4chan alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism bad science daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies gab irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men

Nazi trolls claimed “Aryan Goddess” Taylor Swift as one of their own. Now she’s publicly supporting Dems — and the trolls are losing it

Taylor Swift liked this meme on Instagram

By David Futrelle

Several years ago, alt-right trolls decided to claim Taylor Swift as one of their own, trying to convince the world that she was some sort of undercover Nazi  waiting for the right moment to start preaching her fashy message openly.

The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin was perhaps the most energetic promoters of the Nazi Taylor Swift meme, describing the singer as “Aryan Goddess Taylor Swift: Nazi Avatar of the White European People” and posting memes passing off Hitler quotes as hers.

Sunday night, Swift put the Nazi Taylor Swift meme definitively to rest with an Instagram post announcing her support for two Democratic candidates in her home state of Tennessee and declaring that she “cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love.”

Alt-rightists and their fellow travelers have reacted to the news with furious denunciations of Swift’s alleged betrayal of her fans, some of them apparently forgetting that the Nazi Swift memes were supposed to be a big joke on the libs. Over on the Nazi-infested Twitter alternative Gab, former fans and pop-music haters alike competed to see who could throw the most vile invective her way.

 Robert G @SeekingTruth4Bob 2 hours ago Taylor " the slut" Swift wont get anymore of my dollars. She should have kept her liberal pie hole shut & her knees together for Mr 100. Breitbart News Tweets ✔️ @BreitbartNewsTweets ? News 3 hours ago Taylor Swift Fans Furious over Democrat Endorsement: ‘Be Quiet and Sing!’

 Teri Davis Newman @TeriDavisNewman Donor an hour ago I've bought my last Taylor Swift album. 5 years ago. Fuck her for being an anti-American cunt.

Shepherd ? @Shepherd 7 hours ago · in Better than Taylor Swift Taylor swift is just another satanist

Some loudly professed to be TOTALLY NOT SHOCKED by her move.

 GrayCardinal @GrayCardinal 42 minutes ago · in News Taylor Swift... A young, white wahman who's a shallow, weak-minded, childless, feminist, faggot-loving, nigger-sympathizing, kike-sucking, SJW, race-traitor... This is an absolute SHOCK. NO ONE could have predicted this. I simply cannot BELIEVE it.One Gabber blamed … the Illuminati, I guess?

 Twilight Zone @TwilightZone PRO 2 hours ago Poor Taylor Swift moved to the plantation of ignorance but must be her time to pay the piper for all the wealth she was thrust into to have her followers cast that vote based on a music stripper of morals

Another insinuated that the Pepes of the world would soon be uncovering her alleged crimes against humanity. I think.

 Lars @simplton888 PRO 7 hours ago so long devil girl ... you have crapped in your nest this time .. just wait till the frogs dig your past .... bad mistake.

But no one seemed more worked-up about Taylor’s swift kick in the right-wing’s nuts than The Daily Stormer’s Anglin, who quickly spat forth an extravagantly misogynistic thousand-word diatribe explaining how TOTALLY NOT SURPRISED he was by Swift’s announcement and how the REAL SUCKERS were the “retarded” reporters who (allegedly) took the Nazi Taylor Swift thing all SUPER SERIOUS, not the Nazi incels fantasizing about Swift becoming their own personal Eva Braun.

“[J]ust to be clear here,” Anglin wrote.

Taylor Swift is not an “Aryan Goddess” – that was a viral marketing campaign to make the media look retarded and to make us look clever. Swift is just another stupid whore, like all women.

Elsewhere in the post, though, Anglin wondered aloud

how much of Taylor Swift’s image as a probable conservative was marketing and how much of it was actually a reflection of a direction that she personally wanted to go in.

Huh. Sort of sounds like Anglin just might have duped himself into thinking that Swift was “a probable conservative,” even though there was never any evidence that this was so. 

Much of  Anglin’s post was devoted to the exceedingly dubious proposition that Swift is a bitter, unhappy “childless old bitch” who wasted her years of prime fertility having a massively successful career as a pop star instead of settling down with some nice Aryan man and popping out a succession of perfect white babies. And now, having reached the ripe old age of, er, 28, Swift is now feeling bitter and mad.

“Taylor Swift was popular largely because she was beautiful,” Anglin asserted, warning his young male followers to resist the lure of young female hotness.

whatever emotions you may feel when looking at a beautiful woman are just chemicals in your brain driving you to reproduce. Love for a woman is not real, as it is not metaphysical love, but the result of the very most base primal drive. The reason that your brain releases these “love” chemicals is because otherwise you would just rape a bitch and slit her throat, or leave her to die alone in the wilderness rather than deal with her endless scheming bullshit.

This is probably a bit more revealing than Anglin intended it to be

The only reason that a woman is beautiful is that she evolved that trait to appeal to men, so that higher quality men would wish to inseminate her and then not kill her or leave her to die afterward, instead providing material resources for her and her offspring. Female beauty has no biological – or for that matter, metaphysical – purpose other than to attract men for the purpose of procreation.

And the singular purpose of a woman’s existence is to procreate.

If they don’t succeed at this mission, Anglin argues, they get mad:

[A]s women age without children, they inevitably become more and more bitter, as it becomes clearer that their lives have no meaning.

So it’s no surprise that, in Anglin’s mind, the bitter old Swift is now letting herself be used as a pawn by Jewish music producers and Democratic party operatives.

Anglin wraps up his rant with some reflections on the “feral” nature of women that read very much like a rather elaborate attempt to console Nazi dudes who are hurt that their purebred “Aryan goddess” has gone over to the other side.

Understand: women are all the same.

They are interchangeable, in fact, the only objective value in any of them being measured by their genetics.

The idea of a “good woman” is a stupid feminist myth. Inversely, the idea of a “bad woman” is used to justify feminism’s effects on women.

In fact, like any dumb animal, there are “feral women” and “well-trained women,” as well as “purebred women” and “mutt women.”

The purebred aspect is no longer really a deciding factor in anything, as all women are now feral, and thus weapons to use in the destruction of white men. …

Fact of life: All women are animalistic whores by their very nature, all are incapable of feeling masculine emotions relating to moral imperatives, such as guilt and empathy.

The sooner you learn that fact and internalize all of its implications, the sooner you will be free.

Yeah,he’s pretty much TOTALLY NOT MAD. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more NOT MAD than this.

Nazi dudes, might I be so bold as to suggest that maybe you should shake it off?

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Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
6 years ago

Haha, he mad.

Why would any woman want anything to do with these creeps? Are they not allowed to read what said creeps have written?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m just enjoying this so much. As much as they’re crowing about liberal tears over Kavanaugh, they’re the ones getting mad at silly things. For me personally, Swift’s political leanings aren’t significant. It’s hard to even tell what if any effect this will have on turnout among young women. But it sure is fun to watch them froth with anger while pretending that they aren’t mad and that “libtards” are the special snowflakes getting hysterical over nothing.

I can’t count how many protesting too much “oh yeah, who cares!” tweets I saw from MAGAs. It was so beautiful.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

Anglin is eminently qualified to determine whose life is a waste, mostly due to what he learns from his own pointless existence.

6 years ago

Whelp time to bring out the popcorn of Taylor Swift fans vs nazis.

6 years ago

Jesus, that “women are feral” rant. Angling proves that it’s possible to fall down a rabbithole at the precise same time you’re digging the thing.

Oh and obligatory lol at the butthurt Nazis. I thought WE were the sensitive ones?

Dust Kitty
Dust Kitty
6 years ago

I think it’s a rabbit hole he’s been down before. It sounds familiar.

6 years ago

Fact of life: All Nazis are animalistic whores by their very nature, all are incapable of feeling masculine emotions relating to moral imperatives, such as guilt and empathy.


6 years ago

This is glorious!

Also, I get a kick out of Anglin’s OBVIOUS attempt at “I meant to do that”.

This is also a great bit of karma from all that dopey “BeersForBrett” buttheadedness (though a November Blue Wave would be the perfect cherry for the sundae).

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

Taylor Swift is not an “Aryan Goddess” – that was a viral marketing campaign to make the media look r****ded and to make us look clever. Swift is just another stupid w***e, like all women.

comment image

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

This is a mass re-enactment of the age-old routine: 1. ask someone out. 2. get rejected. 3. scream that they’re worthless and ugly.

You’d think the high Chad count might have been a big tip-off that she was not, in fact, the pure Aryan goddess of their dreams.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

You’d think the high Chad count might have been a big tip-off that she was not, in fact, the pure Aryan goddess of their dreams.

I mean, if Loki isn’t a bad boy, who is?

Also, she’s friends with Lena Dunham. That should’ve been a tip off too.

Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Good for her – she spoke what she believed, and she refuses to play into the masturbatory fantasies of the alt-right (assuming she even knows about them).

6 years ago

Reminds me of the time that other people were claiming that she was Jewish. I’d be funny if it turns out that she was.

6 years ago

So Nazis are stupid enough to fall for their own bullshit? That explains a lot.

Also: I have to single out the alt-right asshole who calls himself “Twilight Zone” for extra ridicule, because either he’s never watched the show or willfully ignored its message. Rod Serling was a compassionate liberal who opposed bigotry. He was also a World War II paratrooper who learned that war is hell the hard way. Above all, he hated Nazis, and wrote no less than three Twilight Zones where Nazi characters got the unhappy endings they deserved. (The episodes are “Judgment Night”, “Death’s Head Revisited”, and “He’s Alive”, all of which are well worth watching.)

6 years ago

What the hell are the Nazis frothing at, anyway? The two candidates Swift is supposedly voting for are not some arch-leftist progressives. Phil Bredesen endorsed Kavanaugh. Jim Cooper is a card-carrying Blue Dog Democrat. Taylor Swift is basically voting for what thin gruel the Democrats can muster in Tennessee.

6 years ago

@Ariblester: The Nazis are mad because they can no longer pretend that Swift is on their side. In their eyes, that’s her real crime.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
6 years ago

I’ve worked in retail for too long to ever be a fan of hers but I’m glad she’s using her massive platform for some good.

6 years ago

“Nazi Boy she was never gonna be yours because nobody loves a Nazi boy”
Started a song based on this event

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
6 years ago

These are what Trump calls good people. I have no idea why they thought Taylor was their Golden Girl. Perhaps Tomi Lahren can learn to sing.

6 years ago

whatever emotions you may feel when looking at a beautiful woman are just chemicals in your brain driving you to reproduce. Love for a woman is not real, as it is not metaphysical love, but the result of the very most base primal drive. The reason that your brain releases these “love” chemicals is because otherwise you would just rape a bitch and slit her throat, or leave her to die alone in the wilderness rather than deal with her endless scheming bullshit.

Those grapes are mighty sour, eh Incel Andy?

Meanwhile, I’m just over here, bathing in the Nazi tears.

Cry moar, you fascists, my tub’s barely a quarter full! And they better be boiling hot with your impotent rage…

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

Reading some of the news articles about this, I really want to see an decent investigation of the whole “artists shouldn’t have political opinions” thing. It happens every time — an artist makes some sort of political statement, and the people who disagree with them say they should “stick to singing” or whatever. But no one ever says accountants should stick to accounting. And half the time the people saying it are random people with no political expertise either. Yet somehow, random people on the internet are intitled to opinions where artists aren’t.

I assume part of it is that it’s an easy way to try and silence someone you don’t agree with, and with pop musicians it’s “pop music is mindless so they haven’t got the brains to think about serious things,” and a lot of it is being annoyed that someone you disagree with has a huge platform and people might actually listen to her, but it’s still weird. It’s probably also got something to do with North America’s puritanical heritage of not thinking artists are really respectable. People complain about Margaret Atwood expressing a political opinion, for crying out loud, and say she’s sticking her nose into things that don’t concern her. Except… well, she’s a citizen, so why on earth shouldn’t she have an opinion on Doug Ford?

6 years ago

Rabid Rabbit,

To the extend there is something to “stick to entertainment” it is that being famous is the only reason their particular opinion is being publicly discussed. You wouldn’t know Ted Nugent or Kid Rock’s political opinion at all except that large groups think they have talent at singing.

For example, Jason Kander developed a large audience because of his political message. That audience expects political opinion. Taylor Swift developed a large audience because she is conventionally quite attractive and sings well. Her audience doesn’t expect politics. Whether that is a reasonable expectation is the philosophical point behind the talking point.

I’m not saying Swift isn’t allowed to express political opinions. I’m DEFINITELY not saying that most who assert this to Swift are acting in good faith support of the principle I gestured toward. There is a lot of virtue in using whatever platform you have to try to make the world a better place. But there are sometimes reasons to behave differently.

6 years ago

The Nazis are mad because they can no longer pretend that Swift is on their side. In their eyes, that’s her real crime.

She popped the fantasy that they had created. So, naturally, they’re mad at her for not living up to standards she didn’t even know they’d imposed on her.

This is why I get very wary of potential dates, when I’m still in the instant messaging phase with them, and he says “I love you!” having barely known me for a week. In fact it usually scares me off.

6 years ago

“And now, having reached the ripe old age of, er, 28”


On a serious note, these people are fucking insane. Anglin has severe mommy issues, it’s very pitiable.

6 years ago


On a serious note, these people are fucking insane.

I’d like to draw your attention to the comments policy, particularly the section on “crazy talk”.

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