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Nazi trolls claimed “Aryan Goddess” Taylor Swift as one of their own. Now she’s publicly supporting Dems — and the trolls are losing it

Taylor Swift liked this meme on Instagram

By David Futrelle

Several years ago, alt-right trolls decided to claim Taylor Swift as one of their own, trying to convince the world that she was some sort of undercover Nazi  waiting for the right moment to start preaching her fashy message openly.

The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin was perhaps the most energetic promoters of the Nazi Taylor Swift meme, describing the singer as “Aryan Goddess Taylor Swift: Nazi Avatar of the White European People” and posting memes passing off Hitler quotes as hers.

Sunday night, Swift put the Nazi Taylor Swift meme definitively to rest with an Instagram post announcing her support for two Democratic candidates in her home state of Tennessee and declaring that she “cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love.”

Alt-rightists and their fellow travelers have reacted to the news with furious denunciations of Swift’s alleged betrayal of her fans, some of them apparently forgetting that the Nazi Swift memes were supposed to be a big joke on the libs. Over on the Nazi-infested Twitter alternative Gab, former fans and pop-music haters alike competed to see who could throw the most vile invective her way.

 Robert G @SeekingTruth4Bob 2 hours ago Taylor " the slut" Swift wont get anymore of my dollars. She should have kept her liberal pie hole shut & her knees together for Mr 100. Breitbart News Tweets ✔️ @BreitbartNewsTweets ? News 3 hours ago Taylor Swift Fans Furious over Democrat Endorsement: ‘Be Quiet and Sing!’

 Teri Davis Newman @TeriDavisNewman Donor an hour ago I've bought my last Taylor Swift album. 5 years ago. Fuck her for being an anti-American cunt.

Shepherd ? @Shepherd 7 hours ago · in Better than Taylor Swift Taylor swift is just another satanist

Some loudly professed to be TOTALLY NOT SHOCKED by her move.

 GrayCardinal @GrayCardinal 42 minutes ago · in News Taylor Swift... A young, white wahman who's a shallow, weak-minded, childless, feminist, faggot-loving, nigger-sympathizing, kike-sucking, SJW, race-traitor... This is an absolute SHOCK. NO ONE could have predicted this. I simply cannot BELIEVE it.One Gabber blamed … the Illuminati, I guess?

 Twilight Zone @TwilightZone PRO 2 hours ago Poor Taylor Swift moved to the plantation of ignorance but must be her time to pay the piper for all the wealth she was thrust into to have her followers cast that vote based on a music stripper of morals

Another insinuated that the Pepes of the world would soon be uncovering her alleged crimes against humanity. I think.

 Lars @simplton888 PRO 7 hours ago so long devil girl ... you have crapped in your nest this time .. just wait till the frogs dig your past .... bad mistake.

But no one seemed more worked-up about Taylor’s swift kick in the right-wing’s nuts than The Daily Stormer’s Anglin, who quickly spat forth an extravagantly misogynistic thousand-word diatribe explaining how TOTALLY NOT SURPRISED he was by Swift’s announcement and how the REAL SUCKERS were the “retarded” reporters who (allegedly) took the Nazi Taylor Swift thing all SUPER SERIOUS, not the Nazi incels fantasizing about Swift becoming their own personal Eva Braun.

“[J]ust to be clear here,” Anglin wrote.

Taylor Swift is not an “Aryan Goddess” – that was a viral marketing campaign to make the media look retarded and to make us look clever. Swift is just another stupid whore, like all women.

Elsewhere in the post, though, Anglin wondered aloud

how much of Taylor Swift’s image as a probable conservative was marketing and how much of it was actually a reflection of a direction that she personally wanted to go in.

Huh. Sort of sounds like Anglin just might have duped himself into thinking that Swift was “a probable conservative,” even though there was never any evidence that this was so. 

Much of  Anglin’s post was devoted to the exceedingly dubious proposition that Swift is a bitter, unhappy “childless old bitch” who wasted her years of prime fertility having a massively successful career as a pop star instead of settling down with some nice Aryan man and popping out a succession of perfect white babies. And now, having reached the ripe old age of, er, 28, Swift is now feeling bitter and mad.

“Taylor Swift was popular largely because she was beautiful,” Anglin asserted, warning his young male followers to resist the lure of young female hotness.

whatever emotions you may feel when looking at a beautiful woman are just chemicals in your brain driving you to reproduce. Love for a woman is not real, as it is not metaphysical love, but the result of the very most base primal drive. The reason that your brain releases these “love” chemicals is because otherwise you would just rape a bitch and slit her throat, or leave her to die alone in the wilderness rather than deal with her endless scheming bullshit.

This is probably a bit more revealing than Anglin intended it to be

The only reason that a woman is beautiful is that she evolved that trait to appeal to men, so that higher quality men would wish to inseminate her and then not kill her or leave her to die afterward, instead providing material resources for her and her offspring. Female beauty has no biological – or for that matter, metaphysical – purpose other than to attract men for the purpose of procreation.

And the singular purpose of a woman’s existence is to procreate.

If they don’t succeed at this mission, Anglin argues, they get mad:

[A]s women age without children, they inevitably become more and more bitter, as it becomes clearer that their lives have no meaning.

So it’s no surprise that, in Anglin’s mind, the bitter old Swift is now letting herself be used as a pawn by Jewish music producers and Democratic party operatives.

Anglin wraps up his rant with some reflections on the “feral” nature of women that read very much like a rather elaborate attempt to console Nazi dudes who are hurt that their purebred “Aryan goddess” has gone over to the other side.

Understand: women are all the same.

They are interchangeable, in fact, the only objective value in any of them being measured by their genetics.

The idea of a “good woman” is a stupid feminist myth. Inversely, the idea of a “bad woman” is used to justify feminism’s effects on women.

In fact, like any dumb animal, there are “feral women” and “well-trained women,” as well as “purebred women” and “mutt women.”

The purebred aspect is no longer really a deciding factor in anything, as all women are now feral, and thus weapons to use in the destruction of white men. …

Fact of life: All women are animalistic whores by their very nature, all are incapable of feeling masculine emotions relating to moral imperatives, such as guilt and empathy.

The sooner you learn that fact and internalize all of its implications, the sooner you will be free.

Yeah,he’s pretty much TOTALLY NOT MAD. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more NOT MAD than this.

Nazi dudes, might I be so bold as to suggest that maybe you should shake it off?

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6 years ago

Also note that this asswipe is in his late thirties and has no offspring, and pretty much never will, but is calling young beautiful women ‘childless’ and ‘hit the wall’ lol.

6 years ago


Oops, sorry! I meant ‘insane’ in the informal definition though, as in shocking or outrageous. You know what I mean, these people are ridiculously evil – like cartoonishly horrible people.

6 years ago

Taylor Swift is not an “Aryan Goddess” – that was a viral marketing campaign to make the media look retarded and to make us look clever.

Son, you and your goons ain’t never looking clever.

6 years ago

I vote in Tennessee. Good for her. If only Dolly came out and supported the Dems that would be the icing on the cake.

Look Bredesen is crap, I felt like I was gonna hurl when I saw him support Kavanaugh. But I’ll hold my nose and vote for him because Marsha Blackburn is vile. And Bredesen wasn’t a bad governor.

Same for congressional stuff – Cooper’s not exactly progressive, but he’s ok. That’s not my district. But my choices are some guy whose major claim to fame is being on The Amazing Race twice and another guy who seems to have had an amazing career of service (Army doctor) but believes that government funded healthcare stands between God and individual because when people are suffering physically their spiritual needs are met through Jesus. Greeaaaat…. I assume that means he never patched anyone up on the battlefield because that would place himself between the patient and Jesus.

I’m voting for Amazing Race guy – even though the snake handler will win.

6 years ago

October 8, 2018 at 6:30 pm
Fact of life: All Nazis are animalistic whores by their very nature, all are incapable of feeling masculine emotions relating to moral imperatives, such as guilt and empathy.


I think you meant to make it say Fact of life: All Nazis are animalistic whores [vicious bastards is probably more accurate] by their very nature, all are incapable of feeling human emotions relating to moral imperatives such as guilt and empathy.

October 9, 2018 at 1:19 am
“And now, having reached the ripe old age of, er, 28”


On a serious note, these people are fucking insane. Anglin has severe mommy issues, it’s very pitiable.

I admit, I find it hilarious they think being childless at 28 means you’re over the hill & never going to have kids. 3 out of my 4 were born when I was in my 30s. And even with the first one, I was 27.

Also, I’m pretty sure my super happy childless friends would like to have a word with him.

Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
6 years ago

I love this.

Not least because I can now openly admit to enjoying a bit of Taylor Swift without people saying “I’m not sure about her, I heard she was secretly super conservative.”

6 years ago

So, does Anglin support Kanye now?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

I love the existential crisis this is provoking. If even blue-eyed blonde women of European descent are rejecting them, then who are they going to secure the future of white people with? If they were so wrong about Taylor Swift, how will they be able to assess women’s breeding potential from afar?

Don’t worry, fellas, there’s always OKCupid…oh, wait.

whatever emotions you may feel when looking at a beautiful woman are just chemicals in your brain driving you to reproduce. Love for a woman is not real, as it is not metaphysical love, but the result of the very most base primal drive.

This is an interesting bit of pure drivel. Why the arbitrary distinction? Technically, all feelings of love are reducible to neurotransmitters and firing synapses. What is “metaphysical love” and why is it exempt from these biological processes? Aren’t all biological processes real? (I think he means to say love is an illusion, or maybe an emergent phenomenon, but his sloppy reasoning gets in the way.)

It’s so fascinating watching Nazis undergo these mental contortions. I’ve never seen anyone so afraid of their own instincts. To them, lust is impure, lust focuses attention on another person, so it has to be disowned. It can’t be lofty and can’t be allowed any objective existence of its own. And so you get bizarre rambling paragraphs like this one, where the writer is trying to assure himself that he’s still a mighty philosopher-king even though women give him weird pantsfeels.

6 years ago

What the hell are the Nazis frothing at, anyway? The two candidates Swift is supposedly voting for are not some arch-leftist progressives. Phil Bredesen endorsed Kavanaugh. Jim Cooper is a card-carrying Blue Dog Democrat. Taylor Swift is basically voting for what thin gruel the Democrats can muster in Tennessee.

I know there’s a lot of stuff about how Swift hadn’t explicitly discussed her political affiliations in the past, but is anybody surprised by this? She always seems, in both things that she has said and the company she keeps, to give off the impression of being a sort of liberal centrist whose politics is largely driven by “treat all people as people” and “don’t be mean” sort of sentiments, but not really engaged in anything economically progressive. She’s clearly not a radical, but also clearly basically a decent person.

Also, given the whole “shut up and sing” crap that the Dixie Chicks, the last country-pop crossover act to make even a fairly standard political comment, went through during the last Republican administration, is it any surprise that she hasn’t wanted to be upfront about her politics in the past?

Cheerful Warthog
Cheerful Warthog
6 years ago

John Kovalic cartooned well about Shut Up But While Shutting Up Sing, as he cartoons well on a great many things (and has the right sort of thoughts RE Nazis):

It’s no real surprise the groypers are getting confused about which of their jokes they believe and which they are being ironic about; they jump back and forth ha-ha only-seriousing enough that sooner or later the music stops and they try to sit on two chairs at once and fall down in an amusing manner.

personalpest: Three excellent episodes from the look of Wikipedia. Looks like He’s Alive should be required viewing for centrists. Probably also the entire left and whichever parts of the right can still call themselves moderate. (Three people in Ohio?)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

To me one of the silliest things about the right will always be their insistence that art and politics are two separate things. They’ve always been intertwined. Even a basic high school level English literature class should make that clear.

6 years ago

To me, it seems like this Anglin creep is trying really hard to convince himself.

6 years ago

I’m not surprised at Nazi types throwing their toys out of their pram when something doesn’t suit them…remember that pathetic alt-Reich fellow who was grizzling on the Internet after Charlottesville because he was scared of going to prison ? Who’s the snowflake now ?

6 years ago


To me one of the silliest things about the right will always be their insistence that art and politics are two separate things. They’ve always been intertwined. Even a basic high school level English literature class should make that clear.

They only insist that if the politics in question are opposed to their own. You can bet that if Swift had come out for the alt-reich they’d be celebrating, not complaining about how she should be apolitical.

It’d be bad for their self image to admit that thepeople whose work they admire hold the views of the right in contempt. Why, once you start down that line of thought, you might end up realizing that the right is a cultural vacuum and that their peers and fellow travellers are a bunch of complete assholes and that the silent majority isn’t really a majority after all, and who’s got the time for that sort of depressing introspection?

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

Taylor Swift is not an “Aryan Goddess” – that was a viral marketing campaign to make the media look retarded and to make us look clever.

Look clever to whom? Each other, I guess, if nobody else was supposed to ever be in on the hoax.

Or maybe they expected Swift herself would (sooner rather than later) call them out. When that didn’t happen, some of them became seriously hopeful, while outsiders still mostly either perceived it as a hoax or didn’t pay attention.

The reason that your brain releases these “love” chemicals is because otherwise you would just rape a bitch and slit her throat, or leave her to die alone in the wilderness rather than deal with her endless scheming bullshit…The only reason that a woman is beautiful is that she evolved that trait to appeal to men, so that higher quality men would wish to inseminate her and then not kill her or leave her to die afterward, instead providing material resources for her and her offspring.

Revealing indeed, as David wrote.

Understand: women are all the same.

It’s the white nationalist bluuuuues.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Buttercup;

(I think he means to say love is an illusion, or maybe an emergent phenomenon, but his sloppy reasoning gets in the way.)

NO!!! Me science GOOD!! You science BAD!!!

metaphysical love > chemical nureo-sensor signal stuff
blonde-eyed-blue-skin-white-hair woman GOOD for Nazi future… Taylor Swift BAD…


Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

off-topic of the day…

*sigh* even Discord isn’t free of… discord….

6 years ago


I love the existential crisis this is provoking. If even blue-eyed blonde women of European descent are rejecting them, then who are they going to secure the future of white people with? If they were so wrong about Taylor Swift, how will they be able to assess women’s breeding potential from afar?

And more to the point, when will they stop trying to arbitrarily assign roles to women based solely on appearances? Well, there’s always the ACTUAL red pill…which is Colace. And seeing as Lord knows they’re full of shit, it might behoove them to take that instead of more of their right-wing echo chamber rabbitholism, but…oh, who am I kidding. These dudes aren’t even bright enough to wash their own behinds. They’ll NEVER get it.

6 years ago

@Cheerful Warthog

It’s no real surprise the groypers are getting confused about which of their jokes they believe and which they are being ironic about; they jump back and forth ha-ha only-seriousing enough that sooner or later the music stops and they try to sit on two chairs at once and fall down in an amusing manner.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. It’s a funny haha-u-mad bro right up until the subject blows up in their face and they act really hurt by it. Not only does it demonstrate how thin and brittle that mask of “irony” really is, but also just how insular they really are that their little ironic jokes can start to take on reality enough that they’re shocked by this.


Why, once you start down that line of thought, you might end up realizing that the right is a cultural vacuum and that their peers and fellow travellers are a bunch of complete assholes and that the silent majority isn’t really a majority after all, and who’s got the time for that sort of depressing introspection?

I say it on Wonkette all the time: seeing all their favourite entertainers come out to tell them they despise what they stand for must really eat them up. Willie Nelson, Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp… all the musicians they thought represented them have no time for their xenophobic bullshit and let them know it to their faces.

How many more CDs and posters will they have to trash before they think “maybe I’m the problem here…”?

Bad Kitty
Bad Kitty
6 years ago

Geez, don’t let them find out Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are Democrats.

Clever name here
Clever name here
6 years ago

Maybe it’s all this white supremacy crap that finally convinced her to just own her political opinions out front. It can’t be nice having those people think you’re one of them if you’re not.

6 years ago

To me one of the silliest things about the right will always be their insistence that art and politics are two separate things. They’ve always been intertwined. Even a basic high school level English literature class should make that clear.

Yes, obviously this is true.

But, it’s actually equally silly to look at an artist you like and discover that they don’t share your politics, so the work (which is still the same work) that you liked must now be bad. I mean, is Blank Space a better or worse song if it was made by a Democrat or a Republican but is otherwise identical?

I still like Morrissey’s music no matter what new levels of repugnant he reveals himself to be as a person.

6 years ago

I say it on Wonkette all the time: seeing all their favourite entertainers come out to tell them they despise what they stand for must really eat them up. Willie Nelson, Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp… all the musicians they thought represented them have no time for their xenophobic bullshit and let them know it to their faces.

Have these people ever actually listened to the music that they claim to like then?

Swift’s music is pretty apolitical, but Springsteen is overtly leftist and always has been. How could you listen and yet miss that?

6 years ago

Oh, look what you made her do.

I wish she’d denounced them when they first claimed her as their own instead of waiting several years, but better late than never I suppose.

faerie bard
faerie bard
6 years ago

Have these people ever actually listened to the music that they claim to like then?

Swift’s music is pretty apolitical, but Springsteen is overtly leftist and always has been. How could you listen and yet miss that?

I’m thinking not, or they just hear the chorus, maybe. For example, “Born in the USA” is frequently played at Fourth of July celebrations, like it’s some big celebration of patriotism or something. That only really works if you discard the verses that are not the chorus.