By David Futrelle
As The Daily Beast’s Will Sommer noted on Twitter earlier today, the right-wing fake-news site The Gateway Pundit “is extremely into calling the caravan migrants ‘virile.'”
Indeed, in four separate posts on the caravan of migrants and refugees currently making its way from Honduras to the United States, the Gateway Pundit writer Cristina Laila has tried to present the caravan as consisting mostly of men she describes variously as “military-aged, virile male Hondurans,” “military-aged, virile mostly Honduran males” and “military-aged virile males.”
Laila insists that “the women and children [in the caravan] are being used as media props and human shields,” obscuring the fact that this is a manly man “invasion.”
This is hardly the first time that paranoid racists have portrayed young male refugees of color as sexual interlopers trying to “invade” mostly white nations. For the past several years, similar complaints about “virile” male refugees of African and Middle-Eastern descent have been all over Twitter.
And where Twitter trolls go, elected GOP officials are sure to follow. Indeed, in remarks during a House Committee on Foreign Affairs hearing on refugees in 2015, California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher raised the specter that “trainloads” of “very virile young men” from the Middle East were trying to sneak into Western Europe by pretending to be “desperate refugees,” something he said was “frankly very upsetting to me.”
But if you want to see the far-right in full psychosexual meltdown over too-sexy refugees, you have to turn to the virtual pages of The Daily Stormer, which regularly portrays brown and black refugees as sex-crazed “rapefugees” bent on the sexual conquest of white women.
While the Stormer’s attacks on refugees drip with racist hatred, the site’s writers direct much of their vitriol at white women whom the Stormer deems insufficiently racist towards the non-white “invaders.” As the Stormer sees it, this friendliness towards refugees is the result of the illicit hunger of white women for hunky men of color. Not that anyone at the Stormer would phrase it quit that way. They are a bit more, er, salty.
In a 2015 post titled “The Greasiest Cuckolding of All,” Daily Stormer head boy Andrew Anglin declared that “[t]he White European female’s craving for Black dick threatens to collapse civilization itself.”
And he was just getting started.
White women across the Western world have been put in control of Western societies, and they are using this control to ensure an endless supply of Black and Arab men to satisfy their depraved sexual desires. …
White women – an undetermined percentage of them, but apparently most – are calling for Europe to be flooded with Black and Arab men so they can have sex with them. They are using the resources of White men to feed and clothe these objects of their sexual desire.
German women regularly get all up on men in refugee camps and attempt to have sex with them publicly.
Angela Merkel is said to require “dicks numbering in the hundreds per week” to satisfy her terrible urges.
Psychologists are uncertain about the nature of the drive of these White women to engage in bestial sex with unevolved monkeymen, but the running theory is that they do this because White men have become cowardly f**gots, incapable of arousing sexual desire in their own females.
He goes on like this for several hundred more words, but I think you’ve probably gotten the gist of his argument already.
“Black dick” — and brown dick, and indeed virtually every kind of dick that is not of a predominantly pinkish hue — has loomed large in the imaginations of white racists for centuries. Sometimes the white obsession with black and brown sexuality was about fear: Lynchings of alleged, usually falsely accused, black “rapists” were as much about reassuring sexually paranoid whites of their cultural virility as they were about terrorizing the black population.
Other times it was mostly about titillation — as in the countless mid-twentieth century movies and pulp novels about “taboo” interracial relationships. Most of the time, though, fear and fascination were so intertwined it was impossible to separate the two emotions; for countless vivid and horrifying examples, see the pop culture imagery of the “black brute” posted online by the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Ferris State University.
Now the Gateway Pundit is directing a very similar sort of mingled fear and fascination at the, er, “military-aged, virile mostly Honduran males” who make up part of the caravan marching north through Mexico, still more than a thousand miles from the US border. As the caravan heads further north, I suspect, the uglier the rhetoric on this side of the border will get, and the more we’ll hear about the allegedly dangerous “virility” of young Honduran males.
So congratulations to the Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila — for being many decades behind the times, and yet somehow also ahead of the curve.
And in related news, Lou Dobbs tries to pronounce the name of a Mexican city.
The Mexican City of… WHAT?
😂😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/CXmQR4wf3H— Laura Martínez ™️ (@miblogestublog) October 25, 2018
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@Marshmallow Stacey Maximal: He probably thinks he’s being clever by saying it. Like people who think that sticking “allegedly” after their every utterance renders them legally bulletproof.
Yeah, definitely don’t want to go there: he’s a sick puppy, our Andrew. Even his name, Anglin, sounds like a deviant sex act like, I dunno… putting your half-erect junk though a glory hole in the hope that someone will give it a tug as they walk past; e.g.,
A: Hey, what happened to Andy?
B: Oh, the cops busted him down at the bus station bathrooms for anglin again
Anybody want to stop off in Urban Dictionary on their way home? ?
And she’s running a country as well. My respect for her has reached a new high.
You are assuming that Angela has one at a time. I think if she surrounds herself with twenty or thirty dicks at any one time she could get into the hundreds in quite a short period.
Seriously though, it makes me so cross the way these dick heads just shame and shame people. I mean, I know he’s trolling – but the reason he picked Angela Merkel is because she is a middle-aged woman who is not conventionally attractive, and therefore the idea of her having sex (or indeed doing anything rather than locking herself in a room so no-one has to witness her shameful aging) is even more “disgusting”.
Women having sex with lots of men is disgusting because women shouldn’t like sex. Women having sex when they look like Angela Merkel is even more disgusting. Put those together and you have a lol, right Anglin, you asshole?
Well, screw him, I like the idea of Sex Positive Merkel. I hope it’s a real thing (not in the hundreds though obviously Angela, because you have a very important busy job and also that’s how you get thrush).
Ahhh yes, memories of psych 101 *is swept away by nostalgia*
@ Buttercup Q Skullpants
Yep. I’d like to fast forward to the point where they’re trying to talk their way out of total global climate collapse… or I would, were I an alien looking on at events on a planet where I have no loved ones.
@ Violet the Vile
Indeed… but the women OP considers “his” don’t like having sex with “people like him”, because apparently black and brown men are MUCH better at it than he is. (I wonder how he’d know..).
Goodness knows what would happen to the inside of Anglin’s head if he heard that there are some white women who have lovers who are neither white nor male!
In other news, this:
I was actually watching a YouTube video on this very topic last night:
I should give a shoutout to King Jon Targaryen’s videos. He’s got a keen perspective on a lot of the trends we’re seeing among the right wing these days and I appreciate his ability to tease out different threads and talking points and relate them to the historic trends that have been used to denigrate minorities for decades if not centuries.
Because I remember hearing J. Philippe Rushton’s name before. One of the things that have always amused me about these faux-intellectual dillholes like Dave Rubin and Sam Harris is their wide-eyed incredulity about scientific racism. “Wow, some guys with PhDs think race and IQ are linked!” And here I am, some X-ennial on the internet thinking, “Yeah, I encountered it on the Politics Forum of DeviantART back in the Web 1.0 days. They were wrong then and they’re wrong now.” And yet these guys who are at least a decade older than me are just hearing it for the first time and think it’s something brand new! I can accept that from somebody who’s young and naive, but not from quote-unquote “intellectuals.”
And to think, I almost went to Western. I’d like to know which genius gave Rushton tenure there….
King Jon also pointed out how much of the fear is based on the cultural depiction of black people in pornography. The Stormfront forums are rife with discussions of interracial porn. I’m honestly surprised this doesn’t get talked about more often in breakdowns of the racial animosity of the alt-right. These people are so attached to their computers and ensconced in their little bubbles of hate that they clearly aren’t getting their social cues from the broader world around them. Most of their sexual relationship data is likely coming from PornHub and I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that it doesn’t end with the folks on Stormfront.
Look, just because Germans tend to like sausages doesn’t mean that they guzzle dick like bratwurst.
Those numbers aren’t mathematically outside the realm of possibility, assuming we make several, er, “charitable” assumptions. Ignoring the time required for foreplay, and assuming a bare minimum encounter time of 2 minutes (Look, if you’re aiming for hundreds you’re clearly looking for quantity over quality), 200 encounters (the bare minimum required to qualify as “hundreds”) would take about 7 hours. That’s significant, sure, but not impossible within a week. It’s just one hour a night. If one engages with multiple dicks at a time, like Violet said, then that amount could be significantly shortened.
Of course, that assumes that chafing and other biological considerations are off the table. And I’m pretty sure that if one had such a strictly regimented sex life, you’d probably want those hundreds to be people who were already with the program (i.e. “Reusing” most dicks at least weekly, if not more frequently), to limit the amount of time wasted hunting for new dick. So even if someone did have needs like this, it would not be the reason that they accepted thousands of refugees into their country.
God dammit.
Angela Merkel. Conservative Angela Merkel. Daughter of a christian priest Angela Merkel.
She’s the leader of our conservative party. She voted against gay marriage. She is on their side!
@Bina alternatively, maybe these threatened white men could spend their time learning how to shtupp better. Everyone wins!
I can’t think of anything I love fanatically that I require hundreds of per week. Maybe kitty skritches, but that would require some serious clearing of my schedule.
More weasel words!!
I think I can determine the percentage. Zero. Zero percent of white women are doing this.
“Apparently” = “it’s obvious to me, even though nothing else in objective reality supports this”
“Most” = “I’m going to hide behind a vague quantity because there are no numerical data corroborating this outside of my head”
Don’t you think white men would be noticing all these unusual grocery and clothing expenses?
“Honey, what’s this $800 charge to the Gap?”
“Oh, don’t worry about it, dear. Just a few pairs of Cuck Khakis for some virile, military-age friends of mine.”
(yes, I know he’s talking about welfare, but he phrases it so awkwardly. Also…umm….women and brown people pay taxes too.)
@GI Joel
Nobody deserves domestic abuse, ever, but she’s a pretty detestable person too. She’s a self-proclaimed fascist and “Putin Troll Leader” and is working on a translation of Aleksandr Dugin’s works.
Given that her idol Putin signed into law a document decriminalizing domestic violence last year, it’s interesting how quickly she decided to abandon that part of the ideology when she suddenly found it applied to her. I’m sure she thought she was “one of the good ones”, but in the end it didn’t protect her.
I feel most sorry for the kids who had to witness all this. May they find a safe and loving environment where they can heal.
@Marshmallow Stacey Maximal (formerly bluecat):
I wonder whether it’s the same person who put a bomb in Soros’ mailbox, or a copycat.
the god-king trump doesn’t like her… they won’t allow her on their side
Cat mara:
That sounds more like ice fishin’ than anglin’.
(This joke probably resonates better with people who know ice fishing well as a practice.)
@ Moon_custafer
They have been busy…
The CNN one was discovered while CNN newscasters were reporting the Clinton/Obama devices.
Or as Newsthump puts it:
Nobody who’s even vaguely a decent human being is on their side. This goes way beyond “conservative.” We’re talking literal Nazis here. I certainly wouldn’t expect a modern German leader to be on board with them, no matter how conservative she might be on other issues.
So, that’s 6 targets so far. Soros, the Clintons, Obama, CNN, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and Kamala Harris.
But sure, both sides!
Predictably the right is calling these a false flag.
And I’m just reading that the Wasserman-schultz bomb was actually addressed to Eric Holder. Not that that’s any better, but makes some more sense given that the right have been clutching their pearls over his “when they go low, we kick them” comment.
Uhhh, sure. I’m white, and to these shitheads I’d probably fall in the category of f**got, even though they’d be wrong. And I’ll tell you, there’s nothing cowardly about being queer, or non-cis, or even just slightly nonconforming. Nazis, you are declaring the downfall of “White” civilization because of a few thousand refugees! Remind me who the cowards are again?
somebody stop me, I’m gonna go OFF
fuckin’ buffoon, that kind of hatred is the SIGNATURE of the right-wing, and has been for a century and a half AT LEAST!!!
trumpitude is NOT the thought process of the “average” American, it is the thought process of a minority of white Americans who believe that society rejecting their perceived right to publicly abuse everyone who doesn’t look like THEM is an act of genocide.
I’m SICK of this bullshit that all the awful things the bigot-in-chief says and does are “just him being anti-PC” BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT!!! If you object to a federal judge ruling on a case involving you because his ancestry is Mexican, you are not “being anti-PC”, YOU ARE A BIGOT!!
If you object to a black man running for President because you believe he was born outside the U.S., but you do not object to a white (of hispanic descent) man running for President even though you KNOW he was born outside the U.S., YOU ARE A BIGOT!!!
If you ban Muslims from entering the country based on the idea that they might be terrorists, but you make exceptions for Muslims from nations which have a documented history of fostering terrorism, because you make money off those countries, you are not protecting the U.S. from terrorism, YOU ARE A BIGOT!!
If you consciously enable and encourage people who have made it clear they are bigots, inviting them to the white house, calling them “very fine people”, and actively avoid any suggestion that they are doing wrong, you are NOT “being anti-PC”, YOU ARE A BIGOT!!
… shall I go on…?
goddam, I am tired
I hate how all these right wing assholes and the way how politics have gone off the rail into the right wing wasteland (mainly in the US, but also elsewhere in european countries, and in Germany by how the bavarian Sisterparty of Merkel and our outright Nazis behaved), give me the urge to defend Merkel, despite that her party is STILL THE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN UNION basically. They are still slowly killing our social security while favoring big Business. They are still responsible for a number of social disasters we currently have in Germany (and no, i dont mean immigrants, but i do mean the catastrophic lack of nurses for example and housing in cities, or the state of education). I’d never vote for the CDU (yeah, I’m a registered nurse, and I’m pretty pissed about what the CDU (not just them, but also them) has done to Healthcare Quality and I’m also not thrilled with how they treat it now that they cant look away anymore). But god damnit, you hateful assholes, back the hell off our chancellor. She is a thousand times better than you will ever be.
On another note, how does this new fantasy reality fit in with the Rapegangs of immigrants supposedly roaming every street? I’ve been told (by american racists, who never set a foot on german soil) i cant safely go to work anymore without getting raped by a refugee. Yet i do it every day and nothing ever happens. But now i learn i was supposed to be in line at the refugee centers instead?
I apologize for the wrong capital letters, but I am too worked up currently to keep my german in check.
And I’m also gonna echo the sentiment of other posters here. The reason i don’t trust men easily is that i got assaulted by a german friend of my cousin when i was 16. The reason I’m still not over it is countless other creepy men, mostly white, regularly reminding me that the world hasn’t changed much since then and that its really the white boys you gotta worry most about, because they know they get away with it. Recent Oktoberfest was another reminder. So many drunk, aggressive guys of all kinds of nationalities, who don’t listen to no easily.
At least the police was twittering, that anybody who wouldn’t take no for an answer, was entitled to a lesson from them. I’m not sure how much they followed up on it, since i didn’t personally need their help, but it was nice to see them make such clear Anti-Rapist statements.
Germany already had a rape culture before the refugee crisis started. And now certain white men use this fearmongering to deflect attention from that. It’s so infuriating.
Tell us how you really feel, Eddie! 😛
But seriously, preach it. When I read that article, I couldn’t help but think of what Driftglass said about how it’s actually conservatives that hate America. At least the America that has started to conform to its purported ideals rather than being the hollow shell of white straight male privilege and empire. So this is more projection from people insecure in their place among America’s social hierarchy and they’re lashing out.
In other words, they’re masking their own feelings of sexual inadequacy with repugnant racism. A true American classic, right there.
@ Katamount:
… can’t… comments policy 🙂 🙂 🙂
I had a “discussion” with a colleague about “wite jenaside”. I suggested that everything that working class men had “lost”; the industrial manufacturing economy jobs, the family farm economy, the small business economy, the “upward mobility” social concept of the 1950’s/60’s, etc… had been taken from them by conservatives. The people who made the economic decisions which ended these economies all had three things in common: They were all men, they were all white, and they were all registered repugnican’ts.
working class white men have really only lost one thing to liberals… the social acceptability to publicly abuse anyone and anything they don’t like (note, they still do it, it’s just not considered “socially acceptable” anymore.)
Apparently, however, the loss of THIS element was more important to white men than the others.
When the corporatists decide that it would be cheaper to import steel and basic industrial products rather than re-tooling the old factories after WW2 in order to compete with Germany and Japan… the union manufacturing jobs disappear, the white men give huge tax cuts to the corporatists, blame the unions and sulk….
When the corporatists decide to hold crop prices so low that the family farming economy begins to disintegrate, and that the efficiency of corporate farms negates the need to subsidize the family farms… the family farms disappear, and the white men give more huge tax cuts to the corporatists, blame socialism and sulk….
When the corporatists start building bulk stores, and start importing massive quantities of products from Japan and later China, at the same time the first round of tax cuts begins to hyperinflate the economy… the generational small business economy disappears, and the white men give ANOTHER round of huge tax cuts to the corporatists, blame globalism and sulk.
BUT!! BUT! All was not lost! These are not the crawling, submissive weasels I’ve made them out to be!! Over the half-century since Will McAvoy’s “… sure used to be.”, we have seen a push by oppressed people for the same rights white men take for granted… equal rights for women, civil rights for people of color, the right to love and marry whom you please, the right of transgender people to use the bathroom…. A piece of the pie for all, as it were (or we wanted it to be.) Of a piece with this piece of the pie was the right to not be publicly abused by white men… who had FINALLY HAD ENOUGH!! When they saw the potential loss of that privilege, they spoke up. They voted in one of their bigoted, anti-intellectualist, pro-corporatist, narcissistic, self-absorbed own as president, gave YET ANOTHER ROUND of huge tax cuts to the corporatists and blamed it ALL on everyone else.
trumpitude… gotta love it… IT’S THE LAW
@ Eddie
America needs a language to talk about class, frequently and consistently. In particular, it needs to be able to shake off the myth that it’s in any way, shape or form a meritocracy in which ‘anyone can make it if they just believe’. That particular lie feeds the inferiority complex of the white underclass (it’s hard to use the word ‘working-class’ when all too often the problem is that there is no work, and frankly, the very American and disturbing expression ‘trash’ more accurately sums up their status with respect to society as a whole). It’s a situation that also – let’s face it – feeds a certain amount of casual, ill-thought out abuse and blame of white people who don’t ‘make it’.