music? You were popular for one song and that's it and the ONLY reason it was popular is because it was featured in the movie Titanic. You're not talented and you never will be as long as you keep working for Satan.

While some of Celine’s fashion critics focus on the supposed occult symbolism — with some seeing the plus signs on some of the clothes as inverted crosses — others are more distressed by the fact that the boy babies and the girl babies are wearing the same clothes, seeing the unisex outfits as evidence that Celine is attacking the gender binary itself, conspiring to make children genderless and destroy the family to boot.

V ‏ @BoldAnalysis Follow Follow @BoldAnalysis More V Retweeted Bill Hutchison ? #CelineDion #Vampire #GreatAwakening #Pedowood #D5 @eyethespy Her children's clothing line. Inverted Crosses, Faceless families, Genderless babies, Colourless world, Parentless children dressed as Satan. The future they have planned for you. @seanhannity @joerogan @StefanMolyneux

❌Heather W. ❌ ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ❤ ‏ @justaddgod Follow Follow @justaddgod More Replying to @vigilantfeed @celinedion you sold your soul to Satan for fame. This ad shows the evil plans of the NWO to try to destroy our children and brainwash parents to allow sterilization and sex changes to children. Its absolute evil. They are NOT YOUR CHILDREN CELINE!! THEY ARE GOD'S!STOP THE NWO!

Paul Myhre ‏ @Paul59Myhre Follow Follow @Paul59Myhre More Replying to @yeshua_porvida @celinedion Satan is gender neutral, not G-d.

While some worry about the world being taken over by the Prince of Darkness himself, this Wall-loving Trump fan thinks the real endgame of Celine’s gender-neutral clothing line is … tighter gun laws!

Build The Wall ⭐️ ⌛️ ‏ @INFPforTrump Follow Follow @INFPforTrump More Replying to @TheJordanRachel I think "deep state" has been emasculating boys for generations w/ estrogen-laced plastics--& other means. What can we do to stop this? Look at Celine Dion's clothing line ad, where she makes all the babies unisex. No masculine means gun control, no conservative, CONTROL. #QAnon

Some of Celine’s critics are convinced that one of the outfits in the collection is intended to turn small children into budding antifa activists.

Tania Groth ‏ @TaniaGroth Follow Follow @TaniaGroth More @celinedion Celine Dion has started binary childrens clothing. This new line shows a dark and twisted mind. New world order and skulls for babies. Black and white. Stark and joyless. Notice the Antifa starter suit! How sick are the progressives? Very.


JohnQSmithIII ‏ @JohnQSmithIII1 Follow Follow @JohnQSmithIII1 More Replying to @celinedion Let the children grow up in happy loving families...not forced into antifa hate outfits by celine and the #Pizzagate crew

KerryActivism ‏ @Kerryactivism Follow Follow @Kerryactivism More Bitch, go doorknob yourself, but stay the F away from CHILDREN with your satanic GARBAGE and creepy antifa-pedo-sexual clothing crap! @celinedion

A few think the real point of Celine’s gender-neutral stance is to undermine fathers and men in general.

T ‏ @rapture_t49 Follow Follow @rapture_t49 More @celinedion Non-Binary = Anti-Male. We know you hate Males Celine We know you want to destroy the family by first destroying the FATHER. I'll just let you know a little secret. You're evil team is going to lose and you're all going to ask why you starting in the first place Satan

Yeshua's Soldier ‏ @BanksyArtist Follow Follow @BanksyArtist More @celinedion 66They want this normal way of living. They want mothers on welfare. Fathers out of the family scene and they want OUR children vulnerable. They slowly brainwash the kids. Who would even let their child take pictures like this. #QAnon #Trump

These people have convinced themselves that unisex onesies with stars on them are part of a vast evil plot, possibly orchestrated by Satan himself, to destroy families and possibly the world itself.

How do they manage to make it through Halloween every year without their heads exploding?

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Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
6 years ago

These people need a hobby.

6 years ago

Celine Dion is very much not everyone’s cup of tea, but to say that she is famous for ‘one song’ is insane.

She’s sold 250million + albums in her career. Heck, Falling Into You sold 32 million alone, and that was in 1996, long before Titanic existed!

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
6 years ago

Glad to see Pizzagate got a shout-out. As for Ms. Dion, there’s no such thing as bad publicity, I reckon.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Celine Dion of all people is actually kind of cool now? How very 2018.

6 years ago

Satan is gender-neutral? Funny, I could have sworn he was a dude. Even says so back in the Ol’ Testament.

Céline Dion is only famous for one song? Oh child, where were you during all of the 1990s? Not in Canada, that’s for sure. I can remember her having an endless string of hits, long before Titanic. Hell, even way way back in the early ’80s, she sang for the Pope himself:

Non-binary = anti-male? Funny, I observe that males continue to exist, even without constant sexist affirmation, and even with non-binary people apparently cluttering up the landscape.

These Q(uack)-Anon people don’t need hobbies, they need lives.

6 years ago

The funny thing about this article being posted today is, this morning I heard a saying I haven’t heard since I was a small child: “You can’t be francophone (French-Canadian) and conservative.”

That kind of position hasn’t been prominent in Canada for about 30 years and some French-Canadians did embrace right-wing politics in that time… then two right-wing provincial governments in Canada (Ontario and New Brunswick) attacked linguistic rights of their francophone populations. I kinda predicted that long ago. They start with one group and then keep on going till they reach you.

6 years ago

My sister-in-law is a bit of a punk/goth and would have loved these kiddie clothes when her son was little. Too bad he’s nearly 25 now!

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

If I recall tabloid covers from Québec a few years ago correctly, Dion let her prepubescent son wear his hair long, at an age where the sex of children is generally distinguishable only by their hair and their clothes, so that if you didn’t happen to know that her child was male, you’d have thought “Oh, photo of her and her daughter.”

I assume that was the boy’s choice, but either way, this isn’t exactly something new from her.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Black would actually be very practical for babies. Whites and pastels tend to transform into a palimpsest of mystery stains.

I think a perfect gender neutral onesie would be yellow, with a baffling object on the front. An oboe, or a floor lamp. That would make some heads explode.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

That is one . . . edgy? . . . video.

My mother was a neonatal nurse for many years. When Celine broke into a nursery in the video, I was pretty outraged. Celine, Celine, Celine, I know you need to sell onesies (I’m sure you need the money pretty badly), but is nothing sacred?

6 years ago

As Ivan Stang once said, “Proof that some forms of religious fanaticism have much the same effect as methamphetamine.”

6 years ago

These people need a hobby.

they need serious mental health care, STAT.

Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
6 years ago

So, non binary equals the new Goth? They’re babies, they dont know their gender, they dont even know how to pop in a toilet or feed themselves… Sometimes I just dont get it.

6 years ago

Let’s say I still don’t see what’s wrong in making the clothes genderless and destroying the Gulag that is the gender binary. Us grown-ups could do with something similar ourselves that isn’t just suits or track pants. I doubt we even have a sex if we’re in heaven – should we really have to die just to escape the gender prison?

The right wing are gender cops and deserve hell for this. Girls should not have to be held accountable to guys.

6 years ago

@Mexican Hot chocolate.

They do have a hobby. Unfortunately it’s posting hateful messages on social media and conspiracy theories.

6 years ago

Like, I like that someone’s making some gender-neutral baby clothes but… I kind of hate these? They’re the USSR apartment block of baby clothes – just so bleak-looking. I guess I just kind of object to the idea that rejecting gender means rejecting colour, or even a specific colour.

That’s not to say that no one else is allowed to like them; I just feel like a lot of what’s marketed as gender-neutral defaults to favour what society generally conceives of as “male”. For example, navy blue reads as pretty fluid, but it’s a lot harder to be read as agender while wearing pastel pink or ruffles, and I think it’s relevant to consider why that is.

6 years ago

Like, I like that someone’s making some gender-neutral baby clothes but… I kind of hate these? They’re the USSR apartment block of baby clothes – just so bleak-looking. I guess I just kind of object to the idea that rejecting gender means rejecting colour, or even a specific colour.

That’s not to say that no one else is allowed to like them; I just feel like a lot of what’s marketed as gender-neutral defaults to favour what society generally conceives of as “male”. For example, navy blue reads as pretty fluid, but it’s a lot harder to be read as agender while wearing pastel pink or ruffles, and I think it’s relevant to consider why that is.

@dustydeste I agree. Genderless clothes should not look more restrictive than gendergendered clothes do. My problem is typically that only women can wear certain types of clothes, as per societal norms.

6 years ago

My favorite part about this is that babies don’t have a sense of gender. Hell, newborn babies don’t even have a sense of self.

Personally, I think the new line looks pretty kickass, but I wear a lot of black and dark colors myself, so I’m probably a tad biased.

I’ve not really listened to much Celine Dion, but from what I have heard, she’s extremely talented.

6 years ago


Yeah, it needs to go both ways! I just want to scream into the void lol.

Just feelin’ a lot about how women/nonconforming people can wear “men’s” clothing because everyone knows that the masculine is superior and therefore acceptable to aspire to or whatever, but go the other way and there’s hell to pay.

Says a lot about what society thinks about women.

dust bunny
dust bunny
6 years ago

Non-binary = anti-male? Funny, I observe that males continue to exist, even without constant sexist affirmation, and even with non-binary people apparently cluttering up the landscape.

These people’s concept of “male” or “man” doesn’t just mean a guy type of person, it means a member the privileged class in the top of a strictly enforced patriarchy. So yeah, as far as they’re concerned, feminism and the very existence trans and nonbinary identities is a threat to men.

Same as “family” being at risk of destruction because it doesn’t mean people being happy and healthy and having good voluntary close relationships. It means women being the reproductive class, ie. second class citizens whose role is to provide low-status and uncompensated but critically important labour, children being property, men holding the rights to their family members’ bodies, and norms being enforced from the outside.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago


They’re the USSR apartment block of baby clothes – just so bleak-looking. I guess I just kind of object to the idea that rejecting gender means rejecting colour, or even a specific colour.

Meanwhile in socialist Finland…

(The pictured set of baby supplies is government issued as a part of standard family benefits, mainly to reduce the shopping hassle for new parents. It’s also much cheaper to buy in bulk, pay in taxes and skip the retail.)

Spaniard in the Works
Spaniard in the Works
6 years ago

I’m loving how these bozos equate the plus signs with inverted crosses. Seeing that plus signs are perfectly symmetric you could say they are UPRIGHT crosses with exactly the same certainty, n’est-ce pas?

6 years ago

Also, an up-side-down cross is the symbol of Peter the apostle. That’s why the pope has up-side-down crosses on some of his stuff. (I’ve seriously seen people argue on line that this is proof the pope is in league with Satan).

Rei Malebario
Rei Malebario
6 years ago

This is the funniest thing I’ve read today.

(Is she paying any royalties to New Order, though? And does she have any Joy Division merch for babies as well?)

6 years ago

I like it, but I’m more of a goth colors person (common joke on tumblr: Celine makes the only gender be Goth). I actually LOVE the onesies with stars and regret no one to suggest them to.

Tho I think Uniqlo’s baby clothes are also pretty gender-neutral (at least for the teeny babies, those are more by month-size than gender) and those come in lots of colors.

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