By David Futrelle
Several years ago, alt-right trolls decided to claim Taylor Swift as one of their own, trying to convince the world that she was some sort of undercover Nazi waiting for the right moment to start preaching her fashy message openly.
The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin was perhaps the most energetic promoters of the Nazi Taylor Swift meme, describing the singer as “Aryan Goddess Taylor Swift: Nazi Avatar of the White European People” and posting memes passing off Hitler quotes as hers.
Sunday night, Swift put the Nazi Taylor Swift meme definitively to rest with an Instagram post announcing her support for two Democratic candidates in her home state of Tennessee and declaring that she “cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love.”
Alt-rightists and their fellow travelers have reacted to the news with furious denunciations of Swift’s alleged betrayal of her fans, some of them apparently forgetting that the Nazi Swift memes were supposed to be a big joke on the libs. Over on the Nazi-infested Twitter alternative Gab, former fans and pop-music haters alike competed to see who could throw the most vile invective her way.
Some loudly professed to be TOTALLY NOT SHOCKED by her move.
One Gabber blamed … the Illuminati, I guess?
Another insinuated that the Pepes of the world would soon be uncovering her alleged crimes against humanity. I think.
But no one seemed more worked-up about Taylor’s swift kick in the right-wing’s nuts than The Daily Stormer’s Anglin, who quickly spat forth an extravagantly misogynistic thousand-word diatribe explaining how TOTALLY NOT SURPRISED he was by Swift’s announcement and how the REAL SUCKERS were the “retarded” reporters who (allegedly) took the Nazi Taylor Swift thing all SUPER SERIOUS, not the Nazi incels fantasizing about Swift becoming their own personal Eva Braun.
“[J]ust to be clear here,” Anglin wrote.
Taylor Swift is not an “Aryan Goddess” – that was a viral marketing campaign to make the media look retarded and to make us look clever. Swift is just another stupid whore, like all women.
Elsewhere in the post, though, Anglin wondered aloud
how much of Taylor Swift’s image as a probable conservative was marketing and how much of it was actually a reflection of a direction that she personally wanted to go in.
Huh. Sort of sounds like Anglin just might have duped himself into thinking that Swift was “a probable conservative,” even though there was never any evidence that this was so.
Much of Anglin’s post was devoted to the exceedingly dubious proposition that Swift is a bitter, unhappy “childless old bitch” who wasted her years of prime fertility having a massively successful career as a pop star instead of settling down with some nice Aryan man and popping out a succession of perfect white babies. And now, having reached the ripe old age of, er, 28, Swift is now feeling bitter and mad.
“Taylor Swift was popular largely because she was beautiful,” Anglin asserted, warning his young male followers to resist the lure of young female hotness.
whatever emotions you may feel when looking at a beautiful woman are just chemicals in your brain driving you to reproduce. Love for a woman is not real, as it is not metaphysical love, but the result of the very most base primal drive. The reason that your brain releases these “love” chemicals is because otherwise you would just rape a bitch and slit her throat, or leave her to die alone in the wilderness rather than deal with her endless scheming bullshit.
This is probably a bit more revealing than Anglin intended it to be
The only reason that a woman is beautiful is that she evolved that trait to appeal to men, so that higher quality men would wish to inseminate her and then not kill her or leave her to die afterward, instead providing material resources for her and her offspring. Female beauty has no biological – or for that matter, metaphysical – purpose other than to attract men for the purpose of procreation.
And the singular purpose of a woman’s existence is to procreate.
If they don’t succeed at this mission, Anglin argues, they get mad:
[A]s women age without children, they inevitably become more and more bitter, as it becomes clearer that their lives have no meaning.
So it’s no surprise that, in Anglin’s mind, the bitter old Swift is now letting herself be used as a pawn by Jewish music producers and Democratic party operatives.
Anglin wraps up his rant with some reflections on the “feral” nature of women that read very much like a rather elaborate attempt to console Nazi dudes who are hurt that their purebred “Aryan goddess” has gone over to the other side.
Understand: women are all the same.
They are interchangeable, in fact, the only objective value in any of them being measured by their genetics.
The idea of a “good woman” is a stupid feminist myth. Inversely, the idea of a “bad woman” is used to justify feminism’s effects on women.
In fact, like any dumb animal, there are “feral women” and “well-trained women,” as well as “purebred women” and “mutt women.”
The purebred aspect is no longer really a deciding factor in anything, as all women are now feral, and thus weapons to use in the destruction of white men. …
Fact of life: All women are animalistic whores by their very nature, all are incapable of feeling masculine emotions relating to moral imperatives, such as guilt and empathy.
The sooner you learn that fact and internalize all of its implications, the sooner you will be free.
Yeah,he’s pretty much TOTALLY NOT MAD. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more NOT MAD than this.
Nazi dudes, might I be so bold as to suggest that maybe you should shake it off?
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@Marshmallow Stacey
Or the masculine emotions of EMPATHY AND GUILT.
(Only towards other men, of course. No sense empathizing with chemical hallucinations.)
It’s such a weird claim to make, considering all the vile incel/alt right celebrating and shitpost posturing that goes on every time there’s a mass shooting. Not a thought is spared for the victims and the bereaved families, and the effect their piling on might have on them. They’re too afraid of looking weak around each other.
I can’t imagine these guys voluntarily going anywhere near empathy unless it’s packaged in industrial diamond plate metal, smells like a tire store, and has a name like DELTA FORCE EMPATHY FIRST STRIKE BRAVO SQUADRON.
@ Marshmallow Stacey Maximal:
It’s like they read Plato’s “The Symposion,” and took it to extremes while also missing all the gay implications.
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
I know. My teens were spent in the 90s and being “woke” was already all-the-rage.
For me; 1990s nostalgia for political reasons makes more sense for those who miss the relative “innocence” of the pre-911 world….It seemed stuff like The Cold War/”Russia is our enemy”, Fighting unpopular wars like in Vietnam, and a bunch of other crummy stuff seemed to be “in the past”.
Glastnost & Peristroka! The Iron Curtain has fallen! The Eastern Bloc are now out friends! No more tyranny!
Terrorists are not a big deal and mainly hijack planes for ransom-type reasons or kidnap hostages (for the same reasons….ransom….and they don’t instantly kill right away with a beheading).
The only epic-badness is in places like Rwanda, Somalia and the former Yugoslavia. Our mid-east war lasted a week or two and we won it and freed Kuwait. Our worst terrorist attack was a white American guy with a Ryder truck and we caught him soon after.
And airport security wasn’t a gauntlet of overly-grabby and often authoritarian TFA agents.
You get my drift?
We had no idea much going on on Kuwait was propaganda.
We had no idea that Yeltsin was a terrible, horribly inept Russian President and the former Soviet Union was in some ways economically worse off….or that newly-elected Putin would turn out to be a real-life Bond villain (at the time they elected Putin, Putin actually seemed to be a more competent man who got things back on track. Putin basically ‘Pulled a Mugabe’….Starting off decent, better and competent only to reveal themselves as the nasty tyrants they really are).
We had no idea that some terrorist bunch we never heard of could be capable of pulling off a huge, multi-pronged kamikaze-style attack on U.S. soil….or that our sophisticated, highly-funded, high-tech intelligence agencies would be too incompetent or out-of-step with each other to stop it in time.
@CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)
Reactionaries who are into My Little Pony FiM make me face-palm BIG TIME!
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
I know! They wouldn’t know “empathy & guilt” if it hit them in the face with a muskellunge!
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Also….(darn re-edit timer ran out)….I find it hilarious that these guys babble about being the sex of Logic & Reason yet prefer not using those things to solve disputes.
I don’t see much “Logic & Reason” in solving everything with macho ultraviolence….yet these guys embrace that and find “reasoned debate”, “diplomacy” and “talking things out” as wimpy and unmanly.
That’s a very interesting theory. I am wondering however if this kind of mentality which the Far Right (can we call them fascists?) have is more a feature than a bug of American politics and society as a whole.
Looking back at its history, America was basically built on a ‘Might Makes Right’ mentality (see the Trail of Tears for one), and maintained a strict hierarchy as the basis of its society (especially so in the antebellum South). Therefore, when mass movements such as the Civil Rights one and the Anti Vietnam War one became pronounced in the national consciousness, the reaction was always hardline because they upset (or threatened to) the balance of power which was derived from the strict hierarchy (both race and economic wise).
I think especially with the Anti Vietnam War Movement, you could make a case for the extension of this ‘Might Makes Right’, hierarchical mentality into America’s foreign policy as well. For example, in the 1950s when the old European powers were scrambling to maintain their empires in Africa and South East Asia, the Eisenhower administration tended to side with its long standing European allies over nascent independence movements in countries such as Vietnam, the Congo and Algeria. This was often done by non action – Eisenhower allegedly always had an excuse to go golfing whenever the leader of a newly independent African state visited the US.
The other side of this kind of foreign policy was the belief that any perceived challenge to the US’ or its allies’ interests was somehow caused by the spread of communism. Thus, the Viet Minh’s and National Liberation Front’s main crime was challenging US and allied interests – i.e. a capitalism vs communism ideological war. In reality, it more often than not a colonialism vs independence war. But because it upset the old hierarchy by bringing brown peoples’ concerns and interests to the same level as those of the former imperial powers’, it was unacceptable – and it was inherently communist because it imitated the October Revolution in Russia (i.e. old interests are kicked out, ‘lower’ classes’ interests elevated – in theory at least).
Two particularly interesting books which detail the evolution of the US’ foreign policy under Eisenhower, JFK and LBJ for anyone who may be interested are ‘JFK: Ordeal in Africa’ and ‘Betting On the Africans’. At risk of sounding like some kind of paid advertiser for these, I’ll just say that they are of particular interest to me as a college student!
To bring this back to the thread’s topic, these Far Righters seem to be more a chip off the old block in this regard. Interestingly, had they lived in the 50s and 60s, they would have been the first ones to accuse a Democrat presidential candidate of allowing those godless Reds to hack an election. Maybe they will try this tactic when a Democrat wins the Presidency next? Perhaps this may create Schrodinger’s Russian? Fascist and communist at the same time until the box is opened by the respective party? The possibilities!
@Weird Eddie
I particularly like this bit of her response:
Leaving aside the fact that she was never accused of that, who on earth does she think she was standing with during that vote? I just have this surreal image of a bunch of republicans spending all their time with their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears going ‘lalalalala i can’t hear you lalalala’ so as not to hear or see anything bad before toeing the party line because they don’t have the spine to do anything else.
His claim of women not having empathy is ironic, as if he had any shred of empathy, he would not be a racist or misogynist in the first place, and would be able to listen to and empathise with people physically different from him. Also, it’s funny how these misogynists/racists regularly accuse women of being too emotional and too empathetic, but then also claim women are monsters that have no emotions and lack empathy. The only thing these people are consistent with is being hateful and bitter.
It’s interesting you say that America / the West didn’t know Yelstin was a bad President, considering the degree of CIA interference in Russian elections in the 90s and his public drunken antics. With Putin’s election in 2000, the criticism from the Western media (and right wing / ‘libertarian’ media in Russia) was almost immediate – the man did not even have a chance to sit down? This kind of criticism against Yelstin was considerably rarer, despite the new openness to the West and Western media.
From the perspective of the average Russian, Yeltsin did nothing to stop the free for all grabs in that decade, which not only caused a fall in his or her wages (if not a complete loss of a job) and the fall in infrastructure quality, but also a spike in crime rates (as mini mafias started sprouting up like wild mushrooms) as well as corruption. With the era of Putin, the worst excesses of that decade were (largely)curtailed, and the country began the long and slow journey toward recovery. So, for the average Russian, Putin as President is considered a vast improvement over Yeltsin. However, for the Russian oligarch, the opposite would of course be true (it wasn’t lost to the public that many of them chose to leave for the West in the early 00s).
However, the above does not necessarily make Putin an angel, and it is true that the Russian state still has far to go with regards to improvements (mainly because the old Tsarist power structures remained intact into the Soviet and Glasnost eras, but that’s a different story in itself). However, a lot of this ‘Putin has done a Mugabe’ mentality from the West is telling the average Russian only one thing: you (Russians) are wrong because you are not allowing us (the West) to use your resources as we see fit (as was done under Yeltsin w/ the oligarchs). Thus, to the public, Putin has done more of a Patrice Lumumba than a Mugabe by returning (part of) those resources to public ownership.
Finally, you can argue that Putin is from the perspective of the West a Bond villain, but this is dependent on the idea that Western interests in Russia and Eastern Europe and the ME are more important than those of those nations themselves. But this is quite… imperialist, and is a regression back to foreign policy I mentioned in my other post. In as such, by criticising Putin based only on his willingness to allow Western economic interests to use Russian resources, you are alienating the Russian middle and working classes, which will lead to further distrust and resentment (which will likely strengthen him as well).
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
These idiots will buy anything if you put it in a black or camo-patterned box and prefix the name of it with “Tactical”.
Rapepublican group photo:
? ? ?
@ Kit Kat
That’s not true. Putin was very much praised by Western leaders and in Western media when he became president in 2000. Western criticism came later. He curtailed only the oligarchs that opposed him. The ones that deferred to him were left untouched. He and his family, former colleagues in the KGB and friends from St. Petersburg have manage to enrich themselves as much as any oligarch would. Their mansions in Russia are numerous. To be fair to Yeltsin, I doubt anyone could have turned the disastrous communist commando economy in Russia into a well-functioning market economy without failing abysmally. Putin’s rise to power coincided with the rise in energy prices. It is chiefly due to the favorable oil prices that the Russian economy started growing. Still, a large percentage of Russians live in poverty, corruption is rampant, and the average lifespan is low. During the 18 years of Putin’s rule, the Kremlin have manage to completely stifle every democratic tendency in Russia. Political murders are not uncommon, and the state media has a large appetite for exaggerations, plain lies, and blind praise for the sitting government.
Putin is not only a villain from a Western standpoint. He presents the most danger not to Western states, but to those countries unfortunate enough to share a border with an expansionist and may I say it, imperialistic Russia. Every week I read reports from Donbas that more soldiers have died in action, or more civilians have died from shelling or stepping on a mine. Though it does not receive much publicity, the South-Eastern part of Ukraine has now one of the world’s highest density of mines. Russian soldiers killed in action do not receive state recognition because the Kremlin denies having ever set a foot in Eastern Ukraine. Their families risk being vilified when they try to learn what happened to their sons or brothers.
I know some will try to always blame the West for every calamity that befalls the earth, but this is not necessary in Russia’s case. Their successes and failures are their own, and trying to shift the blame for Russia’s failure to develop a democratic, prosperous country onto Western states or the US in particular, is deeply disingenuous.
I have lived in Russia, I speak Russian, and have spent my entire life working on political development in post-Soviet countries. I am not American.
You wrote,
They see what they want to see in it, I guess.
Holy shit.
Holeeeeeeey shit.
Holy fucking shit.
That’s quite misogynist.
Why are women not running screaming from white supremacists?
“…all women are now feral, and thus weapons to use in the destruction of white men.”
Yes indeed. Tremble in fear, little man.
@Kit Kat:
While at the same time trying to convince everyone that they were a classless society, which helped stoke the whole ‘temporarily disadvantaged millionaires’ attitudes. Spend enough time talking about how there is no legal block to becoming one of the elite, and many people will fail to notice the scores of little impossibilities you put in the way to keep things as they are. Especially if they’re given someone else to look down on in the process.
@The Dude:
Because many of them are brought up by white supremacists, and taught to believe that this is the way things are supposed to be, and that there is no point in trying to be any other way. Besides, white women are far better than those black women, anyway, they get treated properly.
See also the little evangelical ‘quiverfull’ societies set up to cut the children off from the outside world as much as possible so they can keep running their own little in-group without worrying about somebody questioning whether or not ‘the way things are’ is actually the right way.
My first reaction to some of this is just that the Right wing has a terribly shallow conception of what it means to be a patriot because it seems they think all Democrats are essentially anti american just because Democrats say America needs a lot of work and needs to become a more perfect union.
But then as I got down into the weeds and actually read Anglin’s rant the facepalm continued to grow intensely. I noticed he actually used “childless” as a slur. That wasn’t cool.
I’m Childfree by choice. Childfree women get enough shit as it is.
My partner never complains about it to me. He actually goes so far as to basically state he feels women’s sole purpose is to Breed.
I can’t- It’s amuses me that the Neonazis think White Genocide is going on when White people are just making the conscious decision to not have children.
They’d call me a Race Traitor because I’m white though and I don’t plan on having any children.
I love Childfree women and just reading over everything he said including calling all women stupid whores etc…
What a Shock, the Daily Stormer is also a deeply misogynistic man.
Who would have thought? I guess I’m never surprised anymore as a regular lurker on this site.
David goes out of his way to document the depth of human scum on the internet.
@Kit Kat
Uh, I consider Putin a villain because he keeps murdering everyone who criticizes or opposes him, including poisoning a bunch of people in the UK. He’s suppressing free speech and democracy in Russia. No need to bring his foreign policy into it.
Plus, he’s either violently homophobic, and thus is a terrible person, or he’s cynically encouraging homophobia and anti-gay violence to distract Russian citizens from the real problems in their country, and thus is an even more terrible person.
@Surplus to Requirements
Point and clickbait ahead of the curve, again.
Feminism Proving Popular With Men After Being Re-Released In Tactical Matte Black
Adding another one to the list: Rammstein. Rammstein are loudly and proudly far left, but a lot of people just think “German = Nazis” and so they have a lot of Nazi fans.
Until I spam the translated lyrics to Links 2 3 4 at ’em, anyway. *grins*
Having mentioned Morrissey earlier on, I’m reminded that here in Britain there was a lot of mockery of Tory prime minister David Cameron for claiming himself a fan of The Smiths despite the virulently angry hatred of Margaret Thatcher and her Tory government in their lyrics. But now Morrissey’s gone full UKIP maybe Cameron was right all along.
What I’m saying is that perhaps the American right just needs to wait another thirty years for Taylor Swift to catch up with them. I mean, Roseanne campaigned for the Green Party in the 90s.
Wish I knew.
Class / race solidarity trumps gender solidarity?
The power of false consciousness?
The “well I might be at the bottom of my own sexual and political heap, but at least I’m not a black woman” syndrome?
The “he’s doing it all to protect YOU from all those nasty folk who are not like you…” (and don’t ask who’s going to protect you from him) syndrome?
I don’t know, though I’ve seen all these things at work among right-wing women of my acquaintance.
I did think that some of the Kavanaugh revelations – the yearbook and especially the “Renata amumni” business – might be a bit of a learning curve. Especially for Renata Dolphin, who withdrew her signature from the letter stating Kavanaugh had never raped them and “always treated us with respect”… because he clearly hadn’t done that. But they swallowed “locker room talk” apparently, so why not this?
A lot of the set-dressing (Mrs Kavanaugh and her daughters by the man’s side throughout) and commentary was designed to get right-wing women over that particular curve asap.
Especially Trump’s ventriloquising a mother’s fears that her son’s life might be ruined if he gets caught having raped someone: let’s all focus on that rather than the ruined lives of your daughters if they get raped and the perpetrator gets away with it.
THANK YOU! I had no idea how to respond to Kit Kat! You did it a billion times better than I ever could.
And….to Kit Kat….We in the West were always aware of Yeltsin being a bumbling drunk. We just didn’t know or care how good or bad he was at his job.
Anyway, about nostalgia for the 90s; My point (even if some of it was phrased super-awkwardly) was that many Americans assumed that the political worst was behind us….that bigotry was small, American wars were going to be few to non-existent (or short-lived affairs that are easy to win), the Far-Right was simply annoying, we would never date fight another “Vietnam”, terrorists were primitive and small-scale, hijacking always meant “hostage situation”, the Berlin Wall fell, Stalin/Mao/totalitarian “Communism” was dead and Russia and Eastern Europe were itching for freedom and democracy….
….In a nutshell; This cool 1991 hit, Right Here, Right Now”, from a band I like, JESUS JONES!
Sure; Making comics “Darker & Edgier” and angry depressing Grunge rockers were a big thing but in the big political scheme of things, the bad stuff was smaller in scale and we assumed we were slolly learning our lessons.
Again; How does one post a video that appears visibly?
It doesn’t work if you have an https: URL, it has to be http:.
Trying this below, your link with just the ‘s’ removed:
@ SpukiKitty:
Yeah, even outside of pop music, political pundits were quite seriously tossing around phrases like “the end of History.” Which I’m pretty sure I thought was stupid even at the time, but back then it was in more of a “History isn’t *just* about wars, it’s about people’s lives and daily interactions” kind of way. Sigh.
@Jenora Feuer
Thanks! “Remove the “s” from “https”. I gotcha!
Also; My comment should’ve ended with “….we were slowly learning our lessons.”
….but I typoed and these boards have that “editing timer”.
Well; leave it to AlQaeda and the ineptitude and rivalry of the CIA & FBI for ruining all that and giving the Right-Wing more fuel to grow and get stuff back to square one.
I swear; I feel like were in a new “Gilded Age”. The Gulf War was out “Vietnam” and the Kavanaugh debacle was the “Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill” mess 2.0.
The former Eastern Bloc is embracing tyranny and we’re in a new Cold War with Russia (but with pro-Russians in our Govt.).