By David Futrelle
Someone I follow on Twitter recently did a thread of oddball images she’s collected in her photo roll over the last few years, presented without context or explanation. I thought I’d do the same, in the form of a post. Needless to say, I’m not necessarily endorsing the messages of any of these, insofar as they have messages.
Also: OPEN THREAD. It’s been another busy week. Discuss whatever you want.
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Hey, has anybody here ever heard the song “The Ugly Truth”, by Louis Logic? It’s really appropriate to the current political climate, that’s for sure. I made a music video of it featuring offensive cartoons (purely for satirical intent, of course)! TW: pretty much everything.
I know there’s so much crap to deal with in the world today, but if anyone can find time to sign this petition I’d be eternally grateful.
Warning: it’s a grim story, but there’s some cute lion pictures.
I tried just now, Alan, but oops “You signed on September 26, 2018” I had forgot :-s
The photos are lovely, but yup the story is a sorry one. Just adding as a fyi to anyone who might hesitate to click through: all the visual information is fine, there are no horrible images on the page.
@ opposable thumbs
Heh yeah, I know that feeling. Of course I’m now at that stage that I forget what I went into a room for and then when I get back I’m like “Oh yeah, fire extinguisher.”
But much thanks for signing.
I feel oddly pleased that I was able to recognize the top image–at least, recognize it as having come from the “Baroness” series; I had to use Google to determine that it was specifically the cover for the seventh novel, FLICKER OF DOOM. (“The Baroness” was a series of paperback novels published back in the 1970s, attributed to house name Paul Kenyon. Basically, it was “Modesty Blaise” with more sex, more violence, and less intelligence.)
@sarah_kay_gee, I believe in you. You can beat up that cancer or whatever-it-is! I mean gosh you wear an avocado on your head, if that isn’t evidence enough that you got this I don’t know what is. I’m a scientist, you can trust me on that.
Jane Martin, War Nurse: defending health care from the forces of fascism?