doggoes jordan "slappy" peterson misogyny PUA twitter

Worst. Pickup. Line. Ever. (Courtesy of Jordan Peterson)


By David Futrelle

Well, this little joke went over well on Twitter so I thought I’d post it here too.

Here’s one that didn’t go over quite as well. But it might just come to haunt your dreams.

Some good-ass tweets by people who aren’t me:

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Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
6 years ago

@London Pilgrim

What if the boy wants to wear pink?

6 years ago

London Pilgrim’s portrayals of men and women are what you might get if you grew a brain in a jar and exposed it to no stimuli other than Two And A Half Men reruns.

Can’t explain the odious transphobia, other than that he’s an a-hole.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It seems to be common theme for MRA types. They get all their information about women from TV shows and movies written by men and reject out of hand anything women say about ourselves. Because hack sitcom writers obviously know more about us than we do.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
6 years ago

@london boy

Women’s magazines seem to feature heavily in your perceptions of who women are and what women want, and that’s pretty disturbing to be honest. That’s just garbage journalism and body shaming propaganda, and you know, I don’t know many women who actually buy and read this stuff. It’s just mostly advertising and airbrushed models and celeb gossip. Maybe a few young women are seduced into buying it because it’s meant to be ‘for them’, but people grow up. Most feminists would take issue with the male ceos of publishing houses targeting young women with this demeaning dross. Do you think women really count their orgasms? Do you know any women in real life? Or just ones in magazines?

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
6 years ago

Okay, I am going to email David, the transphobic shit from London Pilgrim and his INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS ALT ACCOUNT Richard Ford (did you think we didn’t notice??????????) is just too much.

@our ”””two””” trolls –

You wanted a ‘conversation’ with feminists. You got that, from many people. Since you want women to stop doing emotional labour, you don’t get to dismiss the people who had absolutely no time for your shit, and told you so. They didn’t do any of the emotional labour that pretending that you’re here for an honest conversation requires.

You got a few people who did put the time, effort, and labour in to speak to you civilly. You disrespected them as well.

@Buttercup pointed out how essential emotional labour is. This is probably one of the reasons incels are so bitter, no one is performing this for free for them, and they were proooomiiiiiiised that someone wouuuuld take caaaare of themmmmmmmmmmm! WTF is with them needing to be fully capable human beings themselves? Not fair! They were told that men are just ‘stripped down women’ (????? I want to see the science on THIS one, for sure!) and that women would complete all of their emotional needs!

And about your biases – you took an article about how a parent allows their child to choose whatever clothing they would like, without being aggressively told that they couldn’t wear pink, hearts, or tutus as a child being *forced* to wear pink.

As a child who was forced to wear pink, I can tell you it really really sucks. The flip side is, I was also told I was supposed to love pink, and have it be my favourite colour.

But since that article said “I let my kid choose whatever clothing they want, regardless of what arbitrary section it’s in”, your reading couldnt’ have been further off from what was literally in front of you, on the screen?????

And since you’re so about ‘traditional values’, here’s a funny story about that.

I can see he’s trying to get banned, which is honestly pretty pathetic. Now he gets to tell himself (and maybe his friends) that he was talking truth! And they banned him for it!

But really he was just banned for being tedious and a shitty transphobic jerk. You jerk.

6 years ago

Women can continue to be served and men can continue to be busy.

LP will hunt a mammoth for us?

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

Good for you for not crying if your husband gets the wrong cream cheese- but would you be prepared to let him choose his Own Favourite brand of cheese. Now that Really Would be radical

He hates cream cheese, so think it would be difficult for him to have a preferred brand. I am the only one in the house who eats it. He does have very strong feelings about lunch meat and aluminum foil, and gets the types he prefers. This isn’t radical, particularly, it’s just how people get groceries.

This is a little surreal, you know.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

This troll may be about to get the banhammer, but at least he left us with one memorable thing.

You’re oppressing your husband with your cream cheese preference is classic old school MRA troll stuff right there.

dr. ej
dr. ej
6 years ago

I know he’s about to get banned, but I’m hung up on this one thing from London Pilgrim.

Men support women, take them to places and give orgasms as best we can.

1. A date going wrong is where a women taken to a place she has already been or does not like that much.

In these situations, the women are completely passive. They have no say in where they are taken. The concern about the “date gone wrong” (as defined above) could be completely eliminated if you just ask for her opinion. She could easily tell you that she doesn’t like a particular restaurant or that she just went there last week. Treating women as individuals with their own thoughts and opinions could solve a lot of problems here.

6 years ago

@dr. ej

I’m sure it’s misandry that I get to pick where we eat, and if I don’t want to eat there we don’t. Of course, it’s because of food allergies and how well a given restaurant handles those. And I usually just narrow it down and let him pick from there. And I’d rather just not go out to eat at all and just make my own food. Which is all misandry because I’m the one making these decisions, of course.

London Pilgrim
6 years ago


I never said I required this ’emotional labour’ from you. You acknowledge this and then say I am not entitled to it.

Do you see the problem? It is a statement not worth making.

You also believe the TV adverts and assume I can neither cook nor iron. Even in 1950 most men could do this- you seem to be a couple of centuries behind the rest of us.

I have always found that behind every feminist is someone who does not understand industrial civilization- as if it were a choice between ideological feminism and the 17th century. Really, it is as if political correctness is somehow holding the modern world in being and the modern world would disappear if we all loosened up a bit.

If feminism disappeared tomorrow few people would notice.

6 years ago

If feminism disappeared tomorrow few people would notice.

Fucking citation please. “Few people” – you mean, YOU wouldn’t notice. I bet a whole bunch of women would notice, but I guess women aren’t people. Fuck you.

6 years ago

I never said I required this ’emotional labour’ from you.

Yet you praise Scildfreja for performing it and state most feminists are irrational for not providingthis labor.

If feminism disappeared tomorrow few people would notice.

Notice how he still doesn’t think women are people.

Tell me, LP, if feminism is so toothless as you’re asserting here, why even bother coming here?

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago

Much as I hate transphobic jackasses, we already have a regular who’s a TERF, may as well let him stick around a bit longer and get demolished even more.

Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
6 years ago

If feminism disappeared tomorrow few people would notice.

Actually, I think most people would notice – including you, London, since the idea that women are people, have agency, and deserve rights seems to terrify you.

And seriously, this idea that people on the left are saying that men should be required to marry but women shouldn’t? I want a source for this, because I think this came from your mind and your mind alone.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
6 years ago

Few people would notice? You must have your head right up your arse if you think that. And you bring up that tired incompetent man trope from adverts, bloody hell, why are you so hung up on women’s magazines and adverts? Thought you “woke” guys that stuff was just for the sheeple and normies? Funny the effect it has on you, you must be highly suggestable and gullible.
Negative stereotypes in the media have a damaging effect on both genders. That’s why, in case you missed it, the advertising standards commission are getting rid of these sexist tropes. That includes the bumbling incompetent men who are ‘oppressing’ you.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
6 years ago

@ London boy

You seem terribly hung up on the main stream media for a someone who considers themselves awake. First women’s magazines, now adverts.

You do know negative gender stereotypes hurt men as well?

tim gueguen
6 years ago

I have always found that behind every feminist is someone who does not understand industrial civilization- as if it were a choice between ideological feminism and the 17th century.

What is this supposed to mean, exactly? How has anyone here shown they don’t understand industrial civilisation?

You also believe the TV adverts and assume I can neither cook nor iron. Even in 1950 most men could do this- you seem to be a couple of centuries behind the rest of us.

You seem to have missed the underlying message of the clueless men in TV ads. It’s that men can’t be trusted with “women’s work.” They’re violating proper gender roles by getting mixed up in things like cleaning things and taking care of children.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

You also believe the TV adverts and assume I can neither cook nor iron. Even in 1950 most men could do this- you seem to be a couple of centuries behind the rest of us.

You dolt. Nobody ever said men are incapable of doing housework. You know damn well nobody ever said. The issue is, once hetero men have a live in partner/wife, they begin to expect that they will take over the housework and the management of the relationship and family. They mysteriously forget how to do all these things. The women then tend to take over these tasks. It’s not something most men and women are even consciously doing. Gendered socialization just kind of takes over.

This is true in households where the woman works full time outside the home. It’s called the second shift.

I hate this MRA talking point so much. The trope of male domestic incompetence you all complain about so much actually benefits you. Which I’m sure you know. This is why you also complain about how “western” women don’t know how to be submissive and sweet and cook good meals for their men, therefore you need to go to Eastern Europe or Asia to find a poor and desperate woman to exploit a traditional wife.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

If David’s inclined to do troll challenges anymore, I think one might be in order.

Say, he only lets him post again if he backs up 5 of the assertions he’s previously made in this thread with citations. The citations must be from either an academic source or a credible news source that summarizes and links to an academic source. MRA blogs or alt-right blogs or reddit post do not count as a source.

6 years ago

@ London Pilgrim,

“I have always found that behind every feminist is someone who does not understand industrial civilization ..”

Myself and my drinking buddies here are all engineers. Feel free to tell us what we don’t understand.

6 years ago

August 19, 2018 at 4:29 pm
I never said I required this ’emotional labour’ from you.

Yet you praise Scildfreja for performing it and state most feminists are irrational for not providingthis labor.

And he expects women to be happy that he’s “serving them”

Women can continue to be served and men can continue to be busy. Men enjoy pleasing women so why not let them do it?

while not bothering to make sure that women want this “service” in the first place

Sometimes we will buy the wrong thing or take you to the wrong places.

(because asking individual women what they’d like is hard)

and whining

but would you be prepared to let him choose his Own Favourite brand of cheese. Now that Really Would be radical

Do fuck off, troll.

Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
6 years ago

@LP: it seems like your worldview is heavily informed by prime time television, and mainly sitcoms and commercials at that. You do know that these aren’t an accurate depiction of reality, right?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

if he backs up 5 of the assertions he’s previously made

I’ll be impressed, and amazed, if he can do just one.

6 years ago

Alan Robertshaw wrote:

I’ll be impressed, and amazed, if he can do just one.

He can’t. Raping goats is all he’s capable of.