By David Futrelle
Several years ago, alt-right trolls decided to claim Taylor Swift as one of their own, trying to convince the world that she was some sort of undercover Nazi waiting for the right moment to start preaching her fashy message openly.
The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin was perhaps the most energetic promoters of the Nazi Taylor Swift meme, describing the singer as “Aryan Goddess Taylor Swift: Nazi Avatar of the White European People” and posting memes passing off Hitler quotes as hers.
Sunday night, Swift put the Nazi Taylor Swift meme definitively to rest with an Instagram post announcing her support for two Democratic candidates in her home state of Tennessee and declaring that she “cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love.”
Alt-rightists and their fellow travelers have reacted to the news with furious denunciations of Swift’s alleged betrayal of her fans, some of them apparently forgetting that the Nazi Swift memes were supposed to be a big joke on the libs. Over on the Nazi-infested Twitter alternative Gab, former fans and pop-music haters alike competed to see who could throw the most vile invective her way.
Some loudly professed to be TOTALLY NOT SHOCKED by her move.
One Gabber blamed … the Illuminati, I guess?
Another insinuated that the Pepes of the world would soon be uncovering her alleged crimes against humanity. I think.
But no one seemed more worked-up about Taylor’s swift kick in the right-wing’s nuts than The Daily Stormer’s Anglin, who quickly spat forth an extravagantly misogynistic thousand-word diatribe explaining how TOTALLY NOT SURPRISED he was by Swift’s announcement and how the REAL SUCKERS were the “retarded” reporters who (allegedly) took the Nazi Taylor Swift thing all SUPER SERIOUS, not the Nazi incels fantasizing about Swift becoming their own personal Eva Braun.
“[J]ust to be clear here,” Anglin wrote.
Taylor Swift is not an “Aryan Goddess” – that was a viral marketing campaign to make the media look retarded and to make us look clever. Swift is just another stupid whore, like all women.
Elsewhere in the post, though, Anglin wondered aloud
how much of Taylor Swift’s image as a probable conservative was marketing and how much of it was actually a reflection of a direction that she personally wanted to go in.
Huh. Sort of sounds like Anglin just might have duped himself into thinking that Swift was “a probable conservative,” even though there was never any evidence that this was so.
Much of Anglin’s post was devoted to the exceedingly dubious proposition that Swift is a bitter, unhappy “childless old bitch” who wasted her years of prime fertility having a massively successful career as a pop star instead of settling down with some nice Aryan man and popping out a succession of perfect white babies. And now, having reached the ripe old age of, er, 28, Swift is now feeling bitter and mad.
“Taylor Swift was popular largely because she was beautiful,” Anglin asserted, warning his young male followers to resist the lure of young female hotness.
whatever emotions you may feel when looking at a beautiful woman are just chemicals in your brain driving you to reproduce. Love for a woman is not real, as it is not metaphysical love, but the result of the very most base primal drive. The reason that your brain releases these “love” chemicals is because otherwise you would just rape a bitch and slit her throat, or leave her to die alone in the wilderness rather than deal with her endless scheming bullshit.
This is probably a bit more revealing than Anglin intended it to be
The only reason that a woman is beautiful is that she evolved that trait to appeal to men, so that higher quality men would wish to inseminate her and then not kill her or leave her to die afterward, instead providing material resources for her and her offspring. Female beauty has no biological – or for that matter, metaphysical – purpose other than to attract men for the purpose of procreation.
And the singular purpose of a woman’s existence is to procreate.
If they don’t succeed at this mission, Anglin argues, they get mad:
[A]s women age without children, they inevitably become more and more bitter, as it becomes clearer that their lives have no meaning.
So it’s no surprise that, in Anglin’s mind, the bitter old Swift is now letting herself be used as a pawn by Jewish music producers and Democratic party operatives.
Anglin wraps up his rant with some reflections on the “feral” nature of women that read very much like a rather elaborate attempt to console Nazi dudes who are hurt that their purebred “Aryan goddess” has gone over to the other side.
Understand: women are all the same.
They are interchangeable, in fact, the only objective value in any of them being measured by their genetics.
The idea of a “good woman” is a stupid feminist myth. Inversely, the idea of a “bad woman” is used to justify feminism’s effects on women.
In fact, like any dumb animal, there are “feral women” and “well-trained women,” as well as “purebred women” and “mutt women.”
The purebred aspect is no longer really a deciding factor in anything, as all women are now feral, and thus weapons to use in the destruction of white men. …
Fact of life: All women are animalistic whores by their very nature, all are incapable of feeling masculine emotions relating to moral imperatives, such as guilt and empathy.
The sooner you learn that fact and internalize all of its implications, the sooner you will be free.
Yeah,he’s pretty much TOTALLY NOT MAD. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more NOT MAD than this.
Nazi dudes, might I be so bold as to suggest that maybe you should shake it off?
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“All women are subhuman, unthinking animals that we would happily rape and murder if they weren’t pretty! … Wait, why aren’t women lining up to join our righteous cause?! Waaaaahh!”
I just hope that none of these festering assholes decide to try to take out their rage on Taylor Swift, or on the other women in their lives.
Are politicians to dumb to understand Born in the USA?
Off-topic, but in the latest “HOLY S^&*!” development to come out of the Trump Administration Nikki Haley has just resigned as UN ambassador:
Reuters: Haley out as UN ambassador
The rain of right-wing snowflake tears is about to increase by an order of magnitude:
Taylor Swift activates unprecedented flood of new voter registrations nationwide
Springsteen’s “working class white man” is Tom Joad… the trumpling right’s is Tom Brady….
@Weird Eddie: Considering Brady and most of his Patriots teammates skipped the White House visit after the Super Bowl last year, I’m not so sure he was ever really that big of a Trump fan in the first place.
Quick update on the Nikki Haley story: according to the Boston Globe, her resignation doesn’t take effect until the end of the year. Still, it’s a sign of just how far the Trump White House is sliding off the rails.
@Cheerful Warthog: Thanks for checking out the Twilight Zone episodes! I also recommend “Four O’Clock”, which is about a troll-ish right-wing fanatic whose crusade against “evil” people (basically, everyone but himself) results in an ironic comeuppance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_O'Clock_(The_Twilight_Zone)
Oh, and sorry, Nazis, but you and Taylor are never, ever, ever getting back together. Not that you were actually together in the first place.
David Futrelle,
Oh yes Nazi losers, how does it feel to know that your “Aryan Goddess” doesn’t approve of you? I guess you better repent or you’re going to musical Hell
Is this a good time to bring up the time Paul Ryan said he’s a Rage Against the Machine fan and Tom Morello wrote an editorial absolutely destroying him?
It’s truly evergreen.
I really cannot comprehend how someone so right wing could ever listen to and like Rage. It just doesn’t compute. There’s zero ambiguity about what they stand for.
Since the Alt-Wrong tend to try to co-opt non-Alt-Wrong things as a weird propaganda & trolling tactic….
….As the second article shows; Taylor Swift pretty much has no choice but to let her true political beliefs known.
It’s still possible to enjoy the product of someone who’s politics don’t match yours (it works if it’s always pretty much apolitical). I am a fan of MST3K and one of the hosts, Mike Nelson, is a full-blown GOPer.
However; Mike still manages to be funny, clever, adorkable and cool and very little of his more “questionable” political beliefs seeps into his humor. He’s mostly apolitical.
Joel; Whom I LOVE, is the more Left-leaning one.
I don’t know much about the new guy in the Netflix revival, Jonah, though. I don’t have Netflix, either.
@SpukiKitty: Two more MST3K progressives! “TV’s Frank” Conniff posts all sorts of left-wing snark on his Facebook and Twitter accounts. Recent example:
And Conniff’s successor on the current series is the equally awesome, and equally liberal, Patton Oswalt.
I’ve been out of the loop with a bad head cold the past few days, so I’m not sure if others posted this or not, but Robyn Pennacchia over at Wonkette posted this outstanding summation of the current right-wing mindset:
I gotta admit, it sums up a lot of how I felt over the years. I find myself falling back into nostalgia for the 90s, and I used to think it was just because that was when I was young and things seemed simpler. But I think there’s more to it than that, and Robyn nails it on the head here:
I don’t think it’s even just Trumpists, I think it’s every reactionary out there. GamerGaters, 4chan trolls, Trump-worshipping retirees, if there’s a commonality among them, it’s their disdain for having to hear about the things that us SJWs care about so much. There’s a reason that particular acronym is known by all of them now, and why all their culture war issues center around “speech” and “immigration.” Jordan Peterson made his bones bellyaching about non-binary pronouns, something that I would not have known about were it not for social media. These concepts, these discussions, they’re happening now, so as much as reactionaries wish that we could go back to a time before we had to know or care about other genders or other cultures, well, that bird flew the coop long ago and there’s no getting it back in.
They’re clearly having a hard time with it:
I found this article which give a great insight into the mindset of the Far-Right and why they believe and do what they do (as well as help me comprehend why women like Susan Collins exist)….
….In a nutshell, some people are so used to privilege that any change will set them off. They literally cannot function in a world without strict rules, boundaries and hierarchies.
They believe that humans are a literal, strict, unbreakable hierarchy and that as long as everyone stuck in “their place”….even accepting abuses from those higher in the “food chain”….life and society would go smoothly.
They have an overblown “Just World Fallacy” mindset and assume that if a person lower in the hierarchy is being abused, they did something wrong and deserve it.
They believe only “bad people” suffer….also….
* If a person is raped, they somehow brought it on themselves.
* Someone “higher” in the hierarchy is entitled to rape a person “lower” in the hierarchy, if they want to (and rape’s ‘just sex’ and therefore can’t possibly be THAT earth-shattering).
* If a Black, Latino, etc. is a victim of a hate crime, they were uppity and not super-service to the “White Masters”.
* LGBTQs are perverted freaks who deserve abuse just for existing.
* And so on….all of the list being bogus (but they believe it).
….In a bizarre, twisted way, women like the late Phyllis Schlafly, Sen. Susan Collins and Ann Coulter probably don’t see themselves as “self-hating misogynists”.
* They genuinely see themselves as the “defenders of true womanhood” and that they see women as inherently lower in the hierarchy and valued by how sweet, submissive and “lady-like” they are (which makes the case of loudmouth miniskirted, stiletto-heeled, single and childless ‘quasi-dominatrix’ Ann Coulter rather hilarious).
With all the above in mind, we now know the reason for the absurdity of the Far-Right.
* They get off on power, control and bullying.
* They have a strong, “Might Makes Right” mindset.
* They believe in a strict hierarchy ordained by Deity and/or Nature.
* Those who were victims of hate were so due to being “uppity”.
* Bad stuff only happens to bad people.
* They literally cannot function without rigidity, rules, strict boundaries, hierarchies, “Black & White”-thinking, etc.
* They literally can’t conceive anything ambiguous or “Grey”.
* They are very insecure and easily scared.
….Far-Righties are pitiful people.
HECK, YES! I’m also familiar with Conniff! He even would occasionally show up on shows like The Daily Show (With John Stewart) and The Colbert Report back in the day.
I remember him doing a weird skit where he’s a survivalist and another involving him “Fighting The War on Christmas”. His Tweets get some action, too.
@Katamount: Thank you for bringing up that brilliant Wonkette column! That’s one of the sites that keeps me sane during this terrible era, along with Roy Edroso’s blog and, of course, WHTM.
@Katamount and @SpukiKitty: Thank you for bringing up those brilliant Wonkette columns! That’s one of the sites that keeps me sane during this terrible era, along with Roy Edroso’s blog and, of course, WHTM.
Sorry about the double post. David, could you please delete the first one? (And maybe this one too once it’s no longer needed.)
Women are not capable of love, apparently. Not “metaphysical love”.
I wonder what Anglin defines “metaphysical lover” as? What he does? Mmm… not so convincing.
Thanks a bunch!
My ADHD struck again. I posted your link as a link I found, completely forgetting that I found that link by clicking on yours last night.
I’m so sorry, man.
I surf a lot online and find a lot of articles and I lost track. It was also late-at-night and my short-term-memory isn’t what it used to be.
I feel so dopey.
@ Katamount, SpukiKitty; re: wonkette article
cool shirt

The anthem protest is an issue which make SO CLEAR the idea that reactionaries don’t actually care
The argument is, protesting during the national anthem is “inappropriate”…. When the discussion (if there is one) which follows is carried to its conclusion, the conclusion is always the same: The place where protesting of national ills IS appropriate??? WHEREVER WHITE PEOPLE DON’T HAVE TO HEAR IT!!!
I bought the t-shirt for my son… they had another of Kaepernick kneeling with his knee in trump’s face… but, nah, he’ll get in trouble with that shirt…. 🙂 🙂
one thing that trumpism HAS done, is washed off the fence rail… it’s pretty clear these days (imho, anyway) who stands with whom….
Had a minor crisis with my former bosses, trumplings both… after Charlotte they had an existential crisis, which I fanned by telling them “if you stand up for something, you can gauge the righteousness of your cause by looking at whom you’re standing WITH”
The nostalgia for the eighties or nineties as a less political time is funny to me. Perhaps people are more heated now, but not by that much.
Some things I remember from my childhood up till my first two years of college in 98 and 99 were
A kiddie version of a discussion on on itersectiomalityI had with a 3rd grade classmate that would enrage any alt-right person as I was a white girl and my classmate a black boy. We decided that you can’t hate on any race or class of people without hating all of humanity because there is only one human race.
Environmentalism was a big topic in the early nineties. I was really into it and wore lots of jewelry and clothing with the earth on it to advertise my stance. My school did lots of things on earth day every year.
Discussions in school about why celebrating Columbus day is problematic. I remember this from around 5th or 6th grade.
One year my school commemorated MLK day by having the entire student body, staff and faculty join hands and sing We Shall Overcome.
In junior high there was a scandal because someone wrote homophobic graffiti about a staff member.
When I was a teenager Free Tibet was all the rage. Then there was Lilith Fair, which was explicitly intended to be feminist. Around this time Rush Limbaugh exploded in popularity and coined the term “feminazi.”
I participated in a walk out at school because the school’s police officers were accused of brutality and the school didn’t do anything about it.
College was well, college. People were just as political then as they are today. I got in many a heated argument with Republican students.
This is not a comprehensive list. Just snippets.
Let’s not forget Furies and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic! Two things I have a feeling the original Nazi regime wouldn’t tolerate, ironically.
Deleted Comments: Nazis And Furries And My Little Pony Because Man, People Suck
Not sure how much of it is trolling through, and how much of it is just these little hate mongers desperate to find something in pop culture that supports their disgusting cause.
Collins just “made a mistake”…
She’s in with the ‘publican’ts who “believed he was a predator… but didn’t care”
@Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
An awesome shirt! Tells the whole message right there!
Hopefully you’ve planted a seed of decency in your bosses.