By David Futrelle
Well, this little joke went over well on Twitter so I thought I’d post it here too.
Here’s one that didn’t go over quite as well. But it might just come to haunt your dreams.
I saw this so now you have to see it too pic.twitter.com/mSHcWXj6ou
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) August 15, 2018
Some good-ass tweets by people who aren’t me:
Somebody waited their whole life to write this serial number pic.twitter.com/WxnKJwVbHw
— WendigoPBFox (@tmaxxnc) August 14, 2018
Accidentally shitting yourself vs. Defiantly shitting yourself to own the libs. pic.twitter.com/HIGCYuP1dJ
— Sir Woofingtons (@Sir_Woofingtons) August 15, 2018
@London Pilgrim
Tell me, “traditionalist”: What is your opinion on “smart sperm”?
Yep, it was that. Have you read it? I just saw it and didn’t feel like even touching it. What advice does it purport to give? Is is all red pill Incel horse shit? Are people taking it seriously?
Seriously, is it worse that “The Myth of Male Power”? (I’ve got a copy if that, the one with the plastic cowboy cover, because I saw it at a second hand book sale and didn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands)
@London Pilgrim,
Pardon me while I wend loquacious.
Last I checked it was still legal to read Peterson’s work. You conflate mockery and censure.
No one here thinks that stupid, disagreeable books should be banned. We’re just upset that his brand of hateful wrongness is popular.
And yes, he’s wrong and hateful. He’s wrong – he relies on Jungian psychology for his theories, as one example, and Jung’s work has been discredited as deeply, deeply wrong for a very long time now. He’s hateful, because he knows he’s wrong and doesn’t care; he wants to prop up hate more than he wants truth. He’s a trained psychologist, he knows Jung is garbage – every undergraduate in his field knows that. He’s so in love with his superiority that he’s happy to bulldoze the lives of others to ensure it.
Just like you. I took a browse through your blog, your faff about the Byronic romanticism of the Dark Enlightenment is so stuffed full with smug surety that it leaves you blind to the combinatorial wrongness in your premises. You’re more in love with your pretty ideas than you are interested in whether they’re true.
I’ve read it before, though, the last time you were here. You haven’t added anything to it since then. Beat on the drum once and that was enough for you, I guess? Content to sit on the laurels of your eloquence? You’ve mashed them flat and wilted under your restful ass, and you do disgrace to the fair city you preen on about.
You’re wrong. Do better.
He was here before? Must not have been too memorable. Hopefully he’ll get more interesting if he decides to comment again.
@Virgin Mary
No, I haven’t read it myself. I thought about hate-reading it for amusement but it’s still just too popular right now and would probably take months to get. I suppose I could grab it if I see it on the shelf but tbh it’s pretty long and I don’t know if I could stomach that much of Peterson’s tedious writing style(I also prefer audiobooks and he reads his own which means alternatively I’d have to listen to his horrible depressed kermit voice for hours) It appears to be “psychology” based self-help book mostly, with advice like “clean your room” and shit like that. I know Peterson is very tricky and careful not to come out and say things like “women are all sluts” or “I hate trans people,” but instead offers lots of vapid philosophical life advice, which these Incel/MRA guys just eat up. And, something about how lobsters have natural hierarchies?
Anyway here is the blurb:
“What does everyone in the modern world need to know? Renowned psychologist Jordan B. Peterson’s answer to this most difficult of questions uniquely combines the hard-won truths of ancient tradition with the stunning revelations of cutting-edge scientific research.
Humorous, surprising and informative, Dr. Peterson tells us why skateboarding boys and girls must be left alone, what terrible fate awaits those who criticize too easily, and why you should always pet a cat when you meet one on the street.
What does the nervous system of the lowly lobster have to tell us about standing up straight (with our shoulders back) and about success in life? Why did ancient Egyptians worship the capacity to pay careful attention as the highest of gods? What dreadful paths do people tread when they become resentful, arrogant and vengeful? Dr. Peterson journeys broadly, discussing discipline, freedom, adventure and responsibility, distilling the world’s wisdom into 12 practical and profound rules for life. 12 Rules for Life shatters the modern commonplaces of science, faith and human nature, while transforming and ennobling the mind and spirit of its readers.”
(Honestly, all I can think of when I read the description that is the Simpsons town motto: “a noble spirit embiggens the smallest man”)
” … and why you should always pet a cat when you meet one on the street.”
I suppose not even he can be wrong about everything.
Nah, that’s wrong, too. You should always offer pets to cats, but if they aren’t into it, you nod at them and continue on your way.
True. Just lucky around here – all the cats think it’s their right to brighten the day of passers by by demanding a token skritch or ten. 🙂
From @calmdown’s post (12 Rules blurb)
Dreadful paths? Like recommending a meat-only diet as a cure for depression?
Or climate change denialism?
Being so thin-skinned that you can’t handle even the mildest criticism?
Demonstrating on a daily basis that you don’t understand history, or science, or even your own discipline of psychology?
Pretending that being asked to use preferred pronouns is akin to torture?
Blaming women for men’s murderous rage?
Help me, I can’t stop….
Holy shit, I can prevent people from reading a book simply by finding it a stupid hateful waste of time? How does this magic function? Do the books simply refuse to open when they sense that I disapprove of them? Are ebooks and audiobooks corrupted by my scorn? How far does my power extend? Do the books have to be a certain length before I can telepathically prevent them from being read? Can I also render pro-life pamphlets illegible, or do they not count as close enough to books to be affected?
@ calmdown,
“Honestly, all I can think of when I read the description that is the Simpsons town motto: “a noble spirit embiggens the smallest man” ”
That’s a perfectly cromulent assessment!
Oh a “traditionalist” popped up here? I don’t understand what’s stopping people from living that way. Well, the present economy is a hindrance to some, others just choose not to.
And I think all lifestyles should be seen as valid, rather than trying to force everyone to be “traditional”, that doesn’t work for a lot of people for various reasons.
As example: my friends and I were discussing real estate. I have this piece of vacant land I need to get rid of. Would it work for everyone? No. Lobsters would not want to live there since it’s out in the middle of the desert.
I don’t see what’s keeping Peterson fans from wanting to live in the desert. 😉
May God forgive me. May history judge me charitably. I found the Tumblr post of which the Alpha Lobster’s tweet reminded me:
I wound up having to google “sperm download brain spine”, because I got much further down in my “dear god” “yes my {son;child}?” “i would like to file a bug report” tag chain than I thought it was. Or maybe I just had better sense than to reblog it in the first place.
@ Austin G,
Oh lords that’s bad. Bad ridiculous.
Download and upload? Eesh. My car has electrical issues, I am sending thought waves to get it to work. Why is it not fixed yet?
I love the outdoors, I have allergies. I have sneezed at all the plants for 40 some years now, why have I not become a plant yet?
Or at least lost the allergies?
They become his followers.
My mom has one of those as well – vacant desert land (in Paramph, Nevada) they bought before I was even born. No one wants to buy it, the town doesn’t even want it back. She thought about not paying her taxes so they’d have to take it back, since we aren’t even in the same country.
Wait, do scorpions count? They are basically desert lobsters…
I am not sure why finding value in free speech makes me a ‘traditionalist. I wish free speech as the tradition throughout the world. In fact it is quite radical in many places.
Seriously, though. Why not make a case against what he says and in favour of something better? We have seen insults, threats and one woman who broke into his lecture hall with a garrotte, presumably with murder on her mind.
Just tell us where he is wrong.
I’m a bit late to the party, but I wanted to mention that most birds have a very limited sense of smell. You generally don’t have to worry about any kind of scent-based deterrent scaring them off.
I might actually like to read that. Watching right-libertarians try to differentiate themselves from Randists can be hilarious sometimes.
Here it is:
@ Richard Ford
Lobsterman’s hypothesis:
Observation: There are men who hate women so much they want to, and in some cases do, kill them.
Solution: Women should be forced into sexual relationships with such men in the hope that might placate them.
Rebuttal: That puts the onus on the victims to capitulate to their attackers.
Better solution: Put the onus and societal pressure on the attackers so as to modify their behaviour instead. If behaviour does not change, then neutralise ability of attackers to do harm.
@Alan Robershaw
Actually Top Lobster said no such thing. I think I know what you are referring to though. He simply observed what is obvious to all honest minded persons- that having angry disenfrancised men is not a recipe for peace.
I will not be too hard on you as you may simply be repeating what you have been told but it is a prime example of what I was talking about. The Left cannot refute his arguments so they strawman him.
Really. Critics need to do better.
@ Robert Ford
I’m afraid I would have to differ.
He went beyond mere observation though; he proposed a course of action.
Enforced and Monogamy are words with pretty clear definitions.
So he is advocating compulsion; heck ‘force’ is hardly a word that’s in any way ambiguous.
Now he’s not very coherent or consistent. So he’s simultaneously arguing that women need to be compelled; but also that that’s what happens ‘naturally’ anyway.
Although that then begs the question as to, if his proposed solution is already in place, then why does the problem still exist?
So I’m not quite sure how it can be suggested I’m misinterpreting him. Those are his own words after all; and one might expect a man of his learned credentials to know what words mean.
@Alan Why are you even attempting to argue? Just point them to the *many* posts and comments written here and elsewhere and say goodbye.
You’ll just get the usual “but context!!” and “you haven’t read all the books and seen all the youtube videos and…”
As soon as I see one of those commenters I immediately think: “oh boy, here we go again…”
Ok I have read all the comments but have still missed what the joke was?