By David Futrelle
Roosh V, everyone’s favorite rapey pickup artist and wannabe alt-rightist, has morphed into a full-fledged conspiracy theorist, pushing a bizarre false flag explanation for yesterday’s synagogue shooting — seeming to suggest that it was some sort of joint Democratic Party/FBI/Anti-Defamation League project designed to sway the elections and shut down the Nazi-friendly Twitter clone Gab, and which deliberately targeted elderly Jews because they didn’t have much life left ahead of them anyway.
At least that’s what he seems to be suggesting in a series of recent tweets.
Roosh reacted to the initial news of the mass killing by insinuating that there was something suspicious about it.
Roosh, who’s been honing his anti-Semitism skills for some time, seemed upset that Jews were upset by the killings.
He quickly began positing that there was some sort of nefarious plot behind the shooting and the mail bombings of last week designed to benefit the “Democrat party.”
Apparently the FBI and the Pittsburgh police were somehow involved in the alleged plot, alongside the Democrats and, apparently, the ADL. Roosh reported breathlessly that the FBI conducted an active shooter drill in January at the very Jewish Community Center that was attacked yesterday!
There are a couple small problems with this theory. One is that preparing in case something horrible happens is not the same as planning to do that horrible thing, no matter how many conspiracy theorists insist otherwise. My grade schools and high school had plenty of fire drills when I was a kid, but the fire department didn’t sneak back later to set any of the school buildings on fire.
The other small problem with the theory is that the Jewish Community Center that was involved in the drill was not attacked, and is actually located half a mile away from the Tree of Life synagogue, which was attacked.
But in Roosh’s mind even this is suspicious — as is the fact that the alleged shooter’s Gab account was created in January, the very same month as the drill!
Even by conspiracy theory standards, the alleged connections here are pretty weak.
Roosh then went on to note that “[o]ne month ago, the Senate received a bill to combat “anti-Semitism”. I have a feeling this bill will be easily passed!”
But the crowning touch, the cherry sitting atop this conspiracy sundae, is the fact that the victims of the shooter were all elderly.
So, to sum up: Roosh evidently believes that The Democrats, in conjunction with the FBI, the Pittsburgh police, the Squirrel Hill JCC, the ADL, and possibly others, decided at least nine months ago to get an extremely deep cover operative (disguised as a rabid Nazi) to murder a number of carefully picked elderly Jews (who didn’t have much longer to live anyway) in order to 1) help the Dems win the midterms, 2) shut down Gab and 3) pass a bill condemning anti-Semitism.
Well, you have to admire his ingenuity, I guess.
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Poor Roosh. He really doesn’t understand that when the rest of the alt-reich talks about “protecting our white women,” he’s included among the scary brown people the white women need protecting from, does he?
(Not saying that women of all colors shouldn’t be protected from Roosh, of course. Though I assume most of them can take care of doing so on their own.)
Well; I’m glad Roosh is still a has been and Gab’s getting shut down.
The 97 year old victim of this shooting was a Holocaust survivor!
The Alt-Wrong/NeoNazi/Trumpster bunch would blame anything on a “False Flag”.
This is getting ridiculous….I’m voting on the 7th. Gotta get the weirdos out!
I’ll be glad when this nightmare is over.
Make sure to vote on the 6th too!!!
“disguised as a rabid Trump fan”
Minor quibble here; Bowers was not a Trump fan. (I presume you’re mixing him up with Sayoc).
Just FYI, It’s a horrible thing to have to nitpick, but I’ve seen a statement from a member of her family on Twitter saying that’s not actually true and asking people to stop repeating it.
Her death is a tragedy regardless of whether she was a Holocaust survivor, though I have to admit that it would have added a horrible sort of irony to the story if she had been.
Seagull Island is too good for this slimebag.
Yeah; That’s what I meant. I’ll vote on Election Day.
Ah! I didn’t know that.
That said; It’s still tragic.
He is descending. He realizes that he needs to make up the lost revenue from ROK, he also needs to justify ROK’s failure, so he is going to be putting on the tin foil hat more and more.
Documenting his dissent would be very useful because it will give us a full look at the life cycle of a right wing fad.
Ok, let’s get this straight. The Democrats, who are not in control of Congress and would need the vote in Nov. 6th to gain power, are going to orchestrate another attack so that there will be no vote and the Republicans will remain in power, all
so the Democrats can be in power.
[Insert cute animal conspiracy GIF that I’m too lazy to find or post here].
I stopped by the Peterson Reddit yesterday. A number of the Troo Bleevers were confused and distressed by the Lobster King’s disapproval of violent anti-Semitism. He may be about to discover that the hard part of riding a tiger is dismounting.
There’s a book, “Those Angry Days”, about 1939-41 and the political/cultural struggle in the United States about WWII. The amount of Americans who either wanted neutrality or outright support for Germany is something we are definitely not taught in school. If Germany hadn’t declared war on the US after Pearl Harbor, Congress would almost certainly have not declared war against them.
This looks like it might be related.
(If the site gives you any guff with the text fading away instead of showing the full article, use the same URL in an incognito window.)
Market segmentation. Alex Jones’ followers need another source for garbage now that their idol’s been squelched somewhat, and our pal Rooshie’s gotta eat, ya know. Flour for the bread machine ain’t cheap.
I mailed my ballot* yesterday along with 25 GOTV letters. It was nice to have more non (R) choices in my red district for a change. The district I “adopted” is in/close to where I grew up.
*Permanent voter-by-mail for over ten years, now. I think this needs to be more of a thing.