By David Futrelle
“Red Pill” dudes are forever baffled by women with short hair. Since these dudes consider short hair on women inherently unattractive — I guess it’s not traditionally feminine enough for their tastes? — they don’t believe anyone could ever prefer short hair over long hair on women, and can’t understand why any women other than man-haters, lazy moms or grannies would ever sport a short do.
One befuddled and somewhat angry Red Pill dude went to the Ask The Red Pill subreddit to get an answer to this strange puzzler from those best equipped to speak the truth on this matter — other befuddled and somewhat angry Red Pill dudes like himself.
“So, why do women cut their hair short?” rubenbrasilIs wondered.
Is it rooted in feminism? Are they falling for Buzzfeed articles about how women feel strong when they finally cut their hair? That they dont need the approval of men?
Apparently no woman ever cut her hair short before Buzzfeed.
Why would they purposely lower their SMV [Sexual Marketplace Value]? How is that ’empowering?’ That sounds like some hamster shit. Do they think theyre a special snowflake 1 in 1 million who can actually rock the short cut? I always see pictures of girls with short hair and they always look sad that they cut their hair. Sad that theyre not desired by higher SMV men.
Yes, that’s right. Every single woman with short hair literally spends every second of her day moping about how her short haircut has ruined her chances with the kind of dudes who give number ratings to every person’s Sexual Marketplace Value.
I really believe people do things that they perceive would benefit them. I dont see why someone would lower their SMV on purpose, especially women. I have never met 1 woman who has cut their hair short and didnt regret it.
Er, how many women have you met?
Exception: Theres some girls who cut their hair because its damaged from straightening it and dying it and they want to restart – I GET THAT. So Im not talking about this type. Its a rough 1 or 2 year journey for them – you can see it in their face. But once they look and feel feminine again they are happy again.
Yes, every woman who cuts her hair short spends every moment feeling miserable until her hair is long again.
Men need to feel masculine to hit their happy potential, women need to feel feminine. We understand this polarity and this is deeply rooted in why TRP is successful.
Yes, your theory is perfect. That’s why you guys spend so much of your time getting mad about people who don’t fit your theories and assuming they’re all secretly miserable and that you can see it in their eyes.
A Red Pill Redditor called RedSkeller (say that three times fast!) gave rubenbrasilIs the answer he wanted. And it had to do with Facebook likes. From women who don’t like competition in the Sexual Marketplace.
“As a man with a couple ex’s who cut it, and were nexted because of it, they do it for validation,” RedSkeller explained.
Every time a woman cuts her hair and then posts it on Facespace, she’ll get hundreds of likes, women mostly telling her how ‘brave’, ‘courageous’ and ‘elegant’ she looks.
Oh, but these sneaky ladies don’t actually think their short-haired ladyfriends look good. Because how could they, when Red Pillers know that short-hair on women is objectively ugly?
Meanwhile the women who liked and commented would never do such a thing because they realize it is apart of their SMV and are congratulating the woman for essentially stepping down her SMV and creating less competition.
Those dirty little sneaks!
Not to mention women who cut their hair short are impulsive, attention seeking or downright in bad taste. It doesn’t look good compared to a woman with long hair, plain and simple. They either look like a mom, makes their face look fat or both. It’s a drop in SMV for no reason other than attention.
And this is how the Red Pillers defend their absurd theories against evidence that throws them into doubt — by coming up with even more absurd reasons why the evidence isn’t evidence after all.
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I’ve had long hair, and I’ve had short hair. Currently it’s short because taking care of long hair requires more time and energy than I have. Mr. Parasol thinks this is fine because a) it’s my hair and he doesn’t own my hair; and b) he can sneak up on me and kiss the nape of my neck.
Any kind of hairstyle can be sexy. It’s all in how you feel about it and how you feel about yourself.
And yet, my short-haired years were my so-called Cock Carousel years. Before, and after, when my hair was long, I got hit on exponentially less. Women with short hair are typically perceived as more interesting and exciting, in the dude circles I run in, which is to say, hot rock band guys/literary guys/artist guys and computer nerds, so I really cannot frame this demographic that thinks women with shorter hair are undesirable in my head, as I have literally never run into a single attractive man who thinks that a woman with short hair is anything less than hot as hell.
Sarah, I did not know that. But I’ve always loved short hair on women – well, since my sixth form days at the end of the 80s, anyway – and I am a writer. And a computer nerd to some extent.
It’s just my personal taste, probably due to the time I grew up in. Had I been born in a different time I might think differently – for example, I notice most young girls these days have their hair down their backs. Still, I would never be so stupid as to expect a woman, or women, to cut their hair short specifically because I found it attractive. I certainly didn’t tell my own GF about this taste of mine. Well, not until she did it on her own initiative last summer and my tongue practically dropped out of my head, so she knows now.
I really don’t understand why these dudes seem to think that there is some kind of universal, immutable standard of attractiveness. Individuals have different preferences, and not everyone decides on their style based on what someone else might theoretically like. Sometimes it’s a matter of personal taste, or comfort, or convenience, or utility, or cost, or cultural significance, or any other factor that might strike a person’s fancy.
These guys are really hellbent on viewing everyone else as an interchangeable automaton that always acts in accordance with specific and universal rules, aren’t they?
I never understand people (usually men) who think there’s one kind of hairstyle that is attractive. Depending on a person’s bone structure and personal style, some look best with short hair and some best with long hair. Not that my own personal opinion should matter to how someone else styles or cuts their hair. I just can’t imagine being so narrow minded that you want everyone to have the same haircut.
Personally, I’ve seen the most action when I’ve had a chin length bob. It must be my most flattering look. I do often have longer hair because I like it pulled back and out of my face, but it can look slovenly on me when I’m not careful.
Red Pillers are so fucking shallow. It’s funny as hell that the Red Pill metaphor is taken from a movie written and directed by two trans women and featuring a lead female character with super short hair. Do the Red Pillers honestly expect us to believe they would turn down a quickie with Carrie-Anne Moss, especially if she came up to them in a techno-bar dressed in her Trinity costume?
Oh look, another Red Pillock babbling about women. What were the odds?
And SMV is still a thing with them. How cute!
And he’s still using the “hamster” trope, too. How original!
But wait! What’s this about “the short cut”? He does know there are a wide variety of short hairstyles worn by women…right?
Also, my mom has had short hair since, oh, about ten years before I was born. (I’m her first.) And yes, she had short hair when she met my dad.
‘Course, nobody was yattering on about Sexual Market Value then. And yet, people still managed to meet up, and pair up. In my parents’ case, for life.
And my mom STILL has the same hairdo she did back then. So I guess that renders somebody’s arguments…INVALID.
Oh look, another Red Pillock babbling about things he knows nothing about. What were the odds?
I didn’t know Buzzfeed and Facebook were around in the 1920s, when Mary Thurman and Louise Brooks were popularising the bob cut.
Bob cut nothing– how about the Eton Crop?
Is a woman.
Reads that short hair renders a woman unattractive to Rep Pill people.
Shaves head.
How thoughtful of these creatures, to tell us women all the ways we can best repel them.
See, it’s because women are really easily influenced, so the name “Buzzfeed” subliminally makes them want to get a buzzcut. /s
these guys can’t even fathom that a woman would do anything unless the purpose was to look more attractive to men. I have short hair, and I originally cut it because I didn’t like that my long hair blew around a lot when it was windy outside. I kept my hair short because I like how low-maintenance it is. it’s that simple! Sometimes women do things for reasons that aren’t about men at all!
@Moggie, Nequam:
The 1920s were certainly my short-haircut inspiration at various times (including now.)
Oh no people cutting their hair short and not conforming to their useless metrics of “bangability.” How awful. How cruel /s
Uh, because I have curly hair, and I’d rather look like Kate Hudson than Louis XIV?
Ever notice how these men obsess over things like breasts and hair, but then get really mad whenever they think women are consciously using those features to get attention? They’re OK if hair is there passively and purely for their benefit, but how dare women use it to make a statement/get ahead/feel good about herself? Does she think she owns it or something?
I prefer my hair long so I can give dudes like this death glares with my hair over my face ala Samara from the Ring
Tax reasons?
I wonder if these guys’ obsession with hair length has any relationship to religious beliefs and practices? I know of a couple of fundie cults who believe women commit a grave sin by cutting their hair. Quiverful folks believe this, and so do the FLDS. Both cults oppress women and repress healthy sexuality. Men in the cults favor political conservatism and “men’s rights”, which to them means no rights for women.
Another piece of Red Pillock (thanks!) jargon that apparently came and went without my noticing (like “spangler”). What does or did it mean? (For the matter of that, what’s a spangler when it’s at home?)
Wild theory: I don’t think people think about their “sexual market value” as much as the Red Pillers think they do.
I mean, yeah, people often want to be attractive to people they’re attracted to. I get that. But who goes around saying, “Hm, before I make X decision, I must consider whether it would raise or lower my sexual market value”?
@FelineFinethePunLioness –
This made me grin. And then ponder why girls with long, stringy hair seem to be a common horror trope (often a subset of the “creepy kid” category if they’re small). I’m sure I wouldn’t last long in Horrorland because I’d be all, “Hey, do you want a hair elastic?” and then they’d lash out and strangle me.
@Alan –
All this hair talk reminds me I’m overdue for a visit to the barber shop.
Austin G Loomis,
Misogynists think that women are only capable of thinking the same simplistic thoughts over and over again. Like a hamster running on a wheel but not actually getting anywhere. Therefore, any time a woman disagrees with him about something, she is “hamstering.”
@Austin G Loomis:
See Rationalization hamsters … or hamster rationalizations? here a few years ago.
Basically, women spin their wheels like running hamsters until they can rationalize their bad decisions.
Like so much else of Red Pill thinking, it’s amazing how much projection you can see in there, of trying to rationalize obviously stupid ideas.
Well, Hotblack Desiato was spending a year dead for tax reasons…
CW for awful, horrible looking short-haired women with clearly zero SMV:
Sorry everyone, I know that must have been dreadful 🙂
I´ve alternated between long and short hair all my life. From 4 mm to halfway down my back, but tending more and more to short over the years. A couple of years ago I started to work at a retirement home with a gleeful baby fauxhawk. Some of the elderly ladies would turn around in the hallways rather than have to say good morning. After two years I decided I´d give longer hair one last try just to be done with the constant (more than daily) comments. Now I get more-than-daily compliments and it makes me SO uncomfortable. When I look into the mirror I see someone I don´t really know. The woman in the mirror is quite pretty but it´s definitely not me and it freaks me out. I´m finally at the length I told myself I´d try and reach because I wanted to give it an honest shot and I remember this as something I could deal with last time. I´ll give it another month so I can really, really say I tried and I gave myself time to get used to it but I can´t tell you how much I´m looking forward to the moment my hairdresser picks up those clippers again.