By David Futrelle
So I haven’t been paying much attention to Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men in recent months — well, years really. The site — once a central hub of the Men’s Rights movement online — has largely been forgotten by the media, and even by MRAs itself, though the editors there gamely keep posting, well, apparently anything anyone submits to them. Recent articles have included such barn-burners as “Brews before shrews” and “Feminism, Gynocentrism and the Future Matriarchal Gynocracy: The Different Types of Societies and the Feminist Zero Sum Game (Part one).”
The site’s editors also regularly post memes they think are TOTALLY DEVASTATING to feminists and SJWs and whatnot. Like, for example, this one, heralded as the latest “Meme of the Week.”
Huh. This “Media” person sounds pretty cool.
Oh, it’s Listhpy Mick again.
I know, right? He’s like a tiny, not very well debugged script. Why, any
brigand of the hillsraw green bootcamp-coder could show as good a following!Meaningless buzzwords, so effective when railing against cult-think.
Wow. You know, for those who claim to be the greatest memesters out there, I’m noticing that each of these, with the exception of “SJW” are just reversals of terms that our side of the equation formulated and deployed to great effect, like “misognystic” and “Orwellian” (Eric Blair was a committed socialist). Actually, “alt-right” was Richard Spencer’s brand name for his own side, so you’ve had to come up with a reflexive counter for your own branding because of how toxic it became! Bravo.
And for a supposed “echo chamber”, we seem to be remarkably familiar with the terminology and social dynamics of those we find ourselves in opposition to. And for cult thinkers, we don’t actually maintain any unthinking fealty towards any individual or group, so… kinda the opposite of a cult.
meh. Where is the “cuck” used as an insult? Or the “Marxist” line? Come on, daddy needs his bingo line!
Anyway, 3/10 – would not rage again.
Kidding aside, can someone enlighten me what this kind of messages are supposed to accomplish? I mean, I don’t go to killtheevulfemicommies.org and just write an asinine post there.
TheKND, I imagine them running back to the He-Man Woman Hater’s Clubhouse/tree fort and breathlessly sharing the tale of counting coup against the fearsome feminasties and scheming cucks with the Brethren. Then they share the celebratory meal of chicken tenders* and Mountain Dew.
*With honey mustard, of course.