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Fans of fat man outraged by fat woman on magazine cover

Tess Holliday blows a kiss at her critics

By David Futrelle

When plus-sized model Tess Holliday announced last week on Twitter that she would be appearing on the cover of the October issue of Cosmopolitan’s UK edition, she was instantly subject to endless abuse from “concerned” citizens around the globe.

Some hurled insults; others angrily denounced her for “glorifying obesity” by posing for pictures while fat, suggesting that the mere sight of her on a magazine cover would spread the deadly disease of obesity by making impressionable youngsters think that being fat is cool.

Ironically, much of the harshest criticism of Holliday’s Cosmo cover has come from the fans of a certain male celebrity who is himself famously plus-sized. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) Looking to see what sort of reaction Holliday’s cover appearance was getting on Reddit, I discovered that most of the criticism was coming from The Donald, Reddit’s infamous forum for Donald Trump superfans.

And some of these guys were, well, pretty worked up about it — and by another article teased on the cover featuring Holliday about a man who had “vetted” his wife’s affair. And so, alongside the requisite jokes about “landwhales” and rants about the alleged need to shame fat people back into skinniness (note: this does not actually work), there were angry declarations of war and predictions of apocalypse.

“This whole magazine cover shows in full display the nosedive degeneracy of the west,” wrote someone calling himself ShortCharge.

  1. Promotion of unhealthy habits that can lead to a generation of welfare-dependent immobile landwhales
  2. Promotion of female infidelity and the destruction of the family structure
  3. Promotion of male emasculation and feminization. Confusing the gender roles which makes for easier population control
  4. Promotion of laziness and the demonisation of hard work which will lead to welfare dependance and inability to provide for themselves a stable income

With magazines like this promoting obvious degeneracy I keep wondering why you westerners haven’t revolted yet or started a civil war.

This is why so many civilisations kept women in check, let them run rampant and shit like this gets normalize. You western men need to man up and start controlling your women or else the fall of rome 2.0 is imminent

In another thread on the same topic, ShortChange let his imagination run wild, and naturally it ran straight for an orgy to which he was definitely not invited.

Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. Now they’re promoting infidelity and having affairs in an otherwise monogamous marriage. The everyday housewife with kids at a supermarket reads a magazine like this and starts getting ideas. She starts cheating, getting fat, divorce the poor guy and now she got daddy government as her provider while countless number of men are running a train on her.

Call it hyperbole, but you really cannot underestimate simple and easily corruptible minds.

LuckyMcDoo was more upset about the article on the husband “vetting” his wife’s affair than he was by Holliday’s appearance on the Cosmo cover:

They really just want their hedonism dignified. What is more hedonistic than wanton sex with different men? You find some faggot cuck with no self-respect who will pay your bills while you fuck “hot” guys. It’s a dream come true for a sociopath woman who is incapable of actually loving anyone but themselves.

Bacon_eating_Jihad, meanwhile, hoped that someday a real rain would come and wash women like Holliday off the streets. Literally:

Here we have yet more proof the world needs a good hard apocalypse level natural disaster to thin the heard of oxygen(and food) thief’s. These kinds of human accidents won’t last a weeks time without the local fast food restaurant to get their food from.

Apparently Mr. Bacon_eating_Jihad here is suffering from the delusion that bacon is some kind of health food.  He is also apparently unbothered by the fact that his hero Trump is 1) fat, 2) allergic to exercise and 3) a fast-food addict whose doctor is widely suspected to have lied about his patient’s height so that Trump wouldn’t have to be publicly classified as “obese.”

I mean, again, there’s no shame in being fat (and no shame in being skinny). But there is a little bit of hypocrisy going on if you denounce fat women as degenerate harbingers of the apocalypse  while ignoring the fact that the man you see as the savior of humanity is similarly fat.

Someone calling himself Yoursisterlovedick  worried that a society with a significant number of fat people in it was destined to break into two:

There have been plenty of studies, that show that diversity decreases social cohesion and social trust. Have there ever been any studies like that with obesity and ugliness in general? I don’t think I’m the only one, I feel a lot less empathy towards fat people and I don’t trust them. What happens to a people when a large part of the population starts looking monstrous instead of human?

Dude, I’m a bit more concerned about the social cohesion of a society in which a large part of the population has decided it’s acceptable to treat other human beings as if they are less than human. Because that’s the society we live in right now. And those are the people who elected Trump president.

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6 years ago

Isn’t point number 4 the same thing as point number 1, just reworded?

6 years ago

There have been plenty of studies, that show that diversity decreases social cohesion and social trust.

Really. I would love to see one of these studies: probably done by Charles Murray or someone like that.


As far as I can tell, yes. (So, he couldn’t actually think of four examples, only three.)

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

So, basically they’ve discovered Cosmo, but fifty years too late?

Also, that cover looks terrific.

Miss Cobalt
Miss Cobalt
6 years ago

Men shaming women for the same things they do.
Stop the presses

6 years ago

Point 3 has me curious. How, exactly, does “Confusing the gender roles [make] for easier population control”?

Or is this one of those cases where they just make a bald assertion, and since it’s phrased as ” leads to ,” their intended audience accepts it unconditionally?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

What is more hedonistic than wanton sex with different men?

I don’t know. Maybe cheating on your pregnant wife with a Playboy model or a porn star?

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

those cases where they just make a bald assertion, and since it’s phrased as ” leads to ,” their intended audience accepts it unconditionally?

As Miss Cobalt said, “Stop the presses!”

There have been plenty of studies, that show that diversity decreases social cohesion and social trust.


6 years ago

There have been plenty of studies, that show that diversity decreases social cohesion and social trust.

comment image

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

Promotion of male emasculation and feminization. Confusing the gender roles which makes for easier population control

I dunno, the fan club of the ethnic cleanser in chief maybe doesn’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to what is or isn’t causing population control. Maybe that’s just me tho…

6 years ago

Gaslighting people by telling them their reality doesn’t exist is surely more harmful to social cohesion and social trust than diversity, no? I’m constantly told I don’t exercise enough and eat too much, even when I was walking 5 to 10 miles every day and eating 1400 to 1800 calories. I’m told that the reason for my body keeping weight on can’t be metabolic because that’s just a rare thing and everyone who says that is just lying so they can be lazy and stuff their faces. Never mind that my immune system attacks my thyroid. That clearly has nothing to do with it.

Cheerful Warthog
Cheerful Warthog
6 years ago

There probably have been studies that concluded that diversity damages social cohesion. I would not be surprised if these studies had double-digit sample sizes, used leading analyses, had no controls, relied on voluntary data-picking, and were unblinded. As a result, saying that said studies SHOW that diversity damages social cohesion is a bit of a jump. (Not to mention the whole is-it-inborn-or-socialised business. I’d react to said studies with “Well, diversity is both a positive good and inevitable in any workable society, so how do we fix the trust issue?”)

At any rate, even if we spotted him “when people who don’t look like me are around I don’t have to feel empathy”, even he admits that there’s absolutely nothing there about fat people. If you can only exist in the narrowest possible human spectrum, the problem is not all other humans.

(Off topic and tangential, that’s something I’ve noticed about the Jews-will-not-replace-us crowd. They think they’re being overwhelmed and outbred by the Other Races and that the only way to get a peaceful and harmonious society is to make everyone the same race? Because, motherflippers, I’ve got Internet DNA Studies showing that I’m about as Western European as it is humanly possible to be, and I am not your friend! If you get your beloved whites-only ethnostate, I would qualify a hundred times over and I would still do my best to wreck your shit!)

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago

Never mind that we’re finding out that ‘gut flora’ can make a huge difference too. The more efficient your body is in extracting calories out of food, the harder it will be to lose weight.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago


2. Promotion of female infidelity and the destruction of the family structure

Usually they’re not so blatant about the double standard, but note that ShortCharge said female infidelity rather than just infidelity.

3. Promotion of male emasculation and feminization. Confusing the gender roles which makes for easier population control

No. You know what makes for easier population control? Dividing the people against themselves along racial, gender, and other lines. And ShortCharge is playing right into their hands.

4. Promotion of laziness and the demonisation of hard work which will lead to welfare dependance and inability to provide for themselves a stable income

“Promotion of leisure and the demonization of hard work which will lead to inability to provide for idle rich investor-class rentiers a stable passive income off the backs of other people” <– Fixed it for you.

6 years ago

Wait, so one guy imagines that this is for the purposes of population control; then another guy advocates population control. They don’t know what they believe, do they.

6 years ago

So… Weight has been climbing since, like, the 1960:s or so, while fat people were continuously shamed. During the last ten years or so we have the body positivity movement. And the conclusion is… that it’s the latter that causes weight gain? Did causation somehow travel backwards in time?

6 years ago

Call it hyperbole, but you really cannot underestimate simple and easily corruptible minds.

No, you can’t…and ShortChange is proof of that. Because it takes a simple and easily corruptible mind to come up with such absurdities as the idea that the gorgeous Tess Holliday, who is neither welfare-dependent NOR immobile, is glorifying an unhealthy lifestyle, while Donnie Drumpf, who is falling apart before the whole world’s eyes, is not.

We see you, fat-shaming sexists. Start applying your standards to yourselves, for a change! Because I’ve seen what you guys look like, and you’ll never win any modelling contracts.

(And no, sniping at feminist men who run anti-fascist blogs doesn’t count.)

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago


What is more hedonistic than wanton sex with different men?

I don’t know. Maybe cheating on your pregnant wife with a Playboy model or a porn star?

When the sex is described as “textbook generic,” I don’t think it gets to count as hedonism.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Gah, this is so stupid as well as pointlessly mean. “Bacon_eating_Jihad” wishes for a disaster and writes:

These kinds of human accidents won’t last a weeks time without the local fast food restaurant to get their food from.

1) Fat doesn’t mean addicted to fast food.
2) Wanting fast food doesn’t mean literally dying if you can’t have it.
3) Given a famine, I’m pretty sure people with more stored fat would have the advantage.

Another one writes:

I don’t think I’m the only one, I feel a lot less empathy towards fat people and I don’t trust them.

Well, that’s YOUR problem, not theirs.

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

And all those detrimental health effects being fat supposedly has?

Turns out that if you control for confounding variables like socio-economic status, medical fatphobia and societal fatphobia a lot of those vanish.

And of the rest: correlation does not imply causation.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

When the sex is described as “textbook generic,” I don’t think it gets to count as hedonism.

comment image

6 years ago

… Is it just me or do these guys sound 100% peanut butter and jealous?

6 years ago

Regarding diversity decreasing social cohesion:

It does. Short term, anyways. Plenty of examples in the history books. Long term it leads to a far more robust (and interesting) society, but the adjustment period is wicked.

6 years ago

Don’t get it. Aside from being “plus -sized”, the woman has pretty much the same generic features of every vanilla model (not that there anything wrong with that) yet these guys are fixated soley on her body’s fat content- which is such a weird way of assessing human beauty, it’s like they are from bizarro World and only learned what is attractive to humans from a manual

Which might be the case as they don’t seem to realize that every issue of Cosmopolitan has had articles about how to have better sex, for and how to attract more men for the last 45 years. Have they never sat in a doctor’s waiting room? Ever?

6 years ago

Don’t get it. Aside from being “plus -sized”, the woman has pretty much the same generic features of every vanilla model (not that there anything wrong with that) yet these guys are fixated soley on her body’s fat content- which is such a weird way of assessing human beauty, it’s like they are from Mars.

Which might be the case as they don’t seem to realize that every issue of Cosmopolitan has had articles about how to have better sex, for and how to attract more men fir the last 45 years. Have they never sat in a doctor’s waiting room? Ever?

Steph Tohill
Steph Tohill
6 years ago

Man I love Tess Holiday. Her confidence is inspiring and if she annoys these man babies so much the better.

And OF COURSE there is a double standard in how they treat obesity in women vs. Men…

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