artistry creepy open thread trump

So Tired: Some Trump Gang pics, an apology and an open thread

Mr. Orange

By David Futrelle

Sorry I haven’t been posting much lately. Been feeling like shit, and a resurgent sleep disorder has left me utterly wiped out most of the time for the last week or so. Doing my best to get a handle on it all.

In the meantime, here are some creepy pics of Trump and His Gang (both current and former members). Also consider this an open thread. (No trolls!)

And one last Trump, just for the hell of it.

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6 years ago

I’m starting to see it in a few places, Milo apparently went off in his facebook about how much money being a horrible human being is costing him and went off about how he’s the only one working towards these “great causes”

Hopefully I’m fine to link the screenshot I found on twitter

6 years ago

Looks like the incels will have a new “hero” to add to their twisted pantheon:

6 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
It’s my new antidepressant. Works swell and is at the right dosage for me. I wish I got sex transition drugs. Unfortunately due to current family circumstances I can’t get those yet.
She looks like a fucking villain from The Devil Wears Prada.

6 years ago

What concerns me is how much he seems at home with 6-year-olds…

And here I was thinking his face and body language say the exact opposite.

6 years ago

Oh my! On a totally unrelated topic (but it’s an open thread, so I don’t feel too guilty) I just got home to the news we are getting a puppy! A black standard poodle!! We just have to name him.

Any suggestions welcome, Mammotheers! Seriously. We need some suggestions.

6 years ago


Congrats to ms.Matsushima for braking through the glass ceiling.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago


The Trump with kids photo reminded me of all the times we saw President Obama with kids, from the crying baby he soothed in seconds to the little boy who wanted to touch the president’s hair to the kid dressed up as Spider-Man to the Girl Scouts who thought he looked pretty in a sparkly crown.

Trump may be a father, but Obama is a dad.

6 years ago

@Lucrece: Froof. It’s just…somehow perfect for a poodle. Furry+Frizzy+Floofy+Woof.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

Is there any chance you could post a photo? Much easier to suggest a name that way.
Although, ChimericMind’s idea is pretty good 😀

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago

*sticks head out of hole*


Things are kinda hectic right now, as always to be honest, so I haven’t been keeping up with the comments too well, but I’m still here.

Hope you get better David, sleep disorders are the worst.

6 years ago

“Standard” the poodle is a great name.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

If you like A Song of Ice and Fire and/or Game of Thrones, Balerion is always a good name for a black cat or dog. Balerion the Black Dread was Aegon Targaryen’s dragon that he conquered Westeros with. There’s also a theory that the black cat Arya keeps encountering in King’s Landing is the cat of the same name that belonged to princess Rhaenys before she was killed during Robert’s rebellion.

When I last adopted a cat, that was going to be the name if it was a black cat. But I wound up with a Calico, so I went with Dracarys instead.

6 years ago


Ha ha, that hair. Reminds me of an elderly department store clerk (this was 20 years ago) who stayed faithful to her 1960s beehive ‘do, well into the ’90s. She stuck Christmas ornaments into her teased-up hairdo! Little Christmas balls, and holly, among other things.

I live in south-central Pennsylvania, not all that far from Baltimore, Maryland. Cult film director John Waters: “Women in Baltimore have higher hair, per capita, than women anywhere else in the US. ”

Tall hair fascinates me. I’m rather short, and anything that would add a few inches to my height, is a good thing, in my book. Too bad I’m fighting an uphill battle, what with my straight, fine hair.

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
6 years ago

“It is easy to be certain… One has only to be sufficiently vague.” -C. S. Peirce

I just came across this quote and it reminded me of Jordan Peterson.

6 years ago

Was just watching a series called Follow This on Netflix. It’s basically Buzzfeed reporters covering various topics. Anyways there was an episode on the MRA. It was very well done. And there was a voice cameo, David Futrelle. They interviewed you on the phone. As always, you’re the voice of reason.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

There was just a mass shooting at a video game tournament in Jacksonville FL. It’ll be interesting to see if the shooter is a gamergater.

Also, fuck the NRA.

6 years ago

David, I hope the insomnia situation improves. No fun! I have struggled with that intermittently myself, so I feel your pain and exhaustion and frustration just a little bit. Feel better and take all the time you need!

6 years ago

WWTH, obviously the cause of gun crime is these violent video games, these *checks notes* games depicting, umm, football.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Then it’s clearly the fault of black NFL players who take the knee during the national anthem.

6 years ago

Poooor Milo is having a bad week: <a href="http://"Milo Yiannopoulos attacks his fans for failing to support him (Hope I did that right).

<a href="; Lo, his life is ruined.

Do read the Facebook rant. It’s a thing of joy.

6 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: dunno if he was a gamergater, but the Los Angeles Times report is suggesting that it was a Madden tournament participant who decided to ragequit in the worst way possible.

6 years ago

David, hope insomnia improves. That’s no fun at all.
Me, I am commenting in the wee hours due to being bored out of my skull on my second night in the hospital, having been woken around midnight for another antibiotic infusion to deal with the aftermath of being bitten by a shithead cat. Should be home tomorrow. My major consolation is that the cat was getting a lion cut at the time, which was technically finished but not neatened up, and therefore she went home with a shitty haircut.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@David, hope the sleep gets better. Don’t worry about taking things slow.

Last night I was freaking out because I lost my laptop bag. I couldn’t remember whether I’d left it in a store or at creative writing class. Thankfully my creative writing teacher has it!! She emailed me back this morning. (The laptop cost $600, plus I had a couple of books in the pockets and some writing on the hard drive that wasn’t backed up.)

Different topic, but has anybody here read the sci-fi book The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin? I really liked its mix of history, science, and weird mind-boggling imagination. There’s a bit of cliche with a lazy but brilliant cop who comes in to solve plot-related stuff, but overall it’s absorbing and well paced. Props, too, to the Chinese-English translator Ken Liu.

Not-too-spoilery detail follows: I was wondering where the author got the idea for a proton existing in eleven dimensions and being “unfoldable” into fewer dimensions. It seemed merely whimsical at first, but since “the three-body problem” is a real physics thing, I figured this smaller plot element would also have some grounding in existing science. Reading a plot summary, I came across the idea of quantum entanglement…so I think the author used the higher-dimension idea to explain why subatomic particles act like a unit even when they’re separated by space. Besides the fact that it just sounds cool. 🙂

I was planning to ask the friend who lent me the book – she has a math and physics background – but she’s out of town for a few days.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Eleven dimensions suggests something to do with M-theory.