anti-Semitism butts crackpottery cultural marxism evil sex-having women hate speech homophobia irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism rape rape culture rape jokes red pill return of kings white genocide white supremacy

Butt seriously? ANAL PORN is WHITE GENOCIDE, amateur Red Pill philosopher contends

I blame the non-dairy farmers

By David Futrelle

Sometimes the sideshow is more interesting than the main event. Consider this strange ass-ault on butt-sex porn found in the comments to a Return of Kings post titled “GLOBOHOMO RAINBOW MAFIA IS FORCING THE U.S. NATIONAL SOCCER TEAMS TO WEAR GAY PRIDE JERSEYS.”

You might wonder how any comment, no matter how absurd, could manage to upstage a post like that. Let the amateur Red Pill philosopher MCGOO show you how it’s done:

There’s an awful lot of ((anus porn)) that pops up when you turn off your browser filter, like 80% of white woman depections showing them being plugged in the ass – and instructing white males how in reality NOT to do their wife.

First off, I’m pretty sure the anti-Semitic (((echoes))) thing is supposed to have three parentheses on each side, not two, unless there’s an anti-Semitism shortage oI’m not aware of that has necessitated some sort of (((echo))) rationing.

Second of all, where exactly is all this (((anus porn))) showing up? Because I’m on the internet basically all day and all night and this stuff is not popping up for me unbidden. (I do see a lot of ads for Torrid and Lane Bryant because a friend keeps sending me links to shirts she’s thinking of buying.)

The anus porn is false sex education intended to arrest white breeding.

WHAT WHAT (in the butt)!?

Is he actually suggesting that anal porn causes what the white supremacists like to call “white genocide?” Yes. Yes he is.


I want this on a t-shirt.

The girls portrayed are no name non stars or celebrities, just random pretty genes out there being squandered and going to waste while they’re either earning ten bucks or they’re being given a whiff of blow.

Er, having anal sex does not preclude anyone from having sex in the front butt as well. Also, no white woman, however “pretty” her genes, is obliged to pop out white babies because some idiot internet racists want her to.

The next time some sh¡tter porn comes on my screen I’m tempted to smash it. I remember many times when I wanted to throw my TV out the window back in the 80s with all the anti cultural garbage that was televised, but this internet bung garbage is too much.

BRB, going to write a reboot of the film Network called Internetwork in which an angry Nazi neckbeard goes to the window of his mom’s basement and shouts out “I’m mad as heil and this internet bung garbage is too much!”

But let’s return to the already scheduled rant already in progress, which is about to take a strange detour into dog sex. No, not that kind of dog sex, but the sex that dogs have with each other and human legs and sometimes inanimate objects.

I’ll admit it’s always funny seeing an unnaturally small thoroughbred mini dog humping a fire hydrant – or a guest’s leg – but of course they don’t know what they’re doing becaust they’re genetic mutants. It’s mostly the unnaturally small dog breeds. Rarely do you see a large german shepherd service dog humping inanimate objects although occasionally a big retarded mutt comes along and shows he’s got some 

Well, that’s enough of that. Let’s ignore the rest of the dog rant and move on.

But healthy normal sized white humans being tricked into sh¡thole poking like we see in the k*keporn??? WE’RE NOT POMERANIANS dammitt!!

Hey, speak for yourself buddy. Some of us are pomeranians.

I’m so sick of the brainwashing. It’s not a bit funny anymore.

At this point MCGOO, rather unexpectedly, turns to the subject of the post: the dreaded “globohomo” threat to manly man sports.

And enough of the rainbowization of masculine sports. These sportsmen who are the least genetically prone to being incels are being propagandized to incorrectly visualize anuses and inanimate objects for sex so as to arrest normal breeding.

Inanimate objects? Are there really a lot of pornos out there featuring dudes having sex with sex toys or, I dunno, their couch? I mean, there are plenty of pornos featuring women and sex toys — or so I’ve, er, heard — but dudes?

Mr. MCGOO ends his rant by imagining himself violently (albeit somewhat creatively) attacking a gay man. Because what better way to end a political argument than with a physically impossible hate crime?

Oooh I’d just like to shove a fire hydrant up some globohomo’s ass and a pomeranian down their throat – and then shake like a power ade drink tumbler. Then they would crap a humping pomeranian the next day right there on the corner of the sidewalk. Now THAT would be funny. 

Um, what!? I think Mr. MCGOO has been drinking something a little more powerful than power-ade.

H/T — Thanks to Blue Pill Redditor BrazilianSigma for bringing Mr. MCGOO’s comment into the light of day.

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PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

I’m beginning to think the internet wasn’t such a great idea.

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago


Globohomo Rainbow Mafia

Best band-name ever!

6 years ago

This guy sounds like he’s spent WAY more time in the company of his dominant hand than with any kind of humans whatsoever.

Wish he would extend that courtesy to his computer keyboard, too.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

And enough of the rainbowization of masculine sports. These sportsmen who are the least genetically prone to being incels are being propagandized to incorrectly visualize anuses and inanimate objects for sex so as to arrest normal breeding.

Athletes being political and social justice oriented is not a new thing at all. I know these dudes like to think that life is a high school movie and jocks must be unintelligent asshole womanizers while nerds must be nice guy losers, but real life doesn’t work that way. Athletes are just people with wide varieties of sexualities, personality types and political views. Like any other group.

It really seems to be shattering the world view of a lot of internet misogynists that football and basketball players are increasingly openly siding with all us degenerate cultural Marxists or whatever. People keep refusing to stay in their boxes, damnit!

6 years ago

But if no one has sex with assholes, who will have sex with incels? /rimshot

6 years ago

… does he think dogs reproduce via anal sex? I think he does.

Nick Kiddle
Nick Kiddle
6 years ago

Maybe it’s just because I so badly need stress relief but I am crying laughing over “then they would crap a humping Pomeranian”. How do they even think the digestive system works? Or shouldn’t I ask?

6 years ago

Doesn’t all this ranting about white genocide boil down to an “every (white) sperm is sacred” argument? Ok, so that at least makes sense as to why you wouldn’t like anal sex, birth control, or abortion, but then why aren’t the masturbators and nocturnal emission havers also being berated?

I also really just hate people that try to make dog-breed based arguments to support Nazi beliefs. Duh, a service dog isn’t going to hump because its been specially trained. It has nothing to do with it being a “pure” breed and not a mutt. That is moronic, and dogs have enough projected onto them by humans as it is.

6 years ago


I wish I knew how to play an instrument. Rainbow Mafia would be an awesome band name.

6 years ago


How dare they?! I know Pomeranians more well behaved than them.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

The next time some sh¡tter porn comes on my screen I’m tempted to smash it

Yes, please. We can’t indoctrinate you to accidentally do an anal if you break your laptop. Our plans are foiled. Destroying your own property to own the libs. Always works, keep it up

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
6 years ago

Does… does he not understand that humans can choose to have sex in such a way as to make a baby when and if they decide they’re ready to reproduce? Having (((anal sex))) once in a while hardly renders a person sterile, unless they’re doing it very, very badly.

6 years ago

@ calmdown,

I think you’re right, it all boils down to PIV for reproduction purposes.

Dog breeding.

None of us here have pets, have in the past. I was also thinking of the various raccoon discussions here.

I would want a skunk 🙂
And yes you can have them as pets, a vet removes the scent gland.

But is this the right thing to do? Maybe they should remain wild. They are easily domesticated though, and almost like a cat. Even the wild ones, if they know or recognize people, they are agreeable and will not spray.

I saw one the other day, creeping round a neighbor’s bushes, while I was walking home. First thought – Oh lookit, Kitty!

Next thought: That’s not a cat.

So I hung back from it and was careful not to spook it. They will spray you if fearful.

I love skunks and wish I could have one as a pet! It’s not allowed here 🙁

And I will abide by that. And there might be (actual) reasons (that make sense) too. People don’t get them fixed, the population could explode. And they are still kind of wild animals. And maybe should stay that way. Just because you want the cute furry creature, that doesn’t mean that’s what’s best for it.

Got sidetracked strolling down critter lane here ..

6 years ago


But if no one has sex with assholes, who will have sex with incels? /rimshot

No worries, they’ve just got their own heads firmly lodged up their asses all the time. As do all the Red Pillocks. They are their own buttplugs.

6 years ago

The anus porn is false sex education intended to arrest white breeding.

People starring in porn don’t do it in hopes of getting pregnant. Some vids are advertised in a way that suggests the star hopes to pregnant, because it’s apparently a popular fetish. It seems to be especially so with those who get super-excited about interracial porn. I suspect a significant portion of Red Pill true believers love it, as their boners seem to be fueled solely by the sort of hate and resentment such vids stir up in them. Nevertheless, I guarantee that most of the stars of “breeding” vids neither get pregnant, nor really want to be.

Porn is a performance, Red Pill jackasses. You’re not supposed to use it as a how-to, and if you do then I feel sorry for your partners. Hell, I feel sorry for your hands.

Inanimate objects? Are there really a lot of pornos out there featuring dudes having sex with sex toys or, I dunno, their couch?

Well… yeah. Sex toy porn vids featuring people of any gender are also super-popular. I’d be willing to bet that customers of, say, Bad Dragon (it’s a company that makes imaginative sex toys, so search for it at your own risk) are pretty evenly divided, gender-wise. Based on my, ahem, research.

Furniture seems to be fairly popular, too, and I’m fairly sure I’ve seen vids with titles like “guy fucks his couch,” and I know I’ve seen quite a few titles like “(person of any gender) fucks (article of bedding, or the bed itself).” Then there are the videos of dudes doing things like melons, canister vacuums, and even a manhole cover. Those last three, I suspect, are mostly enjoyed by people looking for a laugh. And who can forget the guy who was dosed with the experimental aphrodisiac and coupled with, among other things, the wall of a brick apartment building and music?

Oh wait… that last one was a Clive Barker story. The poor fellow wound up pulling people’s hearts out of their chests in an effort to get REALLY close to them, but the part that makes me cringe is still the “screwed a brick wall” thing. I mean, ouch.

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago

I saw one the other day, creeping round a neighbor’s bushes, while I was walking home. First thought – Oh lookit, Kitty!

Next thought: That’s not a cat.

My mother almost petted one once, a wild one.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago


Hey, speak for yourself buddy. Some of us are pomeranians.

MCGOO, you can all-cap your words and use multiple exclamation points, but that won’t make your words correct:

6 years ago

I’m reasonably certain that a fair number of non-white people also enjoy anal sex porn from time to time. Wouldn’t that mean that those non-white people also take the same hit to their fertility that white people do?

Or are white people the only Superior Race who witness others doing it in the butt and then somehow completely forget how to perform PIV? That seems like a pretty big evolutionary flaw, I gotta say. I dunno how superior you can claim to be if merely watching some porn causes brain damage to the point of developing amnesia.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Trump suggests that protests should be outlawed. Totally normal president in a totally normal year.

I guarantee there will be less outrage about this than there was about the New Yorker festival rescinding Bannon’s booking. Because free speech rights are only important for those that agree with our fascist president.

6 years ago


This is a dril tweet if I ever saw one.

Hell, with the homophobia removed and some typos sprinkled in, the Looney Tunes-style, gastrointestinal threat of violence could be one, too.

6 years ago

It’s 2018. Ads are targeted. If you’re seeing tons and tons of anal porn ads, then it must be because you’ve watched it and searched it up. You might see some randomly without doing this, but you’re not gonna see it literally all over the place on legit websites.

6 years ago

Yeah, buddy, if you hate-watch every video you see an ad for, you’re going to see a lot more ads. It’s not that anal porn is 80% of what’s available. It’s just 80% of what you watch.

6 years ago


Athletes being political and social justice oriented is not a new thing at all.

Even people not old enough to remember this should have come across the 50th anniversary mentions.

6 years ago

How does “anus porn” manage to look and sound worse than even “anal porn”?

Also I love the Wrong Hole Dummies! “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm” is a classic.

6 years ago

September 4, 2018 at 7:03 pm
… does he think dogs reproduce via anal sex? I think he does.

Pretty much my first thought too. These guys fail basic biology in so very many ways.

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