By David Futrelle
So I ran across this cartoon on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. I guess it’s supposed to be a tribute to MEN for doing all the hard work that keeps the world going while women eat bonbons and play with children, or something.
But I’m pretty sure that’s Freddie Mercury there.
So I guess we all owe Freddie a huge debt of gratitude. Thanks, Freddie!
Freddie’s huge pie is utterly ruined now!
That’s *absolutely* Freddie Mercury.
I want to know why Freddie is in the ocean holding up Mary and Jesus. Does that make Freddie Mercury Joseph?
Or does it make him God?
I’m pretty sure Mary, Joseph and Jesus weren’t from India.
But who is going to hold up Kavanaugh’s confirmation? That’s the person I want to praise…
I’m okay with Freddie Mercury being God.
Funny, my dad lived 83 years, but never once did I hear him talk about sacrifice, ever.
Also, he didn’t look a thing like Freddie Mercury.
I am sort of OK with a religion that features Freddie Mercury bearing the Madonna and Child across the ocean, perched on a trash can lid.
Sorry, MGTOWs, this isn’t the real life. This is just fantasy.
weirwoodtreehugger….. don’t be silly, everyone knows that Lemmy is god. /FM
@ moggie
Heh, this chap begs to differ…
I think we can all agree that Freddie Mercury is a god.
Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to hear the good news about Queen?
Another meme bites the dust.
@Podkayne Lives, @Gijoel
I’m in!
Is this why England people say God saves (the) Queen ?
Um, actually, a lot of women would be more than happy to swich roles. But no MGTOW would ever take that role. Because that would be effeminizing!! Oh horror. Imagine if one did tho and his face when he finds out that stay at home mom’s workload us equal to 2,5 times a full job 😀
Given the Queen reference in the first panel, surely this has to be a parody? 🙂
I’m pretty sure boats and rafts exist. We did use them to cross the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait during one of the early human migrations out of Africa 125,000 years ago.* Sure, the water was shallower and the strait was narrower back then thanks to the ice age, but it wouldn’t have been shallow and narrow enough to walk through. It definitely wouldn’t have been possible to walk through while supporting a full grown woman and a baby on your head. Nope, they used boats, which were used as seafaring vessels as far back as 900,000 years ago by our ancestors, Homo Erectus.** Yep, they definitely exist and have existed for a VVEEERRRYYY long time.
Talk of fathers and sacrifice just reminds me of Abraham and Isaac.
Not that my Dad wasn’t a lovely man, and my ex was a lovely Dad to his daughter and Mr Bluecat is a great Dad to his kids too.
And do you know, not one of them ever bellyached about “making sacrifices” – they were too busy being Dads and bringing up their kids.
No! Don’t you dare try to claim Freddie Mercury as your own, migtoes. He doesn’t belong to you.
Yeah, so, I’m pretty sure that meme’s supposed to evoke Yashoda and infant Krishna, not Mary and infant Jesus (though there isn’t a Joseph-figure in the former).
On that note, @Moggie
Technically, neither was Freddie (he was born in Zanzibar to Parsi parents).
@Ariblester, I wasn’t suggesting that Freddie was Indian. I noticed the “Utkal” on the cartoon, and guessed it was from Odisha.
Reminds me of the other meme that had a very similar message, except that it didn’t have a good case as it mentioned a whole litany of fictional people as it’s evidence.
Sorry, but I can’t see Freddy Mercury without seeing this scene…
This is still my favourite Freddie Mercury meme: