By David Futrelle
Writers for Men’s Rights shit site A Voice for Men regularly denounce feminism as a “female supremacist” hate movement, while insisting that they themselves harbor no male supremacist leanings.
Indeed, a recent post on the site by one Australian Man Going His Way managed to include both of these assertions in short order. Attacking feminists for allegedly “want[ing] female supremacy and … want[ing] to impose their agenda on everyone else,” Peter Ryan insisted he and other MRAs are all about equality.
I do not hate women and I am not a male supremacist or a Nazi. I am not a racist or a bigot. All the feminists could do was throw these labels at us and strawman to the max. They have no argument and no defence for their appalling behaviour.
So imagine my surprise — well, not really — when I recently ran across this lovely article posted on AVFM less than a month after Mr. Ryan’s indignant assertions. And yes, this is the sexualized, 50-Shades-style graphic they chose to illustrate the piece.
Apparently the straw men are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!
Mr. Mundum’s post is a muddled attempt to provide both a “scientific” and Biblical justification for his male supremacist views on heterosexual relationships. “To be successful,: he writes,
long-term, pair-bonded relationships between men and women must enhance the man’s independence and authority. They must feature male and female in proper evolutionary alignment, with the man leading and the woman following.
This is pretty bog-standard male supremacy. But Mr. Mundum ‘s argument quickly gets a lot weirder after he reveals that he still holds some sort of grudge against his mother for gestating him in her womb for nine months.
A boy is formed in the body of a woman, is born into the world of women, and there he remains until he matures. During this time, he is completely dependent on his mother and other women for everything — at the beginning even for the food that sustains his growth.Â
Damn you, mom, for literally making food for me with your own body!
As males grow older, Mundum writes, they are ultimately able to extract themselves from this evil woman-world. So why don’t they just keep running away from women for the rest of their lives? As Mundum sees it, it’s because penis.Â
Once a boy completes the rites of passage, the trials, and the necessary lessons to become an independent man, why the hell would he want to return to the world of women, to once again be subject to them? The only answer I can find is heterosexual desire. If it weren’t for that, I think 99% of men would have nothing to do with women.
If men give in to these heterosexual desires, Mundum warns them not to fall into bed, much less marriage, with evil feminist man-haters. He cites his own allegedly happy marriage as proof that men and women can settle down together fruitfully as long as the women are willing to “submit” to the paterfamilias.
I was looking to fill a void that I decided could only be filled by being the head of a family. I went looking for a woman to do that with, and my wife and I found each other. … She was not interested in emasculating me; to have her feminist way with me. In fact, we decided beforehand to follow the very traditional path of me providing for the family both spiritually and physically, while she raised babies. …
Husbands love their wives, and give their very lives for them, with the intention of making them holy. Wives fully submit to their husbands in all things, and they must show respect at all times for their husband’s sacrifice. This is a great arrangement for both.Â
Naturally, Mundum is convinced that God — yes, the God — has his back on all of this.
When it comes to alpha [f]ucks and beta bucks, the scriptures are right on the money. Women love to have sex with the bad boy, but they want the provider to take care of them and their children. Well, nothing drives the dominance that a wife loves in her husband like her willing submission to him, and this in turn helps the husband resist becoming beta-male, emasculated cuck, which is the distortion that occurs when the husband sacrifices and the wife greedily abuses him.
So, to wrap it up – if men want to be fulfilled in their relationships with women, they should look for women who are going to submit to their will, and take their leadership.
Is it wrong to hope that his wife ultimately gets sick of his arrogant ass and files for divorce? I don’t think it’s wrong.
In any case, it’s sort of refreshing to see an A Voice for Menner just straight-up admit that he’s a male supremacist instead of pretending oh-so-unconvincingly he’s some sort of “egalitarian.”
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It is always hilarious when misogynists think that a lifetime of being surrounded by cats and sex toys is somehow a punishment compared to a life of being married to a right wing asshat.
Er Mick, you’re making a better argument for WGTOW than MGTOW.
Are you sure there’s even someone at the keyboard? So far all the Mick posts could be reproduced by a rather small shell script.
He might appear more like a real human if he engaged in any level of dialogue and responded to people, rather than randomly dropping bombs of meninist garbage and then disappearing just as quickly back into the bleak world of his apocalyptic imagination.
Funny story about that. I have a friend who is literally the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life, and she could easily have any man she wanted. In fact she pretty much does have men constantly following her around like lovesick puppies (and harassing her and sending her unwanted dick pics of course, but apparently such is life for women). But the men she’s dated have been nothing but an emotional AND financial drain on her, as they all ended up becoming unemployed parasites (and one of them definitely cheated on her despite all that), so she has no desire to ever be with one again and is much happier living independently with a cat and sex toys.
Oh, but Slick Mick buddy, DO please tell me about how she’s missing out for not having a man in her life to demand she submit to him despite having nothing to offer. I’d love to hear about how that’s a step up from a cat who provides unconditional love and sex toys that can actually satisfy her, and how angry she is that men are “going their own way”. Go ahead, toss another delicious word salad for me!
Off Topic as all hell:
Tomorrow morning I shall call Planned Parenthood to get started on a long overdue nefarious plot to finally transition for real. So many things could go wrong, and part of me wonders if I should have waited until I get this fantasy success of already living on my own as an adult. But I also feel if I keep waiting, I won’t have a sensible mind left to transition with.
Oogly – YAY! All my best wishes.
*looks around* Well, there has been an increase of women and femmes and WLW and nonbinaries going their own way… With all of the above… I’m not a man and I’m quite happily married to a “Leftist “, our five year anniversary was a week ago, and we’ve been together for 12 years…. And if I was forced to choose an MRB or a lifetime of dildos and cats…. Definitely dildos and cats… Just, you know, stuff that these Male Supremacists always forget. Theres so much more on the sexual buffet even for heterosexual woman, that if they wanted to, they could avoid cis men supremacists pretty easily these days. Not to mention there are still good cis men out there.
“Entitlement to male provisionism” Dude. Could you for one sentence not sound like a DoD spec manual got fed into a shredder with Jordan Peterson’s used kleenex?
@ Ooglyboggles,
CONGRATULATIONS!! I hope everything goes really, really well for you at PP. I wish you a complete absence of unwanted side-effects and asshats, and a tremendous feeling of well-being. May everything go exactly as you want it to. Sending much Internet love and support your way.
@Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
Agreed. Married to a good cis man. Guy has gotten so pissed at the latest Kavenaugh shenanigans it’s stressed him out to the point of anxiety attack. Not that’s not a foreign experience for either of us, sadly.
[just a test comment to make sure things behave after clearing out some cookies and search history]
“If you don’t act like a submissive right-wing helpmeet, then no domineering right-wing jackass who expects you to perform all domestic and childrearing labor will want to marry you!”
Oh, shit, really? What an absolute tragedy that would be. Being treated like property and emotionally (and likely physically) abused by an entitled doucebag who thinks that poor people should starve to death is the culmination of all of my fantasies. You have truly opened my eyes, Mick. I’m going to stop being a leftist childfree feminist asexual this very instant so as to be more appealing marriage material to a man who has views I find absolutely repulsive./sarcasm
I don’t own a dildo, but I can definitely recommend cats over this boring-ass troll.
Thank you very much. I shall need the luck.
@Tosca, Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
Thank you too Tosca. It will be difficult, but eventually those in my family who don’t understand, or refuse to will come around, or go away.
Oh dear.
Congratulations, Oogly!
Hooray and congratulations, Oogly! Always great when someone can start their journey to be on the outside who they are on the inside. I wish you absolute best of luck on the process and the bureaucracy and I hope it goes as smoothly as possible.
@Slick Mick:
Lemme see if I can put this in a way you might understand…
Chuck extracts the saved reactor outside whatever horror. Does chuck surprise Chad? Chad biases the satisfying theorem above a corridor. Chad scatters chuck below the metal. Chad warps chuck past every gradual. Stacy sandwiches the eagle into the virgin. Provisionism snows its round wish inside the corn. Provisionism nicknames a custom farm. The downstairs alternative staggers throughout a plane pedestrian. A dire counterexample withdraws into a family. The communist pronounces dildos below the scope. The faithful patent laughs. Cats tenders a deliberate girl beneath a traveled premise. Cats steals dildos next to the erroneous archive. The correspondence beams!
Word salad courtesy of
As a hetero woman, I can confirm – through experiential evidence – that living with cat and dildo (or sex toy of your choice) is better than living with a right wing male supremacist ass-hat.
I can also confirm that living with a decent left-leaning, egalitarian man is even better, because frankly I have a strong preference for being in a couple where we are nice to each other and have regular sexual congress.
I do submit to him but only in the bedroom and matters where he has demonstrated clear expertise above mine, e.g. in matters of coding, matrix algebra, that whole area of his PhD and actually checking the map before just heading off.
I don’t always submit to him in the bedroom as we’re both a bit switch – also I don’t always submit to him in checking the map before just heading off and sometimes that even works out. Oh, and I still have the cat – technically – she vastly prefers my partner to me. Pah!
Yes, the presence of dildos and cats in your life does not preclude the possibility of a successful long term hetero relationship. And vice versa.
I would love to know where this “single women have cats instead of husbands” comes from. (Paraphrased came of a lot of times in discusion from groups like that)
My personal experince (I know not representive) is that I know far more couples with pets (cats the most popular one) than singles. (Because pets are work)
Children are often a second reason to get animals.
I know of some cases where animals helped widowed people to not be as alone.
Mostly indicator for never having a husband (or wife) not in my experience.
(Deleting my rant about our ultra-rightwingparty wanting to abolish mariage for all, not going to happen is enough on it)
Its old, that one. Goes back to the idea of witches and their familiars. Which is both kinda stupid, for all the reasons you said, and a bit insulting to both single women and to witches. (Not cats. It is impossible to insult a cat – they don’t care what you think in the first place)
My wife brings home almost twice as much money as I do. How do we fit into the whole “alpha-fucks-beta-bucks” dichotomy?
You know, it’s almost like that model is complete crap….
I second Alexisagirlsname. I don’t see why this has to be an either/or proposition. Both. All three. At this very moment I have a dude, a few cats, and some sex toys in the house, and they’re not competing, but existing in harmony. We’re all happy with this arrangement.