By David Futrelle
It’s Friday! So let me just ruin your weekend in advance by making you read this horrible thing from the Incels.me forum containing the phrase “pussy mouthwash.”
Because WHAT is “huge turn on for them?”
Amazingly, the discussion that followed this, er, problematic series of assertions somehow managed to get even worse.
While a few bold incels dared to point out that women do in fact wash their vaginas, and that “pussy mouthwash” does exist in the form of douches and other “intimate hygiene” products that actually make things worse, and while one even admitted that he didn’t actually have any understanding of vaginas (” I don’t think I can even imagine what a pussy is at this point”), most commenters in the thread agreed that 1) women are gross and 2) vaginas are gross, even at a distance, with one alleged vaginal odor expert reporting that “I could smell their stank pussies when they wore skirts in school,” describing the smell as a mixture of “fish and cheese.”
There was widespread agreement that once a Chad ejaculates into a vagina his semen will remain trapped there for as long as five years, making cunnilingus something akin to a suicide mission.
As one commenter put it:
I always have the urge to throw up whenever I think about the possibility of some other man’s semen being inside of a woman whenever I might have the opportunity to go down on her. That is SO gross and nasty. Seriously, it DOES stay in there until her period rolls around, which is variable.
Another commenter declared that only
legit cucks would eat out a non virgin foid
(if she isn’t a virgin then that shit need to be power cleaned for any mouth to go near it and even then its iffy)
I’m sure that all of these fellows’ balls smell like fresh flowers.
And with that thought in mind, here are a bunch of vintage “feminine hygiene” ads I ran across while looking for a graphic for this post. Click on the pics for larger versions. Enjoy!
And here’s the full ad I clipped the header image from:
H/T — Big thanks to Twitter’s @Justincelthings, an incel-tracking ‘n’ mocking account that tweeted about this horrible discussion earlier today (and from whom I stole the screenshot of Total Imbecile’s post). If you’re on Twitter you owe it to yourself to follow this highly useful if at times horrifying account.
@calmdown — Lysol was a different formula then, but it was even more toxic than it is now. It contained crestol until the early 50s. (http://www.hmdb.ca/metabolites/HMDB0002048).
It was marketed as a feminine hygiene product, and was used as a (not very effective) birth control method. It hurts just to think about.
Let alone the I-55 DAY traffic. I briefly lived down near the Newport Beach city line with Costa Mesa on Irvine Ave. back when I first moved to OC. The I-55 in general makes saints want to kick babies.
And my cooter just noped out of here at the idea of Lysol even near it. I’ve had enough problems with yeast infections in the past to not want to make the problem worse. Just… take regular showers, FFS. It aren’t that hard.
Knitting Cat Lady:
There you are, incels: it’d burn your dick right off! Stay away!
Rehabilitation Has Begun
#MeToo poster boys Jian Ghomeshi (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation host who made headlines way back in 2016, so he’s a proto-poster boy) and John Hockenberry (NPR host) are back!
Look for them in the New York Review of Books and Harper’s. Yuck.
They’re Here
Frida Garza
The only part of that which might have some basis in reality is the chap who noticed a bad smell coming from girls when he was at school. Source: I used to do a lot of classroom visits in a previous job – and have a sensitive nose.
Some teenage girls take longer to figure out personal hygiene than others, mostly underarm but there are definitely period smells on occasion. So he might just have once or twice noticed a smell coming from a girl in his class.
However, if he had a good enough nose to pick out an unfamiliar smell among the general stink of a pubescent classroom and to identify the source then there’s no way he could have failed to notice that boys at that age are three times as likely to smell – and when they do it’s usually twice as bad.
Also, he claimed that he could only smell it when the girls wore skirts which is even more obvious bullshit. If trousers/pants contained smells that come from between the legs, farts would be something culturally associated with women and Scotsmen.
Periods are a bit stinky (I have a very sensitive sense of smell) but the main cause of anything someone else could smell without getting *really* close seems to be pads. And even then, they’d have to be a lot closer than any of these guys have ever gotten to a feeeemale. Tampons are a close 2nd, but since they’re inside, it’s only an issue when changing them. Switched to a menstrual cup & it largely went away.
So this is the adult version of ‘girls have cooties’ and it sounds revolting. But also hilarious as they clearly have NO idea about women’s bodies. It is true, many of us DO NOT wash out our vaginas, and this is because washing it is actually WRONG if you want your vagina to stay healthy.
Do these guys get a slim bottle brush and wash out their urethra on a regular basis? Urine AND semen come out of there! But not surprisingly they do not worry about it because they know that it is not going to line the walls of the urethra for years!
ALSO, reality check Bozo’s. NOT ALL women have sex with Chad, amazing thought that may seem to you. Some of us do not even have semen in our vaginas EVER!
It’s not a compost bin.
It’s not a sarcophagus, either.
I do wonder, though, why they’re so obsessed with something they claim to find smelly, repellant, and worthless. Obsessed, to the point where they want government to forcibly redistribute it, otherwise they’ll snap and start murdering people. Personally, I’ve never felt that strongly about anaerobic decomposition.
Distant memories of “Keep the Asphidistra Flying” by George Orwell. The bit about adverts concerning “pedic perspiration”. “Pedic” wasn’t even a word, but Gordon’s bosses didn’t care, so he carried on writing the ads about women’s marriages being wrecked by their pedic perspiration.
Now that bit of the book makes sense.
@Buttercup: I do believe we are seeing a classic instance of “sour grapes” here.
I remember seeing my mother’s douching equipment, in the 1970s, when I was a kid. I haven’t seen douching products on the shelves of any store for a long time. Of course, I haven’t been looking for them, either. They’re a relic from another time, it seems to me.
I’ve not seen any ads for them, either. Those ads are so offensive and condescending, designed as they are to play on women’s insecurities. Of course, that’s what most advertising does. Thankfully, so-called “feminine odor” products have mostly been pretty much relegated to the garbage dump of history (I hope).
Personally I’d be delighted if they all kept as far away from vaginas and from all those who have them and / or love them as possible.
Except I worry some of them will end up running the country, sitting on the Supreme Court, making decisions about vaginas and the people who have them and / or love them – and they STILL won’t know jackshit about them.
Clearly this guy has never heard of vagina dentata I’d love to explain the conept to him…
Maybe we need a book – “Women for Dummies”.
Thinks about strong chemicals near anyone’s genitalia. Crosses legs.
Those adverts remind me of this parody
I wonder what makes those guys so damn afraid of cunninglingus, personally I think it’s fun. I know it’s always useful to get cleaned up but I think that’s the case with any sexual activity with anyone, these dudes are just weird.
Incel’s favourite movie.
Ned is correct that Lysol was intended to be used as a spermicide back when condoms were oppression/illegal/anti Christian and there was no pill. Can’t help wondering how many women got cervical cancer from squirting bleach up themselves.
These douche monkeys should know what a douche is.
My ex flat mate was using femanin oder products when I lived with her 4 years ago
Re: Vagina Dentata
Also, I haven’t really seen this mentioned anywhere until today, and I’m not a USAian, but this seems like a serious “call your congresscritter” moment. Apparently the Violence Against Women act is set to expire: http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-violence-against-women-expire-20180913-story.html
So they’re actually voluntary celibates really, what with not actually being attracted to women, and all??
In other horrible news, a border patrol agent has just been arrested on charges of killing four migrant women. A fifth apparently escaped. They’re charging him as a serial killer.
That’s horrible. And I won’t be surprised if Trump pardons him.
I bet the alt-right is all ready hailing the guy as a hero.
@Fabe, yeah, those women were probably ISIS commandos sneaking in to assassinate Trump.