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MGTOWs are channeling the alt-right again, accusing women voters of ushering in “the Great Replacement”

MGTOWs are increasingly echoing alt-right arguments about women

By David Futrelle

The alt-rightification of the Men Going Their Own Way movement continues apace, with Reddit MGTOWs echoing racist alt-right talking points to argue, as many MGTOWs long have, that women should never have been given the right to vote.

In the MGTOW subreddit today, the regulars are discussing a meme that could have come straight from /pol/ or The Daily Stormer:

The meme echoes a longstanding alt-right complaint: that “Western” — that is, white — women have allowed themselves to become so “degenerate” that they will vote for immigrant-friendly politicians who will allow their countries to be flooded with brown and black-skinned immigrants and refugees, who will ultimately destroy the white race by intermarrying with, and having more babies than, the mostly-white populations who dominate these countries now.

The “Great Replacement,” in other words, is a slightly more euphemistic way of saying “white genocide,” which even some Nazis have realized sounds a tad ridiculous to everyone who isn’t quite so virulently racist as they are. You may recall the torch-bearing Nazis of Charlottesville chanting “you will not replace us,” sometimes switching out the “you” for “Jews.”

Many alt-right men are utterly obsessed with what they see as the traitorous role that they think white women will play (and are already playing) in their doomsday “white genocide” — er, sorry, “Great Replacement” —  scenarios.

It’s not hard to see the psychosexual fears underlying this particular obsession. The Daily Stormer’s head boy Andrew Anglin regularly accuses white Western women of wanting to import “an endless supply of Black and Arab men to satisfy their depraved sexual desires,” as I noted in a recent post.  Essentially, he thinks that white western women are turning white western men into “cucks” on a societal level.

Reddit’s MGTOWs don’t expose their sexual anxieties quite so nakedly. Instead of accusing western women of wanting to fuck the immigrants they welcome in, MGTOWs instead like to “warn” women that the “invaders” will rape them.

“Giving the right to vote to women was the single worst catastrophe in history,” writes a MGTOW Redditor calling himself Fantoche_Dreemurr.

Look at Sweden, the “world’s first feminist government” … aggressively ignoring the floods of feral rapists they brought in because no woman in power will ever admit she is wrong somewhere.

A commenter called cleats4u doesn’t warn so much as threaten:

You can look at Europe, see what is happening. And the American female voter will vote it in anyway. … Sorry sister, your ass is getting raped and boiled in oil. I’m growing a beard and getting a copy of the Koran.

Meanwhile, others in the subreddit go full Nazi, arguing that the alleged “Great Replacement” is being carefully orchestrated behind the scenes by, you guessed it, the Jews.

According to someone called G-Man96, “the Zionists keep pushing this on the Goyim. And the women fall for it everytime.”

Someone called wasthereadogwithyou blames white leaders of betraying their race:

It is largely a jewish effort, but they could not do it without the cooperation of white leadership/governments. The situation is now not necessarily one race vs. another race, but the ultra-rich vs. everyone else.

When another commenter insinuates that the ultra-rich are all Jewish anyway, wasthereadogwithyou replies that he thinks “white leadership is equally culpable in my eyes,” adding ominously: “Always kill a traitor first.”

Meanwhile, a commenter called asustime, who says he’s Asian, lambastes western “whyte society” for

falling for the jewmasters directive to treat the low IQ populations elevated above the asians. … in the west, the low IQ dumbsheeps are glorified while the true sustainers of civiliaztion as it currently operates on are shat on and given shit. pat your selfs on the backs dumb whytes. for falling to the jewish tricksters.

While comments like these, and others in the discussion, look a lot like the sorts of discussions you might have found in any of Reddit’s now-banned white supremacist/alt-right subreddits, or on a site like The Daily Stormer today, there are others in the thread challenging the explicit racism and antisemitism — though admittedly they’re getting downvoted, and called “cucks.”

Still, they’re not the only MGTOWs who are suspicious of the alt-right. Earlier this year I wrote about a strange little meme war going on between certain segments of the MGTOW movement and the alt-right. The alt-rightists were accusing MGTOWs of being tools of evil Jewish white-genociders who want to throw a wrench in white-baby production by avoiding marriage and women in general. The MGTOWs, meanwhile, accused the alt-rightists of being secret feminist “gynocrats” trying to bring men “back to the plantation” by pressuring them to marry white women and start pumping out babies.

While there are some on both sides of this, er, debate who will never see eye to eye, it’s striking how willing and even eager many MGTOWs are to accept frankly racist and antisemitic arguments these days.

It’s not clear to me how much this is the result of conscious recruitment efforts on the part of alt-rightists, or simply the result of the natural evolution of the already plenty hateful and reactionary MGTOW movement. But it’s clear that the ongoing convergence of the manosphere and the alt-right is showing no sign of stopping.

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6 years ago

@Violet the Vile:

I am absolutely loving everything about the giant floating Angela Merkel head.

The only thing which would make it even more perfect is if she was saying “SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT”

This remake of Zardoz sucks.

6 years ago


Yeah, it’s a good rule of thumb that people who affect edgy personas are shitty underneath the persona too. A VERY good rule of thumb. One that has not let me down even once, TBH – every single person I’ve known who habitually messed with friends’ heads in public, has turned out to be abusive and dangerous in private.

The whole complex is just a giant red flag for shallow, manipulative, self-aggrandizing bastards.

@Dr. Thang

I will offer here a gentle but firm reminder that not everything that happens to a person is 100% their fault, systems of oppression are real, abusers exist, people almost never get what they deserve, and in general the world is very unfair and that is NOT okay.

Guessing you didn’t intend to imply otherwise (TBH I’m guessing you’re being hard on yourself), but “all my problems are my fault” carries some ugly and wrong implications when scaled up. And acknowledging systems of oppression in no way requires denying personal responsibility. (Ideally the opposite, helping to dismantle the systems that hurt you needs to include understanding your own role in them.)

And sorry to be annoying about this – believe me, there’s a lot of “been there, done that” involved.

Full Metal Ox
6 years ago


But MGTOW just offers no hope for young undateable men, who are insecure and negative about women. No sympathy but boys need to be told the harsh truth , not just what they want to hear. Boys need to be taught responsibility, that no one owes them anything, that there ISNT always someone for everyone, that life can be tough, that rejection will happen

MGTOW teaches the opposite of that and literally shields men from self improvement and criticism.

At least a monastery would be teaching these guys

(A) constructive skills like cheesemaking, singing in harmony, or Kung Fu, and
(B) to acknowledge something bigger than themselves.

Michael Suttkus, II
Michael Suttkus, II
6 years ago

I can’t be the only one who wants to know what the illustration at the top of the page originally said.

6 years ago

@Michael Suttkus, II

It was a World war Two propaganda poster, meant to encourage Americans to conserve gasoline for the war effort.

comment image

When you ride ALONE,
you ride with Hitler!

Join a Car-Sharing Club TODAY!

6 years ago

@John Lucas

Now some racist types don’t see Asians as a threat because they assume Asian men are all effectively eunuchs who have no interest in sex with actual women, being either asexual or only interested in fictional characters

Yeah, that checks out. Definitely explains why China has the highest population in the world.

Well, duh. China had closed off borders for so long under Communism that they weren’t able to get Great Replacement’d.

(And, yes, Communism was a Jewish plot to weaken Western Civilization, but it works for the Chinese because they have less rugged individualism.

On the other hand, the idea of “individualism” is what makes Western Civilization great. Not too much individualism, though, because that leads to the idea of “diversity”, which is another Jewish plot meant to weaken the blood-unity of the Volk through dilution by race-mixing.

One wonders exactly why the White race, for all its supposed superiority, can be destroyed so easily by the straightforward application of what is supposed to be its greatest strength.

It’s almost like all fascist ideology is maintained by simultaneously painting its followers as simultaneously invincible and vulnerable, and its enemies as simultaneously incompetent and yet phenomenally successful. Oh wait, it is.)

I’m guessing that the actual ‘thinking’ goes that Asian women are just so subservient that they’ll submit to even a sexless eunuch.

6 years ago

@ moregeekthan

I’m sure in another 50-100 years some descendants of todays immigrants will be complaining about whatever group is currently migrating to the U.S. Assuming things haven’t totally collapsed by then.

Taking “The Day After Tomorrow” as prophetic, it’ll be Mexicans complaining about all the gringos coming down here, taking jobs, and insisting on speaking English and playing unpatriotic games involving the wrong sized ball.

6 years ago

@cheerful, @Saint

Women in US, Germany, UK all got the vote in years following WWI. But not France. Why? Short answer: the left didn’t want women voting because women were more religious and more conservative. The left!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Your point being what? That brogressives were just as shitty then as they are now? Not sure how this excuses current day misogynists.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago

I mean it’s not like there actually was much to the french left after WWI. Or, well, the european left at large. The war itself was little more than wholesale murder of a generation of agitated workers and rabble-rousers, and it killed off the left. Hell, some might even say the left was assassinated before the war along with Jaurès and I ain’t gonna argue with them.

Wouldn’t surprise me if the post-WWI french left was entirely just the old “moderate” right-wingers filling in the blank.

Michael Suttkus, II
Michael Suttkus, II
6 years ago

Wouldn’t riding with Hitler be a good thing? I mean, it would keep him from being able to run Germany if he was mysteriously teleported into a car where someone was driving alone. But I’m NOT letting him choose the radio station.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

You can look at Europe, see what is happening. And the American female voter will vote it in anyway. … Sorry sister, your ass is getting raped and boiled in oil. I’m growing a beard and getting a copy of the Koran.

So cleats4u is giving up without a fight? So brave, much manly.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

@Rei M, @Marshmallow Stacey

To be fair, I’d be quite happy to see these guys replaced with practically anything – capybaras, old office furniture, some kind of mollusc, what-have-you…

I’d go with that first option in a heartbeat.

Belly button lint, broken shoelaces, empty hand lotion tubes, envelopes missing the stickum, William Shatner Recites His Grocery Lists, Things That Can’t Be Recycled.

Austin G Loomis
6 years ago

[…] Things That Can’t Be Recycled.

Pieces of string too small to be used.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ Austin

You could tie them all together and make one long string.