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Open thread on Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and right-wing terror

The Tree of Life Synagogue

By David Futrelle

Every day, another atrocity. Today, as you know, a viciously hateful neo-Nazi shooter murdered eleven and wounded several others at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.

Three days ago, a white supremacist killed two black shoppers at a grocery store in a suburb of Louisville, Kentucky, after first trying and failing to get into a nearby black church, which was his real target. And we are still waiting to find out if there are still any mail bombs left to be found after the largest mass political assassination attempt in US history.

So there’s a lot to discuss. Here are some relevant tweets about today’s tragedy as well as the shooting on Wednesday.

I’ll start with a useful short thread featuring the shooter’s posts on Gab. Yes, he “got on Gab,” as they say.

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Stephanie Cerra
Stephanie Cerra
6 years ago

We moved to Squirrel Hill when I was 15 and ever since, I’ve considered it my home town because I loved it so much. The Tree of Life synagogue is less than half a mile from where we used to live. That this could happen in my beautiful close-knit neighborhood is absolutely shocking. My heart goes out to the congregation, to Squirrel Hill, to the whole city, and to the worldwide community of Jews who must now feel even less safe than before.
I hope that these awful murders will inspire those who have supported Trump to reconsider whether low taxes, etc., are worth this increasingly poisonous atmosphere of white nationalism.

Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

I’m crying now:

My late father was a United Methodist pastor. If he were alive today, I know he would stand in support of this young pastor standing up to Sessions. If Sessions feels “attacked” by Holy Scripture, then he needs to stop acting so self-righteous.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

The one bit of good news: apparently the NRA is so tight for cash that they’ve only spent $1.6 million on ads this campaign season. At the same point in 2014, they’d spent ten times as much. And those in favor of gun control are outspending them.