'bating alt-right anti-Semitism creepy cringe cuck empathy deficit entitled babies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles playing the victim rape rape culture roasties

“You Know It’s Over When Your Mouse Reminds You of a Clitoris” and 14 other top headlines from

[JFL] You Know Its Over When Your Mouse Reminds You Of A Clitoris
Incels: Not afraid to take on the truly important issues
By David Futrelle

It’s been a few days since I last checked in on the Incels. Last time they were talking about how utterly unfair it is for women to be disgusted by their farts — when everyone knows that women just love it when Chads fart. 

What are they talking about today on the forum? All sorts of lovely things, mostly related to how much they hate women — and how utterly unfair it is that the women they hate won’t have sex with them. Also that thing above from a dude who gets horny looking at his computer mouse. And some other topics that are somehow even more horrible than that.

Here, in no particular order, are 14 of the top headlines I found on the site today. (I’m not linking to any of the topics directly; you’ll have to Google them.)

[Serious] I didn't brush my teeth for ten years Megathread Thread starterCuyen

[Venting] Why are foids allowed to wear makeup in the workplace? Thread startermicropenis29

[Serious] How to make cuddling with pillow more realistic Thread starterWords2_live_bye

[Serious] Life after teenage years is meaningless Thread starterOrlov

[Serious] Women should not be permitted to drive

[LifeFuel] Butted in line in front of a fat roastie at the store today

[Blackpill] Victims of RAPE on college campuses should not be taken seriously or helped, Here's why Thread starterFather_Gascoigne

[JFL] midget girls only want taller guys

[Serious] Can you distinguish a Jew from whites based on his appearance, not knowing his name/family background?

[LifeFuel] My balls are stinking so much

[Serious] I'm going to eat my own ass and record it

young jbs are truly the prime quality cut female meat if you deny this youre a cuck that is agraid of looking bad to other cucks

[Experiment] How to get ultimate revenge on whores

[RageFuel] Brutal. Femails never want to sit next to me on buses.


To answer a few questions you might have after reading these headlines:

No-Toothbrush Guy maintains that brushing your teeth isn’t necessary if you eat properly.

Ass-eating Dude says he’s serious, and claims he’ll upload a video of it in a little over a year if he hasn’t lost his virginity by then. The prospect of having to do this will help motivate him to approach women, he claims. “I have been practicing and doing stretches everyday,” he writes, “so I should be able to reach in about 2 months and from there I’ll just practice actively eating my own ass.”

The “JB” Guy is talking about “jailbait” — specifically girls aged 10-15. Last I checked, every single incel responding to his post agreed with him that underage girls are the most attractive and that all men are secretly into them.

Revenge Dude lays out a plan, which I dearly hope will never be put into practice, in which he would 1) pose as a so-called Chad on Tinder, 2) get all of a woman’s info ,including her phone number,  3) make a fake escort profile using this information and finally, 4) send this profile to her friends and family members.

As I’ve said before, the tragedy here isn’t that these guys aren’t getting laid; it’s the possibility that some of them someday will. Most of these guys probably shouldn’t even be allowed to be in the same room with a woman, and should definitely not be left alone within several hundreds yards of girls under the age of 16.

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Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago


Not trying to be an asshole, but can you explain what’s wrong with the meme in question?

I mean, I don’t understand it at all in the first place, so I can’t even identify what the problematic part might be. Any elucidation would be welcome!

6 years ago

Talonknife – most American Jews are of Ashkenazi descent. Whether they’re white or not depends on who you ask and where.

For about fifteen hundred years in Europe, they weren’t considered to be either white or European. Since the successful establishment of Israel, some ME anti-Zionists have insisted that they’re both.

A good friend from college once told me of how disorienting it was when her family moved to California and suddenly became white. It’s an article of faith among some Americans that Jews are fundamentally and ineluctably non-white, regardless of physical appearance or religious practice.

Priscilla Poopalot
Priscilla Poopalot
6 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

I googled and I think Kupo means the association with “autistic screeching” memes, which is one interpretation to the “Reeeeee” memes. The other interpretation is screaming Pepe (it is supposed to mean a frog sound)

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

The clitoris is like a mouse scroller? I thought it’s more like a lawnmower priming button. You press it slowly three times, then pull the tampon cord while spreading the labia apart with your other hand.

Owen Evans
Owen Evans
6 years ago

The mouse can’t be like a clitoris – for one thing, these bozos can find their mice.

6 years ago

@Talonknife: in addition to the above examples, there is a small community of Chinese Jews (

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

One of the most devious plots of the Jewish race is to disguise themselves by not actually being a race.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

There miiiiiiiiight – hear me out – just miiiiiiight be a connection between never brushing your teeth/washing your balls, and women not wanting to sit next to you on the bus.

It’s funny, incels are always complaining about how irrational women are. Yet they get even angrier when women behave in rational, predictable ways, such as avoiding unpleasant odors. Or not wanting to associate with people who hate them and want to enslave or kill them. It really baffles them. I guess it destroys the fantasy that women are inanimate, servile objects and men can smell and behave however they want with no consequences.

As for Guy Who Never Brushes His Teeth, he may be young and cavity free now thanks to lucky mouth chemistry, but he’s setting himself up for serious health problems down the road. It’s not just about cavities. Tartar builds up over time and harbors nasty bacteria under the gumline. Those bacteria can easily get into the bloodstream and increase the risk of coronary artery disease, dementia, and diabetes. Body chemistry changes as people age and different flora move in. The mouth starts to decompensate. Maybe in your 20s you can get away with neglecting dental health, but not in your 40s and 50s. Habits are hard to change the older you get.

Not that I really care if the OP ends up losing his teeth to periodontal disease, but it’s actively harmful when these guys insist that standard health recommendations are bullshit because they ignore them and the sky hasn’t fallen yet, ha ha ha.

Weird how these guys take full credit for building civilization and STEM, then turn around and reject all its trappings. Women have too much freedom, toothpaste is a lie, vaccines cause autism, all-meat diets are superior, the adult world is boring and meaningless once you leave high school. Also weird how their femoid-free caveman utopia doesn’t seem to bring them much contentment.

6 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Weird how these guys take full credit for building civilization and STEM, then turn around and reject all its trappings.

You noticed that too, huh? Kind of “We built everything! But everything sucks!”

What gets me about these people is that you never get for a second an instance of what actually brings these people joy and comfort. It’s just all anger all the time. I suffer from depression myself, but even in my darkest moments, I had something to keep myself anchored. Music. Games. Art.

And it’s not just the incels. You look at every alt-right social media account (at least the ones that aren’t obviously bots) and it’s wall-to-wall memes and cruelty. By the same token, I never got the sense that Gamergaters actually enjoyed playing video games; it was more a lifestyle obligation than any kind of cathartic release.

Just to point out something that again was said on that fantastic Chapo interview with Natalie Wynn was that as much as anybody that falls under the social justice rubric have a reputation of being humourless moralizers who can’t take jokes… it’s the antis that actually come off as far more self-serious and thin-skinned. Being a furry online, I had to develop good humour about my persona pretty quickly. Those who go against society’s grain even more publicly I’m sure have adapted that too. The people with unusual hair styles or modes of dress are well aware of how they appear to others.

The antis are all too eager to make “jokes” at the expense of others, typically those on the margins of society, but when was the last time you ever saw an anti make a self-effacing joke? Every photo I’ve ever seen of Jordan Peterson, every single one I’ve seen run in a newspaper, he’s always dour or scowling. He never smiles, laughs, seems to take any joy in life. And they call feminists humourless?

It’s part of what drew me to a lot of feminist content creators: they really do feel more like people and less like contrived brands meant to conceal insecurities and shield from self-doubt. A SocJus content creator will go for a walk in the park, make a joke about a bad clothing choice, be goofy on Twitter or Facebook, post about their pets, stuff humans do.

Stay human, everybody! And Happy Evolved-Dinosaur Consuming Day!

6 years ago

Kupo- Sorry, I wasn’t aware it was connected in any way to disability. Thought it was more like the incel version of “I’d like to speak to the manager” level of entitled tantrum. I’m not as internet culture savvy anymore, I swear wasn’t trying to be an asshole, this was an instance where I slanged wrong.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago


What gets me about these people is that you never get for a second an instance of what actually brings these people joy and comfort.

That was one of the things people noticed when the whole Sad Puppies/Rabid Puppies thing was going on in SF fandom over the Hugo awards. People were showing up places like File770 screaming about how conservative authors were being deliberately overlooked. But when asked about what authors they liked or what books they’d read and enjoyed recently (most of the usual crowd on File770 are pretty voracious readers) the usual response was deflection or completely ignoring the question.

There were a few exceptions (at least one of those exceptions is still a fairly active regular there) but it definitely seemed to be the general rule.

6 years ago
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The epitome of the humorless reactionary is Trump not allowing a comedian at the White House correspondents dinner because he can’t take a joke at his expense.

6 years ago

@Jenora Feuer

Exactly! My suspicion is that these very-online grievance collectors have become so fearful of being criticized for anything they actually care about that they keep them far away from the prying eyes of the internet. Because that’s what they do to others: passions, preferences, nice things… these are meant to be meme-ed and mocked into oblivion. And while the internet is certainly capable of cannibalizing people’s very real lives and making hay out of things they really shouldn’t be, well-adjusted humans either know when certain lines couldn’t be crossed or have enough emotional intelligence to roll with a good-natured riff.

I mean, like I said a few threads back, huuuuge Trek nerd here, but c’mon, the Trek fandom knows about all the silly aspects of the show (“Brain and brain, what is brain?”). They have to be able to giggle at themselves. But it seems like pwnage culture of the internet has reduced every riff to bald-faced contempt. You have to hate the person you’re ripping apart and to keep from being ripped apart yourself, you have no choice but to be either 100% self-serious or 100% ironic detachment. There’s no middle ground.

6 years ago

Katamount, very good point. Online edgelords take pride in having killed their humanity like the nerve in a root canal; unfortunately, they often spoil the effect by becoming shit-flinging apes the moment something actually offends them. Because, to paraphrase George Carlin, other people’s stuff is shit but their shit is stuff.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

How do these people get that way? It seems to precede becoming right wing, and perhaps predispose to it, rather than to be caused by it.

6 years ago

TBH the pillow cuddling headline makes me sad. Sex isn’t a “need”, but imo, some type of human connection is necessary for mental health & well-being, & for most people that includes physical affection.

It saddens me that for most men, the only acceptable access to physical affection is in romantic relationships. So if they’re not in a relationship, men are never touched.

That doesn’t excuse incels. But some of them at least claim to want affection & connection with ordinary women, not state-provided child brides. I hope they get out. & if they can learn to be decent people, I will personally hug every person who manages to break free of the incel cult 😛

6 years ago

Europe must get a handle on immigration to combat a growing threat from rightwing populists, Hillary Clinton has said, calling on the continent’s leaders to send out a stronger signal showing they are “not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and support”.

Guess Clinton didn’t need the gop to smear herself.

6 years ago


Until I see a complete transcript, I’m assuming it’s a smear.

This is like when she repeatedly said no, she’s not going to run in 2020, and their takeaway was that she said she wishes she was president so she must be running and so we need dozens more articles about how she shouldn’t run.

6 years ago

I’m also going to assume this is a smear. A lot of purportedly progressive people, like some at the Guardian like Owen Jones, really hate seeing strong women have power in the Democratic Party, even from Britain. They hate Clinton more than they do Trump. I’m going to quietly assume this is just another smear in a long line.

Also, maybe it isn’t a smear, but you just trivialised a thirty year misogynistic hateful smear campaign against a fantastic strong woman. Really, not cool. Just… no.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago

Clinton’s comments on immigration are real. They’re all over Twitter today.

From the article Oogly cited:

“I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame,” Clinton said, speaking as part of a series of interviews with senior centrist political figures about the rise of populists, particularly on the right, in Europe and the Americas.

“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic.”

From the interview

Clinton articulated a position that she felt Democrats should adopt on immigration in the US, where there are an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants, as Trump exploits fear of migrants to inflame his political base.

Democrats, she said, must never stoop to treating migrants cruelly. “You deport the bad actors, you deport the criminals, you deport people who have some other kind of threat to our national security. People who have been here for a long time, you have a cut-off point and after that point, they have to learn English, they have to pay taxes, they have to follow the law, they have to wait in line, and you have a process.

“For people who then keep coming, you turn them back, unless they qualify for asylum, which has been in our law for hundreds of years.”

It sucks, but there’s no smearing involved, or over-reaction. She said it, and she expanded on it.

6 years ago

Well, they aren’t really ‘all over Twitter.’ The article most are working from removes vital parts of the testimony and misrepresents it. Most of the attacks on her are by people who have only read the article. Practically no one currently attacking her over Twitter have actually read a full transcript of the interview.

She makes valid points. I agree that Europe has done a lot, and it is true there are perhaps some countries that could be doing more, that should start doing more. It is true that we need to address the rise of right wing populism resulting from their racism being brought into sharp focus by immigration. Absolutely there needs to be changes in the way immigration is done in Europe, and there is definitely a way to show compassion, while making sure those same immigrants are treated with compassion and respect.

I don’t necessarily see a lot wrong with what she said in those quotes. There aren’t many bigger advocates for immigration and asylum than Clinton. She, of course, has repeatedly advocated an increase.

The attacks on her on this are way over the top- a lot, of course, from seemingly progressive white men who have jumped at the chance to pretend Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn are somehow different, despite (on my side of the pond in particular) many of the people attacking her have said similar things too.

The Guardian do seem to have smeared her somewhat in the article. I’d say there is definitely smearing involved.

6 years ago


I don’t necessarily see a lot wrong with what she said in those quotes. There aren’t many bigger advocates for immigration and asylum than Clinton. She, of course, has repeatedly advocated an increase.

If you can’t find fault of her appeasing the far right by throwing immigrants to the wayside I don’t know what to tell you mate.

6 years ago

Not what she said.