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By David Futrelle
If you’re a long-time reader of this blog, you probably know that, long before the reprehensible Christopher Cantwell gained worldwide fame as the “crying Nazi” who broke down in tears on video when he learned he might face some legal consequences for pepper spraying antifascists in Charlottesville, he was a Men’s Rights Activist penning screeds for A Voice for Men on such topics as “rape accusation culture” and how we live in “a matriarchy in which women can have men caged with a snap of the fingers.”
Though Cantwell has since moved on from Men’s Rights Activism — at least in a traditional sense — it turns out he is still a bit preoccupied with the issue of rape. His new position? That, at least in some circumstances, rape is good, actually. Great, even.
Over on Gab — basically, Twitter for Nazis — Cantwell recently offered this lovely take on Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser:
He followed this up with more thoughts on Kavanaugh and rape:
But don’t worry! Cantwell has not let his rape obsession keep from his other important activist work, like producing his podcast Radical Agenda, and encouraging people to commit suicide.
Cantwell’s current suicide encouragement is a continuation of the work he did as an MRA. Indeed, he was quite active on this front back during his A Voice for Men days, and when, at the time, I pointed this out, Cantwell’s then-publisher Paul Elam defended him, writing a post for his site suggesting that maybe I should go kill myself.
The Crying Nazi also enjoys talking like a tough guy:
He has thoughts on the Jewish Question, many of them similar to those of Hitler:
Unlike many of the racist far-right who fetishize Asians (or at least Asian women), Cantwell seems to hate them nearly as much as he hates Jews.
In recent days, Cantwell has also been using Gab to energetically boost fellow white supremacist Hunter Wallace (real name Brad) in his attempts to dox as many antifa activists as possible; accusing the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin of being too friendly to Jews (no, really); and making fun of Jeb Bush’s Mexican-born wife.
Busy, busy busy!
H/T — Thanks to @Music_Man_Mike for pointing out Cantwell’s “hope she really was raped” Gab post on Twitter.
So, he’s just advocating the murder of trans people, as usual I take. The suicide part is just a cover-up from the looks of it.
Also as usual, as someone else here said long ago the minute these guys take over they’ll just try to wipe each other out (if they would have done so already with everyone else), which is to be expected with most movements of such nature.
This may be a stupid idea, but it would be lovely if someone from Antifa managed to infiltrate these communities and cause discord within it by asking the definition of being white, for example. I found that question to be quite triggering to some of them, and seeing the alt-right further fracture would make a smile out of me for sure.
Cantwell = INCEL.
Pass it on.
That’s a lot of big talk from a guy who broke down crying at the prospect of going to jail. Let’s all laugh at him.
My chihuahua could take him.
I find it a bit ironic that he seems to be wearing a punisher t-shirt since neo-nazis have found them selves in Frank Castles gun sites
Women just can’t win can they. If they have sex with you they’re a whore, if they don’t have sex with you then they’re a bitch, and if they try to fight off a rape then that still somehow makes them a whore.
The hate directed at this woman…and not because they think she’s lying, either.
I marvel that anyone tries to reason with such characters as him. His opinions are so execrable that they soil anyone who examines them to refute them.
I think at this point it’s safe to assume that what Crying Nazi says is what every man on the right is thinking.
We’d hide under your bed, dear Christopher, but all the available space is filled with crusty socks and balled-up tissues. It’s a shame, really. Such secrets we would whisper to you in the night. Sweet nothings at the darkest hour, when your soul is laid bare and tender as a newborn babe. Soft as a lullaby, sharp as scalpel, sweet as a serpent’s kiss.
Now now, no tears little Nazi. We have such sights to show you.
@Mabret (formerly Laugher at Bigots)
Personally I’d just call those peoples who look at cryin nazis and go “yes this is the person I wish to give the time of day” fools.
He thinks we will hide under our beds. We won’t. We will fight. But instead of chit- posting we will do – call our representatives, protest, vote, and if need be, punch a Nazi.
I think this guy is kind of touchy on the subject of tears.
I spewed out my soda. And I’m stealing that. Its so innocent and yet so devastating!
No, trolls goading trans people to suicide is a thing that happens. A lot. And very often on the pretext that we’re dangerous/predatory/evil perverts/etc.
There are entire online communities dedicated to doing this. (I’m thinking in particular of Kiwi Farms.)
The Right:
“Accusations of rape are terrible.”
They can ruin a good man [sic]’s life.”
“Rape doesn’t exist.”
“Actually, rape exists and it’s fine.
Provided it ruins a woman’s life.”
It’s almost as if that’s what rape is for…
Seconding this. Cantwell, at least, is unabashed about it. These other scumbag Republicans and evangelicals and internet trolls are just too cowardly to really relate the vehemence with which they hate women, particularly women who have the strength to confront powerful men.
This is the global right wing folks. It’s the right in Canada. It’s the right in Britain. It’s the right in France. It’s the right in Japan. It’s definitely the right in the Middle East. It’s the right in Brazil. Authoritarianism combined with misogyny for a really toxic brew.
Incidentally, there’s a student walkout in Ontario to protest the rollback of sexual education, which happened to include discussions of consent.
That … were awesome.
Here’s what I think the logic is, from their perspective.
I can’t be a rapist because I’m a good person. Therefore actual rapists are people who are sleazier than me. So they must be indiscriminate in who they stick it in, so that’s what makes it inappropriate. (It can’t be that women not wanting it makes it inappropriate, because then I’d be a rapist which I’m not.) And since Kavanagh had some women come out in defense of him, he’s obviously not a sleaze to all women. Therefore the woman who says he assaulted her must have done something to invite it. Which means she’s a wh*re.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
I honestly have rarely seen a more clueless idiot than this guy. He put that vid of him crying up on YouTube his very own self—tough mean Nazi crying over the possibility of a little jail time. Bully actually weeping at the possibility of someone standing up to them.
I’m sure a lot of those grand young men at Charlottesville, so angry and so brave in their numbers, were weeping with fear and outrage that there might be consequences for their actions, but at least they had sense enough not to put up videos showing just how tough they weren’t.
Calling this guy a pathetic little worm is an insult to pathetic little worms.
Also? In what possible way can trans folk hurt somebody simply by being trans?
I have a hard time accepting that people like this share a genome with me.
Fuck you, Cantwell. You bawled your eyes out and turned state’s evidence at the first sign of adversity. You don’t have a goddamn clue the mental and emotional fortitude of trans people, so just keep being an internet tough guy.
OT, but I don’t see any recent open threads:
What I would give to run into this asshole, or Alex Jones, in a darkened alley…
Also, it is entirely unsurprising the he’s out and roaming the streets again. Law enforcement is entirely complicit, if not straight up filled with, Nazis and White supremacists. That is an issue that will have to be addressed at some point and, the way the crying Nazi wants it, he’s going to be in for a surprise once he finds out that they’re the minority.