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Tweet of the Day: Women not wanting to be slapped on the ass is “identity politics BS” at its worst


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By David Futrelle

This guy is an ass, man.

Dan Tucker ‏ @Dan_Tucker99 Follow Follow @Dan_Tucker99 More Replying to @ClinicEscort I am now terrified of women. Used to be you could slap em on the butt and they would just giggle. Now they run to the boss and police station. Scary would with this identity politics BS.

Damn these women and their uppity butts!

Can’t we just go back to the good old days in which men could just go around slapping all the asses they wanted to slap and the women attached to these asses would just giggle and flutter their eyes. Because that was a totally real thing.

But now “identity politics” has gone and ruined this innocent male pleasure, what with women insisting on bodily autonomy and so forth. Because everyone knows that identifying as a person who has the right to control what other people do to their body is the WORST kind of identity politics of all.

I would add more, but as you can see from that tweet’s amazing ratio, plenty of other people have already said plenty to this ass-slapping enthusiast.

Here’s the best rebuttal to non-consensual ass-grabbers that I’ve seen so far.

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Tony Thompson
Tony Thompson
6 years ago

Glad he is scared of women.
If thats what it takes for this trashmaggott to stop assaulting women, GREAT. Be scared.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

We need to go back to the good old days where men could sexually harass women with impunity! But how dare women make “false” accusations of harassment and ruin men’s lives! They’re all lying!

6 years ago

I hope he stays scared.

Snake Eyes Johnson
Snake Eyes Johnson
6 years ago

If it please the court, I think there is a rebuttable presumption that such men are creeps.

6 years ago

Hey – nice!!! You’ve got a monthly option for donating now! *thumbs up*
Many thanks for your posts – sometimes it serves as far too visceral a sanity check for my own comfort, but that there are male allies out there, much less ones engaged full-time like you are, keeps me hopeful. Good luck with your pledge drive, and keep up the good fight!

6 years ago

[Content note: the following contains an semi-graphic mention of violence]

Tell me about it! I still remember the time some big guy grabbed my mentor, N’s, ass in a redneck dive. She just took his hand in both of hers and smiled winsomely at him. She was still smiling as she as she took two of his fingers in each hand and twisted.

If Mr. Tucker thinks women going to their bosses and the police is scary, he should thank his lucky stars that he doesn’t know what four fingers breaking at once sounds like. And I don’t mean just a little broken, either. I mean the “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men” kind of broken.

6 years ago

…identity politics?

Well, I suppose that terrible identity in question is women being all uppity and deciding to identify as actual people with rights to their own bodies, rather than identifying as mindless life-support systems for pleasurable body parts. Damn it, people can just decide they want to be anything nowadays!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Yes, I remember how random men used to have the right to slap a woman on the butt, and she would appreciate the effort he went to. Good times!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Best video ever

Favorite part; “Beto is hotter than you!”

6 years ago

Dear Dan Tucker:

What the flying fuck are you terrified OF? That women could now kick your ass for smacking theirs? Should have happened long ago…like as long ago as you used to do it. That it didn’t, is down to sexism. Which we don’t fucking miss, no matter how much you do.

PS: That “giggle” wasn’t pleasure. It was nervous embarrassment. And thinly veiled disgust.


6 years ago

I legitimately cannot imagine how horrible it must be to be in a situation where socialization forces you to just accept some fucking creep putting his hands all over you like it’s just ‘normal’. Good on her to put that asshole in his place and Dan Tucker can go die in a grease fire.

6 years ago

I have to shed my tears for the man who can no longer slap the butt of whoever he wants to, he now has to suffer through the indignity of (gasp) CONSENT before he can do so!

The horror!

6 years ago

It was written in reply to a woman tweeting this

Being a feminist in 2018 is a never-ending Groundhog’s Day nightmare of thinking “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS” and “THIS IS THE LEAST SURPRISING THING IN THE WORLD” in the very same instant, every time you get online.

What’s that rule about the responses to any tweet about feminism just going to prove the tweet’s point?

Do these people just seek out any tweet with the word feminist in it just so they can spew some only tangentially related bile over it?

6 years ago

Do these people just seek out any tweet with the word feminist in it just so they can spew some only tangentially related bile over it?


Also communications of any kind containing the words “equality”, “justice” or “woman/women/woman’s/women’s anything“.

dust bunny
dust bunny
6 years ago


Well yes! Consent absolutely defeats the purpose of casual sexual assault.


PS: That “giggle” wasn’t pleasure. It was nervous embarrassment. And thinly veiled disgust.

One of my favourite things to come out of increasing gender equality is men having to finally learn to understand and give a shit about what women think to gain their respect/approval, failing miserably and suffering for it. (:
(I mean, not really, the human cost is too high and women suffer for this probably way more than men do. But I like to imagine sometimes!)

Marshmallow Stacey Maximal (formerly bluecat)
Marshmallow Stacey Maximal (formerly bluecat)
6 years ago

Somehow I’d take the whole “identity politics is evil” thing with a tad less of contempt if it didn’t come from people who take their “identity” as the one ordained by god / evopsych / assfacts for all of us whether we like it or not.

People who are so horrified by the idea they should consider how they treat others that they call it “a war on men”.

People who were so horrified by the first president in 44 being black they went on about “taking their country back”.

People who were so repulsed by the idea of the commander in chief having a vagina that they voted for Trump as the lesser evil.

People who have decided their own identity must be a defining factor for where how and when all other people may be allowed to pee, marry, have children or not, buy cakes and so on.

That isn’t “identity politics”, apparently.

6 years ago

It gets even “better”. He replied to a comment asking why he slapped their butts in the first place saying they were asking for it by wearing tight pants.
Such a piece of s***.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

I feel a song coming on.

Well old Dan Tucker was a fine old man,
Slappin’ women on the can
Now they’re threatenin’ him with jail,
Why are chicks such tattletales?

Get out of the way, Old Dan Tucker,
It’s too late for whiny fuckers.
Slapping’s over, creeps are skulking
Old Dan Tucker sits there sulking.

Peter Krobrotkin
Peter Krobrotkin
6 years ago

Honestly, I hope this guy ends up in a video like the one at the end of this post. I feel like he deserves at least that.

Chris Oakley
6 years ago

Tucker should thank his lucky stars she didn’t superkick him.

6 years ago

@ Marshmallow Stacey Maximal:

I happen to be interested in old movies. The upside of the internet is that a lot of them are now watchable on YouTube. The downside of this is that for every few comments of innocent appreciation, there’s someone who likes old movies because “ah, the Good Old Days, when men were men and women and gays knew their place,” usually while simultaneously praising the same movies for being “non-political.” Bonus points if the movie on which they’re commenting was (a) noticeably political and (b) progressive for its time.

Marshmallow Stacey Maximal
Marshmallow Stacey Maximal
6 years ago

@ Moon-custafer

You Tube comments are close to the worst expression of humanity I know of (well, that don’t actually involve death or torture…)

I used to live in the Arabian Gulf, and watched You Tube for Have I Got News for You, which some kind person would always upload in good time.

It’s a panel show with a different host each week (usually a professional comedian), two male team captains, and a guest on each team. Sometimes one of the guests is a woman! Sometimes, even, the chair is a woman.

Every time a woman comedian was a guest, someone would comment, usually fairly quickly, how this woman was just not funny and how women comedians were useless. They would make the same comments when the chair was a woman comedian.

Which struck me as odd, because while the panel get to adlib, the chair’s script is scripted.

The same team writes the chair’s script every week, whether it was a guy or a woman – as in fact the credits show. But the comments about not being funny never appeared when the chair was a man.

It’s almost as if something else was going on…

6 years ago

These people really have a hard time wrapping their heads around the Golden Rule, don’t they? “Do unto others…” and all that.

Speaking of “Gold”, our illustrious Trump-like Premier just took a photograph with Faith Goldy and some of her volunteers (she’s running for mayor of all things). Goldy attended FordFest (an outdoor barbeque the Fords have held for going on 20 years) and got a photo taken with Dougy, which is now making the rounds on social media.

Spoiler alert: he’s not denouncing her.

We’re all doomed.

6 years ago


And don’t forget any tweets or communications of any kind that have any racial component. These guys are like spiders, they lie in wait to pounce on all of that. (I really don’t wanna insult spiders though. I actually respect those.)

I don’t think the poster quite understands the meaning of the words Identity Politics. In fact, I’m pretty certain that most of the White people who denigrate that term don’t understand what that term actually means because they often fail to recognize that they ALSO have identities, and that it is White people who invented all of that in the first place. These are the same people who have spent the past 500 years labeling everyone else as less than as a means to create a hierarchy.

Its awfully convenient that now that the idea of having “Identitiy” isn’t working quite so hard on their behalf, the people crying the loudest about identity politics want to do away with the concept of everyone having identities. That’s rather self-serving, and disingenuous. I think they’re upset because they can’t use their own identities to bully people in the manner to which they had become accustomed.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago


What’s that rule about the responses to any tweet about feminism just going to prove the tweet’s point?

Lewis’s Law: “the comments on any article about feminism justify feminism”. Which was originally coined on Twitter back in 2012, according to the Wikipedia page.'s_law