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“You Know It’s Over When Your Mouse Reminds You of a Clitoris” and 14 other top headlines from

[JFL] You Know Its Over When Your Mouse Reminds You Of A Clitoris
Incels: Not afraid to take on the truly important issues
By David Futrelle

It’s been a few days since I last checked in on the Incels. Last time they were talking about how utterly unfair it is for women to be disgusted by their farts — when everyone knows that women just love it when Chads fart. 

What are they talking about today on the forum? All sorts of lovely things, mostly related to how much they hate women — and how utterly unfair it is that the women they hate won’t have sex with them. Also that thing above from a dude who gets horny looking at his computer mouse. And some other topics that are somehow even more horrible than that.

Here, in no particular order, are 14 of the top headlines I found on the site today. (I’m not linking to any of the topics directly; you’ll have to Google them.)

[Serious] I didn't brush my teeth for ten years Megathread Thread starterCuyen

[Venting] Why are foids allowed to wear makeup in the workplace? Thread startermicropenis29

[Serious] How to make cuddling with pillow more realistic Thread starterWords2_live_bye

[Serious] Life after teenage years is meaningless Thread starterOrlov

[Serious] Women should not be permitted to drive

[LifeFuel] Butted in line in front of a fat roastie at the store today

[Blackpill] Victims of RAPE on college campuses should not be taken seriously or helped, Here's why Thread starterFather_Gascoigne

[JFL] midget girls only want taller guys

[Serious] Can you distinguish a Jew from whites based on his appearance, not knowing his name/family background?

[LifeFuel] My balls are stinking so much

[Serious] I'm going to eat my own ass and record it

young jbs are truly the prime quality cut female meat if you deny this youre a cuck that is agraid of looking bad to other cucks

[Experiment] How to get ultimate revenge on whores

[RageFuel] Brutal. Femails never want to sit next to me on buses.


To answer a few questions you might have after reading these headlines:

No-Toothbrush Guy maintains that brushing your teeth isn’t necessary if you eat properly.

Ass-eating Dude says he’s serious, and claims he’ll upload a video of it in a little over a year if he hasn’t lost his virginity by then. The prospect of having to do this will help motivate him to approach women, he claims. “I have been practicing and doing stretches everyday,” he writes, “so I should be able to reach in about 2 months and from there I’ll just practice actively eating my own ass.”

The “JB” Guy is talking about “jailbait” — specifically girls aged 10-15. Last I checked, every single incel responding to his post agreed with him that underage girls are the most attractive and that all men are secretly into them.

Revenge Dude lays out a plan, which I dearly hope will never be put into practice, in which he would 1) pose as a so-called Chad on Tinder, 2) get all of a woman’s info ,including her phone number,  3) make a fake escort profile using this information and finally, 4) send this profile to her friends and family members.

As I’ve said before, the tragedy here isn’t that these guys aren’t getting laid; it’s the possibility that some of them someday will. Most of these guys probably shouldn’t even be allowed to be in the same room with a woman, and should definitely not be left alone within several hundreds yards of girls under the age of 16.

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Nym (not) of the Family Trollverson
Nym (not) of the Family Trollverson
6 years ago

I age a little faster every time someone makes unsubstantiated claims that all other men/boys are into the same heinous stuff as they are and appeals to JustBiology ™ .

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
6 years ago

Am I a fool for thinking this is the bottom of the barrel?

6 years ago

comment image

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

A mouse looks like a clitoris?

comment image?itemid=4350445

Nym (not) of the Family Trollverson
Nym (not) of the Family Trollverson
6 years ago

@chief manatee,

Maybe the scrolly ball/button thing on the mouse?

6 years ago

Honestly, the mouse-looks-like-a-clitoris thing is not new. Just Google “Mouse Looks Like Clitoris” and see how they’ve gone a little further to help the mouse look more clitoral.

Holy Goddamn, the Revenge Dude is sick. How is this even REVENGE? Revenge is when someone wrongs you and you wrong them back. This is just defamation. It’s premeditated entrapment of a complete stranger to hurt her over NOTHING she has ever done to anyone.

Furthermore, I hope he doesn’t think he’s being original, as Judge Judy and Doctor Phil routinely have “guests” who are accused of doing this shit to people who don’t deserve that happening to them.

Michael Suttkus, II
Michael Suttkus, II
6 years ago

On an unrelated note, quelle surprise, the Chicago hospital shooter had a long history of violence against women. Yes, yes, shocking and completely unprecedented, I know.

He was kicked out of firefighter training for being abusive to his female colleagues, threatened to shoot up the school if they didn’t let him back in, got divorced because of allegations of abuse and threatening his wife with a gun, and the shootout was primarily targeting his new ex-fiance whose story we don’t know because she’s now dead.

Despite being reported to the police for violent gun-related behavior, he still had a concealed carry permit, because, hey, he was never convicted of a crime, right? So, clearly, perfectly great guy to leave armed and dangerous. As long as we have a good guy with a gun around… oh, wait, he shot the good guy with a gun. Well, thoughts and prayers! Whew, I thought I might have to take a stand for something there for a moment.

6 years ago

I keep myself sane by convincing myself that the guys fantasizing about jailbait are all teenagers themselves, so it isn’t weird or creepy to be attracted to girls their own age.

Deep down I know I’m wrong, but I desperately need to believe it to be true.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

That makes a lot more sense now people have pointed out he meant computer mouse not pet mouse.

Actually, no it doesn’t.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Maybe the scrolly ball/button thing on the mouse?

I guess I can see that. The problem is the rest of the mouse looks nothing a vulva.

6 years ago

@Dan sorry mate there is a bottomless pity of misogyny on the net

6 years ago

@Michael Suttkus, II – since the story broke, I’ve been waiting to hear about his history of violence against women.

Every damn time.

Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
6 years ago

As an early childhood CSA survivor, it scares me how many of these men have probably already sexually abused small children, and how many will surely do so in the future.

Full Metal Ox
6 years ago


The problem is the rest of the mouse looks nothing like a vulva.

Exhibit A:

6 years ago

Am I a fool for thinking this is the bottom of the barrel?

Well, I honestly expected the revenge guy to outline his plan to kidnap and imprison the woman he fooled into thinking he was a Chad, so…

I desperately hope this is the bottom of the barrel. But I doubt it.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

Oh Jesus fucking Christ.

Not completely OT, since someone brought up gun violence already, but somehow this just seems the most telling thing since…

Well, since the person who survived the Vegas shooting didn’t survive the next one.

Dan Saranich
Dan Saranich
6 years ago

“The “JB” Guy is talking about “jailbait” — specifically girls aged 10-15. Last I checked, every single incel responding to his post agreed with him that underage girls are the most attractive and that all men are secretly into them.”

An unfriendly reminder that these are the same people who claim that homosexuals and homosexuality in general is caused by pedophilia, endorsing pedophilia. “Oh no no, it’s different it’s not pedophilia because … something something Jews?”

6 years ago

Has anyone here ever met a non-white Jewish person? I know plenty of Jewish people and I don’t recall ever meeting one who was black, Asian, or Native American.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago


They exist, and many do live in Israel. Mostly refugees from places like Iraq/Iran, and (I think) the Sudan, IF my memory serves me correctly.

The non-white Jews just don’t get as much play in the media as the white ones do. (Depending on how you define ‘white’, anyway.)

6 years ago

Hey, that meme is extremely ableist. Can I request that you not use it? It’s really not cool.

6 years ago

Even if not one of these guys was serious in writing the WTFery above, it still explains why they’re incels. Whether in earnest or as a joke, this shit is just plain repulsive.

Rei Malebario
Rei Malebario
6 years ago

I haven’t met him but I follow @koshersoul on twitter and he’s a black Jewish guy.
As the wise man from Wales once said: It’s not unusual. 😉
At any rate, racist douchebags don’t consider us part of their imaginary white race regardless of coloration.

6 years ago


There is actually a whole culture of Ethiopian Jews. If you have a chance, look it up, it’s a pretty interesting history!

tim gueguen
6 years ago

One famous non-white Jewish person is Sammy Davis Jr. He converted in 1961.

What is now Ethiopia and Eritrea has long been the home of African Jews, commonly known as the Falashas, although apparently they find this term derogatory and prefer to be called Beta Israel. Most of them left for Israel in the late decades of the 20th Century, although they’ve often faced discrimination of various sorts there.

@Dan Saranich there often seems to be a double standard amongst some groups regarding the sexual abuse of girls and boys by men. Although they don’t come out and say boys being abused is worse they seem to pay a lot more attention to boys being abused than girls being abused. Of course there’s also the problematic idea that underage boys being taken advantage of by adult women isn’t really abuse, but something that’s every teen boy’s fantasy.

Full Metal Ox
6 years ago


Oops–botched the image link above; I was typing it in on my phone.

Let’s see if this one works; presenting a mouse’s lack of resemblance to a vulva:

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