By David Futrelle
Some excellent dating tips for incels from comedian Rachel Parris. I’m sure the incels are mad about it already.
Listen up, Incels! Here’s @RachelParris with a brief guide on how to actually treat women… pic.twitter.com/z4JfNDIwD1
— BBC Two (@BBCTwo) September 17, 2018
To be fair, though, many of these guys are so far gone in their hatred that they should not be dating actual human beings at all and probably can’t be trusted to own pets or even plants.
But there are bitter young dudes just flirting with incel and who are, I suspect, redeemable. If that’s you, LISTEN UP because Parris is dispensing some ACTUAL GOOD ADVICE HERE.
I think, if you have even considered joining the toxic mindset that is that of an incel, there is something fundamentally flawed deep, deep inside of you. Something deeply, terribly wrong.
Totally agreed. There is little that can be done for them. Our strategy should be: Isolate, isolate, isolate. Take away their forums, their websites, their hangouts. Mitigate the harm they can do to us women.
Well, by the same token, women don’t owe you sex…or the time of day.
Buhbye, trollboy, whoever you are.
Meanwhile, at McSweeney’s, we have:
It’s almost painful how accurate it is.
Catalpa – very well put! It’s the NBD dropping of the anecdote that really gets to me.
I can see how it is a truth, because of how men and boys are socialised. But it isn’t a ‘wow, lucky i escaped! phewph!’ Kind of story.
It’s a “holy heck in a handbasket, it is terrifying how close i came to this. And since i am a ‘normal guy’, and this whole escaping being an incel solely because the websites weren’t around thing is also apparently true for a significant portion of other ‘normal guys’… Maybe we have a lot to work on, as men.”
Don’t come here and expect a pat on the head for dragging your head out of your butt, is what i’m saying. We know where that head has been.
And it is very frustrating how, on nearly every incel post, we get guys who go “wow, i really see where they are coming from!”
We do too. Toxic masculinity has ruined the party again. :/
Meanwhile society’s enforcement of TOXIC FEMININITY has made women unfit and undesirable as relationship partners
Looks like we’re gonna need a clean-up on isle 3…
Yeah, it is. I saw Eli show up with his “Hi, I’m a guy who’s new to the site…” post and I braced myself for more of the same. I was very pleasantly surprised to see a guy make a first post on an incel thread that went “what is wrong with these people!?” instead of “I could definitely see myself becoming one of those guys.”
Let me guess.
Toxic femininity = women have and use agency instead of arranging their whole lives around pleasing men.
I dunno, a quick peek at the manosphere would suggest that this “agency” thing is not considered at all feminine. Maybe “toxic femininity” is that mind controlling vaginal secretion thing?
I may be feeding the troll, but oh do please tell me what constitutes “toxic femininity” and what makes women so “unfit” and “undesirable” as relationship partners, prithee? I’m FASCINATED.
Please, sir, do go on.
When I think “toxic femininity”, TBH, I usually think of the way women are encouraged to police each other towards normatively acceptable behavior.
So yeah, there’s a pretty widespread tacit agreement in patriarchal pop culture that men have free will and women don’t. For examples, just look at any TV show that ever involves incubi. Or demonic possession in Christianity, where victims are almost invariably women or girls. Or even anything involving vampires with mind control/seduction abilities – *technically* those might work on male characters, but you usually only get to see it with women, and the guys tend to opt out via rage/cleverness/sheer willpower/etc. Once you know what to look for, it’s everywhere.
(I’m thinking in particular of Dresden Files episode with the incubus larva and the photograph, ugh. But there are so, so many examples.)
Pratchett to the rescue again! Carpe Jugulum shows both men and women falling under the vampires’ sway equally, and the most notable example of someone resisting their power is a woman.
And Stargate: SG-1, the first Hathor episode. Men get controlled, but women resist. (The ep never addressed whether she’d affect lesbians, not affect gays or anyone ace, or affect bisexual people…)
Laurell K Hamilton. Anita Blake series.
I’m not saying they’re good, cause they’re mostly not, but they do avoid that sort of crap.
@Pie There are succubi, too – female sex demons who prey on men. Because homosexual desire was considered sooooo horrible that not even demons would do it. *rolls eyes* source: Malleus Maleficarum by Heinrich Kramer (Ew, ick)
[In this regard Lost Girl is not strictly accurate. :D]
It’s been a while since I read the Bible, but the only explicit demonic possession that’s coming to mind from there was a man who got possessed by a whole bunch of demons (the “we are legion” ones), and then had the demons exorcised by Jesus into a herd of pigs. Then the pigs ran into the sea and drowned, if I recall correctly.
Maybe in more modern Christian-inspired stuff there’s more women possession, I dunno. I don’t think there’s any in the Bible, though to be fair women feature pretty infrequently in the Bible, so that probably contributes to it.
Toxic femininity is the gender roles of female entitlement … like this video promotes… the idea that women are somehow entitled to be wooed by men … who are presumed to have a reciprocal heteronormative ‘duty’ to act as ‘good and proper’ sexual conquerors and conquer women in the ‘right way’ women demand and expect… by performing toxic masculine gender scripts… I mean that’s a big part of TOXIC FEMININITY… as it manifests in this video… but how it normally manifests is a female attitude of entitlement to male provisionment…
Sookie from True Blood could resist vampire mind control. Turns out it’s because of fairy blood. Nothing to do with gender. I think maybe pop culture is getting better on the mind control front. I do wish for less of the supernatural pregnancy trope though. It seems like it’s in every supernatural theme TV show. I guess it’s not in Buffy, but it is in Angel at least 3 times.
Did you even watch the video? Because I saw nothing in there about men needing to act as conquerors. Or even that they need to woo. It just pointed out that interacting respectfully with women is likely to lead to more romantic and sexual success than spending all day in incel forums calling them bitches and fantasizing about them being raped and murdered. I’d think this would be pretty basic and uncontroversial advice. Can you quote what specifically she said that promotes entitlement?
I have never heard of a woman who thinks she is entitled to be wooed by a man. It’s much more common for women to be uncomfortable by being wooed by men because you never know how he is gonna react if you reject him.
@Cindy, I’m speaking living in America so I don’t know where you live and if this applies, but I really wonder how can incel (and while we’re at it, any hateful site and/or movement) websites can be taken away to further isolate them. I constantly wonder if there’d be lawsuits involved because of muh free speech and first amendment stuff, and it reminds me of the case of that Nazi goblin (is that what they call him?) from the Daily Stormer who was almost banished for good had he not gone over to the dark web and eventually someone was willing to profit from his hate to put his website back again.
Same could be with Incels, as long as the internet exists they’ll have some sort of community, and if all their websites were taken away, the ones willing and knowing how to would move over to the dark web, the true hell of the internet. Maybe their community would be smaller, but it’d still exist.
I’ve heard that there are more obscure incel sites that are far worse than Incels.me, so cynical me says that humans always find a way to continue to propagate their hate, even if actual censorship is used.
Punctuating (solely) with ellipses automatically makes a written piece lose its credibility. How appropriate for a troll to do that.
Multiple commas in writing also warrant laughter.
Mick, you asshat, go chew on a dead seagull.
@slick mick
You do not understand Toxic Femininity if you consider it to be “self entitlement”. It is not, it is a victim complex and codependency. Toxic Masculinity and Toxic Femininity tend to find each other, as the victim, or source of narcssistic supply tends to find the controlling narcissist. The women who thinks she can tame a “bad boy” only for him to end up abusing her is exactly that. Toxic feminine is over submissive and passive.
I’m not saying there aren’t good points accompanying it, but this “I could never be lured in by a cult, no matter how young and stupid and emotionally unhealthy I might have been, and anyone who could have must be a Bad Person, then, now, and forever” rhetoric seems a bit… well, unimaginative, at least.