By David Futrelle
Today, a Twitter self-own so perfect, so pure, that it may well bring a tear to your eye.
Our story begins several days ago after a Tweeter called George — a plus-sized model/blogger in the UK (and a lady, despite the name) — responds to a famously dumb tweet joking about the (imaginary) tendency of vaginas to become cavernous after encountering more than a couple of penises, a favorite incel/misogynist folk belief.
A wild incel appears!
A discussion ensues, in which the incel insists he is not actually an incel but in fact something of a hands-on expert with regards to vaginas. (If the text in any of the screenshots below gets too small, click on the image in question to see the relevant section of the original thread on Twitter, then return here for the rest.)
George returns to the discussion with a data point based on her own actual vagina.
The incel takes a new tack, suggesting that George is metaphorically loose.
The discussion continues apace, with ProtoUnhold alternately denouncing his opponents as sluts while asserting his own alleged studliness. Then our intrepid incel makes the mistake of mentioning his totally real girlfriend.
This was not the effective rebuttal he evidently hoped it would be.
The full screenshot, for maximum effect:
ProtoUnhold left the discussion after one more tweet and never returned.
Now, I suppose he could argue that this self-own was so total and so obvious that it wasn’t a REAL self own but rather the result of his own secret campaign of mega-trollery — and that he posted the sex doll pic TOTALLY ON PURPOSE in order to suggest that Chubbs the Kitten was herself a virgin. But he didn’t stick around to even try to make the case that it was TOTALLY ON PURPOSE GUYS YOU’RE THE ONES WHO GOT OWNED HA HA HA so that seems rather far fetched.
It’s all a bit reminiscent of this famous tweet, though to be fair this one really WAS a joke.
Out on the town having the time of my life with a bunch of friends. They're all just out of frame, laughing too. pic.twitter.com/VCbkZwWwvs
— nathan fielder (@nathanfielder) July 12, 2015
Well, Becky is the name incels denote the “not quite hot enough but passable I guess” women who they think they at the very least deserve to date since Stacey (Stacy? Stacie??) is out of their “looksmatch”. Of course they actually mean “super cute girl next door” type, not your average woman on the street.
I’m not sure if he did that on purpose or if it’s just another kind of self own, albeit one that pales in comparison to claiming a sex doll is your very very real girlfriend. I think I just wanted to point out that it’s already unlikely for a Becky to work in the grocery store around the block in Germany, let alone a Becky who is also into slut shaming AND Trump at the same time, even if she wasn’t a sex doll.
I have plenty racist relatives, the new nazis definitely have a lot more traction than I’m comfortable with, but most Germans are still not happy with all the obvious lies Trump spouts about us, nor are we a fan of his threats against the European union (both trade and defensewise). German right wing idiot doesn’t equal trump fan, even less so with the ladies.
That said, it’s bad enough how it is and we gotta watch our steps too. At the end of the day our nazis do have the same talking points as trumpists and they are on the rise and we can not let them get power. I’m not saying our nazis are better people than yours, just that they don’t like being insulted by “allies”.
These guys just keep making the case for the necessity of proper sex ed with every new tweet.
HINT HINT Premier Dipshit!
Seriously, yesterday’s news that DoFo is actually going to invoke the Notwithstanding Clause in service of overruling a court ruling that smacked down his power play against Toronto Council has me very worried. In Grade 11 Law class, we came to understand that this was the equivalent of the nuclear football sitting right next to the levers of power with a warning sign saying “MAY CAUSE CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS — PLEASE DON’T TOUCH!”
It’s only been invoked 5 times since 1982, mostly by Quebec regarding language laws. It allows the federal or a provincial legislature to override judicial review, but such a law is limited to a five-year term (the logic being that five years is a standard parliamentary term). It was included in the Charter as a condition of its acceptance by the provinces with the hope that it would not be abused. Sadly neither Justice Minister (and eventual PM) Jean Chretien nor Pierre Trudeau foresaw a know-nothing petty reactionary assume control of the most populous province in the land.
And he’s using it to override a judge’s ruling that he can’t cut the Toronto council before an election. He can still cut council after. He can still appeal the ruling. But no, that nuclear weapon button is too tempting for him to use.
…he’s been in office less than three months.
It’s times like this I really, really get steamed at the Ontario Liberal Party with squandering 15 years of opportunity to set Ontario on a course that would make populist dillholes like the Ford brothers unpalatable to their credulous audience, as well as the media for not laying the stakes plainly. I realize this is incredibly condescending, but it’s tough to blame people who don’t know any better for treating a vote for a slick-talking confidence man as some kind of quirky protest against obvious neoliberal inefficacy.
Honestly, how many Ontarians only heard about what the notwithstanding clause of the Charter is yesterday? It was probably something we all should have known we were potentially handing to a discount Donald Trump before we got in the voting booth in June, huh?
Three years, nine months left to go….
Have you ever written about Reno Omokri, the originator of the bad fish metaphor? He’s a complete misogynist nut, too. In addition to being obsessed with pre-marital sex, he also constantly rants about the dangers of “witchcraft”. And he was a spokesperson for Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, who loved throwing gay people in jail for the crime of being gay.
He uses the hashtag #RenosNuggets on Twitter, if you want to check out an easily curated selection of his insanity. He loves to compare women to food–fish, oranges, soup–and thinks women who have had abortions have dead babies inside of them. Mate, that is not how abortions work!
That is
1) not a way you can get dehydrated.
2) gross, and not (just) in a “yuck” way – it implies he wants to harm women. (‘Course, it’s “just a joke,” as if it makes things fine.)
@Katamount –
I can’t answer to being in Ontario (I lived there for a year and a half, but came back to Montreal) but I remember the “notwithstanding clause” from Grade 10 history – probably because it sounded dramatic.
Opinion piece I read in the paper said that the court stalling Ford is a sign of the courts having too much power, which they shouldn’t because the judicial area of the government wasn’t elected, etc. While the idea of more direct democracy isn’t bad, the writer missed the point. If you want to make a big change to the frame of your governance – e.g. the number of council seats in your province’s biggest city – it should be an across-board decision as much as possible and not just one party pushing it through. That is undemocratic. It’s like someone winning an election and then changing how elections are held to ensure that they keep control of power. (As far as I understand it.)
@epitome of incomprehensibility
Yeah, I see a lot of that bandied about by the usual suspects on the right. I actually have a lot of trust in our judiciary and that actually does cross parties; Roy McMurtry was a Progressive Conservative who served in the cabinet of Premier Bill Davis back in the 80s as Attorney General, and then was the Chief Justice of the Ontario Supreme Court from 1996 to 2007. I hold him in great esteem. The Harper-appointed justices on the Supreme Court of Canada have been pretty even-handed in their decisions, as far as I am aware, and new Chief Justice Richard Wagner strikes me as a perfectly capable successor to Beverley McLachlin.
Polls I’ve read that the majority of Canadians feel the same sense of satisfaction with the courts and I’m always reticent when it comes to the boilerplate “judicial activism” attack, especially here in Canada, but this ranks as easily the worst I’ve witnessed. This is Ford finding his father’s gun in the closet and taking aim at the judiciary. This is as bad as it sounds, and knowing Ford, only going to get worse.
Sigh – I reposted some article links about Ford on Facebook, and my former high-school physics teacher, who I thought still lived in the Maritimes, just commented, characterizing it as “Andrea Horvath whining.” I replied that apart from everything else, it bothers me that Ford is claiming his use of the Notwithstanding clause as bravely carrying out the will of the people who elected him, when as far as I can recall, promising to cut seats on Toronto’s city council was not part of the platform he ran on.
I already had to block Mr. S’s son a few months ago, after he called my friends left-wing bigots and PM’d me to say he’d only friended me because of a deceased friend we had in common, and that I was “poisoning” his good memories of those times. Wondering if things are going to repeat.
I don’t recall this family being that conservative when I was a teenager (then again the daughter was the one I actually hung out with).
@Malice W Underland
Back when I was dating ex, around year 3, I got diagnosed with cancer, went through chemo, lost my hair, so my head radiated heat like an infrared beacon in the darkness. My then-boyfriend’s ancient cat decided that lying across my face while I was asleep was the best thing ever. Not cuddled across the top of my head–across my nose and mouth. I felt her reposition herself once when I was half asleep to make sure she was completely blocking my airways.
By then, we’d been dating long distance about 2-3 years, and he’d brought the cats down to live with me because my apartment was bigger with more windows. I sometimes wonder if she waited for the plausible deniability of my hot head to make her move once she’d realized I wasn’t going away anytime soon.
She also spent a lot of time falling asleep in my lap and demanding pets. And both cats definitely sniffed my mouth on the regular to make sure I hadn’t been holding out on them and eating goodies when they weren’t looking.
So I can see why some people look askance at kitties and devise interesting superstitions. Lots of pets can get jealous at new family members taking attention away from them.
Comments policy. Thanks
The thing is, while DoFo can still cut council after the election, that means he’s stuck with a 47-seat council for the entirety of his first term, and he might not get another (we can only hope). He has to get his petty revenge in now, just in case. And use the nuclear option because what the hell, why not.
And he’s talking about maybe using it for other things too? Christ, can’t premiers be told they’ve got a lifetime limit on how often they’re allowed to invoke it? Sorry, only one Get-Out-of-the-Constitution-Free card allowed per turn…
These people have never heard of kegal exercises.
I have had sex with hundreds of men. I still get compliments on the tight fit.
What’s funny is that even when I was new at sex (aka a virgin), a small dick still didn’t feel that good. I thought it was because of me.
After having more experience I realized, no, it’s not because of me.
These men with performance issues, if they have a spare brain cell, should learn how to use their tongue properly.
I should edit my previous comment by pointing out that I have had *safe sex* with hundreds of men.
And add a name drop for Planned Parenthood.
If I understand you correctly:
(I don’t think the incel community has yet come up with a dismissive name for the Big Ethels–and probably just as well.)
The guy in the article picture is actually quite cute. confusing?
I don’t get why he’d post a picture of a sex doll, when he could just as easily have found a picture of a real woman.
Most likely, it was just the first Google result for whatever he typed.
Valentin – the guy in the picture is Ryan Gosling, an extremely talented and extremely nice Canadian actor. The picture is a still from the movie “Lars and the Real Girl”.
Is this for real? Incel posts pic of sex doll saying “this is my gf” and expects people to believe that? Is he really that dumb? [note to self: yes] I can’t believe this isn’t some kind of weird joke…