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Today’s horror from the world of incels: “Rape is a valid mating strategy for ugly men”

Being a resentful creepy weirdo: not an effective mating strategy

By David Futrelle

Here’s today’s terrible, er, insight from the world of the so-called “involuntarily celibate,” found on the Braincels subreddit (and archived here).

4morebricks 1 point an hour ago* Rape is as valid of a mating strategy for ugly men as literally any mating strategy other men employ. Just because Chads/Stacies came together and agreed to cut unattractive men out of the gene pool doesn't mean ugly mens' mating strategies are morally inferior. Bottom line: if women want the freedom to decide whose genes are passed on to future generations, they'll have to accept the anger of men who aren't chosen.

There’s really nothing about this comment that isn’t horrifyingly wrong, huh? Even aside from the fucking rape apologia, there’s this assumption that “passing your genes on to future generations” is somehow every man’s sacred right. and that “Chad and Stacey” are somehow conspiring to deny this “right” to ugly men.Who even thinks like this?

It’s bizarre thing to have to say this out loud, but no, incel dudes, not only are you not entitled to sex with women who don’t want to have anything to do with you, but you are also not entitled to impregnate a woman against her will and force her to carry the pregnancy to term because you have some weird fixation on passing on your genes.

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Sheila Crosby
6 years ago

I was quite nervous the night before my first day working as a tour guide at the astronomical observatory here.
I dreamt that I arrived at the mountain top in good time and had a nice relaxed coffee in the private hotel for astronomers. Then time jumped, as it does in dreams, and I was 20 minutes late. I ran out of the hotel and coundn’t find my car in the car park. So I ran up to the meeting point on the heliport and dreamed a very realistic stitch (the observatory is at 8,000 ft, so 75% the oxygen you get at sea level). And my group was waiting for me there – 30 Japanese people, politely expecting me to explain Cherenkov radiation in Japanese.
It was so nice to wake up.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago


Can I ask where you’re getting that from? I’ve never seen that definition of “dildo” and can’t find it in any dictionaries. The etymology I’m familiar with is that it was a nonsense word used in songs (like “falalalala”) that then became attached to the sex toy in 1590s England because it was funny, like saying “her whatnot”.

6 years ago

@ Full Metal Ox,

That’s a great tune. I think I may have gone to thinking about other strange tales I have heard, because I was thinking of men attempting to get you pregnant on purpose, to trap you. Which did happen to me (he was not successful) and I’ve heard plenty of similar tales too. And of course there are countless online.

I believe the topic of “stealthing” was covered here too.

I wonder how this .. these extreme comments, how they may “minimize” other behavior too? I’m having a hard time articulating this.

And then there are the cases where there is no subterfuge or physical attack, but a constant wearing down of the woman’s psyche. This one friend of mine, her exH once bought her a fake plastic baby. And gave it to her as a Christmas gift.


I do try not to dwell too much on these types of things, keep things in the past. There are all kinds of people out there willing to engage in all kinds of abusive behavior and these things do need to be brought to light.

6 years ago

These shitstains don’t even consider that it’s not good enough to simply produce offspring. To be reproductively successful, your offspring have to survive to adulthood and also reproduce, otherwise your genes will end same as if you never reproduced. Therefore, leaving your offspring to be raised by a woman who will have no help from the other parent (because he’s a fucking rapist and will be in jail or at least avoided like the plague) and who has undergone a seriously traumatic event directly related to the child, that will seriously reduce any chances of the offspring surviving and reproducing. The best reproductive strategy is a partnership or a community support system in which all participants will assist in the intensely time and energy intensive labor of caring for a human child to adulthood. Next best thing would be sperm donation, which would allow the genetic material to be used by a woman who is in a stable situation.

Not that passing on your particular genes even matters, since there are 7+ billion humans on the planet and we share 99.9% of the same genetic code anyway.

Of course, since incels aren’t at all interested in reproducing. They just want to hurt and dominate women. I hope every single incel falls into the sun before they get a chance to hurt anyone.

6 years ago

This discussion makes me recall that there was a pretty popular scientific hypothesis in the 18th century, according to which women would also ejaculate when they had an orgasm, although they sort of ejaculated inside their wombs so you wouldn’t see the fluid. The hypothesis was that babies are produced when the male and the female ejaculative fluids are mixed. So if a woman doesn’t orgasm, she can’t get pregnant.

Would be pretty neat in a way, if that were true!

6 years ago

Off topic, but maybe you can report on what the manosphere is saying about the Andrew Nolch thing? He was the guy who vandalized Eurydice Dixon’s (a raped and murdered Aussie comedian) memorial by painting a giant ejaculating dick on it in the name of men’s rights. He got sentenced now, so it is on the news again.

6 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

Here’s a reference for the meaning ‘oarlock’. It appears I misremembered the specific reason for the town name, it being named for Dildo Head, that being named, as far as anyone can tell, after the shape of the thole pin.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago


Thanks. I have to admit that I suspect the sex toy meaning came first and that the sailors saw a great opportunity to add to their salty language, but who knows?