concern troll drama kings entitled babies incels jordan "slappy" peterson post contains jokes

Wait, is Jordan Peterson posting on the forum now?

When you are definitely pooping regularly

By David Futrelle

Huh. I was poking around on the forum today, looking to see what’s up in Incel-land, when I ran across this:

I try to poop but I just let out loud farts and then get constipated Thread starterSuperSaiyanGymcel Start dateYesterday at 8:48 PM SuperSaiyanGymcel SuperSaiyanGymcel Sandcel - Yesterday at 8:48 PM#1 Why?? This is worse in public bathrooms they hear my loud ass farts and expecting a dump I just walk up and go because I can’t let the shit out. Fuck constipation sucks!!

… Jordan Peterson? Is that you?


This is really just an excuse for me to make a joke about his literally all-meat diet (meat, salt and water only) and to post the video below, in which he reveals that the diet has done wonders for his mood. (It’s the second video; Twitter embeds things weirdly. But the first video is good, too.)

I have no medical advice to give to either Mr. SuperSaiyanGymcel or Mr. Peterson, not being a medical doctor myself, but I will say that two things that have improved my life immeasurably are ANTIDEPRESSANTS and METAMUCIL.

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6 years ago

For someone who claims his mood was improved by a monotonous and decidedly unhealthy diet, he sure sounds weepy all the time.

What a loser lobster.

(I can totally believe that he’s secretly an incel, though.)

ETA: in before someone else posts “Here I sit, all broken-hearted…”

cj miller
6 years ago

Here I sit all broken hearted…..

6 years ago

It’s definitely funny to joke about SuperSaiyanGymcel being Jordan Peterson in his (not-so) secret disguise, but I think it would’ve been a hell of a lot funnier if SuperSaiyanGymcel was actually Jordan Peterson… Or not. That depends on what you think (is funny) and what everyone else thinks (is funny), LMFAO.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Pity Jordan Peterson. Can a giant lobster analogy ever replace a sense of humour?

The leading member of the self-styled intellectual dark web likes to think he is ‘locked out’ of the mainstream media. Which makes his interview in this month’s GQ all the more revealing

6 years ago

Tonic-peddlers of previous centuries specialized in blurbs which featured illustrations of skinny men with furrowed brows. This combo was generally thought to indicate constipation (often delicately referred to as “A Stoppage”) which was the condition the advertisements promised to relieve (no pun).

Salt, meat, and water, hunh? Sounds like a bad idea to me…

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

I will say that two things that have improved my life immeasurably are ANTIDEPRESSANTS and METAMUCIL.

David, if you’re going to brag, I’m going to brag too.

Every morning is suspenseful for me. Currently, I do the following for optimal results: exercises that encourage a regular, uh, movement; a large glass of warm water; kale (actually, that’s for dinner the night before); oatmeal and yogurt (for breakfast); a hot mocha drink (just a little coffee); pacing in my kitchen while I do breathing exercises; and intermittent drops of Constipation flower essence as the morning wears on.

And yeah, Metamucil is wonderful. I used it mostly in my early twenties.

Maybe I should get that “I Pooped Today!” T-shirt for women.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

Avocadoes are loaded with soluble fiber; they needn’t be an extravagance if you watch for sales, buy them hard and green, and keep them in the refrigerator, withdrawing a few at a time to ripen at room temperature. (In the US, likely times of year include Super Bowl Sunday, Cinco de Mayo, and September–Hispanic Heritage Month.)

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

@Full Metal Ox
I’m surprised about the fiber content of avocados! Thanks for that info.

6 years ago

I honestly believe both he and his daughter are bullshitting about their diets, especially since they claimed it caused extensive diarrhea during their adjustment. He would have died from advanced scurvy, so he’s obviously lying through his teeth on account of the fact they haven’t dropped freely out of his loose, bleeding gums. What’s really pathetic is that it seems like an ill-conceived attempt to project an image of manliness, that he eats only the manliest food he can think of, and he’s soooooo disciplined he “never takes vitamins and never cheats, not even a little. NEVER.” even when it’s literally impossible to survive on that diet. I call shenanigans. He totally eats other food, he’s just a desperate tryhard.

Also, he looks like a haunted mannequin in that video.

6 years ago


I think that if you eat the organ meats as well as just the muscle tissue, especially if the meat is fresh, your body can scrounge up enough vitamins to stave off scurvy for a while. So it’s not impossible that Peterson hasn’t dropped dead yet.

Though, even if that is the case, it’s incredibly negligent of him to claim that he just eats beef and salt and water, because most people who hear the word “beef” aren’t going to think “fresh organs from a cow”, they’re going to think about the hamburgers they have in the freezer. Person is preaching the merits of a diet that will make his (apparently very gullible and research-adverse audience) very sick if they try to follow in the footsteps of their idol.

I feel like I need to write out “I will not think that having rampant poor choices thin out the herd of Peterson fanboys might not be such a bad thing.” 100 times on a blackboard.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

@ Kat:

I don’t know whether it’s the fiber, the creamy vegetable fat, or what, but I’ve also found them useful for slowing carb absorption and thus controlling blood sugar–that being another frequent goal of extreme carnivory. (And no, I’m not collecting payola from the Avocado Growers’ Association; I’m just fond of the things.)


Biologyweeps is a Tumblr devoted to critiquing preudoscientific balderdash; this recent discussion of the woes of a bunch of scurvy scalawags following a Petersonesque diet seems relevant:

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

I’m at the opposite end of the spectrum, what with having IBS and all.

Never been constipated in my live.

I just have to look at vegetables to get the trots.

And there’s plenty of stuff I have to actively avoid to prevent total agony.

Here’s a few foods that, uhm, accelerate things:
-All sorts of cabbage. Kale, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. all verboten for me.
-Linseed. I accidentally ate a slice of bread with linseed in it once. Oh boy, that was miserable.

Also, make sure to take in enough fluids!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

From the Guardian article, I love “The League of Extraordinarily Fragile Gentlemen.” What a wonderful description. Plus now I can imagine Mina Harker sneering at them.

6 years ago

@Victorious Parasol:

From the Guardian article, I love “The League of Extraordinarily Fragile Gentlemen.” What a wonderful description. Plus now I can imagine Mina Harker sneering at them.

Marina Hyde is a national treasure. I snorted at “leading member of the arseoisie”.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

comment image

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

@Kat, bless you with a thousand kittens for posting that Marina Hyde article.
I’ve seen multiple brilliant takes on JP’s interview with Helen Lewis via Twitter, but my hat’s off to Hyde. Aside from the gems already noted by V. Parasol and Moggie, I loved this:

This 56-year-old adult in the steampunk-lite outfit who cries on stage at his own rightness?

Not sure if anyone’s had the stomach to watch the whole interview, but omg the bits where Lewis asks him to name a woman he admires (he eventually comes up with Florence Nightingale), and to name a woman writer he likes … that one stumps him. Very awkward silence.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


In other words, if part of his diet consists of dry cat food, he’s okay.

That’s a funny mental image.

It’s also making me wonder why misogynists think cats are unmanly given their super dudebro carnivorous diet.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

It’s that time where we select a new person to be on our £50 note. For this version the Bank of England want a scientist; so they’re asking for nominations.

Here’s the link:

It’s almost certainly going to be Ada Lovelace; but you may want to add your voice.

It’s a consultation rather than a vote; but it might shut the ‘forced diversity!’ crowd up if she’s got the most nominations anyway.

6 years ago

And of course the Toronto Star’s free Metro newspaper given out in subways had this dipshit’s pouty “I’m totally srs, guise” face on the front page, as some sap made a documentary about his “friendship” with an aboriginal artist (as if that balances out all the bullshit he spews).

God, I hate the fawning whitewashing that the press still gives this Kermit-voiced charlatan. He’s Brad Goodman for the 4chan crowd, you befuddled nincompoops! Figure it out already so we can put this constipated assclown to bed already!

Incidentally, Peterson’s diet actually brought to mind something I remember from a documentary on the Battle of Balaclava:

Sebastopol is as far from falling as ever, in fact till we get a fresh army in Spring you must not look to hear of its being taken….here we must remain for the Winter, everything connected with the siege has in fact been mismanaged by us though not by our noble allies… our poor fellows in front are very miserable for want of proper covering in this inclement weather, they come out of the trenches, wet to the skin, [and] instead of having any warm dry place to go to they have to creep into a wretched damp tent where they have no means of drying themselves, their clothing is very insufficient, and their provisions consist almost entirely of salt meat; an excellent thing in moderation but by no means condusive to health when men have nothing else to eat, the enemy do us little harm comparatively, but the number of men we lose from sickness is terrible.

6 years ago


It’s almost certainly going to be Ada Lovelace

I’ve got no problem with that, but was she really a scientist? She was a mathematician.

I think I’m more inclined to vote for Rosalind Franklin.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I sort of don’t care if Peterson and his followers want to destroy their gut microflora, develop scurvy and constipation, and set themselves up for heart attacks just to own the libs. However, there are also huge environmental costs to an all-meat diet. Costs that the rest of us have to live with.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ moggie

I think I’m more inclined to vote for Rosalind Franklin.

If you put Rosalind Franklin on a banknote, Watson and Crick will steal it.

That would be a nice bit of retrospective recognition though.

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago

Ah yes, the Great Vitamin C Debate of 1675, I remember it well. The casualties were atrocious. That it took humans roughly 300 damn years to figure out what the hell was going on and/or to do anything about it, was possibly worse.

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago
6 years ago

If you liked Marina Hyde’s column, take a look at her twitter as well, where she’s busy snarking on the topic.

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