By David Futrelle
Roosh V, everyone’s favorite rapey pickup artist and wannabe alt-rightist, has morphed into a full-fledged conspiracy theorist, pushing a bizarre false flag explanation for yesterday’s synagogue shooting — seeming to suggest that it was some sort of joint Democratic Party/FBI/Anti-Defamation League project designed to sway the elections and shut down the Nazi-friendly Twitter clone Gab, and which deliberately targeted elderly Jews because they didn’t have much life left ahead of them anyway.
At least that’s what he seems to be suggesting in a series of recent tweets.
Roosh reacted to the initial news of the mass killing by insinuating that there was something suspicious about it.
Roosh, who’s been honing his anti-Semitism skills for some time, seemed upset that Jews were upset by the killings.
He quickly began positing that there was some sort of nefarious plot behind the shooting and the mail bombings of last week designed to benefit the “Democrat party.”
Apparently the FBI and the Pittsburgh police were somehow involved in the alleged plot, alongside the Democrats and, apparently, the ADL. Roosh reported breathlessly that the FBI conducted an active shooter drill in January at the very Jewish Community Center that was attacked yesterday!
There are a couple small problems with this theory. One is that preparing in case something horrible happens is not the same as planning to do that horrible thing, no matter how many conspiracy theorists insist otherwise. My grade schools and high school had plenty of fire drills when I was a kid, but the fire department didn’t sneak back later to set any of the school buildings on fire.
The other small problem with the theory is that the Jewish Community Center that was involved in the drill was not attacked, and is actually located half a mile away from the Tree of Life synagogue, which was attacked.
But in Roosh’s mind even this is suspicious — as is the fact that the alleged shooter’s Gab account was created in January, the very same month as the drill!
Even by conspiracy theory standards, the alleged connections here are pretty weak.
Roosh then went on to note that “[o]ne month ago, the Senate received a bill to combat “anti-Semitism”. I have a feeling this bill will be easily passed!”
But the crowning touch, the cherry sitting atop this conspiracy sundae, is the fact that the victims of the shooter were all elderly.
So, to sum up: Roosh evidently believes that The Democrats, in conjunction with the FBI, the Pittsburgh police, the Squirrel Hill JCC, the ADL, and possibly others, decided at least nine months ago to get an extremely deep cover operative (disguised as a rabid Nazi) to murder a number of carefully picked elderly Jews (who didn’t have much longer to live anyway) in order to 1) help the Dems win the midterms, 2) shut down Gab and 3) pass a bill condemning anti-Semitism.
Well, you have to admire his ingenuity, I guess.
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Despicable. Roosh is definitely part of the “basket of deplorables” which Hillary described.
Roosh is a scam artist, fooling and taking advantage out of lonely undateable men, to buy his useless so called books. Not only that, he is against women voting and womens rights in general, puts sex on a pedestal.
No is healthy for men who are struggling at all. Absolute garbage.
Sorry Roosh, you’re still not white enough for the Nazis. Quit trying to suck up to them.
No, no I don’t. This is a standard response of abuser who are caught abusing others. Cast the victims as perpetrators and the abusers as victims of a vast conspiracy.
Hugs and sympathy for Brazilian Mammotheers.
I keep waiting for the global political situation to hit bottom and it just keeps on not happening.
There is so much of this flying around. Trump accused Jews of perpetuating antisemitic attacks against ourselves in March last year, and every one of his red hat brigade takes it as gospel. I’ve seen so many hot takes on Twitter about how this is a ploy for “rich Jews to get more money” or that this was a deep cover Mossad hit to get sympathy for Israel.
Anything to avoid admitting that this is home-grown, right-wing white supremacy. Anything. Because everything that happens to Jews has to be our fault.
Dear friends of mine live in Squirrel Hill. Husband and I are mourning with them and talking about driving up to sit shiva with members of their congregation. And yet this garbage is being spewed while families are planning funerals. It’s horrific.
I love you Mr. Futrelle, but I won’t share this anywhere. This man should experience social death.
How the hell does this fucklehead even have a tweeter, never mind that blue checkmark?
And how the FUCK does his shit get likes?
And why the hell has Brazil gone fascist — AGAIN? Didn’t they learn that lesson the first time???
What is WRONG with people???
Alex, my deepest sympathies to you and your friends. I hope you continue to draw strength from each other in the days ahead.
Roosh needs to stop trying to get attention.
For once, just once, I’d like to see one of these wankers get some tangible consequences for dealing in this nonsense.
Five-year-old on a backyard sleepover make up more believable shit. Seriously, the people who believe these conspiracy fantasies aren’t REALLY that gullible.. they just want something to excuse their bigotry
On a happier note(unless you’re a Dodgers fan), the Red Sox have just won the 2018 World Series.
On the “they didn’t have long to live,” list Roosh gives, it has two people in their 50’s. Does Roosh assume that after fifty your life isn’t worth living anymore or that this is the 1700s and life expectancy is 55?
@Chris Oakley
As a Giants fan, I suppose that’s one bright spot in an otherwise terrible week.
@Heirloomroses I think Roosh considers anybody not himself to be expendable. Weirwoodtreehugger’s ight though, the Nazi’s will never accept him as one of their own. He’ll do some damage tying though.
The closer I get to 54 the more I think that’s not so old. At 54, I will still have children at home.
…and yes, @WWTH – absolutely, he will never be white enough for the pals he wants to make.
I’m — I’m not sure I have a favorite rapey pickup artist.
Event occurs.
Everyone’s favorite rapey pickup artist* has an opinion about this event.
(Closes eyes tightly)
It’s bound to be mean-spirited, idiotic clickbait.
(Opens eyes and reads about this opinion in WHTM.)
Qu’elle surprise! It’s mean-spirited, idiotic clickbait.
* You can read about my unwillingness to immediately agree with this assertion in the preceding comment.
I meant he was everybody’s favorite rapey PUA in the same way that someone might describe ebola as everybody’s favorite incurable disease.
@David F.
What the heck, Roosh can be my favorite rapey pickup artist who has poor hygiene and has written a series of books on how to rape the women of various countries.
At 55 and living with a neurological embuggerance I still find life worth living. Roosh there are only a few people I’d like to see banished to a remote island to try out the Seagull Diet, but you are one of that select band
I was online for all of five minutes on Sunday before I saw social media posts blaming the Pittsburgh Synagogue massacre on…
… UK Labour party leader, Jeremy Corbyn!
From jokes about how he’d be celebrating (“with vodka” – for the Russian connection, presumably, even though he’s teetotal), to asking where he was on Saturday morning (in my area, as it happens: speaking at a conference, visiting the children’s centres that the government is about to defund, and speaking at a protest about closing fire brigade stations across the county), to asking why he “has not condemned the shooting” – which, of course, he has, to quite serious claims that the Pittsburgh murderer is “a leftist inspired by Corbyn”.
The truly depressing thing about all this is that there are people who, on hearing about a massacre, a disaster, another outbreak of human suffering and terribleness, their first thought isn’t “Oh, how awful!” or “Oh no!”, not even “What do we know about this and what do we need to learn about this?”
Instead, it’s “What lie can I make about this which will most hurt the people I disagree with?”
@ Marshmallow Stacey Maximal
I don’t even think some of them have the decency to realize it’s a lie. Some of them seem to have the first thought of “How can I blame this on [group I hate]?”
off-topic (no, actually very ON-topic!!), if anyone’s posted this, I stand ninja’d…
I just saw someone on Twitter call Trump a Zionist. Looks like I was right. Trump is becoming not fascist enough for these people. I’m very worried.