
By David Futrelle
In addition to being terrible, Canadian fussbudget paleothinker Jordan Peterson is just plain fucking weird, especially when it comes to his diet. You’ve probably heard about his all-meat diet ( The Atlantic goes into great detail about it here).
But have you heard what happens when he drinks apple cider? In the video below, he tells Joe Rogan that when he drank apple cider after going on his all-meat diet it “produced an overwhelming sense of impending doom” and kept him awake for 25 days.
As in, literally no sleep for a month. Which is literally impossible. While one young Frenchman with a rare disorder managed to survive on only a few minutes of sleep a night for several months, no one has ever gone completely without sleep for 25 days in the history of our species; that’s more than twice the world record. Which you’d think that Peterson, as a professor of psychology, would know.
Anyway, the video (below) is only a minute and a half, and it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Oh, now I know why my brother was laughing about some “super paleo” diet the other day–he’s a fan of Rogan’s podcast. “Eating nothing but beef” isn’t a “diet”. It’s an eating disorder.
Also I already knew Peterson was full of shit, but apparently that’s literal because I don’t know how you can poop with zero fiber in your diet. Is he eating the bones, too?
When the apple cider kicks in.
No idea if the cider he drank contained alcohol.
But after eating only beef for a while a glass of any kind of (fermented) fruit juice probably gave him the runs.
I can’t eat raw apples or drink fresh apple juice. Something in there (not the fructose) sets my IBS off something fierce.
And with that diet, and the resulting constipation, Peterson probably has the piles from hell.
Would explain his mood.
Now a bunch of lobsterantdad fans are going to drink apple cider vinegar, try to stay up for a month and end up hospitalized for exhaustion.
Engaging in self inflicted torture to own the libs!
Okay for reals though can the world just write him off as a quack already? Like we already know he is naught but hot air, but come on this should be the tell.
How in fuckness is this man a psychologist? The more I hear about him, the more he sets off all my inner alarms. This man is so rife with creepy, unnerving garbage. His misreadings of philosophy are laughable; his knowledge of biology is shallow; his “miracle” diet is just straight-up unhealthy for body and brain alike. And I’m scared that some of his followers will take his shit to heart and end up dangerously ill themselves. Physically, mentally or both.
I suspect it’s only a matter of time before one of them makes the news for a violent crime or a suicide bid. And I am so not looking forward to that day.
I would love nothing more than to see a Jordan Peterson fan to arrive and post a reply in defense of this.
As someone with actual fucking insomnia, I challenge Peterson to sample my medicine (I dropped the usual scare quotes on account of them being ridiculous as just ’cause it’s illegal doesn’t make my use any less of a health matter). Hopefully it keeps him quiet for a while.
Bina skrev:
That ship, as I like to say, has already sailed, sunk, and inspired a heartwarming global blockbuster with Kate and Leo. Maybe nobody’s done physical violence over it yet, but the effects on the psychic plane have rivaled the astral wives of Severus Snape.
He recently accidentally livestreamed a bit of his private life the other day. It wasn’t much; we got a look at his horrifying teeth, his wife showed him a news article, and they talked about some friend of theirs who had laser jaw surgery or something.
What really got me was his reaction when he found out he was streaming: (verbatim, really calmly) “Uh oh. I’m livestreaming.”
I’m not going to link the stream in case that counts as doxing, but you can find it on youtube.
A nice reminder that no matter how shitty a person is, they’re still human beings. And I have to complement him for keeping composed like that.
Where I come from cider is always a fermented alcoholic beverage: it can’t be the alcohol that got him?
I was shocked when I read in Farmer Boy that the young Wilder family sat around the fire in winter drinking something called “sweet cider” (in England the alcoholic stuff comes in sweet, medium and dry, although nowadays the stuff marked “dry” is rather too sweet for me).
But yes, literally no sleep for a month and he’d be either dead, catatonic or hallucinating. As well as constipated.
There’s something rather shameful about how someone so very much not an expert – not even well-informed – about so many things becomes taken as an expert on absolutely flipping everything.
I think it’s been said that he got his PhD legitimately and actually has done legitimate work, but that he thinks that because he’s an expert in one field that he’s also an expert in other fields, and that he gets a pass because people often expect academics to be kinda weird in some way.
The most I’ve gone without “proper” sleep is about 50 hours (hooray for college deadlines!) Reading Wikipedia after the fact led me to believe that after around the 30-hour mark I started having bits of micro-sleep. By around 40 hours I had obvious concentration and memory issues, and by the time I finally hit the hay I was barely functional.
Maybe it’s cause I’m in the middle of a discussion about just how full of shit he is, but this just looks to me like he did that on purpose.
Yes we get it, we know he’s a person. We just agree that he’s a shitty person spreading shitty ideals.
(thinks) Wait till ContraPoints sees this! (rubs hands)
“Eat some fibre, Dad!” ?
I can assure everyone wondering: in canada, we do have nonalcoholic cider. It is super good, and i wish i had some right now, even with the sulfates of doom content!
@doomcup – agreeing with Oogly, we do know that he is a person. He is a person that i VERY much do not care for. Pushing some incredibly toxic beliefs, a damaging diet, and an all around quack.
Glad we settled that he isn’t a robot or a muppet or something, i suppose.
I have a hard time sleeping when I get constipated, too, Petey. Has nothing to do with my cider intake.
The same way that Sofia Lamb from BioShock 2 is a psychologist. Jordan Peterson is basically Sofia Lamb with
politics more in line with Andrew Ryan: a secular cult leader whose knowledge of psychology gave him insight on how to manipulate people who find themselves alone and feeling alienated. He’s on the same path as Immanuel Velikovsky before him, both being self-styled “dissident” academics whose hare-brained ideas got them rightfully laughed out of their profession but nonetheless gained diehard followings of people who thought that they were speaking “forbidden truths” and were being suppressed by the establishment for it. I also regard him as not too dissimilar from many self-help gurus of the ’60s and ’70s, particularly the ones running so-called “large group awareness training” programs like EST, Lifespring, and Mind Dynamics that were basically cults.
I’d also compare him to L. Ron Hubbard back when Dianetics was first gaining its following, but given Peterson’s irreligious worldview, I don’t see him going so far as to turn 12 Rules for Life into an outright church.
I think the question is how did a man who doesn’t even understand the psychological or physiological effects of sleep deprivation earn a PhD in psychology. Fictional characters don’t earn degrees.
So how is Peterson eating his beef? Is he taking at least some of it raw? Does he eat the scary parts as well as the steaks and prime rib? If so, he might conceivably manage to stave off conditions like scurvy. (That said, even the Inuit prize undigested caribou cud–known as “stomach salads”)–seaweed, the tuberous roots of something called mouse grass, and berries in season.)
Clearly, it’s a demonstration of manly self-control. He’s telling his body to function this way, and it’s darn well going to. Everything’s a matter of willpower!
Plus, meat is manly. Did I mention?
Wait, it was all his daughter’s idea.
Does… not… compute.
(And then we all sit back with popcorn and watch the fireworks produced by the JP fan’s brain exploding.)
Um, I’ve heard of meth addicts staying awake for extended periods (they just do more drugs when they get tired), but I’m pretty sure anyone not hooked on powerful stimulants would end up dead long before the 25 day mark.
I wouldn’t count on the last bit when an ex-friend of his said that Petersen wanted to start his own church.
Also, people have gone for insanely long times without sleep, but they apparently all had head injuries to a specific part of the brain. One of them was a man named Paul Kern, a soldier in WW1. He didn’t sleep for 40 years. There was also a railway worker who ended up with, I think, a nail to part of his brain who didn’t sleep for years after the accident, but I can’t find his name now (I heard his story at least 15 years ago)
According to what I’ve read, he blames the sulfites in the cider for his physiological distress. His daughter has recently spoken about the problems she’s experienced due to black pepper and soy contaminating her precious bodily fluids.
There is, apparently, some medical research about strict exclusionist diets resulting in anomalous food sensitivities. I also understand that some people, *under medical supervision*, have experienced relief from chronic medical problems through such diets. For me, going on a beef/salt/water diet would have to turn me into Captain freakin’ America to be worth it.
I look in on the Lobsterkin subReddit every so often. It’s showing signs of increased groupthink and evaporative extremism; posts are less about life improvement and more about pwning the libtards. For devotees of a self-help guru, they don’t seem to be a very positive bunch.