alpha males chad thundercock empathy deficit entitled babies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

If I had a girlfriend, I’d keep her locked up so she’d never encounter any other guys, Incel fantasizes

Note to incels: Women generally don’t like being locked up very much

By David Futrelle

On the reliably dreadful forums, some of the regulars are once again reminding us why it’s a good thing that most of these guys aren’t dating any actual human women, suggesting that if they were lucky enough to find girlfriends for themselves they’d never let these lucky women out of the house lest they happen to meet a more handsome man.

Someone calling himself  patheticmanletcel starts off the thread with this confession:

 Inceldom Discussion [Serious] If i had a girlfriend i would to stay inside with her forever Thread starterpatheticmanletcel Start dateThursday at 11:42 AM patheticmanletcel Captain - Thursday at 11:42 AM#1 Serious i would never want to go outside, getting mogged and humiliated in front of my girlfriend would be too much, i would want to be isolated from the world with her, just us no one else, no internet no tv

Sounds like quite a treat for her!

(And by the way, “mogged” is PUA/incel slang for “out-alphaed by another guy.”)

While there were a few dissenters in the thread, most agreed with patheticmanletcel ‘s analysis, and some even endorsed his proposed course of action.

I was thinking the same as you. If by miracle I ever had a gf, I would not need to go outside anymore. But sadly, foids adore to go outside, visit new places, encounter new people. IT WAS OVER FOR US BEFORE IT EVEN STARTED

Bjrgaminggod I'm not human, never was, never will be. - Thursday at 11:43 AM#3 if she goes outside all it takes is seeing a 7/10+ up and she does not love you anymore

Unwanted Veteran - Thursday at 3:19 PM#13 I'd lock her inside my basement tbh.

Incel dudes, just a thought: Perhaps these women don’t want to go out with you in the first place isn’t because you’re ugly but because you give off a strong “I’d love to lock you in my basement” vibe. Not a lot of women are actually into this, guys.

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6 years ago

Gets the taser

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Add in that “A10n3” almost certainly means “Apocalypse Now”, and probably means that one is yet another “can’t wait for the end so I can apply my m4d Fallout 4 sk1llz in the real world and totally pwn all the things (women included) as a badass warlord!”

It almost makes you long for an actual apocalypse to watch these guys starve in isolation while cooperative communities full of fat people survive and rebuild…until you consider how much suffering would occur for people who aren’t complete d-bags, and also how closely we might actually be teetering on that precipice with the Cheeto Benito having the nuclear briefcase, climate change running rampant, and the economy lurching along like some sort of debt-driven zombie that will faceplant the moment interest rates go up above the inflation rate.

6 years ago

These guys, with their dumbass lingo and their egotism and insecurities all hanging out all over the place, are the authors of their own misfortune. As long as they retain these attitudes, and this idea that you have to imprison a person in order to “keep” her, they’re not going to get any. Even the loneliest, most desperate woman isn’t going to want them, purely on account of that. Nobody cares about their wrist size, their height, or the angle of their eyeballs, or how well they alpha (as a verb, not a Greek letter). It’s their attitude, this idea that women are possessions and not people, that’s going to get them shitcanned every single time.

Hey incels, you want to stop being incels? STOP HANGING OUT IN INCEL SPACES. Get out more. Do what you’re afraid your (hypothetical) girlfriends will do on you, and actually associate with people in a normal, non-condescending, non-hateful manner. You might be surprised how much better that works than keeping someone under lock and key like Ariel Castro did.

6 years ago

The key word is clearly “if” here and I’m not sure if that makes it all the more horrifying or potentially less so…

6 years ago

Reminds me of Gollum hiding under the mountain with the one ring.

No, this is worse. At least Gollum was fixated on an inanimate object (yeah, I know the ring was autonomous to an extent, but I don’t remember Gollum knowing that) and not another person.

6 years ago

So, in addition to their other fantasies, these guys think Peter Pumpkin-Eater is a role model. Got it.

6 years ago

No-one ever does anything because they want to in these reactionaries’ worldviews, do they? No-one ever spends time with someone because they like them; no-one says anything because they believe it; no-one is ever actually happy. What everyone else sees as society as usual, they see as a war of each against all, and their only ideology is that they need to win more.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Room recently came on Netflix. Not The Room, the movie with Tommy Wiseau. The movie with Brie Larson that’s actually good. Anyway, I think this incel saw that movie and took a really wrong thing away from it.

Fluffy Spider Returns
Fluffy Spider Returns
6 years ago

Probably off topic
I once got locked in my basement by a faulty door
Made worse by this growling and scratching sound that I’m still wondering what it was

6 years ago

I just realised that I don’t think I’ve ever actually been in a residential basement. Houses here don’t tend to have them, unless you count the kind built on sloping ground, where a floor might technically be a “basement” but still have floor-to-ceiling windows and a door directly to the yard. One or another cellars might have slipped my mind, but I’ve been below ground level in actual caves more often than I have in houses, by, like, an order of magnitude.

6 years ago

@Fluffy Spider

o.e It sounds like your basement/house is haunted, or possibly possessed.

… And I’m just now realizing that the idea of being locked in a basement by a supernatural entity is a far less terrifying prospect than being locked in by an incel. Brr.

6 years ago

They never stop getting weirder.

6 years ago

If you hate going outside, talking to other humans, and going places, then yeah, you are going to have trouble finding a partner. You can’t get a girlfriend without meeting at least one new person. They really do seem to believe that one can be delivered to their doorstep somehow…

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
6 years ago

Another odd thing:
That guy that thinks that the moment his hypothetical girlfriend sees a “7/10” or higher guy she will immediately stop loving him and go for that guy – does he think that she has never seen any other guy ever? I mean, these guys tend to think of themselves as the lowest of the low, on their imaginary scale that they think everyone else adheres to, so if women are so fickle that it’s enough to see someone higher up the scale “and she does not love you anymore”, then how did she ever love him to begin with?
Make up your mind, dude. Is that imaginary scale everything, or isn’t it?

[Another option is that he would like to somehow have groomed the intended girlfriend from infancy, without her having seen any other man ever. While that is an option that I think appears in a couple of folk tales (but tends to not work there, because the man doing the grooming is always the bad guy, not the protagonist) and also fits quite well within the incel worldview, I still don’t believe that’s what he was thinking of.]

6 years ago

And once again incels prove themselves to be the bad guy in a psychological-horror movie.

In unrelated news I started playing BattleTech (the HBS/Paradox game) and I am simply delighted that you choose your characters pronouns instead of sex and one of the options was “they”.

6 years ago

Incels, oh dear. Straight out of the Ariel Castro/Joseph Fritzl/The Collector playbook. ‘Livin’ Doll’ isn’t to be taken literally guys…

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

“Boxing Helena” was a bad movie and you should not take relationship advice from it!

6 years ago

I love how they say that “foids” adore to go outside, see new places, meet new people as though that’s a bad thing.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Given how young most of these incels are, they’re going to need their parents’ or landlords’ permission to hold somebody hostage in the basement.

@WWTH I’m also lovin’ this:

6 years ago

I love how they say that “foids” adore to go outside, see new places, meet new people as though that’s a bad thing.

Outrageous, isn’t it? One of those “foids” even started a supportive community for people having difficulty meeting anyone:

The woman who founded the ‘incel’ movement

6 years ago

@ Buttercup Q Skullpants

After thinking about incels, their relationships with their mothers, and basements (Norman Bates comes to mind) – I think I need a brain bleach.

Marshmallow Stacey Maximal (formerly bluecat)
Marshmallow Stacey Maximal (formerly bluecat)
6 years ago

I read this in between taking tour groups down into an undercroft that dates back to the 1450s and goes two floors below current street level. Like Ankh-Morpork, a lot of what my city is built on is older bits of the city. It’s interesting down there, but nobody’s idea of a love nest.

My extremely sexist upbringing taught my brothers that if a woman had sex with them, it could only be because she’d have sex with absolutely anyone (and me that equal worst things in life were if men wanted to have sex with me, and if they didn’t).

These guys have taken that a step further on both counts.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
6 years ago

Add in that “A10n3” almost certainly means “Apocalypse Now”

I thought it just spelled “alone”. Could be two things, of course.

6 years ago

I see I’m not the only one who immediately thought of Ariel Castro. Ugh.

Thinking some entrapment in the style of “To Catch a Predator” might be warranted here. These guys are ticking time bombs, and need to be contained before they go off.

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