a voice for men alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism AntiFa chris cantwell doxing entitled babies hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism rape rape culture rape is good actually rape jokes suicide transphobia

Crying Nazi Chris Cantwell: “I hope Kavanaugh really did rape that whore, and I hope she spends the rest of her worthless life crying”

The Crying Nazi takes a selfie

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By David Futrelle

If you’re a long-time reader of this blog, you probably know that, long before the reprehensible Christopher Cantwell gained worldwide fame as the “crying Nazi” who broke down in tears on video when he learned he might face some legal consequences for pepper spraying antifascists in Charlottesville, he was a Men’s Rights Activist penning screeds for A Voice for Men on such topics as “rape accusation culture” and how we live in “a matriarchy in which women can have men caged with a snap of the fingers.”

Though Cantwell has since moved on from Men’s Rights Activism — at least in a traditional sense — it turns out he is still a bit preoccupied with the issue of rape. His new position? That, at least in some circumstances, rape is good, actually. Great, even.

Over on Gab — basically, Twitter for Nazis — Cantwell recently offered this lovely take on Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser:

I hope Kavanaugh really did rape that whore, and I hope she spends the rest of her worthless life crying as she watches him overturn every fucking degenerate Leftist decision made for the last hundred years.

He followed this up with more thoughts on Kavanaugh and rape:

Christopher Cantwell @Cantwell PRO 2 days ago After Kavanaugh gets confirmed, he has to end his acceptance speech with "Now if you'll excuse me, I must go legalize rape now."

But don’t worry! Cantwell has not let his rape obsession keep from his other important activist work, like producing his podcast Radical Agenda, and encouraging people to commit suicide.

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. So be sure to harass the fuck out of a tr--ny and push them over the edge before they hurt someone who actually deserves to live.

Cantwell’s current suicide encouragement is a continuation of the work he did as an MRA. Indeed, he was quite active on this front back during his A Voice for Men days, and when, at the time, I pointed this out, Cantwell’s then-publisher Paul Elam defended him, writing a post for his site suggesting that maybe I should go kill myself.

The Crying Nazi also enjoys talking like a tough guy:

When the lawsuits work their way through the system and this illegal censorship and financial industry blacklisting are stopped, we are going to take this entire country over, and our enemies will be hiding under their fucking beds.

He has thoughts on the Jewish Question, many of them similar to those of Hitler:

After today's Radical Agenda, you will definitely hate Jews more than you did before it.

Unlike many of the racist far-right who fetishize Asians (or at least Asian women), Cantwell seems to hate them nearly as much as he hates Jews.

I used to take it easy on the Asians. Not anymore. They can fuck things up as badly by mistake as the Jews do on purpose.

In recent days, Cantwell has also been using Gab to energetically boost fellow white supremacist Hunter Wallace (real name Brad) in his attempts to dox as many antifa activists as possible; accusing the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin of being too friendly to Jews (no, really); and making fun of Jeb Bush’s Mexican-born wife.

Busy, busy busy!

H/T — Thanks to @Music_Man_Mike for pointing out Cantwell’s “hope she really was raped” Gab post on Twitter.

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Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago

@Diego Duarte:
That was the entire point of Jim Crow, when you get down to it: stacking the legal system to make it white supremacist in practice even when they weren’t technically allowed to do that in the actual written laws. Same applies to a lot of the ‘War on Drugs’; never forget that the reason people talk about ‘marijuana’ in the U.S. more than ‘cannabis’ is because giving it a Mexican-sounding name made it scarier.

Not that it’s just Jim Crow, either. The entire legal system has a form of ‘regulatory capture’ in it, where the people making the rules have a whole lot of reasons to make sure the rules are vague enough to be interpreted favourably for them, but harshly for the newcomers to lock them out of the system.

And that’s on top of the problem that while power corrupts, power also attracts the corruptible and the already corrupt. And law enforcement officers have a fair bit of local power…

Richard Smith
Richard Smith
6 years ago


All that flipping between blustering and blubbering… “Oh, little Nazi. So eager to play, so reluctant to accept the consequences. Perhaps you’re teasing us. Are you teasing us, little Nazi?”

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

In good news, Cody Wilson (of 3D printed gun fame) fled to Taiwan after being accused of paying for sex with an underaged girl, only to find out that Taiwan is quite happy to arrest sex criminals and mail them back:

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Haha. Those kind of guys always think that Asia is a lawless paradise for white guys to do what they want. So entitled.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

YES!!! *fist pump of justice*

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
6 years ago


The more and more time I spent learning how the system in the US operates, the more and more that vision I had of it being a “First World country” dissipated. Truth is stranger than fiction and it’s absolutely unbelievable that under-developed countries can be more advanced than the US in several areas.

For instance, that whole “loitering” thing always seemed off to me. It wasn’t until I read up on it that I understood that the real crime was just “standing around while being a POC”.

I have never seen a country where White supremacy is so fucking institutionalized that the slightest push towards a less hateful society immediately gets the Nazis marching right out into the street. I really don’t want anyone to ever claim that the US is that “shining city on the hill” after this shit.

6 years ago

@Cyborgette, I thought that essentially there’s not much of a difference between forcing (or pressuring) someone to commit suicide and just murdering them, since I thought that suicide in other circumstances was an act of the will a person has and forcing someone to suicide violated that will. Not much different than pressuring someone to have sex, or so I also assumed.

I probably didn’t explain it well, which shows I was less familiar with the subject than I thought, so point taken.

6 years ago

He realizes that the phrase ‘crying Nazi’ will be featured in his obituary unless he does something even more pathetic. It’s a conundrum.

6 years ago

@Aleph, ah, gotcha. Sorry, this is a thing I keep having to explain to disbelieving cis people, so I tend to react a bit strongly on it.

And usually they go right on disbelieving, with a side of calling me crazy, and even telling me I must be lying about having friends who’ve been abused this way.

Patriarchy… It’s bad shit.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

*Warning for suicide discussion*

It’s generally been accepted in most common law countries that driving someone to suicide can be an offence. (In a lot of places merely advising suicide as an option is an offence, cf the euthanasia cases.)

This is one recent example confirming that though.

(Sort of related: There’s also a recent conviction of someone who did an acid attack that later caused their victim to kill themselves.)

6 years ago

@Cyborgette as David would put it, as long as this blog keeps existing/updates then we know that it may not go away anytime soon, however awful it is and no matter how much we may hate it.

epitome of incomprehensibility

If Cantwell had done his research, i.e. a moment’s googling, he would’ve found that Kavanaugh wasn’t accused of rape, at least not in the Ford case (though it may well have been attempted rape). Or he’s perfectly fine wishing something worse happened. Or both.

Anyway, after reading that I thought, “Oh, at least it won’t get worse,” but then he talks about pushing trans people to suicide. FFS. He shouldn’t be allowed to use words.

Citerior Motive
Citerior Motive
6 years ago

Huh, as a trans woman, I never realized I pissed these people off so much by existing.

That’s not true—I absolutely did know.

Sly Fawkes
6 years ago

Well, what an utter piece of shit this asshole is.
I really don’t have anything witty or enlightening to add to this.

6 years ago

Y’know, Cantwell quoted Robert Ley in one of his Tweets.

Robert Ley was an alcoholic who carried on an affair with a 17-year-old girl, which is statutory rape, of course.

Once bagged by the Americans, he spent most of his days while awaiting trial gibbering in tears, begging his American MP guards to shoot him, and writing self-pitying letters to the woman he raped.

Right after British Army Major Airey Neave (who had escaped from Colditz and then headed PoW Escape and Evasion operations in London) served Ley with the indictment from the International Military Tribunal, Ley hanged himself in his cell, to avoid judgment.

So I’m not surprised that Cantwell the Crying and misogynistic Nazi should pick such a human pile of filth for a role model.

6 years ago

Sounds like the perfect nazi for him to quote.