bad anatomy bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect entitled babies evil sex-having women evil smelly women hypocrisy incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny vaginas

New Incel Theory: Women don’t use “pussy mouthwash” because “letting Chad’s load rot in there is a huge turn on”

Uh oh

By David Futrelle

It’s Friday! So let me just ruin your weekend in advance by making you read this horrible thing from the forum containing the phrase “pussy mouthwash.”

[Hypocrisy] Why do women think they dont EVER have to wash their pussy Thread starterTotal Imbecile Start dateToday at 1:30 AM Total Imbecile Total Imbecile Legend - JoinedDec 19, 2017 Messages3,917 Today at 1:30 AM#1 The most common arguments I hear are "muh pH, and "muh bacterial culture" but that same argument could apply to your mouth yet all of us brush their teeth at least once a day Im baffled that there doesnt exist at least some sort of pussy mouthwash whose pHd matches that of a cunt and that doesnt kill "the good bacteria" Tbh I wouldnt be surprised if the truth is that women dont wanna wash their cunt because letting Chads load sit in there and rot is a huge turn on for them

Because WHAT is “huge turn on for them?”

Amazingly, the discussion that followed this, er, problematic series of assertions somehow managed to get even worse.

While a few bold incels dared to point out that women do in fact wash their vaginas, and that “pussy mouthwash” does exist in the form of douches and other “intimate hygiene” products that actually make things worse, and while one even admitted that he didn’t actually have any understanding of vaginas (” I don’t think I can even imagine what a pussy is at this point”), most commenters in the thread agreed that 1) women are gross and 2) vaginas are gross, even at a distance, with one alleged vaginal odor expert reporting that “I could smell their stank pussies when they wore skirts in school,” describing the smell as a mixture of “fish and cheese.”

There was widespread agreement that once a Chad ejaculates into a vagina his semen will remain trapped there for as long as five years, making cunnilingus something akin to a suicide mission.

As one commenter put it:

I always have the urge to throw up whenever I think about the possibility of some other man’s semen being inside of a woman whenever I might have the opportunity to go down on her. That is SO gross and nasty. Seriously, it DOES stay in there until her period rolls around, which is variable.

Another commenter declared that only

legit cucks would eat out a non virgin foid
(if she isn’t a virgin then that shit need to be power cleaned for any mouth to go near it and even then its iffy)

I’m sure that all of these fellows’ balls smell like fresh flowers.

And with that thought in mind, here are a bunch of vintage “feminine hygiene” ads I ran across while looking for a graphic for this post. Click on the pics for larger versions. Enjoy!

And here’s the full ad I clipped the header image from:

H/T — Big thanks to Twitter’s @Justincelthings, an incel-tracking ‘n’ mocking account that tweeted about this horrible discussion earlier today (and from whom I stole the screenshot of Total Imbecile’s post). If you’re on Twitter you owe it to yourself to follow this highly useful if at times horrifying account.

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Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago

Well, we already know they don’t know basic biology, this is just more confirmation.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

*Rubs hand over eyes tiredly*

6 years ago

Hands up, anyone here who’s surprised by incels’ utter lack of understanding of human bodies, specifically women’s.

Hint: We brush our teeth and rinse them with mouthwash because we need teeth to eat, and not brushing them can help them rot. Women don’t have teeth in their vaginas.

Though, if these guys ever encounter a vagina in the wild, I kind of hope it does have teeth.

Gregory A Lynn
Gregory A Lynn
6 years ago

These people have literally never even met a woman. They were grown in a lab, raised entirely by men, and shown nothing but porn.

I just…how the hell are people so goddamn clueless? They want a “pussy mouthwash” that is apparently sentient enough to deserve the word “whose” and they want it to have a “pHd” that matches that of a normal human vagina.

6 years ago

It’s likely regular mouth wash is also doing more harm than good. Alcohol doesn’t freshen breath long term.

6 years ago

Sorry if I sound homophobic, but they saying that vaginas are gross reminds me of a hypothesis I came across that some Incels are very much stuck in the closet (and maybe that’s why they’re obsessed with ever powerful Chad).

Don’t know, or maybe it’s just their raging mysogyny clouding their minds and judgement like always.

6 years ago

Well, at least THIS “incel” (volasshole) picked an apt nym for himself. Proving that even if he’s aware of sweet fuck-all about women, he has some rudimentary self-awareness…

(Not bloody much of even that, though.)

6 years ago


It’s the second one.

6 years ago

Well then I suppose they are advocates for condom use, as keeping the “load” out of a vagina clearly has advantages.

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago


But their seed is liquid gold (just writing that made me throw up a little inside), can’t throw it away!

Wait, but gold doesn’t deteriorate….

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Women don’t have teeth in their vaginas.

Speak for yourself.

6 years ago

Laserqueen: But, but, but, stretching! Everyone knows that once a woman has sex, she immediately becomes cavernous to any other man (but, weirdly, not to THAT man if she remains faithful to him).

Aleph: Let me put it this way–it’s perfectly likely that SOME of these vile scumpuppies are in the closet. Or even that they’re asexual. But there’s no particular evidence that non-heterosexuality is more common among them than the general population–at most, those who are something other than a perfect Kinsey 0 are simply more likely to remain closeted because they have such generally fucked up ideas about masculinity that they can’t accept the truth about themselves. (In other words, it’s not being in the closet that causes their toxicity, but rather, that their toxicity forces them to remain in the closet.)

6 years ago

all of us brush their teeth at least once a day

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

I think my Pussy Riot tribute band will be called “Pussy Mouthwash”.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Massengill…say, is that the delicate scent of hexachlorophene?

I think there should be some sort of pussy mouthwash with a “pHd”. These guys are always claiming you can’t fuck a diploma.

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

They used to talk, midcentury, of middle-class women having trouble getting pregnant. They blamed it on female psychology of course. If it was a real phenomenon, I wonder if anyone has ever considered the role that encouraging women to douche with Lysol might have played. Jesus Christ. My cooch is cringing, just thinking about it.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

As always, incels are spot on. I never clean my genitals. That’s why I have a variety of coexisting infections “down there.” Damn, those infections are painful and itchy. Doesn’t matter. Not gonna change. Funky forever.

Not like incels. Nothing about them stinks.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
6 years ago

@Jesalin: I doubt they can even remember what planet they’re on half the time.

6 years ago

That Zonite ad is just evil. “You can’t smell it, but to everyone else, you stink!”

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

So, they claim that vags are stinky.

As the lovely Dr. Jen Gunter tells us, a vagina is like a self cleaning oven. The only parts you need to actively clean are the parts you can reach with your fingers. With clear water and nothing else.

Because cleaning products make things worse.


6 years ago

Also, the ‘fish and cheese’ guy may want to go to a doctor, since he seems regularly smelling odors that don’t exist outside of his head. Maybe he has a bad sinus infection.

6 years ago

This is giving me more of a headache than trying to avoid the I-55 night traffic.

6 years ago

Wait…Lysol? It was a different formula back then right? I mean, I’m just picturing women douching with bleach, and that can’t be right? Can it?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago


comment image

I don’t think I can even imagine what a pussy is at this point

Doesn’t know what it is, what it does, what it’s like, or what he wants it for. But other people have it, and of course he’s owed it, so he’s gonna whine about it. Sounds about right

6 years ago

Actually, the Lysol was generally hinted at for anti-pregnancy and/or abortion purposes, but they were unable to come outright and say that in the ads.

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