By David Futrelle
Several days ago, a strange fellow named Mark Judge made his debut as a bit player in the Brett Kavanaugh nomination tragicomedy that now grips the nation. Judge, a hard-partying pal of Kavanaugh back in his Georgetown Prep days in the early 1980s, was allegedly on the scene when his then 17-year-old buddy Brett allegedly tried to rape the then-15 year old Christine Blasey Ford.
According to Ford, as reported in the Washington Post, Judge helped his friend “corral” her into a bedroom at a party, then watched (apparently quite amused by the spectacle) as the future Supreme Court nominee held her down and tried to rip off her clothes.
As it turns out, Judge’s alleged behavior in this alleged incident is merely the tip of the creepy iceberg when it comes to Kavanaugh’s prep school pal. Over the past several days, journalists and curious internet sleuths have pored over the articles Judge has written for assorted D-list right-wing websites — and a strange oeuvre of exceedingly creepy videos Judge posted on (then abruptly removed from) YouTube and Vimeo.
Several readers pointed out to me that I had in fact written about one of Judge’s especially icky articles way back in 2015, an attack on allegedly spoiled white women in the west, whom the very white Judge feels have “lost the capacity to appreciate and create beauty, to wonder and delight, to genuinely love,” unlike their (allegedly) more “receptive” — and apparently quite easily impressed — foreign counterparts.
In the piece, published in Real Clear Religion, Judge fondly recalled one alleged former girlfriend from India who, he said, “clutched my hand in delight at dance concerts and wept when she saw the Atlantic Ocean for the first time.”
This turns out to be fairly tame compared to some of Judge’s other writings about women. In one piece on hardboiled crime fiction for Splice Today, Judge complained that Social Justice Warriors don’t properly appreciate men’s “dark, horny, creative and a bit crazy” shadow side. And he seemed to come awfully close to endorsing date rape:
Every man who’s fit to live has his own stories about the time … he ducked the police, got in over his head with money, or abandoned himself in pursuit of love or sex. We’ve all climbed up windowsills, driven all night, and gotten into fights over a girl.
Er, speak for yourself, dude.
Of course, a man must be able to read a woman’s signals, and it’s a good thing that feminism is teaching young men that no means no and yes means yes. But there’s also that ambiguous middle ground, where the woman seems interested and indicates, whether verbally or not, that the man needs to prove himself to her. And if that man is any kind of man, he’ll allow himself to feel the awesome power, the wonderful beauty, of uncontrollable male passion.
Let’s just luxuriate a little longer in the sheer awfulness of that last sentence:
And if that man is any kind of man, he’ll allow himself to feel the awesome power, the wonderful beauty, of uncontrollable male passion.
This is why the Senate judiciary Committee needs to call Judge to the stand, to explain if his and Kavanaugh’s alleged behavior at that prep school party was an example of the alleged “wonderful beauty” of “uncontrollable male passion.” Does Judge think that Kavanaugh “need[ed] to prove himself” to Ford by trying to rip off her clothes?
Evidently Judge — now in his fifties — still has a bit of a thing for very young women. In a 2012 piece for Real Clear Religion with the cringey title “I Am a Catholic Bikini Paparazzo,” Judge related with a certain predatory glee how he had been asked “to spend three hours taking pictures of beautiful women in bikinis — and get paid for it.”
Checking out a weekly pool party at the Capitol Skyline Hotel pool in Washington,DC, ostensibly to see if it would be a good location for a future field trip for the high-school-age kids in a local university’s summer program, Judge was apparently shooting some, er, “reference” shots when a party organizer asked him to fill in for their regular photographer, who had apparently flaked out on them that day.
“I looked around,” Judge wrote.
Dancing, hula-hooping, champaign [sic] on ice. My every Motley Crue fantasy come to life, twenty years too late.
We shook on it.
In the rest of the extremely horny post, Judge alternates between salacious (if less-than-inspired) descriptions of the “very, very attractive women. Dancing. In sexy bathing suits” that he’d been asked to photograph and weird meditations about whether or not he was being an awful sinner for wanting to bone them all. If anything, Judge’s moralizing is even hornier than his reference to his “Motley Crue fantas[ies] come to life.”
I tried to pray to my favorite saint, St. Teresa of Avila, for guidance. Teresa understood the link between eros and agape (erotic love and divine love), and compared God’s desire for us to that of a relentless lover. And what was wrong with with [sic] spending a sunny afternoon at a pool party photographing hot women and getting a check at the end?
I literally just shuddered. And it just gets worse and worse.
As I Catholic and author of a book about John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, I knew that it is immoral to look at another with lust. Yet that same Catholicism, the religion of Michelangelo, the “Song of Songs,” and Walker Percy, had taught me that the human form, particularly the female form, is a divine work of art that offers us a chance to love how God loves.
Somehow this devolves into a discussion of the theological implications of bikinis.
A recent article explored how men prefer regular bathing suits to string bikinis; they like something to be left up to the imagination. I think a Christ-centered man with a healthy appreciation of women can admire the female form, and express that admiration in a sacramental way, if the form is respect [sic] by him and the woman who owns it. …
There really is quite a difference between a string bikini and a one-piece. And someone who has mastered his passions can appreciate the form without it degrading into lust. I think.
Yes, I’m sure you are quite the master of your domain, dude who 100 percent was sporting a boner the entire time he was writing that. I mean, horniness isn’t a crime, and these days pretty much everyone watches porn , but Jesus Christ, dude, no one needs to hear your bizarre inner monologue about your “sacramental” appreciation of scantily clad women half your age.
So this has all been pretty bad so far. But somehow the videos — did I mention the videos? — are even worse. So bad, in fact, that Judge rushed to take them down from YouTube and Vimeo after he found himself in the limelight this week, but not before some enterprising soul saved them to his or her hard drive and re-uploaded at least the highlights of Judge’s collection. (The re-uploaded videos do seem to be authentic, matching the titles of videos whose ghosts linger on in Google webcache.)
The Majority Report with Sam Seder played some excerpts of these videos yesterday.
But these excerpts, as unsettlingly grody as they are, still may not prepare you for the sheer squickiness of the full length videos. Here’s one that Judge apparently intended as a tribute to the legendary comic Little Nemo in Slumberland. An extremely horny tribute.
His “Subconscious (Outtakes)” are even more baffling and creeptacular.
Assuming that it is, what the hell even is the point of these videos, besides giving Judge an excuse to film very young women in their underwear? How much was he spending to make them? Are there even creepier ones out there that he didn’t post?
Seriously, senators, you need to talk to this guy.
Watched. Yup, very creepy. For the last, I saw a bit of art – but also creepiness. Ugh.
I really hope he didn’t get married or have kids. He probably did, but I can hope.
There comes a point where you wish a person has their brains eaten from the inside out by demon spiders from the underworld
I keep asking myself why this man and his creepy buddy aren’t rotting in a dungeon but I know the sad, sad answer
I’m just in shock
So, they weren’t raping her so much as worshipping Christ through the female form. Now I get it. Really, she should have appreciated that more (since he explained it and all). Next time a guy tries to rape me, I’ll just ask if he’s catholic so I can feel better about it.
Wait…Little Nemo in Slumberland is about a little BOY. Michelangelo was probably gay and wasn’t particularly good at depicting women. His women look like men with women’s breasts. Judge’s videos remind of the kind of videos first film majors might make when they think they’re being “artsy” but are really just an excuse to show scantily clad women. Did anyone else think some of the women in the videos looked underage?
I haven’t had a chance to watch the videos yet, but hula hooping? That’s Motley Crue? Seems to me more like an Annette Funicello beach movie but, okay.
I do actually remember that post from a few years ago. Very, very creepy.
I am suddenly struck with the impulse to tell Mr. Parasol, “Thank you for not being a creepy schmuckface who treats women as if they are things.”
Usually he gives me a baffled look and says, “Erm, you’re welcome.” ‘Cos as far as he’s concerned, it’s not difficult to treat women as fellow humans.
Now, see, if that sentence (or something like it) came from a gay porn story, or Tom of Finland, or even a non-erotica text about two guys getting it on, I wouldn’t so much as blink at it.
In this context though? Yeah. Ick.
Does anyone know whether Kavanaugh is still in touch with this guy?
Well, Marko, you know what the good book says. If your eye offendeth you, pluck it out.
I can only wonder what other theological gems there are from this guy, justifying what a creepy-ass wanker he is. Because you just KNOW he’s the sort who’ll raise hell all week just so he and Father Freakus will have something to circle-jerk over in the confession booth before absolution and mass on Sunday…
…and I can only hope that’s as close to getting any as he’s ever gotten, too.
Now, if you’ll ‘scuse me, the Temple of the Porcelain God is calling me.
…for quiche.
…for My Little Pony.
…for women’s shoes.
…for legoes.
…for collecting antimacassers.
…for photos of sunset.
…for petit fours.
…for dance marathons.
…for [insert your pick here].
That sentence is just begging for a real ending.
…so, wait, is male passion uncontrollable or is it something that can be mastered?

It is this disgusting predatory scumbag just spouting off whatever bullshit justifies his creepy assholery of the moment? …Nah, can’t be./sarcasm
Ah yes, St. Teresa of Avila, patron saint of Pool Party Ogling.
Isn’t it weirdly convenient how Christian saints and deities always tell praying right wing men exactly what they want to hear? The response is never “get a grip and quit lusting after teenage girls, you pathetic loser.” No, it’s always Go for it! Your lust for string bikinis is biblically sanctioned!
It adds an extra layer of creepy when the urges are backed up by an unquestionable invisible authority.
Oh, is that what the kids are calling rape nowadays?
If Mark Judge is involved? Everything. All the things are wrong with that if they in any way relate to Mark Judge.
Okay, I finally watched the videos. That Subconscious Outtakes one. Oof.
It was like the video in Ringu/The Ring. Except instead of a creepy little girl calling and telling me I’m going to die in seven days, I expect a creepy misogynist to call me and tell me he’s going to rape and murder me in seven days.
Basically, what I’m saying is that Mark Judge is that creepy little shit in Welcome to the Dollhouse
Jeez, how dare he bring up St. Teresa of Avila to justify being a massive, creepy horndog. If she were really his favorite saint, he’d know that she draws the comparison to show how eros is a pale imitation unless joined by agape, as it is in the worship of the divine.
No matter how devout a Christian you are, God’s not your fucking bro in a nineties raunch comedy giving you the thumbs up because he loves you like you love those sweet young things. Barf.
I read some of the lives of the more bizarre Catholic saints, and, believe me, you can find permission for all sorts of bizarre fetish behavior.
I recall one Saint who was a nun but was so beautiful that men kept creeping on her. Her solution was to bathe her face in acid and lye, till it was completely destroyed. Supposedly she would go into a kind of ecstatic pain induced orgasmic trance.
Pain induced orgasmic trances is a recurring theme among the saints lives actually
So, yeah, I wouldn’t be half surprised if there’s a saint of ooglers of young women. That’s the least if their fucked-upness
…here’s a bit of funny cultural trivia for you: did you know that idea of comparing God with lover was practiced by Sufi (Islamic) mystics? Oh, and that he was specifically portrayed as a male lover (yeah, their poetry was… weird, to say at least)
So, does that mean that Judge is really a Sufist in disguise? A “creeping sharia”, if you wikk?
Tacky & sexist.
What a lovely Valentine to himself. But I’m confused. Does the Catholic Church now sanction nonmarital sex? Ha, ha, I kid.
Where do these people go at night? Isn’t there a law, or something? I actually can’t sleep, after reading & viewing this.
And I remember from my younger years that there were times I really did want to get laid and I’m sure I was sending signals that I wanted to get laid, but my actual brain had calculated the costs and risks of an unwanted pregnancy, or other disadvantage, and decided it would not be good for me. So I said no.
My point in mentioning this being that a really good way to force women into these moments of ambiguity is to deprive them of access to reproductive control (my situation when I was young). Then you can indulge in ‘the chase’ that consists of arousing their sexuality until it overcomes their knowledge of their best interests. Such fun, forcing someone to risk her future, yes??? Whereas women who don’t have risks have basically three answers: Yes, No, Not now, I’m busy.
@Pen, yes. This is something I’ve always wondered about – why is it that relatively few people seem to put two and two together and realise that if women had unhindered access to the means of reproductive control and were not at risk of physical and social abuse, there’d be a whole lot of shagging going on.
Seriously, if you want to generally promote the whole-lotta-shagging scenario, why on earth would you a) encourage men to ignore women’s boundaries, and b) call sexually active women sluts? The higher the risk of physical and social abuse, the more likely we are to turn down a shag even when – if we weren’t afraid for our own safety – we’d actually quite fancy one.
You’d think all those incelly types would be marching and crying out for free contraception and abortion on demand, and cheering sexually active women to the rafters … but as we know, logic is not their strong suit (and they don’t actually want anything to do with human beings who are women anyway; they just want to wallow in their hate).
Ugh. I just read on Cliff Pervocracy’s Tumblr, a post he reblogged, that people should be wary of a dude called Brent D in the “Bay Rationalist Community”, not date him and not invite him to parties any longer. Apparently he has for years brutally raped and tortured poor “girlfriends” half his age in the name of BDSM, and everyone sort of knew what was going on though not the full story with all the details. Then those girlfriends publically post their horror stories, and it all checks out with stuff other people knew or have seen, and so those “rationalists” start to argue that maybe this Brent D should take a pause when it comes to dating, so as to not rape and torture more girls? At least for a while, until he’s sorted himself out? When Brent D doesn’t take a pause but continue pursuing girls half his age in order to rape and torture them, the community eventually decides that there should be issued a public warning and also that Brent D should not be invited to parties any longer.
I’ve been suspicious about the “rationalist movement” ever since I heard that there was such a movement, because although it seems like a fine goal to try to be more rational (like, in the real sense, not in some kind of straw-vulcan-sense) I immediately thought that if you try to turn it into a movement, it’s probably just gonna end up being some weird cult. And then a story like this comes out.
You’ve transposed two characters. That should obviously read, “his Georgetown Perp days”. HTH.
Rationalist movements have been turning into weird cults for 2500 years, ever since Plato and his followers wound up worshipping the dodecahedron and trying to keep its existence secret from other mathematicians.
I was pleasantly surprised to read that other members of the group decided that this guy being a rapist and an abuser is not ok. And that in itself is depressing, because it is such a low bar to clear and yet the internet atheist and skeptic movements have endless problems managing it.