bad anatomy bad science mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Men hold the copyright to babies because their sperm creates life and women’s eggs are just sort of the baby house, confused anti-abortion MRA explains

Eggs: Just containers for sperm babies, basically

By David Futrelle

Sexual reproduction can be confusing. Luckily, there are always some very smart men around to explain it to any ladies who might need a refresher course. Like this dude, whose contribution to the abortion debate got the attention of @TakedownMRAs on Twitter.

Damn, I didn’t learn ANY of this in Sex Ed.

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Elizabeth Mancz
Elizabeth Mancz
6 years ago

This boy needs to get some modern information. That idea of his, that men make babies & women are just the pot they “cook” in goes back to ancient Greece. Does he also believe that the kid should be an exact replica of dad? And what if the baby’s not? How does he explain that? And if the kid is a girl?

Good lord, any woman this guy tries to hook up with needs to run like her hair is on fire away from him.

6 years ago

I actually laughed. A Spermist? Seriously? We disproved the Theory of Preformationism centuries ago.

This is the most infuriating thing about MRAs. You can spend all of your time researching, gathering data, and coming up with watertight arguments for why you feel the way you do before you present your argument, and they can say some ignorant shit like this and walk away back to their bros who will inevitably pat them on the back for truth-bombing the libtards even as you stare after them with your mouth hanging open at how anyone can be so ignorant of ninth-grade biology.

6 years ago


If you got a baby – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

6 years ago

Reminds of that creepy “Wedding Song”

Well a man shall leave his mother, and a woman leave her home
They shall travel on to where the two shall be as one
As it was in the beginning is now until the end
A woman draws her life from man and gives it back again
And there is love, there is love

Icks me out every time I hear it at a wedding. It’s been a long time so maybe it’s fallen out of fashion.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Okay, I made a silly poster that took the image used in the tweet and wrote “Toes are very important” over it, but I can’t seem to remember how to embed images.


How does this person not know how reproduction works? At a very basic level??

CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)

Wow! Brian’s argument is so bad, so anti science and anti logic, that I wouldn’t be surprised if even that radical anti abortion priest that he wrote his reply to, facepalmed upon seeing it. Brian, did you ever take a biology course in high school? That’s not how reproduction works. Both the man and the woman who committed the sex act created the baby. It carries both of their DNA. Both the sperm and the egg are what creates the baby. The egg is not just a vessel for it. Even it it were, the woman would still be the one who had the carry it to term.

Beyond that, have you thought about the possibility that maybe the man might think that she should have an abortion? Maybe he thinks it would better for the two of them if they didn’t have the baby. Also, do you agree with your fellow MRAs who support paper abortions, where men would have the right to refuse to pay for child support after getting the mother knocked up? If you do, congratulations on being a hypocrite in addition to be nearly totally ignorant on how human reproduction works.

6 years ago

I’m sure we have the technology now for men to carry babies inside of them.

Just put some inert sack in the abdomen. Silicone or something. Redirect some nutritional lines and arteries and veins and such.

Why isn’t this a thing? I openly advocate for male pregnancy.

Guess what will happen to the abortion ‘debate’ when men have to carry to term? hehehe

Pretty Pink Punnani Princess
Pretty Pink Punnani Princess
6 years ago

Oh yeah? Well then, hows about once contraception begins, the feeeemale should get something that squirts the egg out on a tissue and let the guy sit on it if he wants to cry so much about it? Lets see him be the true creator.

Hed probably get lazy and put it in a chick incubator and think he has to water it like a plant. All hail the creator. Where the hell are those artificial wombs they keep sneering about at women, saying theyre going to replace them? Those things cant come fast enough.

6 years ago

I know I’ve heard about scientists working to turn egg cells into sperm cells. If any gender is going to be made obsolete, it’s going to be men.

6 years ago

@Elizabeth Mancz

Does he also believe that the kid should be an exact replica of dad? And what if the baby’s not? How does he explain that?

Well, their favorite insult is cuck.

Dazed and confused
Dazed and confused
6 years ago

Kind of off topic but hopefully amusing

Where I was little I thought if a woman had sex with a man she had a boy and if she had sex with a woman she has a girl so obviously my god mother was my other

Ps hello everyone

6 years ago

@Pretty Pink Punnani Princess

I love all these ideas and @Dazed and Confused, you were clearly a child genius.

Although I do sometimes like penises! Using a fake one on myself is just too much arm work.

…Though finding a suitable real penis to replace the fakey one is just another full time job I don’t get paid for.

6 years ago


Just put some inert sack in the abdomen. Silicone or something. Redirect some nutritional lines and arteries and veins and such.

There’s basically nothing that’s inert enough in the human body, and building a working replica of a uterus is kinda hard. An ectopic pregnancy would be easy enough to arrange, but not very useful.

6 years ago

What I find also very disturbing is the I make it, it is mine. Has very bad asosiations, if continues after birth. (Seeing children as beeing owned by their father is a scary concept)
And not about biology, has this guy ever interacted with parents and their child? Every parent can tell you a lot of thinks that their child has from them or the other parent (if they know their partner well).
Reminds me of the post where on incel acused his mother (and only his mother) that it was her fault that he was ugly.
Two logic failures from the other direction.

6 years ago

@Who?, that’s just it. These guys claim to be all about the logix, but their own fallacies about sex and reproduction and gender roles all cancel each other out. One can’t “own” a baby on one hand, claiming one made that when one only contributed half the DNA in one forgettable squirt, and then turn around and blame the uterus-haver who carried it for one when the kid turns out “wrong” (by one’s own flawed lights). These guys want it both ways, and it maddens them to realize that they don’t, in fact, get to have it either way, much less both.

No wonder they’re incels. Who wants to make babies with a pseudo-intellectual jackass? Whether the sex results in a live birth or not, the final outcome is bound to be underwhelming, to say the least.

6 years ago

Most incels will stay incels because their opinions are so vile that the normal reaction to encounter one, is probably to leave fast (no matter if you are a man or a woman).
They search for excuses what is wrong with them without examine that isue.

6 years ago


Read about egg cells. Please. For the love of Mike.


Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago


I’d also love to see their reactions if their fathers showed up and ordered them to stop being assholes on the internet. I mean, clearly they belong to their fathers, and wouldn’t be allowed to disobey, right? Right?

Marshmallow Stacey Maximal (formerly bluecat)
Marshmallow Stacey Maximal (formerly bluecat)
6 years ago

Re: the overtones of “I made it so it’s mine.”

That’s what serial rapist, murderer, torturer and child abuser Fred West used to tell his children. At least one of whom he murdered, and several of whom he raped, pimped and tortured.

In other DNA-being more complicated than you’d think news, there’s discussion of how we got the Neanderthal DNA (about 1% – 3.5% in non-sub-saharan-African populations).

But no mitochondria, and no Y chromosomes have survived from the Neanderthal input, so scientists are concluding that

– Neanderthal men with Sapiens women may have been fertile, but –
Sapiens men with Neanderthal women apparently not.

And the sons of Neanderthal fathers and Sapiens mothers were not fertile, whereas the daughters of such unions were.

6 years ago

Bringing back outdated science is all the rage these days. We already have people trying to resurrect geocentrism, why not homunculus theory?

Bonnie Dennis
Bonnie Dennis
6 years ago

First of all, We started out as male and female in one body. Originally we created within ourselves and when we were divided, the female got the larger part, XX and the male the lesser part XY. There are many animals classified as female who have given birth parthenogenically , and the female human has the ability to do the same thing. Each sex has dormant members in their body and there use to be such a thing as a nursing father. Look it up for yourselves, it took many years for me reading non stop to find these things.
Second, men waste more potential babies then women ever thought to abort, they are alive also with a consciousness steering their course. Also, if you don’t want women to abort then change the laws about rape, and also stop believing you have the right to treat women any which way you want to.
Educate and stop the hate and separation we now live by.