By David Futrelle
While most Americans were enjoying Thanksgiving, a small army of brave cyberwarriors were launching a guerrilla assault on … women selling nude pics of themselves online, reporting them to the IRS en masse for supposed tax evasion. (Or at least threatening to.)
These angry dudes — and they pretty much all seem to be dudes — don’t have any evidence that the targets of this so-called #ThotAudit aren’t paying taxes on unreported earnings. They mostly just want to take these “thots” — the term, short for “that hoe over there,” is now a popular synonym for “slut” — down a peg or two.
You might not think that Reddit’s so-called Red Pill dudes would have much sympathy for this campaign, which is still evidently going strong.
After all, most Red Pillers tend to think of themselves as some variety of libertarian, way of “big government” and the taxes that fund it. And aren’t the supposed “victims” of these evil nude-selling women — that is, the guys who actually shell out money for exclusive pics and videos — a bunch of pathetic, porn-addicted beta cucks anyway? Red Pillers are supposedly up to their necks in Hot Babes. Isn’t getting mad at Instagram nude-pic-sellers an awfully incelly thing to do?
Well, as it turns out, Red Pill dudes seem as excited about exacting revenge against these women as any sex-deprived beta. In a recent thread on the #ThotAudit in the Red Pill subreddit, a bunch of the regulars lashed out at the alleged thot menace.
“The society of thots must be torn down,” wrote someone called Good-Boi.
Modern western woman embrace being whores but we should shame whores and put them down where every thy thot appears.
For someone called IVIaskerade, the #ThotAudit campaign was “Black Knighting at its finest.”
More than a few were happy to set aside their dislike of “snitching” to support what they saw as a good cause. AutisticusMaximus got more than 100 upvotes for a comment noting that
Although I was always against snitching for the sake of snitching, in order to get in good terms with the boss/teacher, whatever; I have nothing against this, I pay taxes, they should too, fuck off.
And I understand the non-monetary satisfaction in reporting here, the same hot women who never gave them the time of day in life and degraded them for their hobbies (video games, computers, etc.) are now disingenuously adopting those same hobbies because they can use their sexuality to monetize them.
But it was a Red Pill mod called bsutansalt who set forth the Red Pill Case for Thot Auditing in its full glory. Which is to say, not very much,
“Once upon a time,” he began,
there was a “pussy in every pot” as I like to call it for betas and chads alike. Civilization had checks and balances that ensured average dudes would land a woman to have some kids with to ensure he’d have skin in the game to slave and build society for.
It’s perhaps appropriate that he started off his rant with “once upon a time,” because so far this is little more than a familiar Red Pill fairy tale.
However, since the advent of women’s lib and the pill, women are now free to fuck and suck every chad they cross paths with and it’s causing a rift between the sexual haves and have nots that we’re just starting to see the ramifications of.
The idea that average woman is having endless wild orgies with a succession of chads while denying “betas” their fair share of sex is utter bullshit, no matter how often manosphere types insist on repeating it.
[I]t’s entirely understandable thirsty jaded dudes would blow the whistle on these thots who are taking advantage of their thirst. … [T]here’s also an financial incentive to blow the whistle on them: any taxes the IRS collects because of the dime you dropped, your’e liable to get a 30% cut.
No one is going to get a 30% cut for telling the IRS that they’re pretty sure SexyGirl99 is evading her taxes because, er, she thinks she’s all that? You have to give the IRS specific proof.
On the other end of the spectrum are the worst case examples are guys cracking under the pressure (and depression it causes) and shooting up yoga classes and theaters and whatnot.
It wouldn’t be a manosphere rant without some “warning” that if women don’t have sex with dudes they don’t want to have sex with these dudes will just up and murder them.
The more common consequence has been guys waking up, taking the red pill, and enjoying the decline primarily in one of two ways:
- Simply dropping out and going Galt (aka MGTOW) and
- Taking on the mantle of self-improvement to make themselves into chads so they can graduate into being one of the “haves”
Most of us here probably fall into category 2.
Or at least they want the other dudes reading their comments to think that they do.
In conclusion, I fully endorse #thotaudit if only for the checks and balances it represents to women’s sexuality.
In other words, his wall of text was basically just a more verbose version of “lmao, these thots are just getting what’s coming to them!”
But not everyone in the Red Pill subreddit was quite this enthusiastic about the #ThotAudit campaign.
“my general disapproval of sluts is at war with my hatred of taxes,” wrote someone called russian_n*gger.
“I can’t endorse snitching,” added chadmarco. “I’d rather men just not throw money at bitches in the first place.”
But it was legendary Red Pill commenter GayLubeOil who offered the most, well, creative argument against the snitching campaign.
“There’s nothing “Alpha” about this,” he declared.
What we’re seeing is the Incel Slave Class adopting the value system of the Thot Master class in a traditional Hegalian Master Slave Dialectic. In this case specifically it’s PayPal deplatforming.
Another example of this Untermensh mentality is Paul Elam and MGTOW adopting the feminist victimhood narrative for their needs.
Being a slave in a Master Slave Dialectic automatically makes you beta.
One point to GayLubeOil for working a gratuitous Paul Elam dis into a discussion of the #ThotAudit hashtag. Two points for the reference to Hegel. One point off for spelling his name wrong.
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I wonder if these guys think that if they turn these women into the IRS, that the IRS will turn these women over to the police, since technically sex work is illegal in 49 of the 50 states. Unfortunately for their wank fantasies, the IRS (evidently) prefers to tax criminals, not turn them over to prosecutors:
And this stuff isn’t a real surprise to anyone who reads about IRS stuff around tax time (April 15th), since things like them allowing hitmen to write off bullets and travel expenses on their taxes is brought up then.
OT thing concerning the immigrant caravan: Fox news reporter Jesse Watters, on his show The Five, tried to get Geraldo Rivera to bash other media outlets’ coverage of the caravan. Didn’t work out as he planned.
Not sure how long the Yahoo page will be up, but here’s Rivera’s response to how Fox has been covering things:
You can see the actual video of Rivera’s comment on J.D. Durkin’s tweet below:
we could use a set of rules like that right now….
Though, IMHO, we’re not going to get a good government until a lot more of us learn to be sincere, and the idea of “conditional empathy” goes the way of the dinosaurs (yes, that IS and evolution metaphor….)
Heinlein had a lot of interesting governments… the fascist government in Starship Troopers, for example. The book doesn’t talk much about the “condition of the people”, though there seems an unspoken feeling that everythings pretty decent, i.e. nobody in chattel slavery… but the part in the classroom with the Civics teacher… and this is CLEARLY a world where everyone exists to serve the society — through the government. And that book, while a great read, was full to the brim with conditional empathy.
I was a grad student advisor at a major public research university and I can tell you that nowhere did I find situations where conservatives weren’t allowed to voice their opinions (and I would have heard about any complaints). Any faculty member who engaged in anything like this would have been ravaged in their course reviews, which would have effected their salary.
However, university employee (faculty, staff, grad students) culture is absolutely fraught with enforced gender, racial, and class roles. It took a major campaign for us to get faculty in one department to even consider giving students of color a fair chance by inviting them out for interviews with the white students they were considering. They had excuses every time. And it was still mainly male faculty, and almost entirely white. The female professors made far less than their male counterparts. Almost all of the staff, excluding a couple undergrad advisors, were women (and we were more racially diverse). We were hired to do all sorts of fairly complex things, but guess who was still always picked to serve the food and do all the clean up and set up at all the parties and events? Apparently the law school still has issues with faculty ordering staff to do laundry, and staff there are required to treat all individual faculty as if that faculty member is the only person they work (or possibly even exist, at this point) for.
The inherent ups also treat rape and bullying culture as if they don’t exist. I was bullied by my boss in one department to the point that I haven’t been able to work for 4 years because of the severe PTSD. The university completely ignored everything I tried to do to get help mitigating the problem. There have been major sexual assault scandals involving athletics and several academic departments, at several different times! Athletics frequently steals money from other departments and is allowed to get away with it through a complicated financial scheme. They most recently had to pay $12 million to the coach they just fired. No one knows where the money will come from, but you can bet it will ultimately come from one of the other colleges and students and staff will ultimately pay for this major *mistake through tuition hikes and salary cuts and layoffs.
Sorry that got a little rambley… but I’m just so, so, incredibly, very angry at university administration culture and I get even angrier when I hear conservatives whine about how it is a liberal bastion. Just no.
Inherent ups… I meant to say higher-ups. Stupid autocorrect.
I wonder if “Maskerade” (I refuse to dignify his silly ASCII M by copying it) knows he shares his username with the title of a Discworld book. I doubt he’s a genuine fan, since said book portrays “foids” as if they were actual human beings with agency and individual personalities and worth that extends beyond how much you want to have sex with them.
Nah, it’s not good enough. A large number of those women do so voluntarily and benefit from providing the pics and videos. It only makes these guys feel powerful when they can force/coerce/convince someone else to provide them with their desires, while the woman faces consequences for doing the providing. See, if you can make someone do something that will result in unpleasant things for them, then that means they fear you more than those unpleasant things, which makes you superior to them and to anyone who can’t inspire such fear. Which is desirable for these assholes.
@Weird Eddie
If the second amendment had been written clearly in such a way that it clearly articulated what the authors meant, it would have made everything a lot better, even if what they meant was as stupid as the NRA likes to imagine. At least “white men may own and carry guns” is largely unambiguous, and would be sufficiently unreasonable and overly broad that it would have been easier to re-amend by now.
@Jenora Feuer
I’d say that it would be impossible. Immutable laws are almost always a bad idea, and changeable laws can always be changed to be bad by a sufficiently stupid or malevolent group of people.
Apparently, porn production isn’t sex work in legal sense. I suspect the relevant laws don’t even use the term “sex work” but rather refer to “prostitution” or “sex against payment”.
Yeah, that was pretty much my original point of ‘there’s no legal system in existence that can’t be gamed’.
Really, Douglas Adams put it well:
A lot of the current situation is just demonstrating that the framers of the U.S. Constitution didn’t foresee just how much of a multi-generational effort could be used to completely undermine the protections that had been built in.
Actually, I saw this a few days ago:
The theory put forth there is that Trump is the end result of ‘California conservatism’, the conservatism of Breitbart and the like, folks who saw California go from a fairly conservative state under Reagan to almost entirely liberal, with the biggest turning point being after Proposition 187 in 1994, where the state Republicans used pretty openly racist dog-whistling to pass a ballot initiative that would have cut off undocumented immigrants from education and health care services. The reaction from the Latino community is what turned California more solidly Democratic.
YouTuber BronxBlogger sounded off on this, leading with one of the vloggers promoting the hashtag and to actually see one of these buttwhistlers actually articulating why they’re doing this was as fascinating as it was horrific and stupid:
Content warning for the intro, contains buttwhistler
To save folks the time, rather than going all-in on hatred of women (although his disdain is barely hidden), he deploys one of the bog-standard “meritocracy”/””””fairness”””” arguments, saying “Haha, now these [insert dehumanizing epithet here] will have to pay taxes like the rest of us working stiffs.”
This is exactly the same line of thinking that I’m witnessing in response to the postal workers strike up here in Canada: upset by their precious Christmas deliveries being delayed, their anger isn’t with a government that can’t come to terms with the union, or the corporate class for depressing their wages, it’s with the union for being too strident in their support for their workers. “You guys are getting it too good! I slave for 12 hour shifts making peanuts! You should be getting it just as bad as me!”
They’re both formulated as “I want to knock you down a peg or two” rather than change things so we all get it that good.
Isn’t the whole point in the “Master-Slave Dialectic” that the master may assert control, but is ultimately much tighter shackled to the slave, because the slave may live without the master, but the master can only exist thanks to the slave giving him purpose?
Or did Mr. GayLubeOil just hear of the concept and assumed they already knew?