a voice for men a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism beta males creepy cuck irony alert male supremacy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA

A Voice for Men: How dare you accuse us of being male supremacists! Also, God wants women to submit to men

Men’s Rights Activists have rich fantasy lives

By David Futrelle

Writers for Men’s Rights shit site A Voice for Men regularly denounce feminism as a “female supremacist” hate movement, while insisting that they themselves harbor no male supremacist leanings.

Indeed, a recent post on the site by one Australian Man Going His Way managed to include both of these assertions in short order. Attacking feminists for allegedly “want[ing] female supremacy and … want[ing] to impose their agenda on everyone else,” Peter Ryan insisted he and other MRAs are all about equality.

I do not hate women and I am not a male supremacist or a Nazi. I am not a racist or a bigot. All the feminists could do was throw these labels at us and strawman to the max. They have no argument and no defence for their appalling behaviour.

So imagine my surprise — well, not really — when I recently ran across this lovely article posted on AVFM less than a month after Mr. Ryan’s indignant assertions. And yes, this is the sexualized, 50-Shades-style graphic they chose to illustrate the piece.

Women must submit to men for successful relationships September 19, 2018 By Contra Mundum 109 Comments

Apparently the straw men are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!

Mr. Mundum’s post is a muddled attempt to provide both a “scientific” and Biblical justification for his male supremacist views on heterosexual relationships. “To be successful,: he writes,

long-term, pair-bonded relationships between men and women must enhance the man’s independence and authority. They must feature male and female in proper evolutionary alignment, with the man leading and the woman following.

This is pretty bog-standard male supremacy. But Mr. Mundum ‘s argument quickly gets a lot weirder after he reveals that he still holds some sort of grudge against his mother for gestating him in her womb for nine months.

A boy is formed in the body of a woman, is born into the world of women, and there he remains until he matures. During this time, he is completely dependent on his mother and other women for everything — at the beginning even for the food that sustains his growth. 

Damn you, mom, for literally making food for me with your own body!

As males grow older, Mundum writes, they are ultimately able to extract themselves from this evil woman-world. So why don’t they just keep running away from women for the rest of their lives? As Mundum sees it, it’s because penis. 

Once a boy completes the rites of passage, the trials, and the necessary lessons to become an independent man, why the hell would he want to return to the world of women, to once again be subject to them? The only answer I can find is heterosexual desire. If it weren’t for that, I think 99% of men would have nothing to do with women.

If men give in to these heterosexual desires, Mundum warns them not to fall into bed, much less marriage, with evil feminist man-haters. He cites his own allegedly happy marriage as proof that men and women can settle down together fruitfully as long as the women are willing to “submit” to the paterfamilias.

I was looking to fill a void that I decided could only be filled by being the head of a family. I went looking for a woman to do that with, and my wife and I found each other. … She was not interested in emasculating me; to have her feminist way with me. In fact, we decided beforehand to follow the very traditional path of me providing for the family both spiritually and physically, while she raised babies.  …

Husbands love their wives, and give their very lives for them, with the intention of making them holy. Wives fully submit to their husbands in all things, and they must show respect at all times for their husband’s sacrifice. This is a great arrangement for both. 

Naturally, Mundum is convinced that God — yes, the God — has his back on all of this.

When it comes to alpha [f]ucks and beta bucks, the scriptures are right on the money. Women love to have sex with the bad boy, but they want the provider to take care of them and their children. Well, nothing drives the dominance that a wife loves in her husband like her willing submission to him, and this in turn helps the husband resist becoming beta-male, emasculated cuck, which is the distortion that occurs when the husband sacrifices and the wife greedily abuses him.

So, to wrap it up – if men want to be fulfilled in their relationships with women, they should look for women who are going to submit to their will, and take their leadership.

Is it wrong to hope that his wife ultimately gets sick of his arrogant ass and files for divorce? I don’t think it’s wrong.

In any case, it’s sort of refreshing to see an A Voice for Menner just straight-up admit that he’s a male supremacist instead of pretending oh-so-unconvincingly  he’s some sort of “egalitarian.”

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6 years ago

When it comes to alpha [f]ucks and beta bucks, the scriptures are right on the money. Women love to have sex with the bad boy, but they want the provider to take care of them and their children.

The way that this is phrased it really sounds like he thinks that “alpha fucks and beta bucks” is genuinely a quote from scripture. And I’m not completely sure that he doesn’t actually think that. There’s no other reference to the bible or to what passage within it this line might paraphrase, it’s just dropped in there like an actual reference.

I’m no theologian, but I can’t recall Jesus noting that “Blessed are the meek, because they’ll look after the kids once Stacy’s too far gone for Chad to be into her”

Unless maybe it’s from his own personal bible, the Gospel According to Roosh or something.

6 years ago

So the women have to submit and obey their husband, to honour their husband sacrificing “his life” for the family…
As there is unfortunately no praying-mantis style ritual and the MRA survives, how is he sacrificing any more than her? Raising kids is full-time work – my husband and I both took turns at parental leave and it’s much more exhausting looking after babies than paid employment, as rewarding as it is. She’s also giving up any career that could provide her with financial security if she escapes. Then there is pregnancy and childbirth which are still dangerous, painful and permanently reshape a body. Shouldn’t he be honouring her?

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

uhhh wait, they’re like, “fucking having to have all my needs met by a woman as a child is DEGRADING” but then they’re like “women must submit to me and raise my children.”

i mean, the first step to break the “cycle of abuse” is to not perpetuate it, so how about they just don’t have kids or raise them themselves so they don’t have to go through what they did? or are they just that selfish that only their own experiences matter? (rhetorical question)

6 years ago

Yesterday, I read a sad report about such a traditional marriage, with the doting wife submitting to a controlling husband:
‘I miss him so much’: why did a devoted wife kill the man she loved?
. When a man says he wants a wife who will submit to his will – not as a kink, but full-time – that’s the reddest of red flags.

Slick Mick
Slick Mick
6 years ago

You’re still not entitled to marriage or commitment, period…

6 years ago

Well done, Mickey, you’re almost there! An exaggerated sense of entitlement is a problem, isn’t it?

6 years ago

@Slick Mick:

Speaking only for myself, of course – agreed. With that said, let it be noted I’ve been married for more than 25 years. I’m a straight woman, married to a straight man.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

You’re still not entitled to marriage or commitment, period…

I don’t think any of us actually want to marry Mundum, so how is this statement relevant?

Slick Mick
Slick Mick
6 years ago

Marriageable women generally prefer traditional relationships to satisfy their toxic femininity and hypergamous instinct… and generally align themselves with the right because they see ‘big government’ as competition for their men’s resources… unmarriageable women, however, generally align with the left and like to use the proxy violence of government to enable them to take resources through big government earnings-confiscation … different ways toxic femininity manifests … however, unmarriageable feminist women still have the same toxic sense of entitlement to male provisionism and resent that men are starting to abandon one-sided gynocentric marriage … which means that the pickings for beta chucks is getting slimmer and slimmer… so their chances of harvesting one for themselves look grim…a lifetime of dildos and cats imminent … hence the anger over articles like this…

6 years ago

Slick mick.


I knew you were a carpet shitter but it looks like you got diarhhea everywhere.

I was married. I am a “leftist”. Check mate!

6 years ago

I alsolike dildos and cats. Win-win!!

6 years ago

@Slick Mick:

What’s a “beta chuck”? Did you mean “beta chick” or “beta fuck”? Or is “beta chuck” correct? Sorry, not up on all the lingo.

6 years ago

What is a “marriageable woman” anyway?

Surely for most people somebody “marriageable” would likely be somebody who shared the same values as them. So, somebody on the left would likely perceive someone also leftist as marriage material, no?

Also, you know women can just marry women these days too, right?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

I’ve known plenty of politically progressive married women. It’s a little ridiculous when men come here and claim that men only want to marry “traditional” conservative women. My city is chock full of liberal married couples.

Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

@Slick Mick

Dude. Have you ever LISTENED to a marriageable woman? Or twenty? A hundred would give you a better sample size.

Though points off for not defining “marriageable woman.” I’m giving those points to Alexisagirlsname.

6 years ago

If the wife and kids actually exist (I think that’s a rather big “if”) I feel sorry for them.

“Slick Mick” is, at his very best, an incredibly substandard troll. He’s the internet equivalent of the little red tie you pull to open the cellophane wrapper on a pack of gum.

6 years ago


He’s the internet equivalent of the little red tie you pull to open the cellophane wrapper on a pack of gum.

I vehemently disagree with your assessment.

Those little strips are useful.

6 years ago

Re: the whole “women are starting to resent the fact that men are going their own way!” thing:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA haha hahaha hahahahahahahaaa!

Yeah, any day now buddy. As long as horrible misogynists keep “going their own way”, they’re going to be waiting a long time for any women to miss them. But whatever you have to tell yourself.

At least if they keep placating themselves with nonsense like that, they hopefully won’t murder anybody like the incels. Everybody pretty much wishes they would go their own way already.

6 years ago

Shadowplay – good point!

Mick contributes less to life than a small piece of disposable plastic.

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago

In canada, a “mickey” is a 375ml (~13oz) flask-shaped bottle of hard alcoholcomment image
Slick mick is the kind of nickname given to a town drunk that wanders around vomiting puke and deepitys then stumbling away with his hand in the air like some sort of intoxicated self-victory salute.

6 years ago

“a lifetime of dildos and cats imminent…”

I got to spend some amazing and badly needed time with a friend’s cat last night, a fluffy little Siamese who immediately sat on my lap and purred for about an hour. I wound up eating dinner in the living room, with Kitty still sitting there purring happily away. After which I lay down on the couch and the little sweetheart snuggled up next to me and purred some more.

No complaining, no criticism, no playing automatic devil’s advocate. No yelling at me over trivial things, ‘splaining why I don’t know what’s good for me politically, or expounding how it’s a Man’s World out there and I should know my place. No pissing and moaning about why I want to use a condom. No treating me like I need to be rescued. No half-serious threats, no rape jokes, no groping. Just purring, snuggles, headbutts, and occasional meows.

Point being, you right wing guys have a LONG way to go before you can compete with cats.

… Also, unlike the wannabe road warriors common in the manosphere, housecats are pretty close to feral, and would handily survive the end of human civilization. Just saying.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

Mick. Things that are well-considered and well-thought-out arrive complete. They naturally form into complete sentences, with each sentence forming a discrete idea. If you find that you need to chain everything together with semicolons or ellipses, and if you find that you’ve just blurged it all down in a single paragraph, it’s a great indicator that you’re just upending your feelings all over your keyboard.

I’m sure it feels nice to vent your metaphorical spleen, but it’s sure not worthy of being taken seriously.

Do try again, if you like.

6 years ago

“a lifetime of dildos and cats imminent…”

No complaining, no criticism, no playing automatic devil’s advocate. No yelling at me over trivial things, ‘splaining why I don’t know what’s good for me politically, or expounding how it’s a Man’s World out there and I should know my place. No pissing and moaning about why I want to use a condom. No treating me like I need to be rescued. No half-serious threats, no rape jokes, no groping….

Point being, you right wing guys have a LONG way to go before you can compete with cats.

Sounds like some of these guys have a long way to go before they can compete with the dildos on this basis too!

6 years ago

I do not hate women and I am not a male supremacist or a Nazi. I am not a racist or a bigot. All the feminists could do was throw these labels at us and strawman to the max. They have no argument and no defence for their appalling behaviour.

Translation: I totally do hate women, I totally am a male supremacist and a Nazi, a racist and a bigot. And I’m so mad at all these meanie feminists for seeing through me and ruining my stupid game. So now I’m taking my ball and going home. Nyaaaaaah! That’ll show ’em.

So, to wrap it up – if men want to be fulfilled in their relationships with women, they should look for women who are going to submit to their will, and take their leadership.

Well, good luck with that. Here’s a little song to play while you’re waiting for one of those to come along…

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
6 years ago

Hey Slick Mick, can I get some fuckin ranch with that word salad? And I don’t know who this Beta Chuck guy is, but maybe he should stop worrying about finding a woman to marry and start trying to be worthy of Thor’s hammer like his cousin Beta Ray Bill.

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