By David Futrelle
So I haven’t been paying much attention to Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men in recent months — well, years really. The site — once a central hub of the Men’s Rights movement online — has largely been forgotten by the media, and even by MRAs itself, though the editors there gamely keep posting, well, apparently anything anyone submits to them. Recent articles have included such barn-burners as “Brews before shrews” and “Feminism, Gynocentrism and the Future Matriarchal Gynocracy: The Different Types of Societies and the Feminist Zero Sum Game (Part one).”
The site’s editors also regularly post memes they think are TOTALLY DEVASTATING to feminists and SJWs and whatnot. Like, for example, this one, heralded as the latest “Meme of the Week.”
Huh. This “Media” person sounds pretty cool.
Like, do they think those two statements are equally implausible, because, um …
Even if Kavanaugh really was the choirboy he claims to be, he wouldn’t be fit for the Supreme Court; he’s a temperamental bully with a history of perjury. He even began his lie-filled testimony with a temper tantrum.
But…Brett Kavanaugh IS a serial sexual assaulter. And Alex Jones IS fake news.
I am tired, and having a lot of bad memories of 80s media and social messaging, and the gleeful hystrionic tone of the Kavanaugh supporters is not helping.
This is on par with a Christian fundamentalist (at least when it suited him) I used to know on a message board who thought it was a sick burn to tell someone talking about new discoveries in human evolution “Just because a guy with a Ph.D tells me doesn’t make it true. Sorry to own you like that. No hard feelings.” Even the other right wing Christians mocked him for that.
I’m old enough to remember when MRAs pretended to care about workplace fatalities. Kavanaugh famously sided with Seaworld when an orca killed one of their trainers. An orca who had injured workers before. Kavanaugh is clearly outright hostile to worker’s safety. If MRAs were about anything besides misogyny, they would oppose this nomination.
Given the displays we’ve seen from Kavanaugh this week, I keep expecting to hear he got drunk and did something stupid in public.
Suspect he just went home and got drunk and screamed at his wife and kids.
@ Victorious P:
I keep expecting him to get drunk and do something stupid in public….
@Victorious Parasol:
You mean like that display he gave on Thursday? Not saying he was drunk, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out he was.
Wait. Is the guy who made that saying he thinks paedophilic interdimensional psychic vampires are real?
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs:
I think he’s saying that PIPV are completely imaginary, but that the idea that a rich, successful, powerful white guy might assault more than one woman is no more plausible than a coven of PIPV wiccans raping your baby’s pancreas to achieve immortality … or something.
Because Lauer, Weinstein, Packwood, Trump – none of those guys actually existed.
Therefore the media who report on accusations against Kavanaugh are no more reputable or reasonable or worthy of distribution than a reporter who specializes in covering the PIPV pancreas-rape epidemic
… or whatever.
It’s only a meme that remotely makes sense if you consider sexual assault to be as implausible as interdimensional vampires or if you’re a completely deluded MRA who is thoroughly blinded by misogyny. But I repeat myself.
The meme can have two similar, but separate meanings:
1) That the media is untrustworthy because they think that Kavanaugh is a serial sexual assaulter, which is an equally ludicrous idea as that of paedophilic interdimensional psychic vampires.
2 )That the media is untrustworthy because they think that Kavanaugh is a serial sexual assaulter, which is ludicrous, and because they think that paedophilic interdimensional psychic vampires are “fake news”, something which is far more likely to be real than Kavanaugh being a rapist.
I’ll be charitable and assume that the intended meaning was option #1, though given how grounded in reality the MRAs tend to be, I don’t think that option #2 is entirely impossible.
Aside from that, I’d be willing to bet that a lot of MRAs don’t think that Kavanaugh didn’t do the things that he allegedly did- just that they don’t think such acts should count as ‘sexual assault’. That the victims actually wanted/asked for the assaults and that there is nothing in Kavanaugh’s actions that is worthy of even the lightest of consequences.
They’re always so bizarrely goddamn proud of their terrible, terrible “artworks”. Plenty of groups make stupid images like this, but it seems like mras are the only ones who feel the need to sign them all.
Of course, Weinstein does exist, but he only exists to smear all Democrats, which he… definitely was? I mean, I guess he probably would have voted for Obama a third time if he could. So, yes, he exists to prove that Democrats are corrupt pedophile scum, and that Hollywood is run by corrupt pedophile scum, and that the ELITES are corrupt pedophile scum, but he implies nothing about men or the rich.
Lauer might exist a little for smearing the media.
Trump didn’t exist when he was assaulting anyone because he never assaulted anyone and when he assaulted people it proved that he was the manliest of manly men.
Bob Packwood may or may not have existed but then 9/11 changed everything.
…At least those are the points I’ve heard.
Yeah, the only way to read this and it even make a lick of sense is to assume that it means that both things are equally ludicrous and beyond the realm of the plausible, which… yeah… doesn’t really make much sense either.
But, hey, at least they’re acknowledging that Alex Jones is full of shit, which is more than can be said of everyone in the manosphere. So, I guess that’s kind of good. Baby steps, people.
what if Brett Kavanaugh is a pedophilic interdimensional psychic vampire?
Maybe that’s what this mysterious “Media” is cryptically trying to imply.
What! I wish someone had told me earlier. I thought his screaming indicated that he was really, really sincere. And upset. Sincerely upset.
According to his own lawyer, he’s “a performance artist playing a character”
We Hunted the Mammoth is a misandrist hate-site of the alt-left designed to be an echo chamber of misandric sjw orwellian cult-think
Ruth Negga is playing Hamlet in Dublin:
I doubt they’ll film it but at least I’ve seen some still photos.
Are you saying that you’re a performance artist playing a raging misogynist character too, Slick Mick?
Although, to be honest, you sound more like a bot randomly generating a sequence angry right wing buzzwords into a barely coherent sentence.
Slick mick likes to take a shit on the carpet and run off like a wee COWARD. Every time. What a fucking loser.
Wow, that’s just – wow.