off topic open thread

Earth Sex in the 21st Century: A pulp break/open thread

When you’re a swinger on OkCupid

By David Futrelle

I‘m taking a break from the usual misogynistic horror today to post some pulp novel and, er, “nonfiction” covers. The theme: The (retro) future of human earth sex!

Also, this is an open thread. No trolls!

Wait, are we required to be wearing these outfits now?
The worst thing about sex is all the math
Everyone’s always looking for an upgrade
Those spacesuits don’t seem very practical
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Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
6 years ago

Honestly, the best part of the Gor books is that they make me feel slightly less embarrassed for my infatuation with a bad author (Piers Anthony, although in High School I started reading Pratchett, so I lucked out there)

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
6 years ago


Hugs Offered

I hope the bigot is fired in short order.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

An ad I just saw on a Daily Show YT video was promoting pick-up artistry for women. Not calling it that, but it seemed like kinda scammy “relationship coaching” by some guy named Michael Fiore. Stereotypically, it was targeted for the woman who wasnts a guy to “fall in love” with her, by using some “expert kissing advice”, rather than just get laid.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

Welcome back SFHC! Renting your home sucks. I’ve never had a good landlord or landlady in my life, the best of them were the ones that had clear rules and stuck to them. I’ve been turfed out of my home in the past too – they claimed they wanted to do renovations and then move in themselves, but lo and behold a month later it was back on the rental market at a $500 rental price.

– Then the bottom of the rental market fell out and it sat empty for a year. We had been good renters for like three, four years before that. Never bothered’em once, kept the place in good repair. They decided to throw that away for the chance at getting a bit more money, and it ended up biting them in the end. Kharma did its work quickly on that one.

I hope you’re well and that all of you are having a lovely day!

6 years ago

Just as a tangent from the Gor discussion, I will say that the one thing I love about the internet is the ability to find all sorts of self-published lemony fanfiction and original sexxxytime stories. Because frankly, wayyyy too much of the visual stuff is either cookie-cutter, off-puttingly degrading to the women involved or just men fantasizing about rape. And I’m including both illustration and video/photography in this. One of the nice things about the furry fandom is that people tend to treat their own characters with a little more reverence, so while the male gaze tends to be the one inescapable drawback, it’s far more focused on pleasure than pain.

But this is far from universal.

****CONTENT WARNING on this next part****

Case in point: erotic Italian fumetti (comics) from the 70s and 80s. Hooooly hell, it is tough to find stuff more misogynist than that. If anybody’s seen a Joe D’Amato exploitation film like Porno Holocaust or any of the old giallos to come from that era, imagine that, but without the limitations of studio/distributor censorship, budget or practical effects. The bizarre and stomach-turning fusion of sex and violence is so jarring that while you’ve been getting off to all the nudity and hardcore content, by the end of the story, the sexualized characters that you’ve just got off to are shot/stabbed/decapitated/eviscerated in a fully-detailed gory finale, usually in flagrante delicto or shortly post-coitus almost without fail. There’s something almost mocking when they pull that shit, like “Haha, all the naked people you got off to are dead! Enjoy the blood-soaked boobies, sucker!”

And that didn’t end with the 80s. Or with the Italians, nosiree. Faust: Love of the Damned at least had a tongue-in-cheek quality. And the movie is just hilarious.

I wish I didn’t like the art style so much. Manga style is so popular these days that finding an old-school Western comic style of erotica is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but post-fascist Italy had (arguably still has) some major issues with women. And interesting ideas of fashion.

(I hope this hasn’t squicked anybody out. I’d hate to ruin an open threads with morbid nonsense. O.o)

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

Random replies on Mexican grocers…

my town has a restaurant and grocer operated by Hispanic folks, they have Mexican Coke, bottles, pressed-on lids, cane sugar… mmmmm….

They also have a counter where you can wire money to literally every Spanish-speaking country in the western hemisphere… stick THAT in your “MAGA * “, trumplings!!!

* … “many Americans gargantuan assholes”???
“make assholes gain acceptance”???

… hmmm… I gotta work on this….

6 years ago

Yeah welcome back Scented Fucking Hard Chairs! 😀

Nanny Oggs Busom
Nanny Oggs Busom
6 years ago

Those covers are pretty terrible ? I can’t imagine the contents are much better.

Personal updates:

My dissertation is almost complete. My supervisor wants a longer bibliography, but other than that it’s quite good apparently. The crime novel, that was born from the dissertation, is at 23,000 words.

I went to the doctor today for my pill check up. It’s all good. My blood pressure is fine. Next week I’m going for blood tests to check various things because of the pain I get in my hands and fingers. Doc can’t decide if it’s a vitimin D deficiency or rheumatoid arthritis.

My Aspergers/ASC diagnosis was finalised in June, I have a support worker now, for 90 minutes every fortnight, and I go to the adult autism forum cafes and groups a few times a month.

The EPP patchwork quilt I’m making is getting bigger by the week, it’s now 13 x 13 1.75inch hexagons now, and I want to get it up to 35 x 35 hexagons so that it’s big enough to cover my bed, but the pain is slowing my crafting and writing down.

My sister may be moving in, she’s finally realised something I’ve been saying for years – her partner of 10 years is an emotionally abusive dick.

My books are almost all shelved, I only need one more shelving unit for all the books downstairs on my TBR pile.

So, that’s me. Hope you’re all well. Bakunin, I hope your gfs aunt gets what she deserves for her behaviour. Z&T, best of luck. Forms scare me too.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

@Nanny Ogg’s Bosom:

Sounds good. Good luck!


White-wingers have become such hypersuspicious control freaks under Trump. They see someone they don’t like doing something they don’t personally approve of, and they run straight to the authorities to tattle.

Stalinism! Not really surprising though with a KGB agent’s puppet running the country.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

Michael Kimmel

Off-Topic, but a month-ish ago, I finished “Angry White Men,” and I’ve read some excerpts from some of his other work. This is disconcerting, but not surprising knowing the overwhelming amount of sexual harassment by men in command positions….

6 years ago

Thanks for the thoughts all, my appointment went ok!
In fact I was praised for doing a good job on the paperwork.

I hope I’m not hallucinating ..

@ Buttercup Q,

Yeah, grief. Hope you’re holding up as well. Your new home sounds nice. Neighbors sound like a pain, but it sounds like a nice place anyway.

What makes people like this? You’d think people would find something better to do. Myself and my neighbor friends here are polishing off the rest of the beer.

6 years ago

Regarding “Gor” books – a SF bookstore in Berkeley years ago had a sign posted about why they didn’t stock them. It was a sample page from one, followed by the terse comment ‘This is why’.

I thought the Priest-Kings were an interesting look into John Norman’s psyche. They’re hyperintelligent alien bug-things that live lives dedicated to science and control of Gor. Their only weakness is the Golden Beetles, unintelligent alien bug-things that have golden hair, and produce a pheremone that causes Priest-Kings almost irresistible pleasure. While immobilized by this, the Priest-King is attacked by the Beetle and drained of its precious bodily fluids.


Ikarikid the Dumb
Ikarikid the Dumb
6 years ago

I’m aware this is unoriginal…but I’m guessing Starship Intercourse’s mission is to boldly come where no one has come before?

6 years ago

I’m pretty sure that the Starship Intercourse was James T. Kirk’s first command.

Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
Yutolia the Green Hash Thing
6 years ago

The hearing is over and… we’ll see how I did sometime hopefully soon!!! I’m just glad it’s done. Thanks for the good luck wishes, Alan!!


I’m sorry your coworker sucks… I hope she gets fired or forced to stop in some other way soon!

@z&t: glad the paperwork went ok. I was a little concerned – any lawyer who yells at their client for not filling out the paperwork in a specific way when the client is already in an emotionally compromised state seems really sketchy to me.

All: I know I keep alternating between names – one of these days I’ll be in the habit of typing ‘Yutolia the Green Hash Thing’ and hopefully I won’t seem like I’m masquerading as someone else lol.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

@Z&T – Your neighbors sound lovely! So happy your appointment is over and wasn’t as stressful as you thought it would be.

@Surplus – I’ve been referring to them as the Stasi. Normally I would just ignore them, except two of them are on the board and have the power to levy fines. Association boards seem to be magnets for petty busybodies.

What’s needed is some small, chronic issue to keep them occupied, like ants or puddles. If they’re going to make a hobby put of complaining, might as well redirect their energy away from humans.

6 years ago

That Square Root of Sex cover looks *really* familiar. I think my parents (probably dad) might have owned it. They used to own a bunch of racier books, as I discovered in my early teens when trying to find reading material on some of their shelves (they also had a *lot* of books, dad was a very avid reader).

I wish we could move, but it’s so expensive. And rents in our area for a similar or better place are $300-$400 a month more, minimum, than what we’re paying. Kind of hard to swing on disability. Unfortunately, since I’ve been wanting to move for at least 5 year now.

I decided several years ago to do a project of scanning all my mother’s photos and getting them on to a disk for her (& my sister). After scanning & editing several thousand, I realised I should have been doing them in much better quality. So, I had to start all over. It’s taken way longer than I ever imagined, but I’m finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for scanning them all again – it was held up because my mother couldn’t find over a thousand of the photos, but I found them when out at her place last weekend.

Next up – editing! I have to figure out a way to speed that part up. I worked out that at the speed I was taking on far too many photos, it would take me over 5 years of 24/7 work just to edit them. I may not have that much time. Plus, I’d like to finally get this finished!

6 years ago

Congrats on the dissertation, Nanny Ogg! Sounds like pretty good news all around.

For my own part… I’m giving ‘no meds’ a go. I’m in such a stable situation now, with my new TENURED (yay yay yay yay) job and everything. If I’m ever gonna try going without meds, now is the time to do it.

So I’ve told you before that I have this mental illness that occasionally causes me to hear voices, see things in the corner of my eye, various illusions, thought insertion etc… Also, mostly because the academic job market sucks, I’ve dealt with a lot of anxiety for years now. Or, rather, I’ve had physical symptoms that my psychiatrist said were anxiety symptoms, even though I didn’t, so to speak, experience that much anxiety in my mind. These have included stuff like nausea that at times almost completely prevented me from eating, and racing heart beat. I’ve also had terrible insomnia. So for years I’ve been on Haldol, Xanax, Propavan and Inderal. Haldol against schizo-symptoms, Propavan for sleep, Inderal against the heart thing and Xanax as a back-up when the others fail. Still having horror movie experiences despite already being on a high dose of Haldol? Pop a few Xanax and all the fear goes away! Still insomniac despite having taken two Propavans? Xanax makes you finally go asleep! Still pounding heart despite a hundred fucking milligrams of Inderal (normal dosage for anxiety is 10-20) – Xanax finally calms down the old pump!

There were two problems with this: 1. Unwanted side effects (I’ve begun developing facial tics from Haldol, for instance, and my psychiatrist wanted to prescribe a fifth med against tics but that one gave me horrible side effects…). 2. I eventually began to develop a Xanax addiction. I started taking it more and more often. For the longest time I alternated between trying to make do with only the other meds and then failing and ending up with Xanax anyway, and being in complete denial that I even had a problem with the drug. (And Xanax is such a nasty drug which can cause, among other things, early-onset Alzeimers and chronic untreatable depression.) I eventually figured out that it just doesn’t work to rely on the other drugs for normal functioning, but lacking a back-up when they fail. So I decided I’d try to go completely off my meds once my new and more stable life had started. And now I’m doing it!

So far, things seem pretty good. My schizo symptoms are pretty mild, they feel managable… In the evening (for some reason, my heart only ever acts up in the evening) I’ve had a slightly raised pulse, but then it went back to normal after a little while on its own accord (previously, my heart could literally race for hours, at the end of which I’d be super exhausted). I’ve had to lie for quite some time in bed before falling asleep, but when eventually doing so, it feels like the sleep I do get is of pretty high quality, much better than it used to be.

Related to this I hate hate hate when ever-so well-meaning people, trying to combat the stigma that surrounds psychofarmaka, make it sound as if taking psycho pills is completely unproblematic. I especially hate the comparison with diabetes and insulin. I admit that I don’t know that much about type 2 diabetes, but my brother-in-law has type 1, and he’d literally drop dead within a couple of days at the most if he didn’t take his insulin. Sure, mental illnesses can kill people through, e.g., suicide, but no one is gonna drop dead because their body ceases to function without the meds. Also, insulin is a naturally occuring hormone in the body. Although diabetes in the long run usually negatively affects the body in various ways, insulin in itself (unless you overdose it) has no negative effects on the body, because it’s supposed to be there. Haldol, on the other hand, is an alien substance you put into your brain, inside of which it hopefully does some good but usually also some bad. It’s just not comparable. Finally, if my BIL were to cease taking insulin, there could be no rational reason for him doing so, but my deciding to try to be med-free is perfectly rational.

Ok end of rant. But wish me luck with my mental health.

the real cie
6 years ago

Xanax is horrible. So many people I have known swore by it, but even a low dose made me feel so doped up that I couldn’t function, and then when I woke up, I felt suicidal.
In fairness, I suppose, I have paradoxical reactions to most benzodiazapenes. Most of them make my heart race, elevate my blood pressure, and/or cause panic attacks. Valium is the exception. It makes me brick-thick and foggy if it does anything at all.
I found biofeedback to be much more effective than medication for controlling my panic attacks. I do take some natural stuff on occasion, but I wouldn’t take the prescription stuff again. In my case, the “cure” is worse than the problem itself.

the real cie
6 years ago

It’s kind of hard to say which cover for those fine literary masterpieces is the most ludicrous. After careful consideration, I think the one with the spacesuit with the plastic bra gets my vote.

6 years ago

Yeah it’s so weird that different people have such different reactions to the same meds…

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago


Yeah it’s so weird that different people have such different reactions to the same meds…

There was an interesting programme here a year or so ago. It was an investigation into whether it was worth using private health care as opposed to the NHS.

The upshot was that, no, generally you had equal, and for more serious stuff, better treatment using the NHS.

The one exception though was in medicine management. Doctors were fine at recommending the basic treatment; but it seemed very worthwhile consulting a specialist who would work out which particular drugs to use, what combinations, in what dosages, at what intervals etc. It took a few sessions to ‘fine tune’ the regimes. But people seemed to get a genuine benefit from it.

The sessions weren’t cheap. A full series of consultations was running into hundreds of pounds. They did however say this was the best thing you could do in terms of ‘bang for bucks’ to improve your own personal treatment regime.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago


You’ve got a lot of courage. All best wishes to you!

6 years ago

The sessions weren’t cheap. A full series of consultations was running into hundreds of pounds.

That actually sounds pretty cheap to me. Of course, I’m American, so I’ve had to pay hundreds per month to just have the ability to perhaps pay for a doctor’s visit (which you need for a referral to a specialist).

It was $250/month to get the cheapest coverage. Plus an annual deductible of $7k that on this plan you have to pay before coverage even starts to kick in means I’d have to pay $10k in a year before my insurance would cover anything.

Of course, this was because I made the decision to quit the awful, abusive job so that I could get a degree, so I no longer had emploer-sponsored health care. It’s really expensive to be poor here.

6 years ago

Ok this is really weird; Mammoth has completely eaten two posts for me now. Trying a third time…