By David Futrelle
The last time I wrote about far-right fake-news site The Gateway Pundit, it was because one of the site’s writers couldn’t stop referring to the men in the famous Honduran refugee caravan as “virile.” Yesterday, the site was in the news for a rather different reason: for posting what it called “EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS” allegedly showing that a “very credible witness” was about to come forward and accuse Special Counsel Robert Mueller of rape.
Or maybe not. Over the course of the day yesterday, the story fell apart in such dramatic fashion that The Gateway Pundit — which has a long history of pushing dubious and sometimes outright false allegations — took their post and the “EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS” down, announcing that they would be “investigating these accusations” — something most publications would do before publishing dramatic accusations, not afterwards — as well as “looking into” the 20-year-old far-right trickster Jacob Wohl, apparently one of the masterminds behind the smears.
The collapse of the story was quite something to see. A professor at Vermont Law School came forward to say she had been offered money by someone claiming to represent a mysterious firm called Surefire Intelligence to make accusations against Mueller. Several journalists said another woman had told them a similar story.
The clearly misnamed Surefire Intelligence looks to be a phony company concocted by young Wohl out of thin air and stolen profile pictures; one of the company’s alleged contact numbers led to the voicemail box of his mother. Oh, and it turned out that Mueller had reported for jury duty in DC on the day the alleged rape allegedly took place in New York. The FBI is apparently investigating.
Evidently, Wohl and lobbyist Jack Burkman — a longtime pusher of right-wing conspiracies who was apparently Wohl’s co-conpirator in this laughable scheme — were so convinced that most #MeToo stories are fakes that they figured they could fake one themselves without breaking a sweat and get the credulous media to go along with it.
Nope. Turns out that real journalists — unlike the people behind The Gateway Pundit — actually investigate accusations thoroughly before reporting them. Contrary to what many right-wingers believe, there aren’t squads of feminists running around concocting false accusations against Republicans — mostly because that would be completely anathema to the most basic principles of feminism and female solidarity. But they also know that phony stories would get picked apart instantly.
It seems unlikely that many on the right will learn anything from The Gateway Pundit’s latest humiliation. And The Gateway Pundit clearly hasn’t, at least when it comes to making ludicrous accusations based on nothing.
Consider this lurid story they posted today — and no, it’s not a Halloween joke.
Putting aside the sheer shamelessness of accusing the Dems of “deceptive smears” a mere day after pushing the phony Mueller story, let’s consider the substance of this, er, allegation.
First off, it’s not based on any new news — or even new fake news. They didn’t uncover some secret Wicca ceremony amongst Congressional Dems, or photograph Nancy Pelosi in the ceremonial garb of a Satanic priestess. Nope. All their “proof” is old news. Also, it’s not proof.
Here’s the entirety of their alleged evidence of Democratic Satanism, much of which comes from the Podesta emails stolen by the Russians and released by Wikileaks:
- The Dem’s (alleged) “deception operations, manipulation tactics, and mob intimidation are … [a]ccording to biblical theology … the very same characteristics and tactics that are classically associated with Satan and his various cohorts.”
- Some dude who writes for the National Review calls the Dems the ““Satanic Left.”
- Dem insider John Podesta invited a bunch of his fellow Dems to a so-called “spirit cooking dinner” held by artist Marina Abramovic.
- Podesta’s wife once forwarded an email containing the word “Thelema” — a reference to occultist Aleister Crowley’s invented religion.
- Hillary Clinton’s former Chief of Staff once made a reference in an email to “sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch” which the story’s author doesn’t recognize as an obvious joke.
- Bill and Hillary Clinton once attended a Voodoo ceremony while visiting Haiti in the 1970s.
That’s it.
Pretty much gives you an idea of what sort of publication The Gateway Pundit is. Roughly as credible as the late, lamented Weekly World News, but much less entertaining.
The Gateway Pundit’s extreme, er, laxness about the evidence it requires before running with a story is predictably one-sided. Consider their vendetta against Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford.
Shortly after Ford came forward, the Gateway Pundit smeared her in a headline as an “Unhinged Liberal Professor who [sic] Former Students Describe as Dark, Mad, Scary and Troubled.” They later had to retract the “Dark, Mad, Scary and Troubled” portion of the headline, explaining that “an earlier post referenced Ford as an unpopular professor but we have since learned this was a different educator with the same name.” Oops!
The Gateway Pundit then went on to post numerous stories attempting to discredit Ford and her defenders, one of whom they referred to as a “far left nutcase.” While anything goes, it seems, when it comes to their enemies, they’re suddenly extremely skeptical of any and all evidence when it comes to accusations against people they support.
Pretty much the Trump Era in a nutshell.
UPDATE 11/1/18: Burkman and Wohl held their promised press conference today, without their alleged accuser showing up. It did not go well.
Then this happened:
H/T — I learned of The Gateway Pundit’s Satanic accusations from a tweet by The Daily Beast’s Will Sommer, who was also one of the journalists who helped to unravel Wohl’s story.
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I’ve done some reading about Wohl and his frankly bizarre career. He started out as a hedge fund manager (kinda sorta) and blew up in less than a year. When you read the prayer, ‘Lord, grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man,’ he’s exactly what you think of.
My favorite bit is that he was being interviewed by NBC. When he denied any connection with Surefire Intelligence (a company that’s existed for less than a month), it was pointed out that calls to SI’s phone number were being forwarded to his mother’s voicemail.
He declined to answer further questions. Thanksgiving is going to be awwwkward.
And meanwhile, Trump is trying to repeal the Fourteenth Amendment by executive fiat; The Big Bang Theory of all things is issuing warnings of incipient fascism; and Ryan Zinke is under investigation for corruption so extreme it may exceed what even a Trumpie can get away with during a Trump administration.
That blue wave can’t come soon enough … and even then, I fear it may be too little, too late.
Shorter Gateway Pundit:
![comment image](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-04/19/9/enhanced/webdr02/anigif_enhanced-17946-1461074335-3.gif)
It’s only a matter of time before the right starts calling for a return of witch trials isn’t it?
And how does a 20 year old get a job as a hedge fund manager? Rich daddy?
@WWTH Apparently Daddy Wohl is a Fox News person. Maybe relevant, maybe not.
My experience with investigations and intelligence gathering is limited to being a long-time Burn Notice fan, which means I know not to involve your mother (unless absolutely necessary)
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
It’s always rich parents. Jacob Wohl got banned from the Financial Sector for being that bad at GOP grifting.
Now, my tabletop RPG players won’t complain that the conspiracies are too obvious and too far fetched.
Also, it’s a reminder that with thoses guys, It’s. Always. Projection. If they accuse anyone of anything, it’s 100% certain that it’s something they actually did, and consequently consider everyone is doing.
It seems unlikely that any on the right will learn.
Are you quite sure that “mastermind” is the right word in this context?
It is an accepted contraction. The “bating” is silent.
I’d imagine it’s difficult to learn when your brain is stuck on Tx (transmit/project).
I don’t recall who said it, but I think whoever made the point about internal/external morals had a very good point.
@Moggie Master-Baiter is more appropriate.
And I was ninjaed by Shadowplay.
Did you see the glorious thread by a banker about the time lil Jacob tried to scam his way to a second hedge fund? Just look at this chutzpah:
Why can’t he use that undeserved self-confidence for good?
If that’s true, I wonder kind of witchcraft the Gateway Pundit is involved in?
I suspect what they’re going for with this story is something like this:
1. Readers who believe in the supernatural will read it as “dems are involved in eeeevil Satanism”
2. Readers who don’t believe in that stuff will think “LOL look at the dumb lefties with their ridiculous fantasies!”
Walked past a bunch of young white guys in a park today, and saw that they were wearing black hoodies and jeans and skull masks… I thought they were militia goons. Black bloc people don’t look or act like that, and don’t wear fucking skulls… My heart rate went up so fast, I was ready to fight or run so quickly.
And then I remembered what day it was, and why a bunch of white kids would be getting drunk in ghoul costumes after school got out.
I am so damn tired right now.
I kinda miss Weekly World News.
@WWTH, RE: witch burning
That may very well literally happen in Brazil, now that they have a torture-advocating leader that openly declared his intent to personally violently assault gay men (and thus legalise it), before he was even elected.
And well, if ONE fascist state gets to have witch burning, why can’t the US have it too? (/sarcasm, needless to say)
So generous a response they had to belligerent fraud, wonder if privilege had anything to do with that. And now he’s literally made a career out of being privileged. Is that what’s funny? I’m not sure where the funny part is.
Yeah, it’s not surprising to see bankers treating attempted fraud as nothing more than a funny anecdote. It’s amusing to see Jacob Wohl fail – I’ve certainly been enjoying his ineptitude this week – but, when the laughter stops, I want to see him prosecuted, not indulged.
They’re laughing because he isn’t doing anything they wouldn’t do or haven’t done; he’s just doing it ineptly.
@ Cyborgette:
Get pepper-spray. If legal in your area. I’m not being facetious or indulging fantasy. I’m really afraid the bigot-in-chief has infected a shitload of privileged white men. They’re already preening and posturing, and they’re going to start pushing people around.
The only thing they’ve LOST in the social acceptability* to publicly abuse people who they don’t like, but, apparently, that was the only thing that was important to them.
* note, they never lost the ability to do it, just the ability to do it without any pushback at all….
Oh, it’s bankers laughing.
I get it now.
This whole scheme by Wohl and Burkman….and the utter FAIL thereof….has got to be THE FUNNIEST THING I’VE READ ALL DAY!
Given the creep in the Oval Office, and the hangers on he has, I’m surprised we haven’t heard talk that HUAC will be resurrected.
Probably the same kind of witchcraft the rest of the alt-right indulge in: repeatedly chanting the magic words that they want to have happen. “Lock her up”, “build that wall”, “the Jews will not replace us”, etc.
Who the hell is “Assistant Editor”?
Well, whoever the hell it is, they’re an idiot. We don’t worship Satan because we don’t even believe in him.
Cursing every last one of these mofos sounds like a fine idea, though.