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Accused #MAGAbomber’s Twitter account was a smorgasbord of hate and violent threats. Twitter, what gives?

Accused #MAGAbomber Cesar Sayoc: Not shy about expressing his opinions (Pic adapted from photo posted to one of his now-deleted Twitter accounts.)

By David Futrelle

I spent some time this afternoon going through one of accused #MAGAbomber Cesar Sayoc’s apparent Twitter accounts, one specifically devoted to trolling and threatening his assorted political enemies, screenshotting and archiving what I could before Twitter took it down. He was a prolific tweeter. I got through two months of it.

If you’ve seen pictures of this his van — plastered not only with photos of his hero Donald Trump but also with photos of some of the very Democrats he allegedly targeted with bombs — you will not be shocked to learn that the Twitter account (which hasn’t been confirmed as his, as far as I know, but which looks plenty authentic to me) he devoted to attacking his political opponents was a smorgasbord of boomer memes, screenshots of articles from right-wing media like Breitbart and Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire and graphics from astroturfy right-wing student group Turning Point USA.  He posted memes vilifying financier and liberal donor George Sorosafter he allegedly sent Soros a bomb in the mail.

His recent feed was filled with memes and other graphics targeting Andrew Gillum, the Democratic candidate for governor of Florida; indeed, Sayoc posted so obsessively about Gillum that I would be frankly surprised if he didn’t send a bomb to him alongside the targets that we know about so far.

And then there were the death threats. Lots of death threats, some of them quite gruesome. (Click on images to see archived versions of the tweets.)

Julus Cesar Milan ‏ @hardrockintlent Follow Follow @hardrockintlent More We Unconquered Seminole Tribe For see destiny of David Hoggs . See him very soon like many before him that mysteriously vanish silence no shots , gone

Julus Cesar Milan ‏ @hardrockintlent Follow Follow @hardrockintlent More Replying to @CNN Shut your hole Eric Criminal Holder that was responsible for our friend of Unconquered Seminole Tribe Brain Terry. Your threats BS we have a place for u and anyone wants to try stop us from enforcing justice once 4 all.We have nice Air Boat ride on our Swamp Everglades.See u soon

Here’s his response to a USA Today article about Elizabeth Warren; clearly this threat is aimed at her.

Julus Cesar Milan ‏ @hardrockintlent Follow Follow @hardrockintlent More Replying to @USATODAY So you like use our Brothers Tribe for your personal scam . One word death

This Tweet (which I wasn’t able to archive before the account went away) was directed at comedian Kathy Griffin, another regular target of right-wing hate mobs. (Characteristically, he spelled her name wrong in two different ways in the tweet itself.)

Julus Cesar Milan ‏ @hardrockintlent Sep 29 More Replying to @kathygriffin Proud of rip your ft American tax payers to pay Obama mother in law $250,000.00 for life . For what . Arrested Grand Larceny feel Proud Cathy Griffim your end coming a promise from we Unconquered Seminole Tribe you will just vanish

Alongside his liberal and Democratic targets, Sayoc also threatened people and publications on the right that he felt stood in the way of Trump’s agenda. This ominously worded threat was aimed at America Magazine, published by the Jesuits, after it ran an editorial opposing the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Julus Cesar Milan ‏ @hardrockintlent Follow Follow @hardrockintlent More Replying to @americamag Hey American garbage magazine go screw yourself. We Unconquered Seminole Tribe, Seminoke Hard Rock ,Millions of our customers, Seminole American atop Team MMA confirmed period . We see into future for American Magazine very easy to enter your building. It coming your Nxt

He also aimed a series of sometimes gruesome death threats at Republican Senator Jeff Flake, reviled on the right for his occasional criticisms of Trump, and his family.

He accompanied these with exceedingly graphic photos of dead bodies and body parts partially eaten by alligators, suggesting that Flake’s dead body could easily be dropped off in the Florida swamps and never found, at least not in once piece. (He made similar insinuations about Holder.) Sayoc also suggested that Flake could be literally fed to a giant python.

Julus Cesar Milan ‏ @hardrockintlent Follow Follow @hardrockintlent More @JeffFlake hey piece garbage fake Republican that will be gone on 2 http://ways.You make threats we Unconquered Seminole Tribe will answer them and all.We will see u and Cheryl soon .We have real nice air Boat tour lined up for U.Not option way out.

Julus Cesar Milan‏ @hardrockintlent  More @JeffFlake We Unconquered Seminole Tribe see you real soon U Jeff Flake,Cheryl and family.

Julus Cesar Milan ‏ @hardrockintlent Follow Follow @hardrockintlent More @JeffFlake welcome Flake to our world Unconquered Seminole Tribe Swamp Everglades. We just released 5,700 of our human eaters Burmese Pythons into our Evergpades Swamp

I was only able to go through two months worth of Sayoc’s tweets before the account was shut down. The Daily Beast reports that he also directly threatened Soros, comedian and noted Trump-disliker Jim Carrey, and New York Times columnist Sarah Jeong, who was famously smeared by right-wing trolls as an “anti-white” bigot. Who knows how many more threats there were on this account?

But perhaps a more important question is why these threats, some of them nearly two months old, managed to stay up at all — and why an account that sent so many explicit death threats wasn’t itself suspended months ago? Many of these threats were sent directly to the threatened parties, and I find it hard to believe that none of them were reported to Twitter support.

Indeed, at least one person I’ve seen on Twitter — Democratic strategist Rochelle Ritchie — says that she reported the threats Sayoc sent her to Twitter support, and they did nothing.

Twitter, what the hell. You’re a huge company. You have the ability to shut down hate on your platform. You have simply chosen not to — by making excuses for high-profile violators of your hate and harassment rules and by not devoting the necessary resources to make sure that reports of abuse are handled quickly and competently.

There have been (last I checked) 736,914 comments posted on my blog right here  — not including those posted on its original incarnation on Blogspot. At one point I had moderators, now it’s just me. Yet somehow I manage to keep hate speech out of the comments. Yeah, there’s a lot more stuff posted on Twitter. But Twitter also has more than one employee.

Facebook has similarly failed to contain Sayoc’s hate. He was evidently the moderator of pages called Killgeorge Soros and Killall Socialist. The first has been taken down (you can see a screenshot here); the second is (at least at the moment) still up. Apparently Sayoc managed to sneak past whatever hate speech filters Facebook has by using the incredibly sophisticated technique of smooshing the word “kill” and the name “George” together.

Facebook has a current market cap of $420.75 billion. I think they could probably afford to spend a little bit of money to upgrade whatever needs to be upgraded to make sure no one can make Facebook pages that are themselves literal death threats.

Sending bombs through the mail is terrorism. But sending death threats is also a kind of terrorism. Twitter and Facebook aren’t common carriers like phone companies or internet service providers. They are social media companies. They restrict what appears on their platforms in all sorts of ways every minute of every day.

It shouldn’t take the arrest of a suspected mail-bomber, a would-be assassin of roughly a dozen top Democrats and media figures, to get Twitter to pull down an account that had been posting gruesome death threats for months. The Killgeorge Soros and Killall Socialist Facebook pages should never have been allowed up in the first place.

Get your acts together, social media companies. Lives are at stake.

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6 years ago

NPR report on the guy. According to his family, his claim to be Seminole is pure fantasy. The way his former lawyer describes him, he sounds unmoored from reality.

So, get ready for the right to dismiss any suggestion that Trump or others have any responsibility for radicalising him: “he’s just a crazy guy”, they’ll say.

6 years ago


Well they were most likely going to say that any ways

6 years ago


Well they were most likely going to say that any ways

6 years ago

I am happy that he is getting 50 years in prison. Not so much that because he’s coded white he gets to not have multiple lifetime sentences for targeting multiple politicians, some of which are persons of color. Also lol at fox news literally blurring out his trashy van full of their propaganda and Trump denying it all despite this literally being because of him and what he represents.

6 years ago


Sure. He’s clearly a crazy guy. Who liked to attend Trump rallies. Where there are literally hundreds more just as radical and unhinged. He was apparently a minor Trump-world celebrity because they thought his vicious rhetoric was funny. Trump-inspired violence is just beginning, because the whole movement lacks any morality.

reggie, the neighbour's cat
reggie, the neighbour's cat
6 years ago


Yep. And I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few who say he only had all the pro-Trump memes because Trump won the election, and if Hillary had won he’d have had pro-Hillary memes and instead would have targeted republicans with homemade nuclear missiles so really Trump made everything better because the guy only made crappy pipe bombs.

6 years ago


Hey, don’t do that. It’s against the comments policy. Asshole is not a mental illness.

6 years ago

I do hope that the real Seminole Tribe can sue him for defamation. His repeated use of their name in his hate-spewage is a manner of defamation, because there are bound to be gullible souls out there who think he really is one of them, or really speaks for them, when in fact neither is the case. Just because he (currently) lives on Seminole land — or claims to — doesn’t make him one of them, any more than being born in a barn would make him a horse. He’s actually Filipino and originally from New York, as I understand. No sense permitting the good name of an indigenous people to be tarnished by association with this buffoon.

(On the other hand, all the usual Florida Man jokes apply, since unhealthy politics would appear to be more endemic in the water there than snakes and crocodiles. Plus, the place is a kook magnet if ever there was one.)

flexitarian haruspex
flexitarian haruspex
6 years ago

You know, I find it very bitterly funny that this guy went out of his way to try and do exactly the kind of violence that the right so blatantly craves, carrying on the whole time about exactly who and what inspired him – and he’s been thrown under the bus by the right. I think to a guy like this, the kind who wants to make a name for himself by being the next Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kaczynski, to be denounced by his own idols is probably something he expected – unlike him, they have to maintain a veneer of humanity to be electable.

But that he’s not denounced as a violent extremist but rather as a ‘false flag’ has to hurt. I hope it does. What a bastard.

Notorious DBT
Notorious DBT
6 years ago

NPR was reporting that his former attorney believes he is intellectually limited. He’s been living in his van for years. He has claimed Native American ancestry but his mother says that’s not true- she’s Italian and his father is Filipino.

I was disappointed to hear that he’s more than a right wing nut because Trumpians will be able to disavow more easily.

6 years ago

You know, whenever I see one of these stories about Twitter shitposters I can’t help but think of the climax of Forbidden Planet. If we ever make Star Trek replicators and hook them up to the internet we’re doomed. Spoilers for those who haven’t seen the film.

Bogdan Cvetkovic
6 years ago

Wow. I never saw someone take shit tier memes that seriously. For God’s sake, at least get brainwashed by good propaganda.

6 years ago

@Bina I immediately had the same thought about the Seminole Tribe. Like Native Americans don’t get enough hatred aimed at them without this douchcanoe using their name like that. He probably doesn’t have much, but I hope they take him for everything he has.

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
6 years ago


Just beginning? Oh, no, Trump inspired violence began a long time ago, even before he became the illegitimate popular vote losing participation medal president, his campaign caused a spike in hate crimes. This isn’t the beginning, just an inevitable escalation, and it will continue to get worse, because that’s how fascism works. Also, he’s not crazy, that’s just what the right will say to paint this as some unavoidable tragedy that can’t be blamed on anyone like they do with every mass shooting, this hateful scumbag was perfectly sane, Cheeto Benito and his fascist cult are responsible for this.

6 years ago

The Seminoles are right to be worried about this guy. Did the Seminoles ever operate something similar to the Scottish clan system ? As I understand it, families in Scotland not related to the chiefly house could (under certain circumstances) claim clan membership by being their tenants/working for them. The guy could be staking his spurious allegiance to the Seminoles this way, and if I were in their position, I’d certainly be considering looking for recompense for potential reputational damage.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago

Help, his swollen muscles and the contorted way he often poses in his photographs remind me of that Chad meme

6 years ago

Help, his swollen muscles and the contorted way he often poses in his photographs remind me of that Chad meme

He’s a roider

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

The obsessive repetition of “We Unconquered Seminole Tribe” just screams sovereign citizen.

6 years ago

Distressing news just picked up from the BBC, active shooter incident at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.

6 years ago

Latest report from Pittsburgh is that a suspect has surrendered to the police.

6 years ago


All of these shootings have begun to blur together in my mind.
After Sandy Hook, I remember thinking to myself “This can’t get any worse, can it? The next thing that’ll happen will be a shooting at a church.”.

I was hoping I would be wrong, of course. Well, houses of worship have been the scene of two mass shootings since then: Dylan Roof’s, and then the one in rural Texas. And now there’s this one, at a synagogue.

It seems almost inevitable, these days. It no longer shocks me. I find it disturbing, how I’ve become somewhat desensitized to these events.

6 years ago

@Dormousing_it, don’t forget that the Kentucky Kroger shooter of a few days ago reportedly tried to get into a predominantly black church, but gave up because he couldn’t open the doors. It’s not definite that he wanted to shoot up the church, but that seems likely.

6 years ago

Now Trump has said that it would have been better if the synagogue had had guns.

6 years ago

@Moggie That man has an infinite capacity to cause embarrassment. I’ve been in places where churches routinely have armed guards. It’s not conducive to a prayerful frame of mind.