By David Futrelle
So I ran across this cartoon on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. I guess it’s supposed to be a tribute to MEN for doing all the hard work that keeps the world going while women eat bonbons and play with children, or something.
But I’m pretty sure that’s Freddie Mercury there.
So I guess we all owe Freddie a huge debt of gratitude. Thanks, Freddie!
It’s a ridiculous meme. Nothing is stopping fathers from loving their children. Nothing, that is, except the toxic alpha mindset that says in order to raise manly sons, dads have to be distant authoritarians who bond with their male offspring only on weekend outings, preferably over the corpses of slain animals.
You know, the toxic alpha mindset that these guys ferociously defend at all costs. It’s an entirely self-created problem.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go restock my pretty cabinet with Moet & Chandon. (That is, if WWTH didn’t drink it all.)
Ah, I misunderstood. My apologies.
@Buttercup, don’t forget the caviare and cigarettes.
Would it be sacrilege to say that my favourite Queen song isn’t even a Freddie one? Brian May wrote ’39, and sings the lead. There are a lot of Queen numbers which make me smile, but this is the only one which brings a tear to my eye.
Mgtow is freeing minds and men and boys from TOXIC FEMININITY every day …
Yeah. That’s probably my favorite of theirs. Of course, hearing it for the first time having just finished reading The Forever War may have had something to do with the response it got. 🙂
@Moggie, yes, my unseen toiling ocean porter keeps me well supplied with caviar and cigarettes. I give them to the baby, of course.
’39 is one of my favorites too. Such a haunting song. It makes me want to go reread “Time for the Stars”.
@ Moggie, Shadowplay
’39 is my fave, too. The versatility shown on A Night At The Opera is mind-boggling!!
I went camping this weekend, fed approximately 10,000 Trombiculidae…
circa 1985
Video Director: OK people! Here’s how it’s going to go. Freddie, you’re in the pool holding up the trashcan lid and looking confused. Brian, you’re perched on the lid dressed as the Madonna and cradling an infant onto whose face we’ll superimpose John’s face. And Roger… where’s Roger? What do you mean he’s gone out for crisps?! Well, who is going to play the merman then? The metaphor doesn’t work without a merman!
OT – Katie Hopkins has filed for insolvency due to the financial impact of losing a libel case. Apparently there are, in fact, sometimes consequences for being a flaming garbage person.
Happy dancing here. She is one of the few truly irredeemably vile people out there.
And … I’ve been enjoying a week of no twitter, no politics – for some reason the 9/11 stuff hit me hard this year.
Guess it’s time to get back into the fuss and bother though. 🙁
@Weird Eddie: Run out of N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide? 🙁
Why did Daddy Mercury carry his partner and child out into the ocean?
I’m waiting for some brave MGTOW to pen “Mercury Shrugged”.
A couple of years ago we went to a Rick Wakeman concert in Tenerife, with a guest appearance by Brian May. Much as I enjoyed Rick Wakeman, the high point was Brian doing his thing with delays while members of rick Wakeman’s band drooled as much s the rest of us.
And then he sang ’39.
Even so, I think I love “Fat Bottom Girls” even more. In fact I floated the idea that a group of us would take along a banner reading, “Fat bottom girls love the Big Bang!” because we’re all large astrophysics nerds.
When there was only one set of footprints… it was then that Freddie Mercury carried you.
@Diptych: as someone who grew up with that story in a picture frame in the kitchen for 15 years, thank you, that was priceless