By David Futrelle
Pity the poor Nazis, who are evidently having a difficult time dealing with the fact that Taylor Swift is never ever, ever getting back together with them, even though she was never ever, ever together with them in the first place.
Swift recently broke years of silence on political issues by endorsing two Democratic candidates, crushing the hearts of countless Nazis and alt-right fellow travelers who had convinced themselves that she was secretly one of them. There was a bit of an irony here: for several years, as I noted in a recent post, alt-right trolls spread assorted memes designed to dupe liberals into thinking that Taylor Swift was an undercover Nazi, but evidently the only people duped by the campaign were far-right saddoes who longed to have Ms. Swift as their Aryan Princess.
Apparently many on the far right are having a really hard time giving up their Swiftian fantasies — as evidenced, perhaps most clearly, by a succession of sour-grapsey posts on The Daily Stormer insisting that she was a bitch anyway. And fat. And possibly a trans woman, though the Stormer phrases it a little more rudely than that.
In a half-dozen posts published since Swift came out as a Dem, the Daily Stormer has denounced the singer as a “Fat Whore,” a “Fat Election-Meddler ,” “just another stupid whore,” “completely used up,” and someone who “isn’t a goddess because goddesses never go full-Dale Earnhardt.” (I’m not sure what that last one is even supposed to mean.)
In one post, Daily Stomer head boy Andrew Anglin — the author of five of the six attacks on Swift — offers a faux “eulogy” for Taylor Swift’s legs, which he claims are now way too chunky to be attractive. “Where these majestic pillars of heaven once were, there are now disgusting, jiggly Christmas hams,” he declares, evidently misremembering what exactly Christmas hams look like.
And that is at the root of this political pivot by Swift to the far-left.
She is now completely used up.
She did not use her beauty to secure a man and have children, and now must join the war of the wasted to turn America into the kind of hell ugly things are comfortable in.
I will not be surprised if she cuts off all her hair and starts doing videos with Nicki Minaj. Actually, I will be surprised if she doesn’t do that.
Rest in peace, Taylor Swift’s legs.
Yes, Taylor Swift’s legs are definitely very sour.
But even stranger than Anglin’s post on Swift’s legs is a post today from Daily Stormer contributor “Octavio Rivera,” who sets forth at great length a dubious case supposedly proving that Swift is no “Garden Variety Whore” but rather a “Secret T**nny Manwhore.”
“I don’t get a warm tingle in my belly when I read one of my guys unironically lamenting the loss of Taylor Swift,” Rivera writes — because, he insists,
Taylor Swift is probably a tr**ny.
Mr. Swift now acting like a soyboy would make perfect sense, if he is a soyboy. … it’s … possible that “she” was born with a penis and a pair of testicles.
Even those once-super skinny, now not-quite-as-skinny legs of Swift’s — the ones Andrew Anglin was only yesterday eulogizing as “majestic pillars of heaven” — could well be man legs, baby! (At least according to Rivera’s transphobic logic.)
Rivera takes his readers on what he calls “a short crash-course in tr**ny identification.” (In what follows, I’m going to largely set aside the question of whether or not anything he says has any scientific validity; the point is that this is what he thinks is true.)
Rivera starts his course off by suggesting that the best way to tell if a woman is really a woman (at least in his transphobic mind) is if she looks like a child — that is, if she has “neotenous” features.
Women, Rivera contends,
have evolved to look more like children. This is called Neoteny. They are physically and mentally closer to babies than they are to adults. Women looking like children is useful for men because they know not to take those creatures seriously, and it is useful for women because looking and acting kinda like a toddler makes men want to protect and coddle them. …
[N]eotenous features make women more attractive to men because we want young and fertile womb-machines, not used-up old hags.
Alas, Rivera warns his fellow extremely straight dudes,
Tr**nies work very hard to simulate neotenous features, and they have a decent array of tools at their disposal to achieve that illusion. From surgeries and hormone therapy to makeup and clothing. Just like fat chicks become masters of picture angles, tr**nies become masters of costumes and posing.
But, he adds, there are ways that extremely straight men can circumvent these tricks in order to tell who’s really a lady and who’s not. First, you gotta look at the forehead: real women have vertical foreheads, while those of real men slope backwards.
“When was the last time you saw Taylor Swift’s forehead?” he asks. “She’s always covering it.” (Bold in original.)
Rivera goes through a long list of physical features — from Adam’s apples to large hands s to narrow hips — that are generally markers of what he sees as real dudeness. He posts pictures of Swift in which she seems to display all of these dudely attributes — never mind that none of these things are actual proof of anything, gender-wise — and invites his readers to draw what he sees as the obvious conclusion.
You may wonder why is it so important for REAL EXTREMELY STRAIGHT DUDES to protect themselves from lusting after a woman who (in Rivera’s mind at least) is “really” a man.
Because, Rivera insists, if a dude accidentally lusts after a woman who isn’t “really” a woman, “you could get infected with the gay.”
Apparently Rivera is so eager to cure his fellow alt-rightists of their Taylor Swift crushes that he is willing to suggest that their former (and perhaps still existing) lust for her is GAY.
Those are some pretty sour grapes there, boys, that’s all I’m saying.
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There’s a whole new dimension of victim-blaming implicit in the “looking like children is what women do on purpose to make us men sexually attracted to them, and I for one find children sexually attractive…” logic snarl he’s got going there.
Holy crap. Taylor Swift’s legs look like Christmas hams to Anglin? My legs would probably look like an entire corporate farm’s worth of pigs to him!
Seriously, how quickly Taylor Swift went from lissome young woman to monster in their eyes.
Yes, the 28 year old massively popular international superstar multi-millionaire is clearly “completely used up” and has left it too late to “use her beauty to secure a man”. (I wonder how old some of the guys are who were saying this)
Here she is this week, obviously looking incredibly fat and used up, with legs like Christmas hams, as she picks up stacks of awards at the American Music Awards

(Although she is weirdly dressed as a disco ball)
NPC detected
Ahah, I see the reason for him saying her legs remind him of hams: they’re covered in baking foil.
C’a s’explique.
re: Dale Earnhardt… “His motto was a simple one: ‘stand on it and turn left’ ” (actually Fireball Roberts, from Dave Dudley’s tune)
from the “off-topic Friday” locker
re: Alexisagirlsname’s Taylor pic…
… I’m sorry, what were we talking about?
oddly, my 1950’s brain sees “28 goin’ on 19” in that pic….
It’s starting to sound like a cannibal pickup line
“Your legs resemble a pair of hams. Delicious.”
It’s the neoteny!
Oh no, wait… She’s not a real woman, so doesn’t have the neotenous powers… I’m so confused…
I guess the really important thing to note about that photo is her bangs. She’s always covering her forehead, people! That’s how you get infected with the gay!
@Marshmallow Stacey Maximal
I wonder how the manosphere pick out which bits of science and actual scientific terminology to torturously misinterpret to fuel their own weird theories. And to what extent they know that they’re completely misreading the concept and just push on anyway.
Aka, the terrifying speed at which these guys turn from Jekyll to Hyde when a woman ceases to be compliant. Classic abuser maneuver. Her disobedience is really what’s monstrous to them, not her appearance. But it’s funny watching them snarl themselves into a rhetorical fucktangle trying to justify the latter.
Good news everyone!
OT: Good news everyone!
Haha, I wish I looked like Taylor Swift.
interesting, from Variety, Nov. 2017
I think we discussed this case back then, in a post about Anglin’s (now-discredited?) idolatry
I hate that man…
With his cronies on the (former) supreme court, he might get away with it… it’ll frost his tiny… hands… when we respond just like the founders of the U.S. did when their protests were banned… JUST FUCKING DO IT ANYWAY!!!
I find it hilarious! Another example is Trump’s remarks on the lovely and luscious Angelina Jolie.
She’s a Progressive feminist Atheist who is involved in charities and relief work and adopted several kids from developing nations. She loathes Trump and is estranged from her Right-Wing dad, John Voight (who, strangely enough, was once considered a Radical Far-Left Hollywood icon, long ago)….This alone can instantly transform a sexy thespian famous for her lips into some sort of slug monster.
“Not a great beauty”….
….according to some Orange creature with roadkill for hair who’s infesting 1600 Pensylvanina Avenue.
Weird Eddie – It’s just too, too expensive to support protests on public property but a big ol’ Soviet-style military parade is practically cost-free, I guess! 9_9
btw – VoteVets has obtained a permit to run a 5k race on the proposed parade route on the date that Herr Trumpenfurer want his parade! (attempt at a link here, hope it works!)
@Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack
I wonder what is the difference between this litter of mice and Kaguya that makes the Telegraph breathlessly declare these to be the “first mammal with two mothers”?
(Probable answer: Nothing, but popular science reporting is generally piss-poor and anyway it makes for a better headline to be “first”)
What gets me is that these dorks are quick to call physically conventionally-gorgeous Progressive women “butt-ugly”. It’s like the idea of physically attractive people with personalities and beliefs one finds repugnant is an alien concept.
Elliot Rodger was an insufferable creep who committed mass-murder/suicide for stupid incel reasons. I hate him with a passion! It doesn’t stop me from feeling that he was a PHYSICALLY an absolutely pretty boy.
So that’s what makes your face implode at the end of the experimental film?
The manosphere/Nazisphere really does illustrate how female beauty standards in our entire culture are about compliance rather than aesthetics. We must be thin when there’s abundant food, have long shiny hairstyles that are difficult to maintain, spend time and money to remove all body hair and circumvent time itself to stop the aging process in order to prove our dedication to complying with patriarchy. The Beauty Myth will never stop being relevant.
Reactionaries take these expectations to the extreme, but they didn’t come from nowhere.
“Far” left? Someone’s not a great judge of distance.
Not to say that Swift wasn’t doing the right thing by speaking out. It cheered me to hear what she wrote/said.
In my neck of the woods, and maybe in others, that’s slang for “drunk.” So now I’m picturing Taylor Swift leading an army of people drunkenly swinging around swords.
@Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack + @Ariblester – Cool!! As for the incorrect “first” claim, it’s probably a case of Didn’t Do the Research. But it also seems the results are more impressive with CRISPR than with the older technique (more mice born alive & reached maturity).
Side note about the gene-editing technology CRISPR: I first heard of it when I was proofreading papers for a student in biochem. One of her first papers was a report of CRISPR experiments on mice. I couldn’t understand all of the technical content, so, to avoid boredom, I became emotionally invested in the mice’s story (Eng. Lit. major, much? 😉 ) This was a mistake, because something went wrong and a bunch of them died! SADNESS!
Later, I heard about it on Quirks and Quarks – a science radio program – and (I think) it gave me a clearer idea. The researcher being interviewed described it like a search-and-replace function in Word, except with genes and more complicated. 🙂
Which version, the breathtaking Aryan goddess or the hideous troll that she apparently magically transformed into when she uttered support for a Democrat?
Yes. As I said on the previous thread, her politics have always seemed liberal centrist and mostly focused on common decency – equal opportunities, human rights, anti-discrimination – even when she hasn’t explicitly discussed politics. She’s not a radical progressive and makes no claim to be.
Her statement, though, was a piece of sound, sensible advice for anyone on the not-crazy parts of the political spectrum. It basically came down to: register to vote, educate yourself on your candidates, you’re never going to find a candidate whose views perfectly match your own, you still have to vote for the best option otherwise you enable the worst, just make sure you don’t vote in people who actively support discrimination. All good, relatively neutral, advice.
It’s not a statement that’s far left, but it is one that shows up anyone who violently disagrees with it as far to the right of Swift’s liberal centrism.
Ah, it’s a well-known Righto-sphere assfact that common decency makes women hideous and men into girlies.