By David Futrelle
Roosh V, everyone’s favorite rapey pickup artist and wannabe alt-rightist, has morphed into a full-fledged conspiracy theorist, pushing a bizarre false flag explanation for yesterday’s synagogue shooting — seeming to suggest that it was some sort of joint Democratic Party/FBI/Anti-Defamation League project designed to sway the elections and shut down the Nazi-friendly Twitter clone Gab, and which deliberately targeted elderly Jews because they didn’t have much life left ahead of them anyway.
At least that’s what he seems to be suggesting in a series of recent tweets.
Roosh reacted to the initial news of the mass killing by insinuating that there was something suspicious about it.
Roosh, who’s been honing his anti-Semitism skills for some time, seemed upset that Jews were upset by the killings.
He quickly began positing that there was some sort of nefarious plot behind the shooting and the mail bombings of last week designed to benefit the “Democrat party.”
Apparently the FBI and the Pittsburgh police were somehow involved in the alleged plot, alongside the Democrats and, apparently, the ADL. Roosh reported breathlessly that the FBI conducted an active shooter drill in January at the very Jewish Community Center that was attacked yesterday!
There are a couple small problems with this theory. One is that preparing in case something horrible happens is not the same as planning to do that horrible thing, no matter how many conspiracy theorists insist otherwise. My grade schools and high school had plenty of fire drills when I was a kid, but the fire department didn’t sneak back later to set any of the school buildings on fire.
The other small problem with the theory is that the Jewish Community Center that was involved in the drill was not attacked, and is actually located half a mile away from the Tree of Life synagogue, which was attacked.
But in Roosh’s mind even this is suspicious — as is the fact that the alleged shooter’s Gab account was created in January, the very same month as the drill!
Even by conspiracy theory standards, the alleged connections here are pretty weak.
Roosh then went on to note that “[o]ne month ago, the Senate received a bill to combat “anti-Semitism”. I have a feeling this bill will be easily passed!”
But the crowning touch, the cherry sitting atop this conspiracy sundae, is the fact that the victims of the shooter were all elderly.
So, to sum up: Roosh evidently believes that The Democrats, in conjunction with the FBI, the Pittsburgh police, the Squirrel Hill JCC, the ADL, and possibly others, decided at least nine months ago to get an extremely deep cover operative (disguised as a rabid Nazi) to murder a number of carefully picked elderly Jews (who didn’t have much longer to live anyway) in order to 1) help the Dems win the midterms, 2) shut down Gab and 3) pass a bill condemning anti-Semitism.
Well, you have to admire his ingenuity, I guess.
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@ Victorious Parasol
Yes, I think these people have realised that, if they don’t care at all about veracity, it frees them to make up the most fantastic lies.
The example of the Trumpster shows not that there are no consequences, but that the consequences can be great!
Roosh, you are a totally irrelevant has-been and you smell of desperation. No-one’s interested.
Go fall down a hole.
@Marshmallow Stacey:
You’re not kidding. The shit I saw last night on Facebook about Brazil’s latest fling with fascist fuckery wasn’t just an insult to intelligence, it was a veritable paean to hardcore stupidity. And that was on a CBC news article, no less…
Also, re: Corbyn and his imaginary Russian connection: Do the Hardcore Stoopids even realize that Russia isn’t communist anymore? And that the current Russian Communist party is against Putin?
(The above questions should be read as rhetorical.)
David, I love you, but please don’t use the word “cum” to describe anything about Roosh, or any other PUA.
@Marshmallow Stacey Maximal (formerly bluecat)
So a British citizen living on the other side of the Atlantic created a plan to murder Jewish people in the US because…who knows?
I can not engage with the content of this post. Instead, there’s a thought that keeps occurring to me that I want to share.
It’s this:
If all right wing terrorism is actually “false flag”, what are the right wingers doing with all their guns? Is there some stockpile of ploughshares hidden in a wood in the Apalachians I’m not aware of?
(And is there a word more accurate than sarcasm for my tone? I’m thinking along the lines of “despairing hysteria”…)
Sigh… Roosh, it doesn’t matter how anti-Semitic you try to be. The Nazis are never going to let you into their club. You’re always going to be a “greasy muzzie” to them.
Sometimes I almost pity his sad attempts to get into the worst “cool kids” inner circle ever, then I remember that he’s an irredeemable piece of human garbage, and instead I laugh at how pathetic he is.
OMFG, it’s disturbing that people are misrepresenting and trying to defend incels in the comments.
Delurking for a trivial point but…
Didn’t Roosh’s logo/twitter profile pic not have facial features before? Did he just add those to make him look like that NPC meme? Isn’t that kind of a self-own?
@ Carolyn His twitter logo looks like creepy hamster.
Considering that the Talmud states that whoever destroys a life is as guilty as if they had destroyed the entire world, I doubt the synagogue would have participated in selecting potential victims and triaging them by age, if that’s what Roosh is insinuating.
Rose Mallinger, the oldest of the victims at 97, may not have had a “full life” ahead of her, but she would have done more good for the world in one day than Roosh will ever accomplish with the remainder of his despicable, worthless life.
Sometimes I wonder if the subtext of these false flag accusations is “here’s a ridiculously, farcically convoluted and preposterous explanation that has more chance of being true than the even more incredibly far-fetched proposition that a right-wing white male might have done something morally wrong”. It’s all Overton window positioning, designed to reinforce the status quo.
Get people to accept that it’s far more likely the synagogue attacked itself using paid actors funded by Soros than it is that a Deplorable Man Did Something Bad, and you’ve got perfect cover for right-wing white males to keep on doing morally wrong things. I mean, it’s just UNTHINKABLE that Trump supporters could be hateful. Don’t even QUESTION it. Look, a chemtrail!
Yeah, Roosh, I’m sure Mitch McConnell and the GOP will get right on that.
@ Weatherwax:
I know that feeling.
Voted today! It may be all I can do, but I fuckin’ DID IT. There was an older Native American woman in front of me, and when they asked for a foto I.D. (Kansas republican’ts best attempt to disenfranchise her), she showed it proudly (no, REALLY PROUDLY, as in arm extended, holding the I.D. up in the air toward the poll worker!) and loudly announced “I got it just for THIS!!”
It DOES! or a chipmunk that forgot to shave…
@Marshmallow Stacey Maximal:
Most horrifyingly of all, this is done with relish. I get the sense that, when a tragedy happens, their reaction is to rub their hands together in glee: “This is great! I can use this!”
In retrospect, this was probably inevitable. After all, there was little chance that Trump would be notably anti-Israel – particularly when hitched to Pence.
I’ve been saying since 2016 that the biggest danger is what comes after Trump. Unless he fails hard, he could pave the way for a more competent and more ideologically driven fascist – with the approval of millions of Americans.
A thought just struck me about the whole ‘paid actors’ thing. What acting agency is supplying all these different actors (because if the same ones keep showing up as different people it’d become obvious to even the most casual observer that something’s off). Not to mention what the pay scale is for that job (better than union scale?) , how said agency is even recruiting all these people willing to be silent about the set-up, etc. Like, the logistics aren’t impossible to pull off, but doing all that and keeping things THAT quiet, uhm……
Then again, the whole crisis actor thing isn’t exactly a new concept in world politics either, I think. I’ve heard the stories about how supposedly some mass protests in certain totalitarian countries were actually prearranged by the local Powers That Be for scoring international brownie points or something.
Supposedly there’s even some tape floating around of an Iranian mass protest where the camera pans just a hair too far, and shows some soldiers aiming their guns at the people in a ‘keep protesting or die’ pose. Don’t know if that’s true or not, or even if that’d be the correct interpretation of things if said tape does exist. Just pointing out the ‘paid protester’ concept isn’t a new idea the US Far Right just invented this election cycle.
@Kevin, @Weird Eddie:
I actually don’t think his twitter logo is that bad (without facial features), which is why I noticed. It just figures that Roosh would mess up one of the only examples of competent MRA graphic design just to “own the libz.”
@Redsilkphoenix, paid protesters are totally a thing. Have you forgotten the “Brooks Brothers riot” of November 2000?
Jordan Peterson has tweeted this, about the Squirrel Hill murders:
I suspect this is going to lose him a chunk of his fanbase, so… good for him, I guess (though opposing anti-semitism is really baseline decency, not something which deserves applause).
OMG, didn’t notice the change in Roosh’s shaggy-slob avatar till it was pointed out by Carolyn (hi, howdy and welcome!) above. It’s…um…well, it’s not an improvement. But then again, who expects better things from Doosh?
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
On a subconscious level, perhaps. But in this post-truth world that we live in, where everything is boiled down to a series of warring narratives, these people will deploy the narrative that absolves them of any moral culpability. So despite hoarding all the guns, despite all the triple parentheses, despite all the conspiracy theories that they throw around blaming George Soros or the Rothschilds or any number of (((globalists))), the only reason anybody would act on it would be to make the conspiracy theorists look bad.
I can’t help but think about an article from Digby’s Blog that discussed the concept of “kayfabe” and how it Trump makes use of it. When confronted about an obvious lie, the less combative Trump supporter will say something like “you gotta take him seriously, but not literally.” So that migrant caravan that they’ve been bleating about is full of MS-13 and ISIS and virile men and they’re out to steal your jobs and your wife, but come on, he doesn’t literally mean that. He’s just saying that they’re a threat to your lives in a metaphorical sense. You’re not actually supposed to go out and do anything about that beyond voting Republican or maybe buying some guns and some of our doomsday prep kits.
Because that’s the subtext of the “false flag” talking point. “It’s obvious that none of us could have done this because we all know that these conspiracy theories are just make believe we tell ourselves for any number of reasons (look smart, feel in control, blame somebody for life’s ills etc). Nobody was actually meant to believe that there was any kind of threat so dire as to take action!” Which, if you think about it, might be even more damning than being a true believer. The true believer might just be credulous and ignorant. The “false flag” proponent is a willful deceiver.
I think it’s going to have a lot of his fanbase scratching their heads at the very least. After all, he made his bread and butter going on a “freeze peach” crusade coupled with seeing (((Neo-Marxists))) around every corner. I could have told him that the Red Scare was at least partially rooted in anti-Semitism given Karl Marx’s Jewish ancestry, to say nothing about the flagrant anti-Semitism of the Frankfurt School “Cultural Marxism” dogwhistle. If he didn’t realize it, then maybe he should have given it some thought before decorating his house with Soviet propaganda and becoming a semi-professional Joseph McCarthy.
Moreover, with so much invested in decoupling “ideas” from concrete actions, to suddenly lay some blame at the feet of the dank memesters that traffic in the triple parentheses is rather rich coming from Mr. “Free Speech.”
I dont mind peterson tbh
But Roosh can fuck right off
He forgot the “reverse vampires.”
Well, you have to admire his ingenuity, I guess.
No I don’t. You can’t make me.
There you have it, folks: the “Vanguard of the White Race.”
I am not comfortable with the word ‘cum’ being in any sentence involving Roosh V.