By David Futrelle
The neo-Nazi internet tabloid The Daily Stormer is now declaring war on witches, and wants to bring back “the burning times.”
In a recent post on the site, contributor “Roy Batty” — presumably not the actual replicant from Blade Runner — reports the alarming (to him) news that the “Number of Witches [is] Drastically on the Rise.” As evidence for this claim, he cites a recent piece from a sometimes-fact-challenged far-right site called CNSNews.com asserting that
the number of witches (and Wiccans) has dramatically increased since the 1990s, to the degree that there may be at least 1.5 million witches in the United States, which is higher than the 1.4 million mainline Presbyterians.
As it turns out, this is an exaggerated misrepresentation of a questionable calculation based on a mistaken reading of a survey from Pew Research. CNSNews.com got the 1.5 million figure from The Christian Post, which got it from an article on Quartz, which claimed
the Pew Research Center … found [in a 2014 survey] that 0.4% of Americans, or around 1 to 1.5 million people, identify as Wicca or Pagan.
So basically a source claiming at most 1.5 million Wiccans and Pagans got turned into a claim that there are at least 1.5 million.
On top of that, Quartz got it wrong: the actual Pew study claims only 0.3% of Americans identify as Wiccan or Pagan. (The 0.4% is for all New Age believers.) If you do the math using the current US population figures you get a little less than a million following some form of Wicca or Paganism, fewer still if you only include adults. (Also, according to that same survey, there are roughly 4.5 million Americans who identify themselves as mainline Presbyterians; 1.4 million is the number the Presbyterian Church (USA) says are “active members.”)
But, whatever, there are a lot of witches out there, the number is apparently growing, and the Daily Stormer’s Roy Batty is feeling scared.
“I never really believed in all this bullshit,” he writes.
But recently… idk.
It’s hard to look at all this shit that’s happening in the world and explain it through economics. It’s hard to explain it even through the political lens.
He then tells a rather hard-to-believe story he claims to have heard from an unnamed “girl” who used to spend her summers in a tiny, rustic village, complete with a strange old woman who lived in an old house on the outskirts of town — and who once, the girl insisted, brought down a lightning bolt from the sky after scratching some weird symbols in the dirt outside the girl’s home while “muttering dark-sounding things” under her breath.
Now Batty isn’t quite convinced that witchcraft is real. But he doesn’t like the idea of strange women going around scaring people by scratching occult symbols in the dirt and muttering and whatnot.
All I know is that I don’t want to have to deal with that kind of shit in my life. And because my ancestors did such a good job dealing with it back then I never even thought about it as a real possibility.
But it is.
Think about it, you might end up with a freak as a neighbor in your little condo who likes to leave dark-looking squiggles on your door or dead reptiles under your welcome mat or something.
I guarantee you that it will freak you and the neighbors out because it is so antisocial and because it is just weird in a way that we’re not used to.
But alas, Batty continues, you can’t just punch the witches until they stop.
Witching is passive-aggressive. You can’t beat her up, otherwise you go to jail. You can’t admit to anyone that she’s spooking you and your kids out because the fedoras will mob you and chew you out.
Batty proposes a rather old-school “solution” to this old-school problem: bring back the so-called burning times.
He praises his Western European ancestors for doing
a very good job ridding Europe of its witches. People don’t realize how lucky they are to live in a witch-free society. Seriously. It’s like sanitation and roads and all the other things we take for granted in White civilization.
Now that witches are growing in number again, he suggests, what we in the west really need is “for an Inquisition to come back and purge the witches from our lands.”
In other words, literal witch trials — and the genocide of a religious minority.
Now, it might be tempting to see Batty’s post as little more than typical Daily Stormer trolling — especially given his casual, often flippant tone and his utter lack of interest in doing any actual research on the subject beyond quoting an incorrect number from a questionable site and relating a bullshit story he says he once heard.
But if you look at the comments under Batty’s post you won’t find a lot of jokes there. Yes, you’ll see a comment from someone called Willy declaring that “witches are insane cat ladies from hell who will steal you rhubarb plants.”
But most of the commenters seem to take this all very seriously — and to support Batty’s murderous “solution.”
One commenter declares:
The Book of Exodus states, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” This one line from the Bible is proof enough for me to believe that witches exist and should not be suffered to live.
Another adds:
k*kes are promoting witchcraft and other forms of Satanism/demon worship on normie television for kids/teenagers.
There is a supernatural world out there. Demons are real, if you doubt this, be happy you have never seen or experienced ‘meeting’ one. If you do encounter any demons, call out to Jesus Christ for assistance. Verbally. He will help you.
Listen to Gregorian chants if you’re being accompanied or stalked.
And look, I know this sounds crazy if you aren’t used to this supernatural mumbo jumbo, I get that. Trust me though. I wouldn’t say this kind of shit for no reason.
Still another says that while he thinks witches today are just “larping … they should still be killed.”
It would be easy to dismiss this comment itself as a sort of internet LARPing, were it not for the fact that Nazis in the US have already started killing people.
We live in fucked-up times.
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My guess: It’s classified as illegal practice of medicine (whether effective or not) and in the US at least there’s a strong anti-abortion movement seeking opportunities to sue someone over it.
Also I don’t see underground abortions having much appeal to the empowered demographic that shops at Goop.
Natural herbal abortifacients typically work by being poisonous enough to kill a foetus but not poisonous enough to kill an adult woman. The big problem with them is that it’s hard to dose correctly. The amount of toxin in a plant varies unpredictably and unmeasurably {with home techniques}. You might end up poisoning the adult to death, or leaving a living foetus with lasting damage.
Medical abortions don’t rely on poisons, but on mimicking hormonal changes which regulate the course of pregnancies, miscarriages, etc. This is inherently safer, not even counting the fact that the dosage is secure.
@Jenora Feuer:
See also: hedge of protection, word of faith (“name it and claim it”).
@Full Metal Ox:
Also Needles of Rosemary, Leaves of Thyme, Fruit of Chile, and Knob of Ginger. I adapt Rosemary Gladstar’s “seven herb long-life soup” during cold season to use whatever I’ve got on hand, or just simmer some ginger root in chicken bone broth and sip on that.
Regarding herbal abortifacients, there is at least one website that documents successes, but it doesn’t sound easy.
Man, these guys aren’t just racist. They’re racist and unstable. A dangerous combination
I’m not sure that I actually believe in voodoo, but what the hell, it can’t hurt to prick effigies of these pricks with a few pins.
@ sly fawkes
Poppets and pins have many uses; you could just as easily end up healing their bad knee!
That could change quickly if Kavanaugh has his way. :/
@Sly Fawkes, @Alan:
When I stood as a Green Party candidate in the UK’s 2017 General Election (which was near my birthday), my sister gave me a homemade Theresa May voodoo doll kit to hex the Tories (picture below) 🙂
@ Lumipuna
I can, but in a backward kind of way, like it’s more ‘natural and holistic,’ an alternative to all that invasive, sterile, Western medicine, rather than being all that’s available at a non-negligible level of personal risk. I mean, it’s all branding to the suckers that shop at Goop for their vag steam pots, anyway.
Ok, I was thinking along the lines that wealthy educated women who have access to medical abortion don’t apparently bother to use coathangers just for the sake of being natural. Maybe they do use pennyroyal, though, or would if it was marketed at them.
@Simon Hales,
Post the doll to Jacob Ree-Smugg? He obviously has urgent need of it!
I’m Pagan should I legitimately be worried?
@ Simon & KG
I think we should relieve Simon of the doll. It seems the last time Simon used it, he managed to spike Theresa May right through the “how to negotiate a Brexit deal” chakra.
@ Alan and Kiwi
due to unforeseen circumstance, clearly!
(This is me, Violet B! I did a factory reset on my phone)
Even if I weren’t Wiccan, I’m always worried about actual witch-hunts coming back! At the same time, I have my last meal planned out–An Internet and some cupcakes go to the one who guesses it correctly!
So, imagine if you will, if someone in q publication called for the mass genocide of fundamentalist Christians under similar excuses. What do you think would happen? Fox news would be rambling about it for weeks.