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Fans of fat man outraged by fat woman on magazine cover

Tess Holliday blows a kiss at her critics

By David Futrelle

When plus-sized model Tess Holliday announced last week on Twitter that she would be appearing on the cover of the October issue of Cosmopolitan’s UK edition, she was instantly subject to endless abuse from “concerned” citizens around the globe.

Some hurled insults; others angrily denounced her for “glorifying obesity” by posing for pictures while fat, suggesting that the mere sight of her on a magazine cover would spread the deadly disease of obesity by making impressionable youngsters think that being fat is cool.

Ironically, much of the harshest criticism of Holliday’s Cosmo cover has come from the fans of a certain male celebrity who is himself famously plus-sized. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) Looking to see what sort of reaction Holliday’s cover appearance was getting on Reddit, I discovered that most of the criticism was coming from The Donald, Reddit’s infamous forum for Donald Trump superfans.

And some of these guys were, well, pretty worked up about it — and by another article teased on the cover featuring Holliday about a man who had “vetted” his wife’s affair. And so, alongside the requisite jokes about “landwhales” and rants about the alleged need to shame fat people back into skinniness (note: this does not actually work), there were angry declarations of war and predictions of apocalypse.

“This whole magazine cover shows in full display the nosedive degeneracy of the west,” wrote someone calling himself ShortCharge.

  1. Promotion of unhealthy habits that can lead to a generation of welfare-dependent immobile landwhales
  2. Promotion of female infidelity and the destruction of the family structure
  3. Promotion of male emasculation and feminization. Confusing the gender roles which makes for easier population control
  4. Promotion of laziness and the demonisation of hard work which will lead to welfare dependance and inability to provide for themselves a stable income

With magazines like this promoting obvious degeneracy I keep wondering why you westerners haven’t revolted yet or started a civil war.

This is why so many civilisations kept women in check, let them run rampant and shit like this gets normalize. You western men need to man up and start controlling your women or else the fall of rome 2.0 is imminent

In another thread on the same topic, ShortChange let his imagination run wild, and naturally it ran straight for an orgy to which he was definitely not invited.

Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. Now they’re promoting infidelity and having affairs in an otherwise monogamous marriage. The everyday housewife with kids at a supermarket reads a magazine like this and starts getting ideas. She starts cheating, getting fat, divorce the poor guy and now she got daddy government as her provider while countless number of men are running a train on her.

Call it hyperbole, but you really cannot underestimate simple and easily corruptible minds.

LuckyMcDoo was more upset about the article on the husband “vetting” his wife’s affair than he was by Holliday’s appearance on the Cosmo cover:

They really just want their hedonism dignified. What is more hedonistic than wanton sex with different men? You find some faggot cuck with no self-respect who will pay your bills while you fuck “hot” guys. It’s a dream come true for a sociopath woman who is incapable of actually loving anyone but themselves.

Bacon_eating_Jihad, meanwhile, hoped that someday a real rain would come and wash women like Holliday off the streets. Literally:

Here we have yet more proof the world needs a good hard apocalypse level natural disaster to thin the heard of oxygen(and food) thief’s. These kinds of human accidents won’t last a weeks time without the local fast food restaurant to get their food from.

Apparently Mr. Bacon_eating_Jihad here is suffering from the delusion that bacon is some kind of health food.  He is also apparently unbothered by the fact that his hero Trump is 1) fat, 2) allergic to exercise and 3) a fast-food addict whose doctor is widely suspected to have lied about his patient’s height so that Trump wouldn’t have to be publicly classified as “obese.”

I mean, again, there’s no shame in being fat (and no shame in being skinny). But there is a little bit of hypocrisy going on if you denounce fat women as degenerate harbingers of the apocalypse  while ignoring the fact that the man you see as the savior of humanity is similarly fat.

Someone calling himself Yoursisterlovedick  worried that a society with a significant number of fat people in it was destined to break into two:

There have been plenty of studies, that show that diversity decreases social cohesion and social trust. Have there ever been any studies like that with obesity and ugliness in general? I don’t think I’m the only one, I feel a lot less empathy towards fat people and I don’t trust them. What happens to a people when a large part of the population starts looking monstrous instead of human?

Dude, I’m a bit more concerned about the social cohesion of a society in which a large part of the population has decided it’s acceptable to treat other human beings as if they are less than human. Because that’s the society we live in right now. And those are the people who elected Trump president.

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Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
6 years ago


And also why the vast majority of dwarf courtship is trying to find out, discreetly and quietly, what sex the other dwarf actually is. 😀

(Unless you’re Cheery Littlebottom, but well.)

Jane Doe
Jane Doe
6 years ago

RE(EEEE!!): Diversity decreases social cohesion

The reason this happens is because jerks like this have irrational hatred of the” other”.

Seriously, it’s like some people honesty believe that cishet white male feeeelings are an immutable law of the universe that coalesced into existence alongside Newton’s laws et al after the big bang.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
6 years ago


There was also a brand of ‘ironized’ yeast that promised to pack on pounds “quicker than beer”.

Ah yes, Ironized Yeast–one of the sponsors of the classic Old-Time Radio horror program Lights Out; I imagine Depression and wartime privations might have made it difficult for a lot of people to keep weight on.

(Arch Oboler was not the sort of horror host given to bawdy double-entendres and groanworthy puns; like his spiritual successor Rod Serling, he was there to scare the crap out of you, and he had no qualms about kicking the audience right in their contemporary anxiety: there was a war on, dammit, and a lot of his stories involved Nazi subtext and text. A couple of my favorites are “Execution”, in which some Nazi officers hanging resistance members are faced with a particular ornery Frenchwoman who just plain refuses to die, and “Bathysphere”, a two-person play between a European dictator Who Shall Remain Nameless and the science advisor who’s taken him down on a private vanity submarine expedition.)

6 years ago

The ethnostate mentality doesn’t address the underlying issues driving ethnic conflict, it just shunts the conflict to another sphere. After you define your group identity as Not Being Those Other People We Hate, you don’t stop hating Those Other People just because they’re living in another nation.

6 years ago

I had regularly visiting raccoons when I still lived in California. Where we moved to has raccoons but they’re not nearly as friendly. We have foxes though! And a wild turkey! And the occasional deer, thankfully they stick to the nearby lake/recreation natural area so they’re not out on the roads. Deer should definitely never be driving! 😉

6 years ago

Oh, getting back to the discussion of 20th-century sizing, I just came across this article:
Why It’s So Hard to Find Plus-Size Vintage
Being over a size 12 isn’t new, so why is finding plus-size clothing from the past so impossible?

And of course the comments already include a “you’re trying to normalize obesiteeeee!” wail.